Important News from Colin Knecht about WoodWorkWeb!

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hello everyone I'm Colin connect and today I have some important news that I want to let everybody in on because all of you have been so supportive of me over the years um it's fair for me to do the same thing to you and to let you know what's going on in my life now before anybody gets worried I'm happy and healthy and and everything's good but there are some changes coming and I just wanted to let you know that now first of all I received an email from one of the companies that I work with an analytics company they sent me an email and said I just crossed the 95 million views for all of my videos over the last 15 years that's how long I've been doing this the only person that I know of who's been making woodworking videos longer than me is Mark Spagnola the Wood Whisperer so I think he's got a few months on me but we've been doing this for 15 years and what I've also found in the last little while it's been revealed that the average life of a YouTuber is five years so I'm three times that but you know what there's times when you need to make changes and that time is coming for me and when I first started this um we didn't know where this was going to go because it was something new at the time and a lot of things have changed at YouTube and things have a lot of things have improved and and just changes of things that have happened now one of the things that's happened more recently as you already know YouTube has decided to release shorter videos videos that are not minutes long but literally seconds long and I've released a few of those and I will continue to release some of those but I'm not going to concentrate on short videos for me I want to make longer videos and I want to concentrate more on builds as many of you already know the last few years I've concentrated a lot on tips and tricks and Jigs and things like that and I've had a lot of fun doing that I've learned a lot of things and I know you have supported me in watching those and I appreciate all of that but I think for all of us it's got maybe time to move on to something else and I want to make bigger projects projects that I've been putting off for months and even years and I want to concentrate on build building some bigger things because that's really what for me at least that's what woodworking is about is actually building things and the other thing I want to do I want to travel a little bit more I want to get out and get out doing things seeing things and who knows I might even be in your neighborhood and maybe I'll be visiting your woodworking Guild or your men's shed or maybe even a wood show that's in your neighborhood because I'm going to get out and be in The Woodworking Community more than just here in my woodworking Workshop so I'm looking forward to meeting people I've I've always enjoyed that one of the the biggest Thrills of me for me of woodworking is meeting all the people out there and learning hearing their stories and learning things that they're doing so I'm going to be doing some more of that and somehow I'll figure out where there will be a schedule or maybe I'll let you know on a on a YouTube video where I'm going and what I'm doing and where I'm going to be at and yeah who knows maybe we'll get a chance to meet up somewhere and and just talk about Woodworking and and have some fun doing that because for me the socializing part of woodwork is just as important as doing the building so what what does that mean for me what does that mean for my viewers well if I'm doing larger videos and if I'm traveling it means I'm going to be reducing the number of videos that I release and because of that if you haven't subscribed to my channel now would be a really good time to do that and there's a huge high percent of number of people who watch my videos who aren't subscribers and all of those people who are not subscribers now is a good time for you to subscribe of course it's free and when you do that you of course will get a notification or you will see when I release videos because they're probably going to be more sporadic now and if you're gonna if you're really interested in Woodworking and Building Things when you actually do it is when you actually learn when you see things being built that of course is the best way of learning watching somebody do it and then doing something yourself so that's going to be my concentration so but before I leave today I want to thank everybody who has supported me over the last 15 years by watching my videos and making comments helping me along the way telling me of things that I'm doing wrong and things that I could improve on honestly I I don't think there could be a more supportive audience than what I've got so I sincerely want to thank everybody for watching my videos and for supporting what I'm doing so stay with me subscribe and watch for the next videos I'm Colin Cadet for woodwork web thanks for watching
Channel: WoodWorkWeb
Views: 47,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woodworkweb, colin knecht,, woodworking, woodworker, woodwork, woodworking tips and techniques, tips and tricks, picture frame jig, router bits, woodworking tools, woodworking projects, woodshop, furniture making
Id: ZSR-uRuRV78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 13sec (313 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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