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hey neighbor today we're talking about tips and tricks on growing onions how you can be successful these two products right here we're going to talk about them a lot first let's walk through and show you our onions that we're shipping out this is just part of them we shipped out oh I don't know probably 10 of these yesterday and we packing again today it is in the middle of onion shipping season for us all right and you see here we're labeling the sofire which is our red onion we're unpacking them out of the bags right here viora sapo get them shipped up in the boxes and getting them out to use so that you can get your onions planted now once you get them planted what are you going to do let's cover that now here in the South we're planting short day onions but this information I'm going to give you today applies to short day onions intermediate day and long day onions so regardless where you live at these tips on fertility and Disease Control is going to apply the same to you now our plan and dates are going to be different here we are in the Deep South with the short day onions we're going to plant November you guys with the intermediate day and the long day you going to be planting early spring on in the spring but the fundamentals of growing onions is the same all right so you got your onions planted what do you do as far as fertility now if you're planting on drip tape as I did right here we've got an onion growing guide right here that lays out to you how you can fertilize your onions through the drip tape you can inject most of it through there you can pre-plant put in your organic fertilizer as you see right here you can incorporate that into the soil a week or so before and then you can switch over to your drip injecting it with a Hol fertilizer injector inject your nutrients through that now the guidelines that we show in the onion growing guide is just that it's guidelines now I don't know what your soil type is or I don't know what your nutrient load of your soil is and all that can make a difference on exactly what you need to put in there what we do on our onion growing guide is s simply a guide so that shows you what we do with our soils but you may want to adjust that to your particular type soils and your nutrient load of your soil could be different for everyone so if you're using drip tape simple use the onion growing guide as a reference guide to what you need to put in there but let's just say that you don't use drip tape but you still want to grow these big pretty onions well here's some tricks and tips that could help you what you want to use is you want to use a good balance fertilizer and Alternate it with ammonia sulfate now onions in particular love nitrogen you got to have nitrogen potassium phosphorus is your basis that is covered in our 10 10 10 allpurpose hul fertilizer so you want to use that as what we call the base but then you want to alternate with an ammonia sulfate onions also love sulfur so that's the key there is alternating with a good base fertilizer whether it be a granular 10 10 10 or water soluble 20 2020 or or even the complete organic it's pretty much a a base fertilizer so we got that but we want to alternate with ammonia sulfate now our ammonia sulfate is greenhouse gr grate not all ammonia sulfates are greenhouse grates and what that means is it is soluble and can also be used as a granular as a side dress so you cannot put all ammonia sulfates in the Hol fertilizer injector and expect them to be soluble you want to make sure you use a greenhouse grade which ours is good thing about that is you can also side dress with it like you would your normal fertilizer now onions also need Boron they need zinc they need magnesium that is in our 10 101 fertilizer our base fertilizer it's also in our micr boost so you can get those from either Source you want to but you want to make sure that you somehow another get those micronutrient supplied to your onions as well so let's just think about it for a minute if we're not using DP Iration what we could do is we could use our complete organic as a pre-plant or as a first fertilizer there and I like it because it's organic and it just does a lot for the plants plants love it and let's switch over after that to our base 1011 which has that magnesium sulf no excuse me magnesium Boron and zinc in it do that as our base and then alternate fertilizer with the ammonia sulfate we want to grow these onions early on we want to have good healthy tops because that top is what's going to make that Bub get bigger come time for that onion above so we want to focus on growing that top as much as we can at the first part of the onion growing season now insects is really not a big thing for onions in the home Garden if you do end up with some kind of insect problem in there you can use something like the bugbuster to to uh to treat them with I normally don't ever have to treat my onions with the insecticide I have on occasion got some aphids on them in you know late spring there but for the most part insect is not a problem that I have now disease on onions that's a different story onions are notorious for having disease problems so we definitely want to make sure that we have a disease spray program for our onions for days just like today where it's overcast and it's raining a little bit we seem to have these type days set up our onions for disease problems now particularly here in my garden I always have a problem with blot every year but there's a lot of different diseases that can jump on onions and they're best prevented and not cured and we're going to talk about how you prevent from having disease on your onions first of all you want to make sure that you have a preventative spray program and the two chemicals I'm going to talk about today is vegetable flour fruit and ornamental fungicides and the active ingredient here is chlorion now this is old chemistry been around a long long time and it still works great it settles out a little bit so you want to make sure you you uh shake this up good here if you leave it in your sprayer overnight then it will settle out some so I always recommend whatever you mix up try to use out now this right here is what would consider a protective what it does is it coats that plant down as some of the farmers say it Paints the plant and it prevents that fungus or disease from entering in the plant just imagine it is a shield on that onion plant you want to make sure you get good coverage when you spray and it's going to turn a white type color but that's your Shield it won't let that fungus and disease come into the plant so it actually creates a barrier there and that is the motivation on Chlor thy now I think the uh the days that you need to treat this here is going to be somewhere around 7 to 14 days and if you get a heavy heavy rain it will wash some of it off it sticks pretty good but it can be washed off if if it's washed off then it's not doing its job and you have to reapply it now liquid cop has a different mode of action liquid cop is a copper fungicide it's been around for a long long time and still works good the good thing about these two fungicides I'm talking about today is we don't have any resistance to them which is good but we do need to rotate them because they have different modes of action and that keeps from any of the disease getting in there now what this actually does it actually attacks that fungi and starves it to death once it tries to enter into the plant there so it makes the fungi unhealthy and it dies before it gets into plant when it comes into contact with this copper fungicide so that works really good uh you spray this every 7 to 14 days just like you would the other one here now a couple things about copper sulfate you don't want to spray it in heated the day I normally like to spray it in the morning or afternoon it doesn't like a lot of of hot applications if it was to get real hot on you so I don't recommend that another thing too normally we don't mix our copper sulfate we spray it as a standalone product now there's one more out there that we don't care about I always love to give you the other options there a chemical old chemical called manab we used call it mans back in the day been around forever still works really good as a uh as a fungicide for onions we don't care it but you can you can buy it out there from other companies out there manb is the active ingredient it works the same way I still recommend Ro at it with products like this right here but the three main type fungicides for the home Garden for onions is Manel copper and Chlor here we're growing multiplying onions over there we got bubble onions this information I give you today regardless what kind of onion it is even if growing a bunch of onion you need to use the same strategy for growing any of these these multiplying onions and those bunch of onions will get the same diseases that our bubb and onions do so fertility make sure you rotate your balance fertilizer with ammonia sulfate because onions love sulfur make sure you use a product that's got zinc in it magnesium and boron in it to grow that healthy plant and to keep it nice and healthy disease keep it sprayed on a regular schedule with the fungicide
Channel: HOSS
Views: 12,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hosstools, growyourownfood, vegetable garden, sustainable living, homestead, gardening tools, vegetablegardenseeds, seed companies, beginner gardener, beginner garden, gardening tips, guide to planting, best seed varieties, gardening supplies, simple gardening tips, raisedbedgardening, getdirty, hoss tools, gardening, Gardening tips and tricks, Homesteading, Home garden tips, Garden success tips, Grow your own food, Hoss tools seeds, Growing vegetables, How to grow vegetables
Id: TmweSq3VJdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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