Important Change to SEO (New Google Algorithm Update)

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so Google has begun rolling out the March 2024 core and spam updates and many seos are unfortunately being crushed in this video I'll show you what Google is specifically targeting and what you can do to avoid being hit in the future let's get into it okay guys let's start with part one here which is what Google wants all right and this is just going to be largely based on what Google has publicly said about this particular update okay and there's there's you really need to pay attention to some of the key things that are that are being said here and this will help you ultimately prevent getting penalized in the future and number two actually get long-term SEO results okay so let's dive into this very quickly here we're going to tackle this most important part which is what Google has said so number one in their documentation they say reduce unoriginal content in the search results so their goal is to actually get rid of a lot of the junk that doesn't actually add any unique value okay so with if we reverse this we should change this to create original content all right so take the opposite and that's what we should do and this has always been the case this has nothing to do with AI this has nothing to do with the way that you create the content that's not the point here the point is that whether using AI or whether a human is writing it it should always come from the perspective that you're actually adding something new to the equation so when you look at a lot of search results you don't want to just look like if you take a keyword and you analyze a top 10 the goal isn't to just take that and just regurgitate it into another piece of content that has never been a good idea and that was even prior to AI content this has always been the case and you should always think about when you look at a a set of search results you want to try to find an angle that has not been hit before okay so I'll just give you a couple examples right and I can I can only really use my own site as an example because I can't show client sites but I'll just show you like you know if we search something like you know best CMS for SEO okay this is a data driven study that I did my site got SEO is not as authoritative as the sites that are ranking here okay it's not as authoritative yet I'm here and when you look at these results when I originally created this case study I I saw this keyword I'm like this looks like a great keyword because every single result that I saw was just here's a list of cms's that you can pick from and these are the best ones but there was no like quantifiable reason why that CMS was the best so what I thought of is like all right well what if I created a case study where I could actually examine all these cms's and see which ones tend to perform the best in Google now keep in mind your CMS what CMS you pick is not a Google ranking Factor but I wanted to see like is there data to ultimately quantify an idea that you know X CMS is better than why okay and that's what I did I created this data driven asset and I originally created this in 2016 um and this ranked for a very very long time and it had barely any content at all it was super simple content then I just refreshed it again recently and it popped back up to number two again and so this is when we talk about original content this is where our mind should go like we don't you don't want to copy what's on the first page that's a horrible idea like we don't want to just regurgitate what's already there we want to see what's there and then see how we can attack that Ser from a totally unique angle but continues to satisfy the intent of that key word right we're still trying to deliver some value for that Searcher uh that they that they wanted right but no one wants to go and just look through a bunch of search results where it's literally all the same information like bring something new to the table if it's all a bunch of how to D how to or what is or very informational based content then bring some data in there like there's so many different angles we can use to attack keyword okay so another interesting one here is another one from got SEO just to show you a separate example for this one I actually wrote this content right I actually went through wrote this content it's 100% unique and a human wrote it okay but this one here which is SEO job St Louis this is another case study that I did and this content here was I used a lot of artificial intelligence to help me develop this content okay um and it isn't all AI content but it is it is a AI assisted asset because what I did is I took data and I put it into chat gbt to synthesize that data to ultimately be able to get original outputs right so if you if you put in original inputs you can get original outputs and that's at the end of the day that's what we're trying to do and there's nothing wrong with using artificial intelligence to help you right that's not a problem it's just what comes out of that is the problem so if if you have a good angle for Content you've got something that's really original and unique you can certainly use AI to help you synthesize that the data ultimately help you develop some findings and even write some of the content for you but at the end of the day even an asset like this even though it is AI assisted there's a lot of uniqueness to this right there is no other asset on the internet that's like mine there's not a single one this is unique to the Internet so that's what you should be thinking about like if I were to create something that no one else has created before on the entire internet what would I do right and when you look at this it's not just like let's make something really long that's not what we're thinking about we're thinking about like what's a unique Purple Cow type of angle that I can take that's going to be really really unique okay so that's what it comes to this concept of original or unoriginal all right so we're going to go back here and we'll keep we'll keep diving in here but that this is like I wanted to highlight this one right away because this is the most important part okay number two you know keep the lowest quality content out of the search now be really look at the word that I'm emphasizing here the lowest quality content okay this is a really important distinction because Google just the way that Google is built it can't turn the dial so far that it starts to wipe out a bunch of actual legitimate websites so what Google's going to do is it's going to go after the the lowest hanging fruits as far as just garbage right so they're going to take out the trash they're going to clean up the worst stuff and yes within that there might be some collateral damage that this is that is inevitable to happen but Google doesn't care because if there's a little bit of collateral damage but it cleans up the majority of the serfs then it probably was a good decision right so unfortunately that's just the nature of what's going on there will be people that are doing legitimate work that probably do get penalized but that's pretty rare when you look at the when you look at the majority of the site that are getting hit uh as we'll be seeing here very very soon there's a lot of good reason for it okay so just remember that you're not don't be concerned if you're mixing some Ai and you're you know using AI assisted as long as you're keeping it high quality and original because that's not what they're going after they're going after the worst of the worst because that's actually the easiest that they can go after because as you start to muddy the waters and it becomes more difficult to differentiate between human content and AI content that's when it becomes very difficult for them to penalize okay so they're going to go after the lowest common you know the lowest hanging fruits here all right next one is poor user experience there's nothing new here like you're you're going to see some of these sites they they don't look like websites that anyone would ever want to bookmark or actually go back to like they're not good websites like not even from an SEO perspective but like the sites just aren't something that you're excited about like you look and you're like okay this is a little weird um and it's not like you would never ever in a million years bookmark the website or want to come back in any way okay and that produces negative user signals which is a Google ranking factor which we know now based on their court cases so there's a lot of things here so and I'll be talking like what we can do to improve this and we will be talking a little about Google eat once again that's not a ranking Factor but there's a lot of stuff that I've talked about previously that can make your website uh much more legitimate okay another one here which is created for search engines instead of people okay this is nothing new right you're like that's what I don't understand when people try to create this like mass produced content strategy and they just want to rank for a bunch of keywords because ranking is only the first stage of the equation like yes ranking is a critical piece to getting traffic but once you actually get traffic which are real people coming to your page if it isn't actually built to to produce a conversion create engagement like like give value like all of these things that really matter for a good piece of content then you should not ex expect to succeed very long term okay like your content should be built for objectives and when I create a piece of content I'm thinking about like what's going to be what are people going to get out of this what's the value that they're going to get out of this and if I do a good job that will help push you know my audience to want to you know know like and trust me and my brand okay there's a lot that goes into this and you should be thinking about that not just how do I rank for as many keywords as possible we should be thinking about like okay what's actually the objective of this content that we're creating are we are we creating this just so we can rank for keywords and Juice our traffic numbers or are we creating this asset because it can actually lead to a more middle or bottom of the funnel objective that actually grows the business like thinking more about that and if you think like that then you're going to develop your strategies based on humans and the humans that are going to be reading that content and at the the end of the day that's what we're doing this for we're doing it to get humans to our website who then can do things such as buy our products become leads become clients buy our uh you know buy products through our affiliate links like humans have to do that stuff so you should always begin with that perspective all right another one is content with little to no value created at scale okay this is just kind of a a dig at you know programmatic SEO combined with AI content possibly not even AI content right in a lot of cases a lot of people do programmatic which is just producing a ton of pages at scale with the intent to rank for as many keywords as possible okay so historically when you look across updates you look across just what's happened over the last 10 years or so that I've been doing this um anything that's mass-produced anything that's super easy to do is just typically not going to be a good idea and it's like anything else in life like you know getting rich quick is not a like not usually a possibility like building a business is actually incredibly difficult it's very difficult to re to build a real successful business it's really difficult to create a very good piece of SEO content okay and I'll show you like for example the uh Google eat series that I did you know I hit on all four parts of Google eat it took me like 2 months to finish that content two months right most people just want to you know throw something in a chat gbt and produce some worthless piece of content slap it on their site and then they are confused why they're they're not going to win right and that stuff just doesn't win okay longterm and I'm when I'm talking about this I'm talking sustainable long-term rankings and growth not what works for a month or two months or 6 months I'm talking about years of rankings like how do you rank for 5 years right right if you thought about that like if I had to rank this asset for 5 years what would I do you'd probably change what you do a little bit okay another one here is capitalizing on the hosting s's strong reputation this is once again a dig at parasite SEO um and there's there are ethical ways to do parasite SEO like I'm not I'm not a fan of like you know certain methods being demonized I don't really care people can do whatever they want as long as they determine what the risk tolerance is but you can do parasite SEO in what I would consider a more ethical safer way so for example I have a book on Amazon that uh is called the SEO entrepreneur okay and I have an Amazon listing and I'll show you real quickly here we can go into we'll go to Amazon actually I'll just go to my book listing here and you'll see I have a book and if we go to the canonical here we'll actually pull the canonical URL here and then we'll go into Google and you'll see that this is actually indexed in Google okay it's indexed actually quite a few times uh for different variations in different countries but what I can do if I wanted to is I could actually use this URL as part of an SEO campaign okay I could actually start to promote this URL I could go and write content on other websites and promote my my book and via Amazon and because of Amazon's insane website Authority this page will likely perform quite well okay and you can do that in a really natural way you don't have to blast your page with a bunch of spam to make it happen you can just treat this like you would your own website like if this was your page on your website you'd want to drive the most relevant highquality links to that page right and so you can do that this is an ethical way to go about that all right so just very simple things to kind of reverse our strategies here and you can use a lot of these techniques that gry hat seos do but you can do it in a much safer way and still get the outcome okay and you can still leverage existing Authority it's totally a legitimate strategy to leverage other websites Authority and Trust that's not uncommon right that's that's why you advertise on Niche relevant websites because you know that they have trust and Authority so you're just trying to transfer some of that to your brand the same with SEO okay we want to you can you can leverage these powerful websites to get you know particular outcomes all right so that's another one here and then the next part of this which is going to be part two is it's time to start analyzing some of these websites that were de-indexed okay you've probably seen it on Twitter and throughout and I'm I'll site all of the things where I pulled from various people a lot of people have been working really hard on this and very uh generously sharing information about websites that have been hit so I've been taking note of a lot of these and I will I will uh give citations for all of these people that have shared this so they get proper credit okay um but I am going to analyze some of the sites that I that have been dropped that I've been taking note of uh just so you guys can you know get a good understanding of what's going on here okay so let's dive into it okay so I've got quite a few websites open that have been de-indexed uh after this recent update now keep in mind a lot of these websites I don't have any you know this is all out of love I'm just trying to help I'm like you know whatever it is whatever has happened you know I'm not there's no judgment being placed here okay I I'm just trying to show some some practical examples of how we can actually you know possibly even recover some of these websites um not to say you know some of them have done some pretty questionable things and I don't know if recovery is possible but it's important it's just an important Learning lesson to see you know what these sites have done that we can learn from um and so once again I don't have any issues with anyone but I just think it's important that we see uh you know this is just reality okay this is reality now all the sites that we're looking at here have been de-indexed by Google I'll ver I have verification that they've been de-indexed um and when it comes to SEO there's pretty much I can't think of anything that's worse than getting de-indexed it is truly the worst thing that can happen so if you get dindex it's over it's game over it's like getting banned from a social media platform uh it's over for you I mean you're going to lose all your traffic and it's only a matter of time it'll be completely gone um and so so the first we're going to start here with is uh Zack he's been in the game for a really long time so I was pretty shocked by this one but I think it's probably has to do with a lot of the new uh you know the new things that Google's looking at which is like accuracy of information um and just you know quality content right okay so when we look at Zach uh we can verify he is actually been completely de-indexed so in a situation like this where they've been completely de-indexed this is this is the product of a manual AC action okay this means Google's manual reviewers actually selected this website and said it's gone okay this is not an algorithmic penalty very rarely do you get the indexed from an algor from the algorithm I mean that's you have to do something really nasty for that to happen um so this type of level a site that has a lot of pages a lot of traffic even a lot of authority in some cases um to get D Index that is a manual reviewer who made that decision okay so let's just make that clear okay so let's take a look um and we'll look at a few things here uh number one you know just general traffic data we can see here like you know had a lot of growth going on here up to almost 5 million visitors a month in February and now it's down to uh I think we're down to about 2 million Okay so we've dropped more than half um and of course because he's dindex IND this is going to this is going to drop even more okay it's going to be this is going to be a painful uh painful loss as far as Revenue okay now we can see with a lot of the position changes we can see just like kind of what's going on here and what's being lost at a high level so you can see here like this one he's lost about uh you know 36,000 okay so February 7th he was at 37,000 organic search visitors and March 6th he's at 200 so you know you can see the numbers here that's almost 100% uh decrease I mean it's pretty brutal uh now let's take a look and see like was this warranted okay now when we look at this we can actually open up we'll open up originality doai for for some fun here on this and we'll just see what like how much of this is actually AI generated okay so we'll just copy this and you can actually with originality you can actually just pull the URL on this but I'll just copy Cy it for uh for this purpose so we'll start a new scan we'll run this through um and I won't actually even do any other things we'll just do the AI detection and we'll see how well it does okay we'll see if it comes back as original um and to be expected it does not okay 100% certainty that it's AI now keep in mind this is I think people get these metrics confused on original. it's not saying that the content is 100% AI it's saying that it's the likelihood that it's AI okay so this believes it's 100% likelihood that this content was written by some sort of large language model okay and I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to see that you know this and once again okay this is another example just like aggressive ads okay like I couldn't even get to the content because it was an aggressive ad now unfortunately this is actually from Google AdSense that does this uh and so it's kind of a weird situation in that regard um and also huge Authority sites do it as well but once again anything that can disrupt user experience like this is really problematic like I can't even get out of this look there's not even an exit button for me to get out of this and then finally it pops away okay so that's the type of stuff that we don't want all right now looking at now we can actually like objectively look at this content okay um from my subjective point of view okay but there's just a lot of things here like I noticed there's there's some commonalities among among sites that got hit and then one of them is like a lot of net worth based content which is thin and typically not accurate because how would anyone know you know Dante Davis's net worth unless they had access to his bank accounts and his Investments how would they know his net worth they don't know his they don't know his income they don't know his they don't know his assets they don't know his debt like there's no way they could know net worth that's why sites like this are just ridiculous because they don't actually it's just not real information it's literally not real um so and even looking at these like these net worth things like they're totally made up it's literally just completely madeup stuff now we can actually go and verify some of this stuffff um and see like how accurate uh some of this so like is tank like tank Davis uh we can look and see uh endorsements and see who's endorsed by okay and he is endorsed by Under Armour so that is legit so that actually is accurate information okay so there is it's not necessarily that like Google's going to come in here and like fact Che everything that's definitely not what it's going to be but it's more from the fact that like this is not super valuable content it's not really adding anything new to the table and then going back to the concept of Google eat like when you look at this page who wrote this like I don't even know who wrote this I don't know why they're qualified to write about this and I know this isn't like a your money your life type of situation but even then you know it's it's just a little weird and on top of it the strangest part about this by the way which I think is hilarious this image is this is not even this is not even tank Davis like I know who tank Davis is I've watched his fights that is not him so this is some sort of AI generated image that uh isn't even the person that the content is about uh so you know you can do reverse image search and see like it it's just this is the type of stuff that like you're not really surprised by okay because that's literally not him so going back to you know stuff being original uh we've got some problems here okay so once again I'm not really surprised by this all right and there's just so many things missing I I'll show you more some stuff that's like that is good practices for Google eat but for now I think it's pretty clear why the site probably got hit all right just a lot of mass production with AI content not super complicated um all right let's keep going here uh freshers live is another one so when we look in the search results it's gone uh and we can actually go and dig in real quick okay so let's look at how they're trending and they're losing traffic pretty aggressively at the same speed as well um it seems like a lot of this like entertainment based content seems to be getting hit pretty pretty badly okay so anything that's like entertainment based seems to be a real problem okay so looking at their their decreases here um it looks like a lot of celebrity based things a Filipino food so that just dropped pretty pretty badly um they've got these weird like crossword things but uh let's see Zack Bryan height okay so we can look at this one here as an example but um Zack Bryan height how tall is Zack Bryan uh and then okay there's this like going back to what I talked about in user experience when I said here uh right in this poor user experience this is an example okay it's a lot of these things is not like it's just AI content or it's just mass production it's usually because of multiple variables working together to for Google to conclude that this site should no longer be in its search results okay now when you look at this one we've got a lot of unfortunate issues number one user experience like this is an example of a site prioritizing monetization over experience and it should always be the opposite you should prioritize user experience first when you've done a good job of helping the user and actually satisfying intent and giving them what they came for then you monetize right it's just a very you know to flip the script on them a little bit okay um now this is this is really just so annoying I mean I can't even get to the content um and I I don't know what person would want to deal with this honestly like I don't know who would battle through to find out this information that hard um so there's probably some really bad stuff now um Zack Bryan let's see we'll do a reverse image search here and see if this comes back as Zack Bryan and it does okay so they got that so different than the other side they did get the picture of Zack Bryan right okay and then looking at this um let's see how tall is he uh want to know want to know Zack Bryan height then read this article and get the exact info on Zack Bryan height wow okay um I'm still waiting to see his height uh let's see here okay we've got his height he's 6' one all right so it took us that long to find the answer and you can just look at how aggressive the optimization is on this content um I mean it is they are they are pushing it to the limit with as far as you know really injecting key words and being super aggressive and let's be honest the content is not well written like it's not well written at all um we can run we can run a few of these through uh we'll run this through originality doai just copy this and we'll see how how well it does in this scenario and just took a you know an okay snippet there just to see but we'll see how well it does on this front and it's yeah there we go 99% certainty that it's AI okay I don't need to use this tool to know just by looking at it it's just not super well written we can go just even a grammarly which ironically uses AI to to edit content but we'll go in here and just like paste this in and just see how well it's written like just at a basic level like it doesn't even score just from Pure just like writing Basics writing this is like the bottom of the barrel type of AI content um and marijan I I mentioned like going back to what they said here which is the lowest quality content okay the lowest unfortunately I'm I'm sorry for whoever made this site I'm not trying to attack you in any way but I'm just saying like this is the type of content that they're referring to okay this is not great content I'm sorry to say okay um now going back here uh another one here this is equity Atlas completely de-indexed uh we'll look at how they're trending and let's see uh Yep they're going pretty fast so from 3 to one uh pretty quickly and and let's see one of the ones that they got hit once again this is more of this like entertainment based websites uh with you know wealthy or whatever um people's wealth and things of that nature uh this one see this one here is actually really really problematic uh the other two they're just generally lower quality but this one to me is the most problematic because they're actually talking about money so your money your life they are in the most dangerous category where you cannot mess around at all if unless you want to get nailed okay so when you start talking about personal finance and business and investing things that involve people's money and the chance that they could lose it you better really be qualified to write about this topic and so we can go and just look at one of these talking about let's actually go to uh we'll go into the investing category which is where people lose a lot of money okay so investing in longevity Financial opportunities in anti-aging and health span extension okay so you know looking at this it looks like it's some sort of generic content uh that does not site its sources at all uh and then that's it and who's it written by it's written by a seasoned Financial expert uh with a Keen Eye For The World of celebrity happenings I don't know what what that what that is but we can search this quickly just search this person and see are they a legitimate person and in seconds we find out that they are not okay um so and actually funny thing is get more so I feel like this is probably some sort of like site where you can go get a fake bio uh but that like think about it this way I'm just one guy I'm just one guy digging around and I can quickly see that this is a bunch of nonsense like that quickly and then people think that the trillion dollar company can't figure this out okay like they have more resources than any other company to deploy against this type of behavior so what works in the short term you know obviously you might get away with it but long term their resources are unmatched you're not going to be able to keep beating them for very long okay um and let's take a look at this one now just to verify and see just just see some commonalities among this these sites that have been hit um and and once again pretty clear that it's predominantly going to be AI driven content okay um and this one to me I'm not surprised at all because this is not written by anyone legitimate there's no proof that this is reliable information there's no attempt to even prove that it's reliable or trustworthy in any way and the content itself is just not easy to read it's on a green background there's just there's a lot of stuff going on here so I don't even think I need to dig into a lot of these very far to see it doesn't take extensive analysis to see what good content looks like um and if we look at like we go to like the balance for example okay if I can spell all right and we look at one of their pieces of content we'll go to the same exact category which is investing okay we'll go to stocks and we'll look for a piece of content okay so how to make money in stocks very controversial topic okay but we look at this compare this we'll go ahead and look at this content to this content and we'll just put them side by side okay we don't even need to actually read the content but if we just look at it like actually just from totally a quick glance like at a glance we look at these two assets and we see there's sorry I've got so many things up right now let's see where did it go uh let's see let's go back to the one we are looking at which we'll just look at this one um all right one second here let's go back to the one I was looking at okay here we go all right so looking at these side by side like within seconds who do you trust more don't even look at the content just look at the P look at the sites instantly I see this site looks way more trustworthy just without even any other information because at least there's an author at least it's been reviewed so at least there's some sort of review process so on the surface level the site just looks more trustworthy you look at this site it's like I don't know what's going on on here why is the terms of use and privacy policy in the main navigation that's odd like that's that's so that's not even like normal for any website for that so I don't really understand why more due diligence wasn't taken uh but I guess that's just the nature of it and then when you look at the content itself it's very clear like they're citing sources the content is clearly very well written they have citations uh like it's actually easy to read uh there's just a lot of things here that make get much more trusted um as opposed to this which I think it's it's pretty clear here okay so I'm not going to keep harboring on it but let's keep going here um next one here is Tech Penny uh they're de-indexed and we'll see we'll see how they're trending right now uh let's see here oh actually I didn't want to go there let's take a look at organic research and uh actually they they got hit a long time ago yeah they didn't even get hit with this most recent update they got hit a while back so yeah this one um this one actually wasn't it got de-indexed but it had already been hit by other algorithm updates so this is just like if you want to call it the nail in the coffin on this site and if we look at it I think it's pretty clear um why okay we look at this like this is the type of site I was talking about earlier where it's like is this the type of website that would like want to put in your bookmarks to retain and go back to uh me personally probably not okay this doesn't look like something I'd really love a whole lot and not something I'd want to come back to right but a website like if we go to or Rings or whatever you want to call it um you can see like this is a this is a sick website like this is a great website okay like this is amazing okay this is what a good website looks like this is a site where you're like oh okay this is crazy like I can actually see quantifiable like reviews of TVs and they actually use data and like wow they put a lot of work into this there must be a lot of effort that has been put into this content right when you see that it's very clear it doesn't take being an SEO content expert to see this it just takes it a glance you can see what good content looks like okay uh another one here godowns uh let's see here same one in fact this one got this is the same situation it is the index but it also got hit with previous updates uh and obviously is not going to recover uh based on what we see here okay same thing just a generic website that's built for SEO essentially okay another one here let's take a look at them and let's see okay so they were really Flying high in February living their best life here and then now I think we know where this is headed okay uh especially because they're no index the site is completely no indexed so uh and we look at the position changes once again uh a lot of that same stuff that we talked about which is just random like what's their height what's their weight is just like strange content um and we can actually what's kind of interesting is let's just take a look at one of these for fun and just see like what is actually ranking now okay and it looks like there's still some like weird you know bio you know type of websites ranking um and we'll look at this one in particular that's ranking well and let's see Kevin Gates and I think just this industry in general is pretty rough as far as quality goes but I think what Google's really concerned about is accuracy so the more accurate it is it probably will be better off and it doesn't seem like this one's as spammy as the others um to say it's not spammy would be a Le I think it's still like pretty intense as far as their monetization techniques I mean there's 1 2 3 4 5 six ads just on this one screen right now if this is my website I would be really scared I think this is playing a very dangerous game and I think this site could get hit just based on poor user experience and I can tell it's slow as well so um so I just think this this industry in general is not uh the highest quality type of content but it's one of those industries that seems like it's kind of like a churn and burn type of situation so so yeah definitely an odd one uh another one here the final one uh no I think that was it Okay so we've we've analyzed all the sites and I think it's pretty clear what uh we don't want to do okay this is what we don't want to do and what I would recommend doing is actually going to gotch SEO searching eat okay and I have honestly like there's a lot of guides out there a lot of great guides on on this but I do know that I put in more work on my guides than anyone else there's no way because I literally spent a disgusting amount of time on these uh almost like scary how much time probably multiple multiple months to develop this series so I go through each individual piece of Google eat okay so if we actually go back here I've got kind of like a a summary of a lot of these but if you experience expertise authoritativeness and trustworthiness now let's just clarify here Google eat is not a ranking Factor as a whole okay it's not like Google eat as a whole is a ranking Factor but a lot of the things that are within these guidelines are ranking factors in particular backlinks right I'm authoritative in this side but looking at this with experience like going back to product reviews like if you're going to do product reviews try to actually use those products okay like actually use them actually test them like I showed you with rating like they actually go through and they actually test these products yes that's more expensive yes that takes more effort yes uh that's going to cost money and various other things but that's exactly the point because if you do that you're not going to have to worry about penalties okay like if you're doing to this level to and putting so much effort into your content then you stop caring about Google penalties because you know you're doing great work and when you do great work people naturally want to link to you people want to reference you people want to do all this cool stuff okay so in that regard if you're can do product reviews you really are going to need to buy the products okay that's just there's no work around for that this whole guide here though will help you on this front if you're going to be on the affiliate review based side like this is where you want to be okay you want to be definitely optimizing for experience expertise you know we go back and look at a lot of these sites who's the expert here we don't know no one knows okay right here though on my site if you click on this I've purposely built this intentionally this I have a dedicated page that actually just kind of edifies my experience and why I'm able to write about these topics okay I have social profiles I've got my email setup like this is what it takes to to show your legitimacy as uh you know a a so-called expert um I don't I mean yeah people call me expert but I've just been doing this a really long time so um but just showing social proof showing proof that you're a a legitimate figure in your industry you should make that a priority okay um and then I have a whole bunch of dedicated stuff here that you can dig through as far as what you can do to uh you know take this to the next level okay as far as your expertise goes and then the other two obviously authoritativeness um you know backlinks aren't actually going to save you if you're going to be doing spam okay so links are critical for ranking but if you you drive good backlinks to your website but your website's garbage it's not going to matter okay so always begin with the content and the links are fuel on the fire like we're we're driving links to the site and acquiring links naturally because of the content right the content is the lead Domino at the end of the day so if you want to get high quality backlinks without creating assets then you may want to consider using search intelligence they use a unique strategy that doesn't require creating assets instead you contribute expert insights for other sites they pitch a huge list of journalists and you score powerful backlinks to your homepage now please don't underestimate the power of homepage links in fact if you study the link profiles of the most successful websites online you'll see that most of their back links point to their homepage so for example Wikipedia has backlinks hitting its homepage at a very high rate and if your site is structured well the backlink equity and Trust will flow to other pages on your website so I'll have a link below this video where you can learn more about search intelligence if you create great content consistently you greatly increase your likelihood of getting links naturally okay um it's just a fact okay in fact even I just got a link uh today from teachable to and I got that link because I have been creating so much YouTube content that they actually referenced the fact that I use YouTube to promote my training program and they linked to my website so you see how things get real weird like that when you're starting to build like trying to build a brand it's not so like you don't have to worry so much about acquiring link because you start to get links naturally when you build a real brand and that's what I've been trying to teach people for so long like actually build a brand that's how you get links right that's the easiest way to get links the hardest way to get links is to create garbage content and have to buy them all the time because the content sucks so much that's a really hard way to to build the authority of your site okay so create assets that people want to link to all right that's all you have to do next thing is trustworthiness uh there this is a combination of the factors combined but if you go in here I've got a bunch I've got so many things you can do to make your your stuff more trustworthy okay and when you look at a lot of the the websites that are successful um you'll see that you know they have a lot of legitimacy in their content okay so go through this spend some time make your site more trustworthy do these things that are required build a brand like this is super complicated the problem is that it's hard right and it's hard to do this stuff it takes a lot of time I've been building my brand since 2013 is when I launched Scotch 20133 we're talking over a decade of me working on this you know like that's what that's what it takes right that's what it's going to take long term and I'm still figuring stuff out I don't know what I'm doing half the time but I'm just figuring stuff out and that's what we have to do we have to just continually work to to build our brand continually add value and educate and focus on quality over quantity that is always going to be true in SEO quality over quany it's true in SEO it's true on YouTube it's true on Twitter it's true on LinkedIn it's true in your your the products that you sell it's just true across the board like volume based games don't typically work that well long term and you look at the most successful people in any field Christopher Nolan you look at the best actors okay they don't show up everywhere they're very selective where they show up and they do exceptional work okay so it's just the case now there's some exceptions to this rule but of course most people would be better served allocating their time to creating the best stuff possible and you know you can live with that you can sleep at night knowing that you did that but when you play these little games you try to manipulate Google and you try to spam and try to just get rich quick in some ways you should expect to live a very volatile experience as far as SEO and in your business okay do stuff that's difficult that is how you get ahead of people you do things that are really really hard okay and that's what it takes okay so it's still super early in the uh core update so a lot of this will likely change as Google rolls this algorithm out but keep in mind that you know what we're going to see here it's going to be very different than what we saw previously in the video uh which is you know looking at sites that are that that got de-indexed when it's pretty clear why they got de-indexed just based on the quality um and it's it's clear that you know the manual actions were taken Okay Google's algorithm is not as good at identifying that level of spam it it there's a lot of debate on whether Google can even understand the algorithm can see if content is AI or not okay very difficult to know uh but I always lean on the side that Google is capable of doing it like I just have to assume that a trillion dooll company that has large language models some of the best in the world should logically be able to identify other content that's written by large language models that's a pretty fair assumption to make and even if that's not true I would still rather build my strategy from the perspective that they can okay it's the same with link building like I assume they can see Footprints of spammy Link building practices so I focus on getting the best links imaginable right that's what matters okay that's really what is going to be the safe thing to do is always assume Google can figure it out okay just always assume so always build from there now let's take a look at the search results and see what we're seeing here I'm going to be showing you a few informational intent commercial intent uh even localized intent okay so we're going to walk through a few of these just so you can see kind of what the uh makeup of the search results is and I'm telling you these days you know in a lot of in a lot of keywords if you're only doing SEO then you are really playing a dangerous game you're rolling the dice uh if your business is 100% dependent on you ranking in the organic results then you are I'm sorry you're playing a very dangerous game if you want to build a business that's really sustainable you need to be thinking about how can we occupy as much real estate as possible in the search results right that's what we want to do occupy as much real estate as possible in Google occupy as much real estate as possible in YouTube and Tik Tok and Twitter and Linkedin build a build a presence build a brand on multiple platforms so you can drive traffic and leads from multiple sources never be ring on One Source in your business um and this is coming from someone who loves SEO okay I'm telling you do not do that even in my business most of my leads and traffic and all that good stuff in clients come from YouTube they come from referrals it comes from email and then a little bit of Google you know and then some other stuff mixed in there um but lots of different channels lots of different opportunities to get people into my business okay so please if you're running a business don't just rely on organic search results it's really dangerous all right so let's look at this one informational intent which is how to make Chick-fil-A uh sauce love this sauce my personal favorite uh when I go to Chick-fil-A so I had to you know pick this one but when you just look at the search results like take a look at a few things number one we actually do have a a ranking that is actually above the fold which is pretty shocking doesn't usually happens you usually get pushed way down the fold people also ask as always shows up everywhere a recipe Block in here and then traditional results a video um lots of schema uh review based schema and then some related searches so if I was trying to rank here and this was like I let's say I was selling some sort of product in the recipe space I would just try to first of all build a great asset number one uh try to dominate every single topically relevant uh topic here to support the main topic so like how to make Chick-fil-A sauce well now we can tackle all these different variations and if they have different intent then we should create another asset to support this Main asset okay so like this one is there Mayo in Chick-fil-A sauce well that has different intent than how to make Chick-fil-A sauce someone's asking a very specific question so you should give them a very specific answer okay that's how you build real topic Authority is just starting to get real granular and and starting to answer your users questions uh to the fullest extent all right then getting in the uh recipe block here as well that way we can occupy even more real estate and these guys have you know they've taken two spots they got one here and one here which is beautiful um and then a video I'd also be you know pushing my YouTube strategy so I can get even more real estate on the first page that means you could technically get about three spots on the first page if you play you play this right okay uh actually even more than that if you rank and the people also ask as well so look at a couple of these assets um I'll say recipe blogs are notorious for being having bad experience so I hope that this one doesn't have it but even comparing this one to some of the earlier examples I showed that got D Index like right away we can see there's actual person here that runs this site like within at a glance we can see it okay uh they've got an email newsletter uh you know they've got like legitimate it looks like high quality images um there's there's stuff here like these look like custom images as well so already a lot more legitimate than the previous stuff that we saw um and it's got a bunch of comments on top of it along with the person who runs the site answering the comments okay so this makes perfect sense I I don't I don't mind a page like this ranking like if it does if it fulfills a tent in fulfills the intent it's helpful it's written by a real person that person's actually genuinely taking their time to help people this is a good asset okay totally works this one another one build your bite uh this is the one that's ranking number one once again we can see there's actually an author they actually give us the ability to jump to the recipe wow that's super nice of them because a lot of these sites usually don't let you do that um and so that's a good a good move for user experience right and we look at this site looks like legitimate images got a person who actually runs the blog um and this is a legit site high quality images looks like good content yeah they have ads right nothing wrong with monetizing your site but it's what happens in between there that matters okay and once again a bunch of comments lots of comments to make it super unique adding lots of user generated content so very good this is all very good stuff here uh another one here this is Taste of Home this is a very big website but once again very clear that this is a legit legit website with a legit author and legit content all right and actually not super aggressive with ads either which I I do like I think they're a little a little more conservative it looks like they are linking out to possibly some sources they're doing internal linking which is good for users so overall good stuff okay so satisfactory content that's ranking here I'm actually quite pleased that it's not you know garbage that's ranking because for a while there prior to this update there was a lot of stuff that was ranking that it's pretty hard to say that it should be there okay another one here what is good CTR for Tik Tok ads very longtail query not a ton of volume but I want to take kind of like a longer tail query and see what we can find uh we got a featured snippet people also ask discussions and forums and finally we get to the first organic results so you know this is an example of like you got to try to occupy as much real estate as possible because CTR is going to be scarce in this one okay and I have some other ones coming up here too where it's even worse but you know you got 1 2 3 four five six seven eight eight possibilities of clicking that are outside of the traditional organic so you know once again if if this was a keyword that mattered to me first of all I try to dominate this featured snippet but then I would attack people also ask I would start to do some Gorilla Marketing inside of Reddit um and then I would also be publishing YouTube videos to occupy this here now I've an example this like in the context of my business like if you look up um uh let's see our backlink still important okay I just did this one recently and you can watch this video on my channel it's it's recent but like I ranked number three here for this and then I also rank number one in on like on Google because of YouTube okay and if you go into YouTube I think I probably rank number one for the same thing on YouTube so that means I've basically taken two spots on Google and I've taken one spot in YouTube search so that's when I when I talk about occupying as much real estate as possible that's what we should be thinking about okay that's the beauty of YouTube is that you can actually if you do well on YouTube you can honestly get a lot of traffic specifically from Google as well it's kind of cool like that so that's what that's what I'm talking about as far as OCC occupying as much as possible uh so this one here uh is your Tik Tok CTR good enough uh you know this looks like it's written by a legit brand so this looks good yeah legitimate brand uh it is you know it is a copywriter per se but for the most part this doesn't bother me especially for a low competition keyword it looks like it's a legit brand they actually sell stuff so doesn't bother me uh same one here looks like another one yeah they have unique Graphics are specific to their brand looks like legit content this gets the job done okay another one here same thing another legit brand that's n content's not great uh not something I would I would brag about but it's definitely like probably answers the query decently okay so um and let's see you know it probably could be AI content honestly looking at it so but once again Lower competition keywords you're going to see usually an influx of lower quality content that's just kind of the nature of what goes on because most people who are going to spend their time investing in really good content AR aren't going to waste it on a keyword that gets 20 searches a month it just isn't worth the effort um so you're going to see some not so good stuff but one like this like why does my elbow hurt um this is very competitive right a lot of a lot of search volume so you have Mayo Clinic at WebMD you got clevel Clinic like all kinds of Harvard like you're not going to be ranking here unless you got a ton of authority okay tons and tons of authority this is really crazy this person's got like do they're dominating this and you YouTube like they got three videos uh that are crushing it that's pretty insane you don't see that often three actual videos so that's pretty insane next one here is looking at the sites I don't think I need to go super hard on these these sites work really hard to uh establish trust and Authority but keep in mind these sites also have massive massive amounts of backlinks from highly trusted sources so that's also one of the biggest variables here as well um it doesn't matter that you put like you know this little put an author above the full and all of a sudden your rankings are going to fly high uh but when you combine that with all the backlinks that they have and the trust that they built this makes perfect sense okay same one here same exact thing okay no surprises all right now let's look at this one here red shoes so uh this is I would say out of all the industries that you know if you're doing SEO like you need to really reconsider uh what you're selling uh as far as as a service okay because if you're just selling organic SEO for Ecom it's getting real tough out there okay really tough to get clicks and the reason is because when you search something like red shoes them just picked a very generic one right but you know we've got an image pack so we don't have regular results yet cuz it does have somewhat visual intent so that makes sense and then we do have Nordstrom and people also ask and then a few actual traditional results but then we start to get into this little pack of shopping results and Google's then trying to persuade you to shop deals whatever the heck that means um and then also you know more more packs of of shopping results essentially so if you're going to be doing Ecom SEO you need to master the serps across multiple fronts you need to be able to rank uh in the visual uh pack here which is the the image pack you also need to be thinking about using uh structured data to be able to get uh you know some visual results here in traditionally you need to get into the people also ask as always uh and you also need to be thinking of how you can get into the shopping results as well so you need to be attacking a lot of different fronts for your for whatever brand you're working with um and just doing pure organic SEO like that's tough that's super tough but let's say you like red shoes Inc here like first of all they get a lot of benefit by having an exact match domain right that that clearly helps them uh but the other thing is if this was my brand that I was trying to build up like I would just create so much content around Red Shoes okay so like when we start to open these up we can see there's so much opportunity um and obviously finding ones that are relevant like this one's about a like a a a movie that's not relevant to what we do okay so make sure it's relevant to what you do um but who started the red shoe Trend okay that's a very valid question that would be perfect to be answered on this website to build topic Authority okay I would I would be spending all my time there just building really really tight topic Authority in this case okay and that's how you can win that's how you could beat a site like Nordstrom even though they have ridiculous Authority you could beat them by being way more relevant I've done this countless times just being more relevant is the only way to truly be a super author authoritative site where the link Gap is so massive you can you can make up that Gap with pure relevance okay okay um and of course high quality content as always uh but looking at these Pages no surprise here e-commerce based websites that are ranking uh category pages that are ranking uh and this one actually you know is actual brand but because they have um because they have it in their domain name probably get a big lift from that okay next one here's gaming laptop uh no surprises here Best Buy Walmart PC mag super authoritative stuff very similar to the previous one there's a buying guide section here once again another opportunity to optimize so you you need to play a different game when you do e-commerce SEO or even just e-commerce search marketing okay same thing here a lot of category pages are going to be ranking no surprise except for PC mag which is just a very strong website in general okay so with all unique content I believe all right so they aren't using AI content to rank so once again another example all right curve couch same situation here we definitely want to be optimizing for these listings in addition to the image pack in addition to the organic results there's just a lot of battles that have to be to be fought uh and also on YouTube okay so just the pure SEO strategy these days is not going to do it you got to be you got to attack multiple fronts all right I'm not going to keep harping on that but it's just really important okay and these are all category Pages once again you don't see affiliate sites ranking for this very often very rarely actual brands are ranking shocking okay that's what Google is showing a preference towards even prior to this update the last couple updates when you look at a lot of these search results it's just brands that actually sell these products that rank so if you're just trying to be an affiliate it's going to be a rough rough thing to do okay uh next one here best running shoes you know good stuff here uh lots lots of decent Brands ranking uh we'll look at these guys um and they have a totally legitimate first of all it's Runners world it's a really really high quality site uh super authoritative and absolutely legit content super legit looks good high quality you can tell a lot of Works been put into it makes sense okay uh gear junkie another one uh this one looks pretty good looks pretty good I don't know if it's AI but we' obviously could run it through and see but for the most part at a glance remember we're looking this just out of glance it looks it looks pretty good okay it looks pretty good it's relevant uh uh it's clearly a website that they put a lot of effort into okay that's the key uh New York mag or NY mag we all know that this is a very authoritative website so I don't need to really uh focus in on that okay best mattress for stomach sleepers it's all the same players that you would expect okay wire cutter they rank for everything when it comes to affiliate uh and that's because their content is pretty high quality and they have a ton of authority okay uh this one sleep Foundation highly relevant business with good content and lots of links all right that's a great combination like their their content's really good like super good you can see how much effort has gone into this content it's pretty insane so mad respect for this site this is a site that you want to you want to put into your swipe file and see okay if I'm going to build like a real business or build a real like information site like this is what I should aspire to be this is the type of site you should aspire to be be okay uh CNET they've just been around for a really long time they have a lot of authority so they can get away with a ton of stuff all right best dog food for picky eaters uh once again we've got the dog food advisor very specific brand that focuses heavily on this industry and they have a lot of unique content um and it's kind of affiliate driven but once again you know super super high Authority can win out in a lot of cases uh we got Chicago Tribune so yeah just a lot of authority here where they can they can get you know take advantage of that uh and then just food for dogs uh this looks like a legitimate brand um and once again when you're a legitimate brand there seems to be a little bit of preference towards that so just keep that in mind okay so that's a wrap on Google's core update I'll keep you guys posted on new things that I'm finding over the next couple of weeks uh but for the most part as always quality over quantity that's what wins when it comes to your content when it comes to your links when it comes to your business uh that it it really is the key now keep in mind if if you are struggling and you're not ranking number one for the key you want to go after maybe your rankings have fallen I would highly highly recommend investing in this ranking diagnosis checklist this is a proprietary checklist that I created and this is what every member of our training program uses when they when they have a keyword that is just struggling to get to number one I've never once run through this checklist and had a keyword pass every single part of it if it's not ranking number one like it's never happened uh it's it's literally what you can use for any keyword that's really struggling so um highly highly recommend investing in this not a big investment we'll probably raise the prices soon because I'm about to do probably another version here coming up uh but for now it is it will stick at this price but this is like once you see what this is it's going to be like the investment is is Tiny okay uh and then you know if you want to go to kind of a Next Level you want to be stay ahead of these Google updates I would highly recommend especially if you're working with uh clients you have a lot of clients you're working with or you're running your own business you want to you want to stay on top of your game you got an internal team like this is what you should consider investing in because honestly this is the academy and there's nothing else like it and when you look at it like we've got the we've obviously got the reviews but I just show you like we it's pretty insane like I just did a complete upgrade um on our on our systems funny enough to integrate AI but do it in a safe and effective and long-term way and you'll see like it's getting very intense I've got a I just launched this whole new section about content um and just to give you an idea like just looking at like upgrading existing content one of the things is like increasing word count which is really important that doesn't just mean like generically increasing word count that means adding meat to your page in a high quality and relevant way okay so you can go and look at just like a sample sop here and see like this is the process that my team goes through uh to to execute content campaigns like even show how I do it in the project management software and everything that I do to upgrade assets is all in one place along with a video demonstration of how I do it in a real life example okay this is literally everything that I've ever like learned as far as me working on hundreds and hundreds of SEO campaigns over the last decade is all in this training this isn't my I like if I took everything that was in my head and put it into a system so that my team can execute this work um and be able to execute at such a high level that we can continue to get results you know not just today but also in five years from now okay so it's a it's a big investment to join the academy because it's not just training and Sops and templates but it's also I'm actually helping you every single week so I jump on these coaching calls twice a week uh we're about to have GSA 300 um and you can see if we look at the previous calls I just finished my 200 and 292nd uh coaching call okay I've done a lot of these and you can see hour to hour and 25 minutes every Tuesday and Thursday typically have 30 to 40 people on these calls and we don't stop until every question is answered so that's our rule but GSA 300 coming up here we're going to have like a big cool event uh we're going to be giving away a bunch of stuff so we're really excited about that but you can get in on this and stay ahead because I've been talking about this stuff for a very long time like if you go in the search bar and you search AI like you're going to see all kinds of stuff where I've talked about AI stuff so many times like I like with 292 like I probably talk about AI uh you know or even like we even search like chat gbt uh more specifically we'll see like I have 58 coaching calls where I've talked about chat GPT all right like so many things that we talk we've been talking about this for a really long time in fact I showed people even before chat gbt when I was ranking with AI content and just so you know some of those assets are still ranking they have not moved even during these updates and there's because there's a way to use AI content that is much more sustainable and safe so that's the stuff that the members get access to literally every week they're seeing what I'm doing so in all YouTube I share a lot of stuff but I don't like it's always after I've already shared a lot of these things with our with our training program so um so yeah like I said the investment is is big but it's worth it and if you read the reviews you'll see everyone says it's worth it so and if you're if you're not trying to learn SEO and you just want me and my team of experts to help you we do offer very rarely we will bring on some clients if it's a really good fit um and when I say good fit it just means like you have a legitimate business you're already getting leads and customers you're already growing you've got good Revenue sources but you want a team of experts to come in and really take it to the next level that's what we're looking for okay and we can certainly help you there and you can just go in here and apply just go to Services um and then just you know submit your application like this and real simple just tell us what you need help with and then if we think there's an opportunity to help you we'll book it on the calendar same with the academy uh we also require an application for this uh but you know it's worth it takes a couple seconds here and you can apply and if we think there's an opportunity to help you you'll get booked on a calendar you talk to my partner um and then we'll get you signed up so it's simple as that so thank you so much uh for for watching and um so thank you so much for watching and I I hope this was helpful okay well thank you so much for watching and please let me know uh if you need any other help talk soon
Channel: Nathan Gotch
Views: 81,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google update, google core update, google algorithm update, seo
Id: LWteAfumWA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 50sec (4130 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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