Importance Of Developers Salting User Passwords

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Blink. Blink. Blink.

Besides that seemed fine. I like the conclusion. "Use bcrypt"

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/mingaminga 📅︎︎ May 26 2014 🗫︎ replies

That's how I do it. 1 salt per user, randomly generated. The best advice is at the end though. Bcrypt is very strong because it's scallable. You can for it to take 1 second to hash a password, making a hacker's attempt to get to your passwords a nightmare.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/FLHKE 📅︎︎ May 26 2014 🗫︎ replies

Nothing breathtakingly new in this video, nothing wrong either.

Seems to me however that it is quite a clear explanation for people who have very limited pre-existing knowledge, so all in all: a really good video! :)

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/matzo1991 📅︎︎ May 26 2014 🗫︎ replies

He mentions doing "salt + ':' + hash" Isn't that insecure? Wouldn't you want to try and make it difficult by placing those in another area such as a different table with a related UID or something?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/turdzip 📅︎︎ May 26 2014 🗫︎ replies
Hi, my name is Bret McGowen and I'm a software developer here at Rackspace and I work on the RackConnect project. So today we're going to talk a little bit about password security. You may have seen in the news over the past few months and years some companies that have got into trouble because of their password security, so we're going to talk for your app what is a good approach to take. So a couple of things to note, a lot of people want to put encryption on their passwords, and so we'll talk a little bit about what is the difference between encryption and hashing your passwords and why encryption is probably a bad idea so lets kind of talk conceptually what the difference is. So for encryption, that is like a safe, right. So here is your safe, and if you know the password and you know the combination, you can get into that safe. So that is where you want to put something like credit card information, potentially, stuff that you have to read back out as-is. Now we are going to talk about hashing. Now hashing is a little bit different in that is what we call a one-way function. So the analogy that I've heard that I kind of like it's like if you put a cow through a machine and you get a hamburger. Right. You cannot put that hamburger back into that cow. And if you had the perfect machine, every time you put the same cow through you'd get the same hamburger. So that's kind of what hashing is like, it sort of fingerprints your password. But from your fingerprint you can't recreate the original password, so even if a hacker gets your database, just by looking at the hash or the password, they can't actually get the password out of it. So the idea there is when someone logs in, what you do is you actually take their password, you run it through the hash, you get their hash value, you compare what is in the database and if those two values match then you know the password is good. So that's how you can compare their password and check it without actually knowing what their password is, without saving it anywhere. So that brings up a little bit of another issue though, which is if a hacker gets your database and has a list of all hashed passwords in there, there are a couple of tricks that they've figured out. One of these is called rainbow tables, or pre-computing tables, and what they'll do is they will actually take all the words in the dictionary, all the words from one letter all the way up to twelve letters, sixteen letters, and they will take common hashes so MD5 or SHA1 and they will pre hash all the possible combinations of passwords that exist. So then what they do is that they look in their huge mega-list and then they look through your hashed password value in the database, and if they find a match then they know what the password is. So, to get around that, to make it so that hackers can't do that, we'll introduce something called a salt. And essentially all a salt is, is that is going to be a random sequence of characters. So let's say like 128 characters, and when the user creates their password, we'll just randomly create a 128-character string. Then you'll take the salt, attach the password to it, and you will hash this whole string. So now you actually have (A.) a much, a much longer password and then you'll take this password and add the salt just in plain text (and usually with some kind of delimiter, so, like a colon) and then you'll add that to the hash. So in the database it'll say salt, colon and then the hashed salt plus password value. So now, because you have a different salt for every user in the database, a hacker can't pre-compute what all those values will be and so that's pretty much a good way to ensure that, if a hacker gets a database that they can't know your passwords. If they kept at it long enough, maybe, maybe they could get one user's password, but they are not going to compromise the entire database. So an important thing to know here though, this salt needs to be unique per user, because if you had the same salt for every password in the database, if the hacker gets their hands on that salt, it's the same as if they're getting the encryption key to the safe, which means they can unlock all the passwords in the database. So that in a nutshell is hashing. If you're looking for a good hashing algorithm, there are some out there, one in particular called Bcrypt that is recommended because it's actually kind of a slow encryption algorithm and that's good because if a hacker is trying to recreate the hash on your password, you actually want that to be really of slow because it will take maybe you know a tiny bit extra when the user logs in, but they'll never notice that. But for a hacker who is trying to do thousands and millions and millions of hashes, it's going to take them a lot, lot longer. That's password security, thanks for watching, I'm Bret McGowen; if you have any questions be sure to leave them in the comments and I'll catch you next time.
Channel: Rackspace Technology
Views: 47,253
Rating: 4.8983049 out of 5
Keywords: Rackspace, Rackspace Cloud, Open Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, Password Security, Password Hashing, Password Salting, acquisition, Bret McGowen
Id: sjEeqtZ7Tw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2013
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