import data from CSV into Gephi

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furgus does not talk about how to create a networking graphic answer you know it's a free software and it's really cool to represent and visualize networks but - you know import data into graphing you should follow some rules first you need create two CSV file one is for note the other is for edge for example this was a note which is about and you need them is the same format the first is you have to have an ID which is from 0 to 8 and every ID you need to give them a name which is labeled ok to make them you have to limit us label and then you can give category and then you can give rigid category region or other all kinds of attributes is fun for this - ok but it doesn't need have ID and a label ok these two are really important ok and you have to have this - alright and all others you can just add them as much as you want and then you need another one which is edge and for edge you have to have source target and type okay we're use directed right now but sometimes you use end director make sure you start with it is undirected you have to type it like this ok and then you keep weight so weight type target source you know that's all this is very important so soft target type weight all this forward and you can add some others like you know like category you know give the categorical collections you can do do that right and source and target is what the start of the agile end of match right so this weakens the words in this and then you have these two to make sure you save this PDF CSV file okay and it just opens graphy you can create a new project and then you want to go to data laboratory here and then you know you have to tap swipe no swipe edges so the edges just click load and click import a spreadsheet and in the first one you want to find out the note CSV file see here it is CSV and click open and then you will have it here okay and make sure here that's really important make sure both table you want to choose notes table okay hey you can eat neck next and just make sure names are right the type are right and click finish you have the notes not here right and for edge you want to do the similar thing you go to import a spreadsheet and plan out to edge stairs to be file and then you see here these all the contents of the file but to just make sure why check to hear us table to edge table and they go to next check the name and type go to finish in do you got you know you got a doer of edge so once once you have all this finished you ready to go we just go to overview and you will see your network top showing up here okay you can choose your layout you can run the layout now you can choose different ways to represent them okay you know you can choose categories you apply it so there's all kind of stuff all right um so like for the edge it can make a way you can have different colors Tekin ism like sides of it you can you can play with them and to choose the late you can make them sighs what if you want um calling death and if you want to show label you can and and you can choose whatever label you want to show even for the ads you want to be sure to wait click OK guess ok so do the wait just well is this alright you will find a way to to make them looks better alright and you can move move them as much as you want okay so just like this but this just help you start walking on the network okay if you can see the different way to have different thickness of the collection right and the colors they will have they're also the same similar with each other if it's you know you can like groups or the colors see just same place so since like that alright so this is what today to help you start using this program because image where you want have some network created by ourselves right so this is today I will see you next time you
Channel: {Yang Song}
Views: 41,681
Rating: 4.8211384 out of 5
Id: FpOIbhOmGUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2017
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