Import a Vehicle into ZModeler 3 [Updated 2021 | ZModeler 3 | Tutorials]

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welcome to today's video today i'll be creating an updated version of my original tutorial import a cart into zmodeler 3.2.0 the correct way before we begin there are a few frequently asked questions regarding the old tutorial that i'd like to answer since they still apply to this tutorial my import button is greyed out when i try to import a model you're trying to import a locked model don't try to import locked models they were locked because the author didn't want you to edit them my zmodeler 3 says your license denies this action you do not have a valid z model 3 license assigned to your zmodeler 3 copy instructions on how to correctly assign a license can be found at my z modeler 3 says unable to locate material adaption for shader hash you're using a cracked or outdated version of z model 3 which doesn't support a shader used on the model with that being said on to the tutorial okay so first things first we're going to go to open iv there'll be a link in the description for open iv as well as the model 3. we're going to do control left control plus f3 this brings up a search box you can also manually look through the game files for the models you're looking for but i usually search for like a specific model name model names of vehicles can be found on the gta like fandom website um you just search for whatever car you want so for example the jester the one that looks like a supra so that would be jester three in this case or just a four i think it's just a three though so we'll do just a three underscore hi we'll wait for it to search for it we'll see it's found in mp and also patch day 19 whenever it's in a patch day file you want to make sure you grab the patch day version and not the original version because it might have some unknown bugs so we'll go to the patch day file version things here we've got gesture three underscore hide.ift gesture three dot ytd and jester3.yft so we want all of these then we're going to drag this to our project folder which in this case is on my desktop so i've got example project folder and then we'll put it in the models folder so let's go back to open iv we'll drag and drop this to models like so so we've got the yft the y2d and the underscore hide.lifet so now we also need some other files so we're going to search for there so v e h and then share dot y t d and these are the shared uh textured dictionaries so we want the one from time 64e to rpf when you want vshare these are the most common ones you can also grab all of the interior textures as well if you want them but i only generally uh grab the the shared textures because it has all the like chassis like just the generic stuff that's shared between all vehicles so drag and drop these to the same folder um i have these in the separate folder but for the purposes of this tutorial i'm going to put them in the same folder just so they're easy to locate then we'll jump back into z model 3. this is a 3.2.1 it's the latest version currently available at the time of recording it has a like it's paid so as a license assigned um you can assign a license or buy a license and get z model 3 from so we'll do file import and then we will go to our desktop and we will go to example project folder models so we've got gesture 3 here so you wanna left click on the gesture three underscore high.yft and then hold ctrl and left click on the dot yft so you can see here the first one that's picked is the gesture through underscore high.yft second one that's picked as gester3.yft you can see here i got a bunch of tick boxes the slice departs slice to pass parts is used so you can easily edit the model itself but it will break any rigging that the vehicle has so if you want to keep all the rigging for the original model like for example you're importing the monster truck or the trophy truck those cars have rigged suspension if you have slicer parts turned on then they will it'll break the rigging and they'll have to re-rig it when you're done um yeah let's reuse materials which basically just means that it will reuse the same materials for whatever so for example say you import this it's using for example vehicle generic detail two material if you import another car and it also has vehicle track detail 2 as a material then it will reuse the existing one instead of creating a new one uh combined collision i don't know what that does i've never had to use it and combine with existing models now this is like this needs to be on when you're importing the underscore high and also the love model as well so keep that in mind and then here we've got preload packs which is where you want to add your all your ytds so in this case i'm going to add the v shell itd's from my desktop so as well as the vehicle one as well so just the three ytd their share dot ytd their share army uh truck and fisher worn now these aren't 100 required for you to be able to edit the model but they do allow you to be able to do more stuff with the car for example um if you are editing the physical mesh of the vehicle and you're changing up the uv you need to make sure that your uv is intact and the best way to do that is to be previewing the textures actually on the vehicle so we'll hit import on that you can see here it's imported it you can see here it says gesture three so what we'll do now is we'll just move the camera you can use alt and left click to uh pan around like sorry to rotate around the vehicle and you can turn on l0 to see the l0 lod and then l1 to cl1 l2 to cl2 l3 cl3 and obviously l4 as well so that is how to import a vehicle into the model 3 latest version i hope you guys enjoyed the video thank you for watching [Music] you
Channel: 13Stewartc
Views: 45,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zmodeler, Zmodeler3, New, Tutorials, Zmod 3, zmodeler 3, modeling, modelling tutorials, autodesk, Easy modeller, how to mod GTA 5, Gta 5 mods, GTA5-Mods, Cars, Import, How to Import, cars, import correctly, the right way, 2021 updated, Import a vehicle, ZModeler 3, zmodeller 3, how to import zmodeler 3
Id: 8oHpYwvlJm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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