Implications as Rahul Gandhi gives Amethi a miss, picks RaeBareli, Yogi's rise & state of play in UP

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are you sure here's the 30C lesson on what Legends know never ask a bride why she's getting married don't wear a skirt on a windy [Music] day dant is not a shower don't sniff chil fle and don't forget saving is not investing Legends don't just save they invest in mutual funds mutual fund Investments are subject to Market risks read old scheme related documents carefully the business phase the really serious phase of the elections of the Voting is now beginning as we know it's a seven phase election there is one state however which is featuring in all the seven phases some some states are over in one phase like say Rajasthan some might have two phases as in Karnataka one state has seven phases and you know if one state state has seven phases that has to be a state as important as utar Pradesh because what happens in utar Pradesh usually determines who rules India the last time the BJP got 62 seats plus two allies earlier 2014 they had got about 10 more seats than that they will be hoping to at least repeat the 2014 performance if not do better particularly encouraged by the fact that in the last general election 2019 SP and bsp work together there was a fairly solid Alliance and between those part two parties there are strong vote Banks and vote is very often transferable this time the alliance against the BJP is samajwadi party and the congress party congress party does not have much of a vote Bank in uttar Pradesh it has declined very heavily over time so so on paper BJP would think that they have a better chance than last time plus the profile of the chief minister that is Yogi Adian has now become very strong he's a vote catcher in his own right as well at the same time there is anti-incumbency people vote differently in an Assembly Election from how they do in a parliament election for the BJP at the same time it's very important to not just retain the 62 that they had the last time but also make a sizable Improvement because they might be looking at some trouble at least will be concerned about Maharashtra Karnataka biar and and some other states as well so so this is this is the key fight seven phases two phases have taken place each phase has very few seats third phase is coming up now and then the next after that later in the month on the 20th will be the most important Salient the most important piece of real estate in India when it comes to National politics that is the amiti ri sultanpur Salient why is it so significant because this is where the Gandhi family has contested now for a very long time starting in fact with fose Gandhi in 1952 particularly since Mrs Gandhi the rise of Mrs Gandhi indraa Gandhi we only use Mrs Gandhi for indraa Gandhi for Sonia Gandhi we say Sonia Gandhi we make that distinction since then this has been the Republic of Gandhi family they don't often lose lose there and when they lose there then cataclysmic changes take place in National politics for them for the congress party what is cataclysmic for the congress party can be great news for somebody else in any case the voters decide so two occasions when congress party Gandhi family has lost one of these seats important one was 1977 after the emergency when both indraa Gandhi and Sanjay Gandhi lost their seats here so Indra Sanjay Gandhi was then in the congress party obviously it's subsequently that Mina Gandhi his wife and and their son Von Gandhi they joined the BJP that happened much later and and through some steps we'll we'll go into that but maybe I I leave my colleague DK Singh our political editor explain that a little bit more the second time the congress party the Gandhi family suffered a setback in this area was the 2019 election when Rahul Gandhi lost to smti Rani at meting Sonia Gandhi however won the ryber seat that's why everybody looks at these seats as we know now there was anticipation that Rahul Gandhi will contest from ATI and this time again challenge smti Rani after all he' only lost by 50 or th000 votes the last time and this time he's got samajwadi party helping him as an ally which wasn't the case earlier on the other hand what he's done is he's going to Ry B which is his mother's seat his mother now is a rajas saaba MP from Rajasthan she's 77 she's she's dealt with fairly challenging sickness she's decided not to contest he's contesting from R BR so today the discourse is all about Rahul Gandhi giving a miss going to R but the fact is that the most preeminent member of the Gandhi Dynasty is again contesting in the same San so that is that is the larger background in this situation again it's going stage by stage by stage seven stages of or seven phases what can I do better than have my colleagues who are on the ground two of them on the ground and DK Singh who has a 360 degree view of politics in the entire country he's political editor at the print you know him well and also he knows utar Pradesh politics very well so you see on the screen on your screens DK sing our political editor and before I go further I will tell you a little bit about about what you see on his wall but give me a moment for that there is s dingra s dingra is right now in lakau she's been traveling in alahabad prag region and writing detailed stories you also saw her story on johpur the day where she talked about danan Singh and we have with us shika salaria shika is our correspondent in lakau she knows the state very well very prolific very prolific reporter and where is she she's where the action is right now she's at Ry Bari so all three of them will help us understand they will help us declutter utar pradesh's politics what's happened in the two phases so far the geographies more than literal geography political geographies and why they are significant and what lies ahead and also also the significance of what's happened in riber amti because in amti there's a candidate and in riber there's a candidate none else than Rahul Gandhi while we go ahead with it I will also ask you to focus on the two pictures on the wall behind DK sing now if you if you came to the print News Room in fact if you were a subscriber at some point we have a program some point soon where subscribers would visit our news room maybe individually maybe in small groups sometimes and one of the things we'd like to flaunt to you besides of course our Stellar team one of the things we we'd like to flaunt to you is our walls because on our walls you will find the political history of India because with carefully chosen pictures we have we have given you a glimpse of whatever happen the major turning points in India's history going right back to the days of Ina now many of the pictures the Contemporary pictures when I say contemporary pictures that pertain to the last 40 45 years many of those pictures have been taken by Prine Jen who's our photo editor and who is by any definition the finest political photographer in India also he has a very fine sense of political history and political moment so the two pictures that you see behind DK on the wall you see on the right on your right as you see or as DK to DK's left because the pictures are behind him that is you see that profile of madav cindia late Madar cindia now what exactly is happening there this is at indraa Gandhi's samadhi at one of her death anniversaries at the anniversary you see Sonia Gandhi we'll enlarge the picture for you you see Sonia Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi and it so happened as pin Jen tells us that Madar cindia were just walking around walking around the samadi waiting for Sonia and Priyanka Etc to come and suddenly they came so he didn't quite have the time to join them so he's sort of sort of hanging out behind this Stone this stone is a memorial rock that was erected at Shakti tal Indra Gandhi's samadhi so he's sort of hiding behind that I'm I'm not sure he's actually hiding but it looks like he's hiding behind that and trust prenen to just get that get that moment and that to from this angle that's one picture the other picture there you see the you see the people sitting on the sofa that is the real cast of characters of Indian politics see Arun Neu no more now this is the picture at the formation of Jan morcha Jan morcha is when a bunch of leaders left the congress party and set up a new political group under the leadership of BP Singh that's when BP Singh walked out of the congress party and that's when the decline of the congress party started the excuse then was bers so if you see the sofa and the back of the sofa on the back of the sofa that is go go left to right on the back of the sofa is ramas bwan the reason I'm explaining this picture to you is that that this picture not not only has the political history of India post 1987 this picture also has quite an Insight on today's politics because many of the characters featuring in this picture are no more there but their imprint or their children or their or their dynasties are playing a major role in this election as well so see first of all on the back of the sofa go left to right on the back of the sofa you have Ram Vilas paswan ramas passan passed away unfortunately but his party his son is running his party that is lo J Shakti party ljp and that is that is a key constituent of NDA and BJP is counting on them on delivering quite a few seats in Bihar so that is still a force Arun Neu is no more he does not or his family do not have an imprint on the elections now next is VP Singh VP Singh again his family is not there but VP Singh's imprint is all there because if if there is Mand versus mundel in Indian politics then BP Singh represents mundel after BP Singh is bju patnayak no more but you know what nain patnayak his son he's the monarch of all his surve in odisha and he's now under Big Challenge from the BJP so what happens in odisha or what BJP is able to get out of odisha nain Patna has a big role to play now on the other side he's not he's not in alliance with the bgp this time for the first time they are like real Rivals next to him is chandrajit yadav not a factor right now he in some ways represented the left in the congress party the Socialist in the congress party KP un Krishnan former Minister again not featuring in any way right now and who's the young man to extreme right also sitting on the on the on the arm of the sofa just like just like just like ramas passan to the extreme left so on the extreme right the young man is Arif Muhammad Khan today very popular and he came to the BJP ultimately and now governor of Kerala so these two pictures give you a fair bit of idea of what's been happening in Indian politics and what's happening right now so after that long long long Preamble over to DK Singh DK How does up look to you let's look at it from uh you know from what has happened today now Rahul Gandhi not contesting from ATI is kind of pretty uh is sort of a setback for the opposition because you know we have seen the samajwadi party akilesh yadav is putting in his might in fact he was expecting the Gandhi to actually contest from both these constituencies akilesh yadav he a leader of oppos of the opposition he has to be in the up but he was kind of getting a bit optimistic about this election and so he went ahead and decided to contest himself his wife is contesting his his cousins are contesting so SP is putting in his might and here you have the alliance partner who had just given the signal who has shown some kind of defeatism I mean running away from amiti has given big ammunition to the BJP to call the Congress like today we heard of the Prime Minister talking in Bengal that elections are over results already declared darat bat is the Congress party's slogan yeah and now we are going to hear it repeatedly from the ruling Camp from the ruling party I have been speaking to Congress leaders today they are very surprised by this decision they think Rahul Gandhi should have stayed away he should not have contested from the second constituency if at all he did he should have gone to AE and actually taken on Smithy Irani no matter what the results are ultimately yeah I shika you are there you are there in R now what's the say I uh sir it's a very interesting election this time uh in ryber uh like you rightly said uh Rahul Gandhi has changed his seat uh but there's also another very important aspect that we are looking here uh bsp has decided to contest this election from riberi so this is also going to Dent the India alliance's vote share mind you last time bsp did not contest it has this time fielded a yadav candidate and if I give you a little bit of an explanation about the cost wise distribution of Rial Rel Le popul uh I'll tell you that obcs are the maximum in the electorate they form the most uh they form the maximum vote Bank followed by the SC population and then the upper class so the obcs are over six lakhs here in numbers and this time my has got out of how many what's the What's the total electorate uh out of almost 17 lakh 65,0 4 60 numbers uh we have uh 6.70 lakh obcs and four lakhs SC SC popul so you can this time mayawati Fielding yadav candidate is going to Dent the India alliance's vote share very significantly one because the candidate is very good it will be it is a Yad candidate the second the second thing is that the it is the SC populace which has usually been the deciding factor in ryi so mayavati Fielding a candidate is going to take away not only the OBC the the vote share but also the OBC chunk because yadav form a very important uh part of segment a very huge segment of the OBC vote bank here so that is also something that we are not really looking at but since I got this information and you know I I was comparing it with the last election bsp in you know in respect to my to Sonia Gandhi had deliberately not fielded a cand candidate this time bsp Fielding a candidate is going to be another set back for the India Alliance and also uh you know the the candidate that the BJP has put up he is a good candidate so if I give you a little explanation uh a little background about how he fought the uh the election against Sonia Gandhi last time if I compare with this this election with what happened last time denesh Pratap Singh has been refi by the BJP DH Pratap Singh is a strong candidate why because last time he got 38.8% votes uh as compared to the 55% that Sonia Gandhi had got so this is the highest ever percentage of votes that any rival has managed to get uh against Sonia Gandhi which is why he's been considered a good candidate and which is why leaving many contenders aside BJP went for DH Pratap Singh he's a takur candidate so he'll have the chhatria vote Bank bagging him uh that's about 1.40 laks here he'll also have a chunk of brahans voting for him brahmins are 1.35 lakhs in popula here and along with 7,000 vas who also where also he seems to have a you know a good reputation uh so denesh Pratap Singh being fielded bsp Fielding a candidate is going to be not a very easy Road for Sonia Gandhi it clearly sends a message that uh for Rahul Gandhi it clearly sends a message that not only uh the BJP is making the fight tougher for the India lines candidate the Congress candidate Rahul Gandhi but also the bsp because of course mayawati has been extremely unhappy with the way uh Congress has taken away its mlas in Rajasthan and other states so this is an election that we must watch out for it is not a walkover at all for Rahul Gandhi and the BJP candidate is one of the former election managers of Sonia Gandhi right absolutely uh denh Pratap Singh sing's family uh is residing in a very palatial kind of a house in uh the heart of riberi it's called the punati uh it is because he has five brothers and all of them were at one point of time uh associated with the Congress and he was the guy who would once you know who in the previous uh almost a decade back was handling the election management for Sonia Gandhi he would be man looking after supervising the booths and the booth management talking to leaders in on behalf of Sonia Gandhi and he was the man who after switching over to the BJP in 2018 uh went Hammers and tongs against Sonia Gandhi and he was the one who taunted Sonia for not even coming to ryell for collecting her certificate after a win so so for bsp it's a bit of a payback and the fact is that the 55% that Sonia Gandhi got in r b the last time that was a lowest for her she's got a lot more vote in fact I think in 2006 when she came for the byelection after she had had to resign because of the because of the NAC office of profit case because because her n membership was seen as that she had got more than 75% of the vote so so she's not she was not on a rising curve she was already on a declining curve so it's going to be a tough election looks like Sonia give us the big picture on up because you've traveled across a lot of Eastern up in fact we will share also the story that you did on voters what voters are thinking in a m so the link will be there with the description I have but I before I get into that I'll uh talk a little bit about rber because that is in the news today and we were there about a week or 10 days ago and it it was not just uh the voters but if you even see the party carders in amiti rber it almost and I wrote this as it is in my story it feels like they are in a different time zone because uh the gandhis are still the primary figures um over there every kind of political chatter is about the gandhis and one thing that came came out over and over again was that every voter felt like their political identity was sort of inextricably linked with the Gandhi so in fact like in R people would say that if not for the Gandhi people would think we we from balii like we have no identity other than the Gandhi so um and they go back it's it's a place where both these constituencies are places where you feel like a 100 year old history is something that still people are talking about all the time so how indraa Gandhi first said set foot in R how Neu first set foot in R how Sanjay Gandhi came to ATI first there's this almost this legend about how when Sanjay Gandhi came he put um a bag of cement on his head and helped build roads there so these are things that people talk about all the time so you can and um the the narrative against Dynasty politics that we see across the country it seems to have no purchase in these two constituencies where even the anger against the gandhis is more intimate it's like a sense of betrayal so um that's so I I while shika is there and she'd be able to tell us more I um from the mood that there was 10 days ago I'm sure the the party cers and the voters the sense of betrayal would be a lot more intense now um now um uh and the the feeling of squandering a legacy that would that that sentiment would be very strong uh now coming to the rest of the election as you mentioned I have mostly been traveling in eastern up I think if I can give some general takeaways um uh it seems to me that this time the elections seem to be a lot more localized you see um there is no sense of um a national narrative on which the elections are being fought uh especially this H you you get the sense when you go to rural areas if you go to cities in lakau kpur of course um that kind of uh the chatter about nationalism the chatter about Vish Guru about India's Prestige across the country those are major factors when you go to cities but the moment you go uh into rural areas it seems like everybody is talking about the candidate who is the candidate what is the cast profile what's the cast Dynamic of a constituency uh so it seems to me that um the election is a lot more localized when it comes to the BJP um there I I don't know if it is as much anti incumbency but you do get a sense of voter fatigue with the BJP um there is a sense of okay we've heard that this for 10 years now what next uh but as you mentioned at the beginning um the popularity of the chief minister is huge uh the Law and Order situation I think and I'm sure shikha can talk about uh this more because she lives here I think um this is something that everybody concedes uh across the political spectrum that the Law and Order situation under Yogi adityan has become a lot better and that is a voting um sort of issue for uh for people uh but I think the kind of Charisma the kind of popularity that the Prime Minister enjoyed say in the 2019 election that he doesn't seem to as much now it's more that that kind of fanfare is more for the chief minister than the prime minister in up uh and I'll conclude by saying one thing that uh this uh the slogan when you talk to voters um and even BJP party carders this 400 Charo par slogan seems to have also backfired because it has uh it has made party carders and it's something they concede themselves it has made them a bit lazy and it has also kind of made the um floating voter or and especially voters from the lower cast a lot more skeptical about you know the changes in the Constitution and this you see this issue is not just something that liberal circles are talking about the threat to the Constitution is something that has percolated down and it is something that people are talking about so the Charo par slogan seems to have backfired for the BJP at least in the con in the constituencies in the Eastern up constituencies that I have we just run a story uh DK can tell you a line about that we just run a story with analysis of how the mention of Charo power has actually declined and almost disappeared from the prime minister's election speeches uh shika before I come to DK uh do you really think that Law and Order has improved in utar Pradesh under Yogi adityan not there is a sense of improvement uh in Law and Order that the people think that you know there is Law and Order has improved and as a citizen I mean since I've been residing here for over the past uh eight years in up I was earlier in West now in East uh I can I can I can actually see that there is a very palpable difference in how Law and Order is being dealt with at an everyday uh B basis so uh what we are seeing is that you know there the the whole narrative that Yogi has CM Yogi has been able to change is from gundaraj to you know uh to a more dominant kind of policing and a policing which is more aggressive and a policing which is more instant that is the word that I would like to use so earlier when crime used to happen we would see that you know people would be very angry especially there were a lot of uh crime against instances of crime against women and children happening across up so this time you know the change that CM Yogi has been able to bring in is the kind of uh is the way uh is the timing of how to deal with crime so the timing the response timing of the police um arriving at your doorstep and actually hand handling a crime and you know taking uh taking you know cognizance of an issue has improved it has come down drastically which is why especially Metro especially cities which are you know which are uh which are the emerging cities like goam Bud nagar and lakau there we see that police has been extremely uh proactive and very instant and it has been my personal experience that police has been far more quicker than it used to be earlier second thing that there is a change in narrative and the change in mindset also uh you know I would like to reiterate that you know when CM Yogi completed six years in power uh he mentioned a very important line he said that I have been we have been able to to change the perception of about up and that is very true for the Law and Order situation of this state which is as big as a country uh so what we are witnessing is that police is more instant and also people are very uh people are uh you know coming forward with their complaints far more uh easily and they are uh they think that you know police has become approachable but along with that along with that there is another issue that people do uh think that you know is dominant in policing and that is the aggressive behavior of the police as well so police may have become more active it may have become more approachable but at the at the same time there have also been many complaints of police high-handedness and how police has sort of jumped the gun at Jump jumped it gun at times and gone ahead and you know address a situation with encounter like approach many of these questions were put to your DG of police uh Prashant uh and and and and I will share we will share a link of that interview that interview was done by Aura mandhani with your uh DGP uh so please viewers check out that interview as well and these questions have also been put to DGP who has some strong answer to these so at this point probably Saia can uh come in uh she was in alahabad trying to see how people's lives have changed after aik ahmed's death so um yeah I was uh in uh alabad now prayag Raj and uh it's of course been a year since a ahmed's death there and uh the sense that you get from U see I have let me just quickly mention I've now been to three constituencies where we sort of covered these gangster politicians I started with gazipur uh where there was of course MTAR Ansari then I went to johpur where there was dhanjay Singh uh and lastly I went to alhabad where there was so so the sense that I got from the first two constituencies um in the context of MTAR Ansari and danand Singh of course both of them U have the kind of worst kind of cases against them of murder of loot uh of uh and so on uh but you the kind of MSA image of these two gangster politicians it was very very uh evident it was sort of EV every other person you would talk to and not just the poor people even the sort of middle class lower middle class people would acknowledge that these were people who went out of the way to their way to help the poor so you can that and they were considered sort of a parallel state in both these constituencies and they held their own darb bars and so on um where and the the general impression was there's a wedding in the family if there's a medical emergency they will sort of help the poor uh in A's case on the other hand the sense that he was a parallel state was there but mostly in a negative sense uh but um a year after his death the sense of relief in the city is very very palpable uh because his kind of gundaraj was uh was widespread people uh would tell me that uh it was not possible to now of course of course this can be exaggerations uh but people would say it was impossible to buy property without giving W tax to a uh um there were there were flats that would be built but which never could get sold because a men would come there and their eyes were set on those properties so now the sense of being able to do business there the sense of being able to uh buy properties there so that sense of relief is very palpable in alad but if you go to the Muslim Community um and we did not see this in MTAR case in M MTAR case um we saw that both the Hindu and the Muslim communities felt the same exact ly the same way about MTAR but in the case of a his popularity among the Muslims was a lot a lot more and his kind of M image was sort of limited to the Muslim Community and um for the rest of the city the sense I got was there was a palpable sense of relief that he's not there and the kind of sense of that now there is um there is law that prevails in the city that is kind of palpable there and you have across chakya where which is where ATI lived you see that the the build the buildings that he owned the house that he own owned his office they've all been raised by the government um and the the sort of um and the uh Rubble still lies on the road so that kind of visual impact the visual um imagery is is there and it's kept there for people to see one thing before I conclude I'll add is that one of the places where Atik owned the land the yogi government has created has constructed houses for the poor of about 70 70 to 80 flats for the poor and what's interesting is that they're all colored in Saffron and um so even when we spoke to the people who lived there they were like if aik was indeed a m he could have he could have used this land for us but he didn't so that sense of in alab about the sense I got was a sense of relief so DK we've taken too long already but you have to have the last word so so maybe three questions for you one uh with this do we see now that the BJP at least in uttar Pradesh sees the rise of another leader another leader who's quite prominent and who can also be a vote catcher that's one second the Prime Minister had not as yet in this election had not as yet spoken about Pakistan in fact only yesterday I was thinking that I will ask you to see to do a little bir Cloud thing to see if Pakistan had at all featured in his speeches but Pakistan has come back today why do you think has that happened and number three how serious do you think is this issue of the congress party giving or the Gandhi family giving a m a miss and at the same time staying on in the in amti sultanpur sultanpur R Enclave by going to the r seat for the first question Yogi has of course emerged as a very very uh popular leader and going by what s and shika are telling us from the field if this time people are talking about Yogi more than Modi it has been a change since 2022 at Le in the Assembly Election when we were traveling in up still people would be talking about modi's schemes free food grains how he managed covid now that in the election to elect Modi as a prime minister people are talking about Yogi of course we are seeing an the emergence of yet another big leader in the B second question so the outcome the final tally in utar Pradesh will also have a bearing on Yogi adan's future yeah of course because what we are saying in 2019 when you saw Yogi Adat traveling all over across the country this time we find him totally focused on up although he's going to some places but he's totally focused on up he knows how much stake he has on the results that he's able to deliver yeah maybe maybe that was the point of seven phases yeah next two questions uh the return this the return of Pakistan after a break so we see this return to Pakistan and his anti-muslim pitch now today in West Bengal you heard him saying that you know SES Khali people are not talking about because they accused is a Muslim now he very direct now very aggressive we did not see him talking so openly about or so openly targeting one Community 2014 or 2019 that does show a kind of shift in a strategy because when he had started there he was full of confidence that was when he was talking about AB Char of power and the analysis you were talking about uh when we did did that analysis we have analyed analyzed over 70 speeches since March since the 16th of March when the election dates were announced so the first six r he used abar Chara par 56 times and then we started seeing how how the yeah how the frequency was coming down from April 7th of April onwards we have seen a very drastic decline in a frequency so it's not that he completely stopped talking even today in Bengal he mentioned it once but that that was after 11 speeches he had just previous 11 rallies where he did not mention abar Chara so that tells you that that narrative that confidence which that slogan was uh reflecting that has somehow gone missing that confidence and now you're going back to the old uh bjp's uh rhetoric against Muslims and again talking about Pakistan although it does not seem to be resonating that much as yet because you do not really see other party leaders talking about it that message has not reached home and the third thing although you you spoke about it in the very beginning uh how much of a bummer is it for the congress party uh how they've sort of sure about this area this election was beginning to throw up some surprises in 2019 we saw the SP going with bsp and rld it was a formidable combination and yet they got only 15 seats this time rld has gone with the BJP SPN Congress are there you did not expect that kind of fight back that you with in many constituencies and sik and S would probably agree with me in many constituencies there is a fight and that's what they are saying it's localized so still BJP of course will manage BJP has clear Edge but the fight back is something that we are not expecting from the opposition and just when the opposition was kind of getting hopeful that there was some chance for them some places Rahul Gandhi's decision to actually run away from the battle if I could put it that way not to go to ATI has been a dampener for them although I must say it's not the first time that the gandhis have hedged besides amii and R so in 1978 DB chandraa who was Congress party's elected MP from chick Mur he resigned so as to vacate his seat a safe seat for Mrs Gandhi indraa Gandhi to contest from there she came back in 19 she won the that election came back to Lok SAA 1980 she contested from RAB belli again but she also as I told you hedged and went to medok in what used to be combined Andra Pradesh she won both the seats she retained medu and then resigned from Ry B to leave it to to hand it over to a party faithful namely Arun Neu further on in 1999 when Sonia Gandhi contested that was just over two two months after she had taken over the party party Chief's position she contested also from from Ry B she also hedged by taking another seat that was seen as a safe seat for the Congress then in bolari in Karnataka so in fact her rival in r b then was Sanjay Singh Sanjay Singh who's been in and out of the congress party when he's in he's a family loyalist of the Gandhi family when he's not then he's he's a very tough rival so in fact the slogan at his rallies at that point used to be sanj sink dery Mari Sonia b g barari Sony also won from both the seats but she gave up barari and retained rber so again this time we see Rahul Gandhi is contesting from two seats one in Deep South considered a safe seat second ryber which he obviously considers much safer than the amiti seat and that is what has now become a talking point and also the fact that Priyanka Gandhi is not contesting now before I let you all go I will also share with you one more picture from Prine Jen this is in 1989 when Rajiv Gandhi comes to file his nomination form at a m in 1989 so look at this picture and why do we have all these pictures on our walls because you know what we always believe by a time in people say politics is boring Bollywood Cricket this thatas gossip all of that fun we think there is nothing more fun and fair than National politics Indian politics that's why we have mugs that that say because politics matters it's been a wonderful conversation uh DK thank you very much and shika you are you are in the hottest state hottest politically at hottest also in terms of climate it is not the most comfortable time to be covering a campaign Sonia you got a really interesting region to cover to travel through so thank thank you thank you all three of you for joining in two of you in fact in the field I know it's tough and communication and Signal sometimes is an issue but it is your presence that has made it such a rich conversation and I hope our viewers also see it that way [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ThePrint
Views: 128,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theprint, shekhar gupta, ThePrint, ThePrint news, ThePrint videos, ThePrint Hindi, Rahul Gandhi, AMethi, Raebareli, Seat, Sonia Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Loksabha Elections, 2024, Modi, Modi Government, Priyanka Gandhi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 51sec (2451 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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