Impedance, Resistance and Reactance - difference

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Today I will explain, What is the difference between Here I have shown simple circuit. This is AC supply. Voltage of AC supply is V. This is load. And a current I is flowing. When we divide V by I, Then we get resistance To get reactance also, formula is V/I. To get impedance also, formula is V/I. Resistance is written as R. Reactance is written as X. Impedance is written as Z. Unit of this resistance is ohm. Unit of reactance is also ohm. Unit of impedance is also ohm. So in all 3 cases, this is V/I, and unit is ohm. Then what is the difference? When here load, is consist of only resistor, Then we call V/I as a resistance. When here, we have either inductor, or capacitor, Then V/I is called the reactance. And when here we have, resistor & inductor both, Here we have only resistor. Here only inductor or capacitor, Here R & L both or R & C or R L C all three. Then V/I, will be called impedance. In case of resistor, the value of resistance is written as R. In case of inductor reactance is made of only inductor, Then value of XL is written as ωL. And this reactance, is called inductive reactance. Where ωL is 2πf, and L is inductance. If it is capacitor. Then reactance is called, capacitive reactance. And value is written as Xc, because C is capacitor. And will be equal to, In these 2 cases, Here if f is more then value of this reactance will be more. But in this case, If f is more, this value will come down. So by increasing value of frequency, inductive reactance will go up, capacitive reactance will come down. In case of impedance If R & L is there, If R & C is there, If R, L, C all 3 are there, Here I have shown one inductor. This is name. And reactance is a value. For example, suppose we have one tomato. So tomato is the name of this item. Similarly, inductor is the name of this item. Then we say, mass of this tomato, say 50 gm. Similarly reactance of this inductor, say 50 ohm or 60 ohm. So this ωL is called the reactance. And L is called the inductance. So this is name. This is inductance value. This whole is reactance value. And this is also called impedance. Similarly this is capacitor. So this is capacitance. This full is reactance. And this is the name of this item. Reactance is also called impedance. If resistor & inductor both are there, Then this is resistance R. This full is reactance. And this total from here to here, is called impedance will be equal to Now here I have written, inductive reactance value ωL. This is in scalar form. In vector form also, it is written like this. Here reactance is ωL. Here jωL. So both look different. While writing, we have to tell. We are following scalar or vector, or we have to follow different symbol. Here ωL is scalar. This total is vector. Similarly in this case capacitor case, Value of Xc is written, like this in vector form. Now in this case, Now here this is minus. This is plus. Value of this & this is equal, then both together will become zero. For example here, value of reactance of this, and value of reactance of this, are equal. Then they will cancel each other. And net value will become zero. Similarly in impedance case, If it is R & L, we write. If it is R & C, we write. If it is R, L, C all three. Then we write. These are voltage &, current wave shapes. Red color is voltage, Green color is current. In case of resistance, Current & voltage, both will be in the same phase. In case of reactance, inductive type reactance Current will be 90 deg. lagging, with respect to voltage. In case of impedance, If R & L are there. Then current will be lagging, from 0 to 90 deg. anything depending upon value of R & L. Today we will close here itself.
Channel: G K Agrawal
Views: 129,447
Rating: 4.8338313 out of 5
Keywords: reactance and impedance, impedance, resistance impedance difference, resistance reactance and impedance, difference between reactance and impedance, reactance, what is impedance, resistance reactance and impedance difference, inductance reactance difference, impedance explained, reactance resistance difference, capacitance reactance difference, impedance resistance difference, electrical impedance, capacitance, inductance, inductor capacitor difference, what is reactance
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2017
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