Immortal Life in Another World Episode 1-12 English Dub

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[Applause] age 27 single female corporate slave all my life i've lived only for my career no love no fun no anything else just work and nothing but work i worked 50 days in a row once aren't there supposed to be labor laws against that then one day i suddenly up and passed out right at my desk [Music] oh jeez i just died didn't i you did you worked yourself to death and you were only a young woman in your 20s so young it's heartbreaking i see so i literally lived and died for my job that's sad no now don't get depressed i'll give you a brand new life that you can live happily from beginning to end and you'll be free to do almost anything you please really anything i want we have a soft spot for women like you gods are allowed to be biased like that yes we are all right make me ageless and immortal okay wait that's it it's that easy awesome hold still mono will soon circulate and flow through you and you'll reincarnate into a body that will never age want more oh no thanks that's enough all i want this time around is to live a slow lazy life coming right now your new relaxed life will be in some calm peaceful highlands i'll go ahead and make you young and pretty too around age 17. and now green hot rod [Music] well i'm in the highlands [Music] not sure what language this is but i can read it free house to anyone who wants it that's nice i wonder if this is another gift from that goddess wait is this me wow i really do look seventeen and i'm super cute too and these great clothes i really look like a witch i'm reborn and now i've got a new life that corporate slave is gone goodbye azusa workaholic and hello ozzy's a lazy witch and so today i'm gonna begin living my easy life i can grow my own food and be self-sufficient hey there's a village i've got a weapon and some money too maybe i should go down there a slime that's different i really am in another world that didn't hurt that much still [Music] is this another kind of money maybe i said i was going to be self-sufficient but a little money will still come in handy so i'll just take this whoa i guess these slimes are pretty common around this place [Music] oh wow i haven't seen you before huh oh well i just moved into a house in the highlands would you mind telling me a little bit about this village this is the village of plaza we have an adventurers guild here you should talk to them thank you man i will it's not a very big village but it sure is pretty welcome to the adventures guild although this is a peaceful town you know no monsters around here except for slimes i noticed i beat some on my way in and got these those are magic stones i can buy them but you'll need to register with our local guild first is that all right that's fine if you would just place your hand on here sure now what occupation which level one so i really am a witch then special immortality that's amazing i've heard some witches who lived very long lives but never a level one immortal i guess i'm just lucky that way i won't mention it was a second life bonus you're all set thank you and welcome to our guild and now i've got income too that was the day my new life my slow and easy life began i eat and drink whatever i want i sleep as much as i want and i tend to my little field when i want some exercise i just beat up slimes their magic stones are my most valuable source of income so i try to get at least 25 a day i go visit the nearby forest too being a witch i know what plants are medicinal on occasion i actually make medicines and then sell them in the village yup with just minimal labor and an easy day to day i live a life of leisure this second life of mine [Laughter] [Music] after 300 years i don't need a blade guess i must have leveled up a bit oh it's the witch of the highlands good morning the medicine you brought last time worked great i'm so glad it's been 300 years i know more about this village's history now than anyone else we've been through a lot together i've examined patience and distress and healed them with my medicines one time i even helped stop the spread of a plague now everyone treats me like i'm the town's guardian deity no i can't say that bothers me hello here you go 5200 pieces of gold thank you very much see you again tomorrow wait please don't go just yet all right there's something i've been wanting to ask you for a while you've been a member of this guild so long just how strong are you how strong am i you mean like in battle uh i wouldn't think i'm that strong at all i mean i'm registered as an adventurer but i've never been on an adventure i've been so curious may i please look at your stats now that you mention it no one has checked them in 300 years exactly you've been killing slimes and protecting water for centuries your stats have got to be through the roof i'd bet money on it sure you can check but i'm just a country witch who knows about medicinal plants don't get your hopes up level 99 you are seriously strong nah that can't be right nothing must be broken slimes are the only thing i've eaten and they're super weak i can't have nearly 11 million experience points oh i think it's right you've been beating slimes every single day 365 days a year for 300 years correct i guess so i usually average 25 slides per day and you see what this says you have a special ability that will boost the number of experience points you earn that means you get two additional xp for every monster you defeat just two points slimes are usually worth 2xp but with your ability that becomes four and thus four times 25 times 365 times 300 equals 10.95 million whoa i know slow and steady wins the race but a big dragon's worth 2500 xp so that's the equivalent of 4 380 dragons so i'm like a total dragon killer yeah it's insane you must be the strongest adventurer in the whole world the entire world i knew in my heart the witch of the highlands had to be super powerful you've gotta be kidding if too many people find out and word keeps spreading and i end up famous my slow relaxing life will be over natalie you can't tell anyone about this not a single soul why why shouldn't i i think you should have all the glory you deserve my stats are my personal information how would you feel if everyone in town knew your exact chest size but i'm happy with my chest regardless please just keep my stats to yourself don't tell anyone i wish to live a private and peaceful life here you got it your stats will remain a secret yes i swear no one else will know i never do anything to betray your trust which of the highlands level 99 i just can't believe it how is that possible from just feeding slimes every day waterfall i hereby command you to breathe dang it's true and free is solid i didn't even realize i learned this magic but it's super handy later i just used fire magic to defrost hi there can i help you you are azusa the witch of the highlands correct yes i am azusa just what you adventurers want with me we would like to test our skills against you huh i'm just a country witch who ekes out a living making herbal medicines i'm not special why would you want to fight me we were told the level 99 witch lived here is that not you oh crap that was a mistake the adventurer guild stat reader was broken honestly i'm really not that strong at all more like level 10 or three stop trying to lie to us you have so much mana it's practically gushing out of your body it's quite obvious you are incredibly strong fine if you really want to fight i'll fight but only on one condition if i win then you have to go and tell everybody i'm no big deal i don't like fighting and i want to avoid doing more of it this is our sparring circle and you must challenge me in this circle if you step outside of it then you lose and we're done now let's fight wind i command you be my servant and with all your might flow oh so that's how you use wind magic keep it weak azusa just a little wait be my servant and with all your might flow [Music] natalie yes which of the highlands you promised me wouldn't tell anybody what happened i swear to you i told no one then how did they know it was me uh who his name is ernst he's an adventurer known for smelling every secret he's ever learned he must have been here that day and overheard us flotta's own witch of the highlands is level 99 i couldn't believe my ears so what everyone's saying is true i saw it with my own eyes her magic is just incredible she's definitely level 99. so that's how flawed is which of the highlands maxed out her level and once word spread far and wide huh huh why hello and just what can i do for you are you the strongest witch in the world a dragon showed up at my door i am the most powerful dragon in non-terror my name is lanka i heard rumors that the strongest witch in the world resided here at this house in the highlands oh please no don't tell me you're here to test your strength too that's exactly why i'm here does the entire planet know about me now i've got dragons at my door i have no desire to be known as the strongest anything all i want is peace and quiet if you want the title of strongest you can have it i cannot accept that we must fight to see who is strongest that is the only honorable way to settle the matter what a royal pain in the ass and if i refuse to fight i will rampage okay fine i don't want my nice house to get destroyed let's fight but remember i never claimed to be strong if i turn out to be weaker than you thought go easy on me very well i will agree to that my only concern is proving that i am strongest and now i've been a brief farewell to solid ground ah you do indeed have the skills of a witch but do not assume you are my equal because you can fly [Applause] [Music] but it doesn't matter how advanced your magic is take this [Music] [Applause] [Music] air i command you to freeze how you feeling got a little case of brain freeze wait where are you going stay away from my house do you hear me don't [Applause] i thought i told you not to do that [Music] what incredible power i can't believe i suffered such a loss hey there oh lyka the dragon my wrecked house what you gonna do about it hope you plan to fix it because you'll regret it if you don't no no no need for that i will fix it i have a fair amount of money stored in the mountain where i live that should be enough to cover repairs if that's okay i'll go and retrieve it all right but if you try to run away on me [Music] huh [Music] guess i'll have to stay in town for a bit oh hello miss witch i heard that you defeated a dragon we saw it flying away from town sorry to worry you i did end up defeating it but it kind of wrecked my house so would it be all right if i stayed in town for a while wow fancy but isn't this room supposed to be for dignitaries i'd be fine with just staying at the end what no you're the great witch who protected our village from a terrible dragon please stay in this room as long as you like uh also great witch huh when i was sickly as a child you made medicine for me and it saved my life you've treated many sick people in this village and they survived because of you well i suppose accepting people's gratitude can't hurt okay hello welcome to the keen eagle it's the wish of the highlands a toast to our town witch i will have my usual omelette please and some beef stew omelets here are the best they're so yummy and you great witch of the highlands are the best village protector thank you fame oh well a toast to the village of florida last night was so much fun it actually made me glad i'm a witch i'm sorry to interrupt your rest but there's someone here who says they wish to see the witch of the highlands huh i'm sorry for the trouble i caused yesterday trouble what trouble have you and i met somewhere before oh right this is the first time you've seen me in my human form i am lika the red dragon you fought yesterday yes we members of the dragon race can change our forms at will i brought you the money i'd been saving as promised thank you leica this should be more than enough to make repairs on my wrecked house and also i came because i wanted to ask you a favor what is it i want to learn huh please teach me take me out as your pupil me teach you yes precisely battling with you yesterday made me realize just how much i still have to learn knowing that i was the strongest in non-terror made me complacent i want to forget that and start back at square one oh hold on your gung-ho attitude's great but i didn't do any training whatsoever no ma'am i just made a habit of beating up slimes every day and this is what happened discipline i forgot all about it and became too proud i didn't train and overestimated how strong my powers were and the result defeat i lost so to make sure i never lose again i wish to learn your industriousness my what now let me live with you and learn your ways i'll work for you i promise i'll learn my keep you say you'll earn your keep so does that mean you do chores like cooking cleaning and laundry yes of course i'd be happy to this could be worth it it might make my slow relaxed life even easier very well then i will teach you when you may come live with me thank you thank you so much out of curiosity how old are you i think i was born about 300 years ago then we're the same age [Music] is there something wrong with both of us living here it might be too small even after it gets fixed up think maybe we should expand it a bit if you're worried about space i can build this something with more you can build you didn't mention you were an architect i can't make anything too fancy but with enough stone and wood i can do it okay then oh [Music] hey how about we both quit working for today let's head back to town that's okay lady azusa i can keep going all night i'm barely tired at all plus dragons can see in the dark so if i work extra hard i'll be done by morning leica that's absolutely a hard no okay okay but what did i do that was wrong leica working extra hard staying awake and working all night long you can't do those things not now not ever i just wanted to show you how hard a worker i am hard work isn't a good thing when you're working yourself half to death come on it's getting dark out the world is giving you a sign it's telling you you've done enough for the day do you think i got to level 99 by pushing myself too hard no way i work a moderate amount and that's it and now that you're my pupil that's the lifestyle you're going to have to uphold i understand i will do as you say and not overwork myself very good starting now from this point on if you're tired or stressed i want you to say so your concern for my well-being it truly touches my heart don't be dramatic [Music] so the building's all finished what do you think do you like it wow [Music] like you did it this is just amazing knowing you're pleased with how it turned out i couldn't be happier thank you so much you're welcome hurry like let's go we're gonna celebrate in the village and so 300 years after i was reincarnated and became an immortal witch i began my life as a teacher [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that was amazing and so fast my eyes couldn't keep up well i have been doing this for 300 years so i've got it down to a science i can't imagine how many slimes he must have defeated to get so strong how many do you beat each day maybe 25 or so but i was told i have an ability that increases the xp i earn which makes it more like 50 a day that's easier than i expected i thought you'd say something like you've worked hard enough to sweat blood like uh tell me why you're still thinking that way huh thinking what way sweating blood no one should ever work that hard people may try but only when others are watching thus when you use that expression it suggests you might have a habit of bragging which is not a good thing oh that didn't occur to me don't beat yourself up just plug along steadily every day if you approach almost any activity a little bit at a time it'll be a lot easier to stick with your advice is so wise and meaningful i will adopt your method in hopes of one day reaching your level myself no reason not to mowing down slimes is easy and it's not like they'll seek revenge you shall pay highland witch and pay dearly [Music] to earn my own keep i will prepare our breakfast today lady azusa sounds great i'll leave it to you then you know i wasn't aware dragons know how to cook you weren't dragons are among the most accomplished of the noble races cooking has been a simple task for us [Music] i give you my finest culinary creations please eat a sparkle i do love a good omelet but i think you might have used too many eggs this is too much for just us i'm sorry i guess i've been so used to cooking dragon sized portions that's okay come we should eat this thing before it gets cold sure this is great like you are one fantastic chef thank you ladies if you like it so much i'll be glad to make it for you every day no we'll take turns i'll do my share of the cooking too you can show off your cooking skills when it's your day okay then i'll make you another one lika if you have any questions or concerns about living here just ask me all right well i guess there is one thing about that village you mean the village of florida yes its magical defenses are extremely weak if just one evil mage attacked they could reduce it to a sea of flames and moments yeah maybe but wouldn't that be the case with pretty much any small town plata is worse it has no defense at all against a land-based attack if several large monsters attacked at the same time the town would be toast i think you're over worried rumors about you being a level 99 witch have already begun circulating far and wide you've had challengers already what if some vile fiend comes and takes the village hostage to get to you you may have a point there but it isn't like i can just stand guard over flotta around the clock no but there is another solution we could try a do-it-yourself barrier a witch of your level must know create magic i'm sure it has to be one of your many skills therefore you can use it to make a barrier around the village if you want that barrier to last for a while the best way is to use a magic circle wow dragons sure do know a lot about magic actually i went to a girls school and learned it there girl school there it's complete okay here goes all beings who are wicked at heart you will get caught in this net do you think it worked yes they should be good and protected what is it don't know but whatever it is it's not good this thief is stuck into the village suddenly frozen cannot seem to move isn't it great your magic's already working you know what caused this earlier tonight lady assassin put up a barrier over the whole town oh at long last the debate of a town security measures that has raged for years is at an end friends countrymen i have wonderful news thanks to the great witch our village is safe no please i barely did anything if you want to thank someone life is the one you should thank huh leica the red dragon is my pupil and it was she who suggested putting up the barrier no lady aziza you did all the magic i i just drew a circle a circle in the dirt dragon as in the red dragon you defeated that we saw fleeing yeah leica came back though and she's become my pupil turns out she's sweet and thoughtful so be nice to her okay oh oh yes i am lyka it's a pleasure to meet you of course the great way [Laughter] [Music] i'm so glad you came to live with me laika you do a great job with the chores and your cooking is delicious i'm happy too lady azusa in the short time i've been here i've already learned so much [Music] i hope we can live this easy life forever huh a little girl hey little one what can i do for you i wanted to meet you mama lady assistant mama you okay lady assistant is everything all right i'm papa and i came to see mama lady azusa has a little girl i don't have a kid she's wrong there's gotta be some mistakes you're wrong you are my mama you said your name is well falfa mama is what you call the woman who gave birth to you or who raised you but you're the one who gave birth to me mama you're the way to the highlands that's what the villagers say i know because my sister looked into it wait you have a sister you are 300 it makes sense you have a love child or two after that long a life such a proud independent woman i learned more from every day i don't want you to learn that leica mama you're in trouble huh it's my little sister she wants you dead someone hates me so much they want me dead this is an interesting twist i don't want you to die i don't want her to kill you mama that's why i'm here lady azusa i think we should let her in and hear what she has to say i guess so hey falfa wanna have cookies with us yeah i'd love to [Music] now that i think about it i probably would have looked a lot like her when i was a kid on second thought no these look yummy time to eat huh so then falfa can you tell me your little sister's name her name's shelsha and this shawsha girl you say she's my daughter too that's right interesting do you know why she wants to kill lady azusa she also got a grudge against mama because mama killed her how did my slow life take a turn for the occult i don't fully grasp all the details yet but still if shasha wants you dead then we need to protect you from her i agree say alpha any ideas as to how your sister plans to kill me hmm shall show love studying smite evil magic so she might try that really smite evil is that the powerful magic i heard of that supposedly only works on certain races yes and those races are elves orcs and human beings and the more specific the target the stronger the effects of the magic become so if one was to cast the spell smite evil living thing it wouldn't do much because the subject is too broad so i've heard that magic is difficult and takes decades to learn [Music] how long have you and shawshank been alive um maybe 50 years or so 50 huh so they're definitely not human at that age there's a chance she could be a powerful magic user you're right then what's my evil spell do you think she'll use on me i found you at last that is shawsha such a dark aura mama's nice please don't hurt her i intend to get revenge for my death shall she wait i couldn't have killed you there's no way all i've ever killed are you killed upon hundreds upon thousands of them you killed them all slimes well yeah i did dead slimes that's what we're both made of the souls of all the slimes you killed combine to form the two of us you could call a slime spirit your slime spirits slimes will rest in peace once i have killed you i can't fight her murderous or not she's a kid lady aziza you should try your wind magic on her let's see what happens if she truly is a spirit there's no risk a little wind is going to kill her she doesn't seem to want to talk things out might as well wind hear me with all your light i hereby command you [Applause] wind i command you disappear that is definitely smite evil but how is it powerful enough to counter lady officer many years of training enabled me to perfect the spell now smite yes of course it's just for her the more specific the target the stronger the effect if the spell's one and only target is just lady azusa it will negate any and all magic she tries to use all magic yeah don't believe me go ahead try whatever you want [Music] red flame blue [Applause] [Music] and saving her strength for this day ever since she was born smite evil consumes so much mana she's had to and it will only last an hour one hour this isn't good however she is only after me which luckily means that like unfalsa won't be harmed in my past life as a corporate slave i was trapped then too and died of exhaustion i know what happens when you can't escape so when times are tough you run flight magic disappear ouch that hurt hey watch what you're doing that was dangerous if i wasn't a level 99 witch i might have broken some bones you will not escape me for the millions of slimes you killed then again i've lived for 300 years this go round maybe it's high time i paid the piper i'm glad i got to meet you both been nice knowing you no mama please don't go now prepare to die get away from her don't come any closer [Music] no chance it is my duty to protect my mentor then i will have to attack you too [Applause] [Music] [Applause] lady assistant she appears to have lost consciousness so i think i won apparently my little sister focused her magic so specifically on you he made her super weak against anyone else didn't really think that one through huh oh you're awake where am i you're in my cottage the witch of the highlands hi there when leica hit you you passed out so we brought you back here i don't need your pity smite's evil which of the highlands yeah i think your time ran out on that spell the magic's used up and won't recharge for decades but the entire purpose of my existence has been to get revenge on the witch of the highlands if i failed what has my life been for but from a different view it's good that i'm still alive if i was actually dead you wouldn't have a reason to go on living anymore however as long as i'm alive you could still get revenge on me so you still have your purpose right i suppose that is true huh it was hurt so mama bandaged it why would she do that for me well i did kind of give birth to you didn't i i had to take care of you yes one could call you my mother but still you're the one who murdered all those slimes shawsha you need to stop being stubborn slimes and humans will fight that's just nature's way you can hate mama and want her dad but that won't change the fact that there are people all over the world killing slimes as we speak if you listen close you can hear them die that's disturbing but put that aside you can't get revenge on everyone who's ever killed a slime so better to let it go we're lucky from death we got to be born so shouldn't we focus on living happily and enjoying our lives that's more fun don't you think i guess so okay this issue appears to be resolved yeah and i wasn't sure how it was gonna play out hey girls where are the two of you been living in a shack deep in the forest that no one ever comes near anyone else live there just us i see then why don't you both come and live here huh we've got a few extra rooms and besides a mother and her two daughters should live together shouldn't they yeah i'm in i want to come live with you mama right don't you which of the highlands don't be so formal okay i want us to live as a family oh okay then i will live with you too mother great then it's settled lady officer to celebrate why don't we throw the girls a welcome home party sure so who wants to go to town and get stuff for dinner me me me too so tell me back when you were living in the shack what did you two do all day find evil slimes and get rid of them evil slimes yes evil there are many types of slimes and they can be either evil or good uh quick question just to make sure it's okay if i kill evil slimes right sure that's fine killing evil slimes wouldn't bother me and i doubt shelter would have a problem with it the slimes of non-tear profits are typically [Music] [Music] see wow they truly are slime spirits [Music] that's the baker there and next door to him is the tailor don't forget now i don't want you getting lost while you're running errands here don't worry i know it all we won't get lost oh yeah then how about you name all the shops on main street the fourth building from flat is southern gate is noella's shoes next to that is mike's dairy across the street from that used to be a general store but it's been vacant for over a year now next that is cat store which sells seeds and farm equipment and the owner there recently threw his back out i just asked for names and what do you think of town look to me like you were curious about a lot that street that's a little bit wider used to be a highway see there those are the remnants of when it was once a shrine road the stone gate was a pilgrim checkpoint in the old kingdom they are most definitely your daughters lady azusa i've never met girls so smart whatever's going on with them it's more than smart and now let's eat so yummy leica this omelet you made is amazing it's good i'm so glad to hear that means the extra effort was worth it but um i made another meal with dragon sized portions so again there's too much food our family has grown by two members so this amount is perfect falfa shawsha what's wrong don't you like your soup mama do we have to eat our celery soup celery doesn't taste good well you don't have to eat it but then no chiffon cake for dessert [Music] oh good girls you shouldn't be so picky about what you eat like you haven't eaten your soup either yeah well uh my dragon clan they have this rule that says we must never eat celery like it isn't good to lie to your teacher i'm sorry lady altusa i'll eat it all oh why my celery have to taste so revolting at least it's not broccoli living a slow relaxing life alone was nice but you know i think i prefer having folks to come home to after 300 years killing slimes by myself i now have a dragon pupil and two slime spirit daughters [Music] oh that means room for more a dragon two spirits should maybe an elf be next or how about a demon [Music] well i could have a slow life with a big family that would be nice too in its own way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do my slow quiet life out here in the highlands has suddenly become a lot more lively why well that's crystal clear because now we're a family of four alpha want to read with me mm-hmm i love reading with you you pick such fun books okay then loretta's history of the rise and fall of the elvish people volume three chapter five the military policy failures of the clark dynasty of the province of haran that's fun reading cronkite first ruler of the clark dynasty amassed his own private army the army grew in strength eventually dominating the elves of harant in 405 elves huh don't think i've met any of them [Music] hello there's an elf at the door and what can i do for you miss elf i uh well there's someone after me and i was uh hoping that you could protect me please not hard to guess you might be after an elf i haven't seen any orcs around here it's not an org great witch i need you to save me from the high demon beelzebub i'm not [Applause] i beg of home you're the witch of the highlands right you have to help me you're the only one that gets turned you're out of your mind if you think i'm fighting a monster that's scary don't say no i heard you were the strongest witch in the entire world i can't help you but you can you must you're the most crazy powerful stroke berserk and stop making me sound like a wrestler [Music] thank you so much for letting me in great witch i come from a small nation of elves in the province of hararant i am the apothecary known as halkera what's that it's someone who makes medicine really that's close to what i do yes there's similar lines of work but i have a special expertise in plants so you know all about making medicines that explains what you do but not why a demon is after you it's a long story you see i'm one of the most successful apothecaries in around i discovered components of mushrooms and plants that were exceptionally nutritious and use them to make an alcoholic drink called nutri spirit nutri what helper of nutri spirit it can clear your mind strengthen your body and put your power through your toughest days popular spirit so it's an energy drink they were great when i used to pull all nighters but now my tree spirit was a huge hit it sold out everywhere stores could barely keep it on the shelves i built a factory in town but production still couldn't keep up with demand my energy drink was that popular well yeah i got that and how is this all related to beelzebub apparently she brought some nutri spirit and drink it but something in it turned out to be poisonous to demons after drinking it she got a high fever and almost ended up going straight to hell why would hell be a bad thing for a demon so you're saying that the elizabeth wants to kill you because she thinks you poisoned her that's right people said she was fuming that she'd kill whoever made that file stuff then they chased me out of town so we can't go back to where i'm from and i have nowhere else to go please oh great would you have to help me depending on a foreigner mama i feel so bad for the elf lady it's awful she got chased out and can't go home all right i'll help but i'm not promising no glomping let's get one thing straight i'll keep you safe but i am not fighting the alphabet you go out in public i want you to wear this robe if anyone asks who you are just say you're another pupil of azusa which of the highlands oh thank you master for such a great disguise no i'm sorry this outfit seems to be a bit tight on me uh yeah i think so ah do you get a lot of comments on your chest not really maybe 750 a year that's like two a day all beings who are wicked at heart you will get caught in this bed and become incapacitated this barrier itself will judge your evil and act with a will of its not own i think that should do the trick our highlands home is now protected the elizabeth can't get in thank you my great master and now let's eat [Music] what's the matter are you okay i'm fine it's just when i was busy with work i had takeout and then after i was chased out of her aunt i survived the nuts and berries and whatever else i found in the forest i can't remember the last time i had a home-cooked meal with other people cheer up hulkara don't cry here have some of this raspberry jam it's so sweet it's my favorite [Music] i hope you don't mind helping me gather medicinal plants and herbs i bet what grows around here is a lot different than where you're from oh yes quite oh oh my here we go this is a dawn king and here's a greater round and these guys are rolling rat mushrooms are mushrooms all you're picking well fungi are my special specialty you must be careful though some of these are poisonous if even wrong can make you sick or worse but take this one for example if you boil it for about 10 minutes all of the toxins break down and disappear then they're completely safe to cook with really although some who cook with this mushroom don't boil out of the poison because it makes them feel all warm and fuzzy so it basically makes you insane wow we gathered lots more plants and herbs than i expected thanks for the help anytime i'm glad that you enjoyed learning all about mushrooms oh speaking of which it looks like these are ready i recommend trying them with alvin sauce it's a savory sauce made from fermented beans smells like soy sauce to me huh they're delicious and is soy sauce please please eat as much as you like i never knew there were so many varieties of delicious edible mushrooms hmm else didn't live in the forest for centuries without learning a thing or two i'd love it if you would teach the flat of villagers all about mushrooms that way they could make better use of all the forest has to offer that's a wonderful idea i want lika and my daughters eating mushrooms too happy to help with whatever you need oh cara you seem to be laughing a lot i know i know that i am but i can't seem to stop for some reason hold on the mushrooms you just ate were they the poisonous ones what are you talking about no way i'm a mushroom expert mushrooms with wavy stripes aren't poisonous orange pencil mushrooms aren't poisonous either oh but triangle chestnut mushrooms are very poisonous so there were poisonous ones in the mix oh yeah you're right these were supposed to be for medicine not to cook with maybe keep them separate i don't think that was one of the ones i tried luck of the draw i suppose then you'll be okay but i did eat one what do they do make you sick not exactly there's a stimulant in them that makes you laugh and they can also be a powerful aphrodisiac excuse me the effects are only temporary but they make you want to do things that are kind of naughty why are you backing up lady awesome because i suspect all those poisons are making you lose control lester you want to try something fun with me please come on i'm on fire right now take a nice bath don't be nervous i promise i'll make you feel really good that's not what i'm worried about oh please [Applause] so uh did something happen while you two were out gathering herbs it did not came close but i fixed it with magic first i am so sorry i made an embarrassing mistake please accept this meal as my apology yummy i love the seasoning oh this is great when you wrap wavy striped mushrooms before cooking them they are so good you sure bounced back now that you're here we'll get to enjoy even more tasty dishes thank you so much [Music] impressive you defeat all the evil slaves so quickly i have been doing it for centuries now why don't you give it a try [Music] [Music] i managed to get one wow check her out thank you for the vision before my eyes do you always get this much attention oh yeah it's sort of been my fate but just because yours are small doesn't mean you shouldn't be confident too what mine are plenty big thank you but um there do seem to be quite a few women staring at you as well [Music] oh an adventurer who was passing through town just put that up this morning i'm done for a wanted poster yes ma'am and that is one hell of a reward isn't it guess if you've got money you've got money to burn and if you don't then you don't if i wanted a female elephant apothecary who hails from the province of herod inventor and distributor of the alcoholic beverage nutra spirit she goes by the name of helkera halkera notable features blonde hair large chest and tight buttocks a reward of 15 million in gold is offered to the person or persons who can bring her in alive reward paid by the demon beelzebub sounds like the elsa bubbs made her move halkera's physical description isn't too detailed so that's a plus but honestly i think it's just a matter of time leica can you evacuate the girls to someplace safe and far away from here count on me mother i want to fight with you that's sweet but i would rather have you safe mother shall we have to be good and do as we're told you may think fighting's helpful but if mama's worried about you and gets distracted it's not oh good point i understand i knew you would huh you're both good girls i'll be okay we should all hurry and get going i'll change into my dragon form and fly the girls to safety i hope the barrier i put up is enough to keep the elsa bub out please be all right please don't let anything happen one bottle of nutri spirit and i feel like i have the energy to fight all night that stuff caused this how can you drink it the whole reason i developed nutri spirit was to create a drink that would make people feel better and of course that includes myself you've been drinking it how does it make you feel uh-huh no i haven't had any huh then you drink those i don't know but it wasn't me alkara did you eat all our dinner by yourself what no of course not this this is a joke right i wouldn't joke at a time like this tell me guess what is the else above a fly she is in fact the lord of the flies is another one of her names because i'm starting to wonder of course that's not the elder bug it's just a filthy little fly you really think an evil demon would disguise yourself as a lowly disgusting insect that like to spend time on horsepower please don't change your voice like that that's scary i hate to break it to you but it wasn't me then who spoke just now i just [Music] i will assume that i need an introduction what with being a lowly insect and all oh it was a virtuous word so great evil one i don't know what my tiny brain was thinking i am but a second in your terrifying shadow and it is none other than that speck of dust that i came all this way to find bielsa bub have you been here in the house this entire time of course i arrived when halker did and made myself right at home why wait until now to reveal yourself i wanted to be absolutely certain this hulk girl was the elf i was looking for i also enjoyed buzzing around houses in fly form there's really no other way i'd rather spend my vacation well to each their own my dear elf i have gone to great pains to find you but now that i finally have i must say was all worth it please spare me great one i'll do anything you want me to oh my anything you say because that's what i heard walker is my pupil any dealings with her must go through me thank you master so what you're saying is you're going to stand in my way well my pupil here seems terrified of you i'll have to ask you to leave as a demon being told to leave just makes me more inclined to stay or is it you actually wish to fight me that is perfect i can't tell you how long it's been since i've had a good fight we fight fair and square or not at all of course fair is fair oh this is where you want to do it you sure a mere human is found to regret defying the high demons yells above soon you will see just how terrifying the power of the lord uh cheater weren't you the one who insisted upon ferret square what the hell was that um i uh sort of forgot about the barrier but i also didn't realize you could hit it from below sorry wait you just forgot stupid fairy you're messing up all my fun [Music] now let's fight you sure you seem exhausted i'm still good to go i feel dizzy and cold i can't stop shivering and i feel nauseous too huh what happened i need your help i'll help but with what doing a healing spell god of the earth be your chaotic power good or evil i ask you bestow that power of dominion your servant so i am able to heal this wait hey so is a healing spell something you can even use on a demon uh i think so i don't see why not i'll try then but if this goes all wrong it's your fault please please don't let anything go wrong [Music] she looks better her color's coming back great so it's gonna work [Music] look master she's waking up welcome back you okay yep the nausea and dizziness are better now and the chills are gone phew well that's good just a little more rest then and you should be fine it seems i misjudged you i initially thought you were coward but it turns out you're quite remarkable i couldn't just let you die on me i'd feel guilty about it for centuries and once i fully recover i want to drink more nutri spirit huh but hey didn't that stuff poison you before who told you that everyone in her watch was saying you got a fever and nearly died the day after you first tried drinking it ah well i did get sick the next day but it wasn't from nutri spirit i just drank some while i was working and then wound up pulling an all-nighter so i wasn't poisoned i overworked myself huh i love your nutri spirit drink the devil himself loves it all the demons love it they can't get enough it's why i came looking for you i want you to keep making more so i just made a mistake oh wow what a relief mistake i'm so sorry time to eat thank goodness it was just a misunderstanding i wouldn't made another boneheaded mistake yeah but i didn't have to fight the elizabeth so it's all good and she didn't want to kill you after all now you can make neutral spirit again oh speaking of nutri spirit i still thinking of relocating my whole factory and moving it here move it from her aunt how come even if it was all a mistake the townspeople did chase me out and abandoned me plus the corporate tax rate in her aunt is more than 40 40 but in truth the real reason i want to move my business is so i can stay here with you yeah well we've got enough room here so you can but you'll still need to help out with the cooking and cleaning of course i'll be glad to do my share sounds like fun can i stay tuned the elsa bub what are you doing back here we have unfinished business lady associate level 99 highland witch i want to know bury a rematch huh or not you can just invite me when you're doing other fun stuff instead i can teach you a spell to summon me it's super easy lord biozebab would you like some tea thank you maybe ask you some questions sure ask me anything tell us about demon society what's it like the same family has ruled for a number of centuries so conflict is quite rare so are you married what don't be a ridiculous child i am not only racist that age quickly get married say i think one of those two might make a good daughter do you think i could adopt one of them thank you for the offer but i'm afraid not lord bielsa bob do you take other forms besides the fly could you stay a flight forever well i guess i could but it's getting busier around here a dragon slime spirits an elf and now a demon to boot quite a strange crew but it's starting to feel like a family sort of and amid the hustle and bustle i still find time to take it easy yup this isn't bad i could live this way forever but of course as soon as i start to feel settled the very next day i have to return to non-terror everything falls apart [Applause] single female corporate slave all my life i've lived only for my career no love no fun no anything else just work and nothing but work i worked 50 days in a row once aren't there supposed to be labor laws against that then one day i suddenly up and cast out right at my desk [Music] oh geez i just died didn't i you did you worked yourself to death and you were only a young woman in your 20s so young it's heartbreaking i see so i literally lived and died for my job that's sad no now don't get depressed i'll give you a brand new life that you can live happily from beginning to end and you'll be free to do almost anything you please really anything i want we have a soft spot for women like you gods are allowed to be biased like that yes we are all right make me ageless and immortal okay wait that's it it's that easy awesome hold still mona will soon circulate and flow through you and you'll reincarnate into a body that will never age want more oh no thanks that's enough all i want this time around is to live a slow lazy life coming right now your new relaxed life will be in some calm peaceful highlands i'll go ahead and make you young and pretty too around age 17 perfect [Music] well i'm in the highlands [Music] not sure what language this is but i can read it free house to anyone who wants it that's nice i wonder if this is another gift from that goddess wait is this me wow i really do look 17 and i'm super cute too and these great clothes i really look like a witch i'm reborn and now i've got a new life and that corporate slave is gone goodbye azusa workaholic and hello azusa lazy witch and so today i'm gonna begin living my easy life i can grow my own food and be self-sufficient hey there's a village i've got a weapon and some money too maybe i should go down there a slime that's different i really am in another world can i beat it that didn't hurt that much still [Music] is this another kind of money maybe i said i was going to be self-sufficient but a little money will still come in handy so i'll just take this whoa i guess these slimes are pretty common around this place [Music] wow i haven't seen you before huh oh well i just moved into a house in the highlands would you mind telling me a little bit about this village this is the village of plata we have an adventurer skilled here you should talk to them thank you man i will it's not a very big village but it sure is pretty welcome to the adventures guild although this is a peaceful town you know no monsters around here except for slimes i noticed i beat some on my way in and got these those are magic stones i can buy them but you'll need to register with our local guild first is that all right that's fine if you would just place your hand on here sure now what occupation which level one so i really am a witch then special abilities immortality that's amazing i've heard some witches who lived very long lives but never a level one immortal i guess i'm just lucky that way i won't mention it was a second life bonus you're all set thank you and welcome to our guild and now i've got income too that was the day my new life my slow and easy life began i eat and drink whatever i want i sleep as much as i want and i tend to my little field when i want some exercise i just beat up slimes their magic stones are my most valuable source of income so i try to get at least 25 a day i go visit the nearby forest too being a witch i know what plants are medicinal on occasion i actually make medicines and then sell them in the village yep with just minimal labor and an easy day to day i live a life of leisure this second life of mine is fantastic [Laughter] 300 years [Music] after 300 years i don't need a blade guess i must have leveled up a bit oh it's the witch of the highlands good morning the medicine you brought last time worked great i'm so glad it's been 300 years i know more about this village's history now than anyone else we've been through a lot together i've examined patience and distress and healed them with my medicines one time i even helped stop the spread of a plague now everyone treats me like i'm the town's guardian deity no i can't say that bothers me hello here you go 5200 pieces of gold thank you very much see you again tomorrow wait please don't go just yet all right there's something i've been wanting to ask you for a while you've been a member of this guild so long just how strong are you how strong am i you mean like in battle uh i wouldn't think i'm that strong at all i mean i'm registered as an adventurer but i've never been on an adventure i've been so curious may i please look at your stats now that you mention it no one has checked them in 300 years exactly you've been killing slimes and protecting flota for centuries your stats have got to be through the roof i'd bet money on it sure you can check but i'm just a country witch who knows about medicinal plants don't get your hopes up level 99 you are seriously strong nah that can't be right nothing must be broken slimes are the only thing i've beaten and they're super weak i can't have nearly 11 million experience points oh i think it's right you've been beating slimes every single day 365 days a year for 300 years correct i guess so i usually average 25 slimes per day and you see what this says you have a special ability that will boost the number of experience points you earn that means you get two additional xp for every monster you defeat just two points slimes are usually worth 2xp but with your ability that becomes four and thus four times 25 times 365 times 300 equals 10.95 million well i know slow and steady wins the race but a big dragon's worth 2500 xp so that's the equivalent of 4 380 dragons so i'm like a total dragon killer yeah it's insane you must be the strongest adventurer in the whole world the entire world i knew in my heart the witch of the highlands had to be super powerful you've got to be kidding if too many people find out and word keep spreading and i end up famous my slow relaxing life will be over natalie you can't tell anyone about this not a single soul what why shouldn't i i think you should have all the glory you deserve my stats are my personal information how would you feel if everyone in town knew your exact chest size but i'm happy with my chest size regardless please just keep my stats to yourself don't tell anyone i wish to live a private and peaceful life here you got it your stats will remain a secret yes i swear no one else will know i never do anything to betray your trust which of the highlands level 99 i just can't believe it how is that possible from just feeding slimes every day waterfall i hereby command you freeze i didn't even realize i learned this magic but it's super handy later i just used fire magic to defrost hi there can i help you you are azusa the witch of the highlands correct yes i am azusa just what do you adventurers want with me we would like to test our skills against you huh i'm just a country witch who eeks out a living making herbal medicines i'm not special why would you want to fight me we were told the level 99 which lived here is that not you oh crap that was a mistake the adventurer guild stat reader was broken honestly i'm really not that strong at all more like level 10 or three stop trying to lie to us you have so much mana it's practically gushing out of your body it's quite obvious you are incredibly strong fine if you really want to fight i'll fight but only on one condition if i win then you have to go and tell everybody i'm no big deal i don't like fighting and i want to avoid doing more of it this is our sparring circle and you must challenge me in this circle if you step outside of it then you lose and we're done now let's fight wind i command you be my servant and with all your light love oh so that's how you use wind magic keep it weak azusa just a little wait be my servant and with all your might flow [Applause] [Music] yes which of the highlands you promised me you wouldn't tell anybody what happened i swear to you i told no one then how did they know it was me uh who his name is ernst he's an adventurer known for smelling every secret he's ever learned he must have been here that day and overheard us blotta's own witch of the highlands is level 99 i couldn't believe my ears so what everyone's saying is true i saw it with my own eyes her magic is just incredible she's definitely left 99. so that's how flawed is which of the highlands maxed out her level and once word spread far and wide why hello and just what can i do for you are you the strongest witch in the world a dragon showed up at my door i am the most powerful dragon in non-terror my name is laika i heard rumors that the strongest witch in the world resided here at this house in the highlands oh please no don't tell me you're here to test your strength too that's exactly why i'm here glue does the entire planet know about me now i've got dragons at my door i have no desire to be known as the strongest anything all i want is peace and quiet if you want the title of strongest you can have it i cannot accept that we must fight to see who is strongest that is the only honorable way to settle the matter what a royal pain in the ass and if i refuse to fight i'm a rampage okay fine i don't want my nice house to get destroyed let's fight but remember i never claimed to be strong if i turned out to be weaker than you thought go easy on me very well i will agree to that my only concern is proving that i am strongest and now i've been a brief farewell to solid ground a but um not assume you are my equal because you can fly [Applause] it appears you were truly a high caliber witch but it doesn't matter how advanced your magic is take this [Music] [Applause] [Music] air i command you to freeze how are you feeling got a little case of brain freeze wait where are you going stay away from my house do you hear me don't even think about getting married [Applause] i thought i told you not to do that [Applause] [Music] what incredible power i can't believe i suffered such a loss hey there old leica the dragon my wrecked house what you gonna do about it hope you plan to fix it because you'll regret it if you don't no no no need for that i will fix it i have a fair amount of money stored in the mountain where i live that should be enough to cover repairs if that's okay i'll go and retrieve it all right but if you try to run away on me [Music] huh [Music] guess i'll have to stay in town for a bit oh hello miss witch i heard that you defeated a dragon we saw it flying away from town sorry to worry you i did end up defeating it but it kind of wrecked my house so would it be all right if i stayed in town for a while wow fancy but isn't this room supposed to be for dignitaries i'd be fine with just staying at the end what no you're the great witch who protected our village from a terrible dragon please stay in this room as long as you like uh also great witch huh when i was sickly as a child you made medicine for me and it saved my life you've treated many sick people in this village and they survived because of you well i suppose accepting people's gratitude can't hurt okay hello welcome to the keen eagle it's the wish of the highlands a toast to our town witch [Music] i will have my usual omelet please and some beef stew the omelets here are the best they're so yummy and you great witch of the highlands are the best village protector every glitch totally ruined thank you fame oh well a toast to the village of florida [Music] last night was so much fun it actually made me glad i'm a witch i'm sorry to interrupt your rest but there's someone here who says they wish to see the witch of the highlands huh i'm sorry for the trouble i caused yesterday trouble what trouble have you and i met somewhere before oh right this is the first time you've seen me in my human form i am lika the red dragon you fought yesterday yeah yes we members of the dragon race can change our forms at will i brought you the money i've been saving as promised thank you leica this should be more than enough to make repairs on my wrecked house and also i came because i wanted to ask you a favor what is it i want to learn huh please teach me take me on as your pupil me teach you yes precisely battling with you yesterday made me realize just how much i still have to learn knowing that i was the strongest in non-terror made me complacent i want to forget that and start back at square one hold on your gung-ho attitude's great but i didn't do any training whatsoever no ma'am i just made a habit of beating up slimes every day and this is what happened discipline i forgot all about it and became too proud i didn't train and overestimated how strong my powers were and the result defeat i lost so to make sure i never lose again i wish to learn your industriousness my what now let me live with you and learn your ways i'll work for you i promise i'll learn my keep you say you'll earn your keep so does that mean you do chores like cooking cleaning and laundry yes of course i'd be happy to this could be worth it it might make my slow relaxed life even easier very well then i will teach you when you may come live with me thank you thank you so much out of curiosity how old are you i think i was born about 300 years ago then we're the same age [Music] is there something wrong with both of us living here it might be too small even after it gets fixed up think maybe we should expand it a bit if you're worried about space i can build this something with more you can build you didn't mention you were an architect i can't make anything too fancy but with enough stone and wood i can do it okay then alley-oop [Music] [Applause] hey how about we both quit working for today let's head back to town that's okay lady azusa i can keep going all night i'm barely tired at all plus dragons can see in the dark so if i work extra hard i'll be done by morning leica that's absolutely a hard no okay okay but what did i do that was wrong leica working extra hard staying awake and working all night long you can't do those things not now not ever i just wanted to show you how hard a worker i am hard work isn't a good thing when you're working yourself half to death come on it's getting dark out the world is giving you a sign it's telling you you've done enough for the day do you think i got to level 99 by pushing myself too hard no way i work a moderate amount and that's it and now that you're my pupil that's the lifestyle you're going to have to uphold i understand i will do as you say and not overwork myself very good starting now from this point on if you're tired or stressed i want you to say so your concern for my well-being it truly touches my heart [Music] don't be dramatic [Music] so the building's all finished what do you think do you like it wow [Music] elika you did it this is just amazing knowing you're pleased with how it turned out i couldn't be happier thank you so much you're welcome hurry lika let's go we're gonna celebrate in the village and so 300 years after i was reincarnated and became an immortal witch i began my life as a teacher something is it definitely weird very weird i agree something is off muster i know my usual day to cook is the day after tomorrow but would you mind swapping days with me this week sure that's fine but why i have some things to do in moscow [Music] making a fresh start is very important bye grasshopper be free saying goodbye is better short and sweet what does this mean is hakura intending to move out of course she can't move [Music] i know but if that's what she's chosen to do i am back and i am starving huh parker we love you we wish you the best in your new home we're gonna miss [Music] you to go please don't cry remember we're happy for her master uh what's all this for is there somewhere i'm going wait so you're not moving out i don't have plans to move but you said you had things to do in moscow of course that's the town where my new factory is huh [Music] hey i'm back you must be busy you keep getting home late are you working too hard no no all i need is a little nutri spirit and that'll perk me right up more recently i have been drinking a lot more of it just to get through the day that's not good not at all work ends when the sun goes down that's when you come home from now on i'd like to but i have to work harder a ghost yeah apparently it's been showing up and hunting the factory non-stop all the locals are terrified and don't want to work there anymore i can't get a single employee to keep working so that's the reason this ghost keeps coming back it may be a bound ghost scientifically ghosts are actually known as separated spirits bound spirits are a subtype they are inescapably tethered to the place where they died so they can't leave i'd say it's one of those so you're saying this ghost or bound spirit it died there what do i do master will you get rid of it for me all ghosts kind of terrify me oh please lady as i saw you have to help if you don't help i'll end up running the entire factory alone and might just work myself to death maybe you won't wind up dead [Music] fine i'll help you i'll go check it out tomorrow thank you thank you so much there's one thing though before i do this i'm going to need some help more help what is this circle thing it's supposed to be for performing summoning magic i don't know if it'll work but here goes [Applause] [Music] nothing seems to have happened oh what the hell is going on oh cold so cold so very cold incredibly cold getting colder iceberg cold freezing freaking freezing freezing why are you closing the door your pronunciation must have been a bit off which is why i didn't appear in the circle regardless how come your bathtub was filled with freezing water oh because it's eco-friendly that's right that explains freezing me but not why you brought me here [Music] a silly ghost you summoned me the lord of the flies just for that are you kidding sorry i know it's beneath you but i was hoping you could help us please we need to be elsa we do you're our only hope oh my well uh so one ghost is a mere trifle for someone like me so all right take me to this factory and i'll break it into smithereens [Music] i suggest we wait until tonight because at night the ghost will then be visible then why did you summon me now [Music] yeah i can imagine ghosts being in there i mean even that cat statue looks kind of creepy really i thought it was cute that's why i put it there has strange taste enough babbling outside already let's go in wait just like that no fear at all looks like i chose the right helper huh it sure is dark in here i really hope nothing shows up tonight something better show up otherwise why did you summon me and drag me here hey the elsa bub what is it i'm scared hold my hand i can't believe i'm about to say this but if you really want okay what about me master i'm scared too can i hold your hand is there some place this ghost tends to appear yeah in the room of the head on your left then that room will be the primary focus of our search you sure because i would really prefer not to go in there me neither why don't we start somewhere else did you quit acting so wimpy stop [Music] how about we go yeah let's leave this was a mistake what's the matter with you you're more annoying than the ghost cut it out okay oh look there it is here i'm thinking i may need no underwear seriously you two put a sock in it calm down and be quiet it is a ghost just a single ghost the spirit of a dead little girl what is so scary about that that's what's scary about it yeah so how is it you're not scared too if you could see her you wouldn't be afraid hey listen up dead girl and show yourself she's working it out i have high demon fields above lord of the flies in the land of the demons i am agricultural secretary which means i have the authority to commandeer this factory and repurpose it to process horse manure don't test her ghost she'll do it wait lord be else above but this is my factory stay invisible and you'll be haunting horse crap i'm counting to ten so come out one two [Music] [Applause] [Music] quick give me some light [Music] so do you have a name it's rosalie my house once stood where this factory is and that's where i killed myself and she's still mad so just why do you haunt this factory why do you think this is the only place i can be centuries ago i was offered the chance to marry into a well-known noble family i never thought i could be part of a match but i was pretty and polite and had a sterling reputation but it turned out not to be true my rotten parents lied to me they were selling me off for chump change to some mean brute that's awful you poor thing well that's all in the past that's um a very sad story but did you really used to be polite being a ghost for hundreds of years i've become a bit cheeky that sounds believable to me a smug teen betrayed by her mom and dad of course she's going to be spiteful oh shut up this was my home no outsiders can be here that's why i've haunted it it was my way of defending it until you guys showed up rosalie do you really want to stay here hunting this place forever no not really ah well in that case i'd be happy to exercise you it'll be quick what why not i can help her move on to the next life it's very simple it won't be the trace no way i don't want to cease to exist i see if you want to stay then you might as well stay really but aren't i a problem hulker thoughts you uh don't have to go but can you not stay here i've tried to move a couple of times but i can't i can't seem to get out of here hmm this must be what shawsha was talking about when she said bound spirits can't leave the place where they die i know how to resolve this how we demons have studied spirits extensively according to the latest research if a ghost possesses someone once a single time they will forever after be able to go where that person goes possesses someone the ghost uses a living body as a vessel to relocate the best bodies for possession are those with many weak points those who are soft feeble-minded and easily controlled there's no way i could handle one being inside me but it's for your factory it'll only be a short while master how can you make me do this i'm afraid sorry but scared or not here i come [Music] so i'm in okay it feels so weird to be in a physical body again and these they're super heavy that's what you notice first so any thoughts on where we're taking her well we are the ones kicking her out of her home rosalie do you want to come live with me do you mean it you're not worried it'll scare you in life you were so unhappy you killed yourself you deserve a little happiness and death so please come live at our home join our family i will call you sister and i vow that i'll protect our family with my own life that's great but you're dead [Music] what a smooth operator or ghost operator sister lika sister assistant's daughters my name's rosalie it's so nice to meet you it's strange to see hakura but it's not her hi rosalie my first ghost welcome i'm tired so i think i'll turn in and get some sleep before heading out thanks again head now ladies and littler ladies get ready for the real rosalie show here [Laughter] it's like i'm stuck in a box i can't get out of you and hulkara must be very compatible hold on could this be dangerous for halkera is there a risk of harm to her body there is if a ghost spends more than a full day inside her it will cause significant strain how bad worst case death jeez that's bad she can't die okra helped me out i couldn't bear enough all this killed her i refuse to let someone so nice die for me even if it means roof jumping is out we need to find another way to separate hakara and rosalie anyone got any ideas me lika earlier rosalie mentioned feeling like she was stuck in a box if i happen to have a cookie that's stuck in a jar first i shake it like this then i tried pounding on the bottom [Applause] sometimes cures hiccups could we give that a try hmm can i can i look now the intensity of this wind has me concerned [Applause] guess that settles whether ghosts are afraid of heights so then think you can leave her body now no i'm afraid i can't go anywhere maybe you're just not scared enough huh better try phase two what's phase two [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you out no but a few other things came out even that didn't work we'll just have to go back to the drawing board and try try again [Music] it's already past lunchtime we're in trouble if we don't get her out soon i don't think that hulker's body can take much more by the look of things it seems to have reached its limit already and we can't even talk to hulker it's like she's asleep inside herself yeah that's true hey that gives me another good idea what if we put rosalie to sleep if she goes to sleep maybe halkera will wake up then we can get rosalie out i see so we just moved the possessing spirit out of her body that might actually work but what do we do to make rosalie go to sleep help me is that fruit wine that's right it's hawker his favorite wine but i've never had any alcohol before your body's halker is you'll be fine and it always puts her right to sleep okay i'll try it [Music] not bad she pass out what the weren't we just in my factory and when did we get back home it's okay uh what yes now let's sober up rosalie and get her out of you what's the quickest way to revive someone who's drunk and unconscious i know just what will do the trick just leave this part to me uh huh [Music] the bathtub oh my you want to see me naked no not necessary [Applause] wow it worked she's free oh yeah i'm me so very cool sorry for all the trouble i caused starting today i'm going to be living here from now on this is me as the ghost i really am you really are a ghost girl cool i agree and no she doesn't seem nearly as scary anymore nice job there with a cold bath how are you so sure that would work i was sleeping one off when you happened to summon me yesterday and that woke me right up oh yeah but uh hulker's factory will be able to start operating again and that's good yeah i may have to wait a few more weeks though till the ghost talk dies down again my fault so sorry this won't make up for it but let me pour you a drink that's amazing wow hey i think i know how we can stop people from being scared hey everybody my name is rosalie and i work at hulker's factory and yes i am a ghost but i'm not a mean scary ghost i'm a nice ghost and i'm happy to use my powers to help i people not all ghosts are scary after all she's even kind of cute huh thanks this is so awesome all the towns people seem to just love her sisters oh i can't thank you enough i didn't think happiness was possible after i lost my life but now i'm so glad i died i'm not so sure you should say that hey rosalie could you clean my upstairs windows oh and mine as hell no problem i'll clean the upstairs windows of the whole street ah look at her go if she keeps this up she just might become the happiest ghost in the world oh great witch asusa i am here to congratulate you the demon medal of honor one of the highest accolades in our realm has been awarded to you uh thanks for letting me know beelzebub is that the only reason you showed up out of the blue you should be thrilled this isn't just any award it's very prestigious and bestowed only upon those who have made a difference and brought hope to the world you recently helped end a conflict between the red dragons and the blue dragons have been ongoing for generations thanks to you they now have a permanent treaty and peace in recognition of your outstanding efforts you have been awarded the peace prize i'm just happy that everything worked out in the end you are going to accept it aren't you um what an amazing honor for you lady azusa way to go sister so awesome i'm so very proud to be your daughter you are all right then i graciously accept actually you'll accept your award in three weeks that's when they're holding the ceremony i will escort you there you're all invited wait where's this taking place in the demon realm where else would a demon award ceremony take place there is nothing to worry about most demons are well bred ladies and gentlemen in the past there were some who wanted to destroy humanity but they're gone just follow the basic rules of etiquette and you'll all be fine the basic rules are etiquette [Music] i've got a bad feeling about this demon ceremony i don't want to go would it be all right if i suddenly developed a stomach ache that day you can't fake sick wouldn't that be lying no no i don't intend to fake anything i just can't have a sense that my stomach is going to be upset that day you should give up on playing sick if you skip out on the ceremony the demons will be highly insulted i guess that's a saying in this world it probably means take the plunge or jump off the stage at kiyomizu lady azusa any idea what we should wear to the ceremony i think what we were to your sister's wedding might work uh about the ceremony being such a prestigious event do you think it's appropriate for a ghost like me to attend huh of course you should attend don't forget you are a part of this family now oh thank you sister so that means you'll need a formal dress won't you want to go to the village and get one well i'd like to but i'm a ghost so i can't i've never changed my clothes i'm not sure how to uh-huh you can't take that off yeah i'm not even able to touch it this poses an unexpected problem i think perhaps there's a store that may sell clothing for ghosts a business like that would not be possible because ghosts don't have money so they couldn't pay you like a business owner if you need a ghost specialist i actually happen to meet one recently as you may know ghosts are spirits of the deceased that have remained here in the world of the living their appearance is similar to how they look when they were alive what you think is clothing is actually part of the spirit itself so changing a spirit's clothes is impossible yes i see knows people like this [Music] so your clothes are actually just a memory from back when you were alive that makes sense i think i did wear dresses like this a lot if it's mental perhaps it's just a matter of you visualizing wearing other clothes yeah maybe but i doubt that alone would be enough huh thank you girls but it's okay really if i can't then i can't i don't mind sticking with this dress it's just fine but it's not just because you can tolerate something doesn't mean that it's all right putting up with something you don't like isn't always a good thing rosalie and besides don't you want to fit in and wear a formal dress to the ceremony like the rest of us yes i would prefer to wear one if possible thought so then let's keep trying and we'll find a way but how it's not like we can just change my clothes with magic huh oh yeah i'm a witch and supposedly one of the skills i have is create magic if a spell to change a ghost clothes doesn't exist then i will have to make one time to put another skill to the test uh it is a very pretty dress but how is showing it to me gonna help i mean i can't put it on rosalie i want you to look hard at this study every detail and fix it in your mind then picture yourself wearing it at a party where you're happy and having the time of your life okay sister i'm dead plus doesn't the make-a-wish in your heart and just believe thing only work in fairy tales a ghost is telling me what to believe in never mind rosalie just believe in me okay sister i'll believe you're working hard to find a solution so i'll do my part and trust you [Music] all set are you ready yes sister azusa give it your best shot realms of life and death let this light shine in the darkness between you and allow my outstretched hand to reach through the living world to what lies beyond transform rosalie into this dress [Applause] [Music] oh sister wow this dress it's so beautiful i could go to a fall i'm so glad it worked you look amazing you look so pretty rosalie you could even pass for a princess if you spoke like one thank you thank you so much so what kind of magic did you use believe it or not it was actually just a bit of enhancement magic i altered your appearance but didn't change your body it has been magic huh wait a minute would it be possible for you to enhance me some more like fine tune right can you give me a big tattoo that reads rosalie is here tattoo no soon the alphabet came to collect us what is that could it be a demon though it does seem to bear a slight resemblance to us dragons oh no i really hope it doesn't hate me please don't let any of the demons hate me sorry to make you wait but i've arrived to take you to the ceremony and so the time had come for us to depart for the demon realm it's a leviathan correct leviathans are gigantic flying demons and this one serves as a transport to the demon realm oh there's a humongous building on its back are we dreaming this is unreal how cool it's like a luxury cruise liner sort of but not entirely come let me show you the inside this is the vip room this is the larger of the two baths and the warmer one vania what are you doing here when you're on the clock who's that greetings on your desk so pleased to meet you i am bonnie at the leviathan you need to get dressed and then introduce yourself anyway i will explain the paths now this one is actually a demon spring a spring like a demon hot spring correct it's thicker than water feels good on the skin and is great for beauty but be forewarned if not even stay in longer than a few hours they melt what they do don't be terrified you'd have to bathe for hours and no one soaks for that long oh please be careful not to use this back by yourself come on don't any of you trust me even a little bit [Music] nice to meet you properly wait aren't we on a leviathan we are currently we're on my sister fatla we each take turns one of us flies while the other serves our guests and while her sister's flying vania will be handling your meals today's event will feature several fine courses they'll be accompanied by the choicest first-class herbs and vegetables wow i can hardly wait and for your earlier misstep you will write a lengthy and detailed letter of apology [Music] incredible what a view those buildings all look so tiny the land goes on forever i believe this concludes our grand tour if there's anything else you need just let bonio know thanks the elsa bub but traveling in style like this is more than i deserve don't talk nonsense of course you deserve this what you accomplished was remarkable you do realize that you basically ended a war and for that your name will go down in history you're a hero you're allowed to be a bit more proud of yourself i think i'll just focus on trying not to embarrass myself at the ceremony you have no ambition do you [Music] and now dinner is served 20 different vegetables went into this salad course goodness such fine cuisine right from the start wow it's spectacular i've never tasted anything like it next we have a potash made from thick shelled bean mash first appetizer cockatrice eggs and lettuce followed by a rough egg omelette huh bonya this might be the single greatest egg dish i've ever eaten in all my life i never knew an omelet could taste so good i'll have to seriously improve my cooking game of course it's going to taste better the ingredients we use cost a thousand times more that much more using such ingredients it's impossible to make bad food if fania did she'd be punished that's true i can't up under lord be alphabet not even a little bit yeah i caught you taking a bath while you were still on the clock bonya it was all delicious thank you the food was great and this bath is great too i was a bit nervous about going to the land of demons but now i'm not scared anymore i'm starting to feel a lot less afraid too this may turn out to be a nice trip without anything bad happening at all hey don't say that now if you're not careful you could jinx it and then things will go wrong master you are so superstitious [Music] [Music] we're flying over an empty wilderness guess the demon realm's still a ways off the stars seem close but even though it's like i can almost touch them i'm still nowhere near heaven oh hey oh sorry did i wake you no you didn't wake me i just woke up and thought i'd take a bath you went the wrong way this is the balcony i'm so sleepy that i must have made a mistake so what are you up to leslie i'm just enjoying the great scenery hmm it's my time there's not so much to see now not much is still a heck of a lot to me all that time i spent as a bound spirit i was never able to see anything i guess you couldn't but then you made that building your factory and now i'm free i don't think that i'll ever be able to thank you enough sister hulkara someday i plan to repay that debt you don't have to repay anything rosalie huh you and i have no debts we're family now we help each other that's all there is to it right i mean i'm sure if you said that to master she would tell you the same thing well i'm gonna go warm up in the back thanks for the chat sister hulker i can't soak in the bath but somehow i'm warm morning mama morning you two girls are up early all girl's bed's empty where is she don't know not sure hold on last night sister hakura mentioned something about taking a bath a bath late last night i told you to be careful good morning master i'm not sure why but i rolled under the bed and fell asleep there everybody white awake we're just about to enter the demon realm [Music] see that in the distance the walled city with the castle in the center is the royal capital known as von zeld our first stop is the palace will you'll be officially presented to the demon cave i don't expect that to take too long then maybe a bit of sightseeing since the ceremony isn't until tomorrow uh hey beelzebub what was that you just said the ceremony is not until tomorrow before that oh the demon king there are a vast variety of different demon races some are quite human-like others more closely resemble animals they come in all shapes and sizes this is the castle we walk from here don't worry about your luggage fania will take care of it uh feels above you do you think it'd be okay if we didn't meet the king but you have to the head of state is the one who awards the demon medals of honor so you are going to meet thus better now than at the ceremony agreed listen to me very closely okra please try hard not to mess up like i hear you i will do that because i know they may kill me if i do they'll probably skim me alive and then they'll be burning on fire no one's going to do that we're demons not barbarians but if you insult our king i'll burn you at the stake i'm a crispy critter either way it's like a maze that was done on purpose in the old days it confused attacking enemies then they could be eliminated oh how very demon-like i know we're here but are you sure i can't fake sick for the rest of the day i may not even have to fake it my stomach really does hurt it's just a cramp from walking come we're almost to the throne room here we are the throne room is just beyond these doors some doors all right girls remember to curtsy there's no need to do that the demon king is a friendly and formal type just act normal and you'll be fine the elsa bob you should know something for me acting normal means messing up all the time no matter how hard i try not to our king has a big heart a small mistake or two will be easily forgiven let us pass [Music] hi there um hello you're azusa the level 99 witch of the highlands right i am yeah it is you please let me shake your hand sure master we can't chitchat that would be rude to the demon king you know i really can't afford to make a bad first impression and you must be the elf okra i drink your nutri spirit all the time it's so nice to meet you hmm oh i am so sorry here healing magic oh thank you it's up and swell meeting you but would you please just go away now you see we're here for an official visit with a demon king and we wouldn't want him to say something like you're late i'm insulted off with the elf's head understand oh but the demon king wouldn't do anything mean to you would you say that but you don't know for sure i've heard that he's friendly the demon friendly might be very different from elf friendly i must demonstrate proper etiquette and hide what i really like in order to be safe i just hope that i can fool him you want to fool the demon king or trick him not to be deceptive just to make a good impression and have him think of a better person than i really am um there's no one sitting on the throne where's the demon king hmm right in front of you didn't you notice all the guards around here [Music] [Applause] [Music] impressions either so i prefer to greet people down here instead of from up there on the throne make sense i am so incredibly sorry all the stuff i said about trying to pull you it came out the wrong way are you feeling all right i know you said you wanted to fake sick but you actually look a little green mind over matter she thought about it so much she managed to make herself sick for real you had to mention battle wow were you really going to lie to me from the start not exactly i was just afraid i'd make some boneheaded mistake king plot perconia aliasao it is just keeps taking her grain deeper and deeper yeah she sure is don't be afraid and you don't have to bow down to me you're not one of my retainers and you haven't done anything wrong i swear as long as there's life in my body no harm will come to you or your heart in my realm oh thank you demon king enough groveling at my feet please stand up yes your majesty [Music] wake up my king please say something to me her spirit has left her body not good [Music] here's the world they don't know much about demon laws and how they vary but in human law anyone who harms royalty usually ends up being executed a little help if i'd had known i'd have let all girl pretend to be sick because now she'll be put to death [Music] will almost certainly die according to demon law she is to be impaled and then burned alive they may even go so far as to destroy her elf homeland village [Music] how shocking we're locked up with armed guards are they going to execute all of us oh chris crime would warrant that i don't want to be executed there is only one way to save her the demon king and the demon king alone has the authority to overrule the law okra cannot be pardoned unless her majesty wakes up all right listen up i got us the tea set in the hot water you wanted mama thanks falfa the guards may look scary but they're actually quite amiable sister they do have a garden a really big one with a huge variety of plants excellent now i've just got to figure out how to get some herbs i can go get those but what if someone sees you not a problem i can take a smaller dragon form you are so squishy and again being hugged is kind of nice [Music] it's done oh lady asterisk what is that drink a restorative tea made from incredibly bitter herbs and harsh stimulants it'll taste awful but if this doesn't wake the king up nothing well huh lord fiasco ordered me to bring you this map and these supplies the demon king is in the royal infirmary so then just how exactly do we get there oh lord be alphabet came up with an idea for that [Music] everyone in the castle is in a major panic after having one extra doctor one around that much suspicion are you sure yeah i'll probably see what'll work i'll guide you there personally i'll go with you it's not like we have a plan b careful best of luck mother mm-hmm uh if we're caught won't you get in trouble too yes you just had a simple audience with the demon king now suddenly our lives are at stake the lord biazziba ordered me to help you so i have no choice sorry who might you be i am vania a servant of lord be alphabet i brought the doctor hold on i have no record of beals about summoning an extra doctor we already have a royal physician what is this new doctor's name [Music] [Laughter] you're just gonna ignore us something doesn't smell right what's with this doctor's hordes those horns that they're stuck on we should check her credentials you want my credentials out which of the highlands and i'm here to revive the demon king now let me through it's a witch she's afraid of the prisoner caesar [Music] i kind of figured you might say that but for help and the sake of my family i can't let you stop [Applause] unbelievable it happened so fast what kind of human is this let me get to the demon kids protect the king whose magical defenses fire really that's all you've got [Music] this isn't what i expected when i imagined how things would play out i guess i went a little too far didn't i i suppose you meant business this time you could flatten an entire country you worked unconscious no i was but my body sensed a possible threat so it instinctively woke me up that was all it took to wake you what exactly is that drink you were trying to give to me it's just a restorative tea it was only meant to bring you back to consciousness it looks a lot like poison to me yeah it looks like it and it tastes yeah terrible but it isn't poison i swear it's not i don't believe you highland witch if you wish to prove to me that you are innocent then you will have to face me one-on-one in a duel uh-huh you want to have a fight it's just a test to prove you weren't trying to kill me if your claims are true then even if you win you won't try to assassinate me i understand or i think i do but this test thing only works if i win right so what happens if i lose if i defeat you the test is over oh and the demon king will have defeated a would-be assassin and that will be that then i suppose that means i have no choice now which of the highlands i will see for myself if you're as powerful as i've heard my family and life are at stake failure is definitely not an option [Music] huh i can't believe she was able to dodge that well don't forget that i am level 99 [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't just dodge try attacking a little you better not be dragging your feet remember that girlfriend of yours it wasn't very smart of you to bring her into this demon king huh when it comes to protecting my family i will not [Applause] i'd say we're done here right we're not done i just lost my balance you're gonna keep fighting unarmed [Music] even if your body's immortal your weapon's still gonna have a breaking point that's checkmate you're all out of moves miss demon king i believe i've won this duel you concede and will you do as i tell you yes i want you to give hulkara a full pardon she didn't mean to do you any harm she's just clumsy uh demon king you suddenly seem as you wish sister huh what sister yes dear sister your wish is my command that's a joke i don't get it i've always dreamed of having so much stronger than me in my life that i could submit to in worship i took the opportunity to test you to see if you fit the bill and sure enough you're perfect i am my dear sister i will love honor and obey you for the rest of my life um i'm really flattered but before we make vows could we please discuss guaranteeing all for us in my family don't ask me to do something you want nicely tell me to do it like you're giving me an order oh and please caress my face while you do it uh provost no i want you to call me peccara [Laughter] pakora oh dear sister all of this is happening so suddenly [Music] you will set hawker a free and pardon her that is an order intentionally she is to be released from the dungeon at once and azusa and her family should be treated as peers of the realm it seems like everything did work out and it didn't end up costing our lives [Music] sorry but just humor here [Music] i always wanted to have tea like this with a dear sister it's great to finally have someone order me around having people serve me all the time had become boring all the bowing and kneeling and graveling i'm just so tired of it well you are the demon king but when you slam me up against that wall i have to tell you my heart skipped a beat such a forceful woman who's not afraid to fight back against me i thought my chest was to explode the elsa but was a candidate to be my sister but she wouldn't give me any orders she hardly has to know to me still she'd be a better fit than me and that's checkmate if there's ever something that i or my demon subjects can help you with just ask me whatever i'm able to do for my dear sister i will well that's nice of you so then given that could i trouble you to do a little favor for me maybe what is it so would you mind giving me a little kiss on the cheek huh there's an emotional scene in my favorite book where an older sister kisses her younger sister it's so touching i always wanted to experience something exactly like that we're all alone we could reenact it right now wait wait wait that's the kiss you want what's wrong with kissing me people kiss their families all the time how's that different i'm not kissing you like that at most i'll give you one hug you have to i'm your little sister fine okay but only on your cheek all right oh thank you big sister i'm so happy i was genuinely scared stiff [Music] that was a close one huh dangerously close now stay still and close your eyes you've got to try to be more careful hulker we were [Music] master all this time i didn't know you were the type of woman who liked other women but now i know that i still support you you have intruded upon a precious moment with my dear sister why you have no respect for privacy and don't you know you should knock first please spare her peccara i'll kiss you i promise not going to happen the moment is ruined a kiss between two sisters is sacred it's meant to deepen their bond it's far more than a mere touching of the lips how much mama i don't think that you've ever kissed me before i haven't come here oh smooch [Music] smooch how was that it was nice mama so can i kiss you me too uh-huh [Music] i'm not overly fond of this demon king even putting the whole substance to that thing aside she's not my type your dreams like isn't that right huh just so you know a part of tomorrow's ceremony may surprise you oh wow there are so many people here after everything that happened i have expected to have my head on a spike right now me too sorry i really will try to be more careful fellow demons ladies and gentlemen i'd like to thank you all for coming to today's ceremony now without further ado let us get straight to awarding all the demon medals of honor [Applause] next is the demon peace prize this year's winner is the highland witch azuza for her role in ending the conflict between the dragon tribes at this time i would also like to invite red dragon likan to the stage what me out on stage is this the surprise that you were hinting at yesterday and finally i'd like a representative of the blue dragons to join us to ensure no splinter groups would shatter the new found piece platform united all the blue dragons that got them to agree to the treaty hey long time no see like uh yeah been a while you seem to relish putting people in uncomfortable [Music] and surely no one would dare break the treaty now that i have sanctioned it no demon king i nor any other blue dragon will ever break it having said that before you and all these demons flotword will have to keep her word i gotta hand it to you pecora you really thought this through demons are multiracial and quite diverse as demon king i must unite and be a symbol of harmony to all well now that the medals have all been awarded i'll just be changing into my dragon form and heading wait don't go yet a thought just occurred to me because my dear sister aziza isn't a demon you'll have to swear to her another way i know how about you allow her to touch your heart oh please your majesty anything but my horns do dragons hate having their horns touched like blue dragons do because they have a special custom in their tradition having someone touch your horns means that you submit to them if you prefer like it could be the one to touch your horns that would give the red dragons total control over you which is also acceptable if it's for the sake of keeping the peace well then i'll do it this is just so decorating they don't even care then if you'll excuse me [Music] oh honored ancestors i have been forced to prostrate myself before this witch forgive me for bringing such shame to our tribe you're overdoing it and that's that thank you all for coming greetings ladies i am fatla you rode on my back to the demon realm for your return trip i'll be the attendant taking care of you oh but you fly so great thank you my sister vonia who's flying us now is less skilled uh flaw how long do you plan on staying with me now that i have submitted myself to the great witch of the highlands i am not allowed to leave my mistress aside ever wait so you're coming to live with us that is correct lady officer our house is not big enough for two dragons please order flat torque to return to her own home blue dragon custom requires me to protect my mistress if i abandon that sacred duty then i must kill myself that's a hardcore custom damn you pecora you knew this when you made me touch your horse you could not even so everyone i brought you some honey oh i am so sorry how in the world did that happen it was fania she must have gone to something that made her laugh this is your leviathan transformation sorry about that turbulence i just remembered a joke from a show i thought two years ago and i couldn't contain myself little idiot are you okay my well-being does not matter i live only to protect my mistress fatla we're gonna go use the bath so has your tribe's custom of horn touching equals total submission ever seemed extreme long ago there was a dragon knight who overpowered and conquered the blue dragons we pledged to him our lifelong submission and our master's orders are absolute this is the tenet of the blue dragon so then if i ordered you to kill yourself you'd have to do it if you ordered me too yes otherwise i would bring the blue dragon's shame all right then listen up i am going to give you an order once we reach our house in the highlands you are to think for yourself an act of your own accord without any say-so from me no more groveling you are to live your life freely live freely i'm not sure i know how my orders are absolute are they not so you have to obey i'll give you all the advice you need if you're in the wrong i'll tell you flawtort i order you to live a free life your life but mistress what you just said to me contradicts itself so what an order is in order thank you mistress before we go back to the others would you mind doing something for me okay so now you want me to pet your head and your horns yes all right that's nice i'm glad i belonged to you mistress all those years she was trying so hard to be the blue dragon's strong leader she couldn't afford to show weakness or rely on anyone mama mama flattered you're bothering lady azusa it's time to get up and move hold on why'd you have to put in because you were being weird with her that's why i stopped you oh that's rich coming from a silly red dragon and what do you mean i was being weird being repetitive like that made me jealous i mean it made me look like a dog i am not a dog but i also obey my mistress and so our trip to the demon realm came to an end and we began our return home to the highlands [Music] but our family seems to have been yet another new member so i think things are gonna get hectic [Music] what a beautiful morning the weather's perfect today's another wonderful peaceful day that we have a score to settle that's fine by me i challenge you to a duel fine because with my training i'm not losing to a lousy blue dragon like you what did you say you heard me quiet please what's all this noise so early in the morning ladies those cookies taste better huh [Music] so basically ever since sister flathort came to stay here the two of them have been going at each other non-stop but since leica and flotor promised the demon king they'd stop fighting they're not allowed to fight with their fists so they had a cookie baking contest in order to resolve their differences peacefully in my opinion both cookies were delicious so you're both winners that's not good enough lady azusa no we need you to judge us without mercy well those two seem awfully worked up today and reena why because those dragons haven't had any meat all dragons are carnivores we've heard them complaining about how they haven't had any fresh meat in a while hmm fresh meat huh [Music] good morning everyone wow natalie it's unusual for you to drop by what's up well it's like this it seems that there's been an outbreak of long hammer bores in milk of forest a long hammer bore outbreak this is the flyer they're ferocious beasts and the local hunters can't handle them so they're hoping the witch of the highlands will solve their problem i see getting rid of more monsters that it well i have enough magic stones already long-haired boars are wild animals not monsters so you won't be getting magic stones out of them get one of them and all you'll get is for me please lady also we must leave at once we have to help them what on earth has gotten into you too lady it seems that the two of them need more fresh meat in their diet oh so that's what this is about well i don't want them having any more weird contests so okay let's go beat up some boards i will go make preparations right away we haven't a minute to waste this path is awfully steep yeah maybe this being such treacherous terrain for humans makes it safer for all those fours it's a good thing hulker is not here she's safer at home with falfa and shawsha she'd have fallen right on her sister hey if you keep going straight ahead the path goes slooping down to this river in the valley i just saw about 15 of those boars hanging out down there thanks for scouting ahead 15 that's like a whole mountain of meat time wait hold on if you just stick to i tried to tell you of course your clothes will get snagged on the branches if you try going the way rosalie did [Music] i don't have to wear clothes when i'm in dragon form so i'm not used to having the confining things on okay typically to get in the way there's octagon whoa wait what are you doing put them back on have you lost your mind this is what freedom is freedom i guess it's okay at least there's no one around to see you there were people forever and they saw me so did they do anything bad no it was okay i think they were females honestly here you go thanks leica i owe you one well you can repay me by putting your clothes on so we're good now right okay but why and she's off we'd better stop her or else people are going to think we're a bunch of streakers yes she'll bring shame to all dragons [Music] sister vlogtort are you all right what happens [Music] what in the world is she doing no idea um oh no and now my clothes are floating away i guess you should have thought about where you were kicking them well it's not like she's lost everything forget it all right boars if you're fine with being naked then the great flat tord will fight naked as well that's what you call taking a fight seriously that's it we gotta help her sure understood right let's go [Applause] [Music] i think it's ready now [Music] oh yummy this is delicious all it needs is a little salt and pepper no this is what i call a meal i can feel energy surging through my body that looks like that agrees with you what are you all up to the alphabet hey those are my clothes you've got while scouting we found these clothes floating in the river we assume that they belong to the naked person we'd seen earlier so we picked them up it seems that person was you thank you vanya you saved my life beelzebub what were you two scouting for well we had heard there might be some long hammer boars here so we showed up to gather some food for the demon realm but it looks like you beat us to it since we've come so far i'm sure you won't mind if we help ourselves well if that's the case yet i'm going to prepare the finest wild game dishes you've ever eaten there'll be lots of great food for all of us lady aussie song yes and we'll invite the whole gang [Music] well the day started out a little crazy but at least it had a happy ending well now that you two have had all the meat you can eat do you feel better yeah i'm just sorry that we behaved so shamefully see the thought of the reward got us a little over excited a reward well you see we thought there ought to be a reward for winning that cookie contest so we both decided whoever won it would get to sleep right by your side for one night what you've gotta be kidding [Music] it's like we're all sisters sleeping like this based on our height i'd be the oldest sister next would be flaw tort and like is the youngest now i want the both of you to get along got that yes mistress whatever you say your wish is my command all right now let's all get some sleep all right huh hey i'm the one who brought you back don't be selfish i was so hungry i couldn't sleep that goes for me too you two are something else really we sure [Music] [Music] i think it's about time for a little break you have been working so hard you really have a knack for this you know thank you for saying so i thought i might as well kill some time here since halkera asked me to but doing this kind of work like a normal girl really isn't as bad as i thought did you hear they say the witch of the highlands showed up again oh yes i heard she goes traveling around the world helping all sorts of people in trouble the witch of the highlands is such a virtuous person say what so on that note there's a phony me out there that's simply unforgivable we will pulverize them right here let's make them work at the factory let's arrest them if convicted they'll get at least five years and look let's not go overboard here i just want them to realize that what they're doing is wrong first of all we've got to gather information we're all going to split up so we can fan out and search in every direction wow this is a pretty big town which means it should be easy to gather information here hold on is some kind of event going on wait lady azusa if we're gathering information i think a bar would be a good place to start i'm kind of freaking out stay calm hi there welcome to our public bar a drunken pig would be far more useful than a worthless specimen like you that's the name of this place and customers come here you'll miss i need a refill shut your mouth if you want to drink that bad get it yourself you big pig huh this place was once in danger of going out of business because of its lousy customer service but we turned things around we made rudeness to customers our theme and business has been booming ever since all it took was a change in attitude that's a pretty drastic change so then are the two of you pigs now there's a question i never thought i'd hear or were you two looking for a job i would die before i ever worked in a crummy bar like this hell hole actually we just wanted to ask you if you knew anything about the witch of the highlands oh so it's information you want i did hear something recently a little tidbit about the witch of the highlands really what if you want me to tell you why don't you try throwing some insults at those guys over there it'd be even better if you did it with a look of contempt and disgust on your face as if you were looking at something filthy what the hell kind of bar is this shouldn't we get out of here lady azusa um although if it'll get us information hey miss i want to order something over here would you just keep your booze wreaking mouth shut you're rotting my ears why are you saying that stuff hey damn this got something for me one more word from you and i'll kick you hey i might even order the expensive booze whatever's in the horse's water bucket should be good enough for you buster hey girlie give me a nice big smile say what who told you a drunk could give me orders it was worth walking hours to get here chills i got kills so lady azusa may i please put an end to these rotten folks oh that i see glare makes me tinkly laura views treat me like the trash i eat shut your trap stay away from me stinking vermin give me more just how stupid are you do you want to be torn apart by the claws of a dragon oh yes that's it please please inhuman specimens what makes you hooligans think you have the right to make any demands of me micah you're giving them too much service thank you so much now these pigs will keep spending all their money here so just what was it you wanted to know oh that's right i heard that the witch of the highlands went north [Music] my goodness it's the witch of the highlands we're so grateful you're here you hear what they're saying we found her that's correct i am the famous witch of the highlands i have been alive for 300 years oh great witch please sell us your secret medicine oh dear me why no i couldn't do that my skills aren't yet good enough to have produced any medicine worth selling i might consider it once i've gotten better at it she's so humble that's what you'd expect from the witch of the highlands that can't be true you've been at it for 300 years right good grief how long does it take before you get good enough it's not like being a witch is such a hard job that you're still a rookie at it after 300 years everyone this so-called witch of the highlands is a phony i am the witch of the highlands her uh closest friend this woman looks nothing like her so she's a phony i had heard the witch of the highlands was supposed to be young and beautiful well you're not wrong um if you're the real witch of the highlands surely you wouldn't lose to me in an epic battle of magic so therefore i challenge you to a duel huh lady officer she's over here [Music] all right the game's up [Music] huh i'm sorry you're right i'm a phony i'm so so sorry so you're the real witch of the highlands now i'm even more sorry well it doesn't seem like you meant any harm so it's okay but she really does appear to be a witch yes you're right my name's eno and i really am a witch that aside eno i can see you're the type that likes to look the part aren't you you make medicines here that's right take these mandagura tablets for example i make them myself at a sun-dried mandragora root they're so great for relieving stress and fatigue and they even improve digestion you make some pretty good stuff i bet it would be a really big hit if you tried selling it oh no i don't sell anything i don't think it's a good idea for a wish to go around shamelessly marketing herself that seems like a waste of talent but well you know if somebody else came along and said they wanted to sell it to the public they might be willing to consider it you could say i like the idea of being a genius for only those in the know that's so complicated hold on isn't what you said a bit of a contradiction so you want to only be famous to those in the know but then at the same time you also want to be popular with the public as well but you can't have it both ways well yes you're right of course but i just you know to be honest there have been nothing but inconsistencies in everything you've said do you want to be known to the general public or don't you tell us just what exactly is it that you want what is your goal can you explain it to an uneducated outsider like me so i can understand well it's uh that's enough leica i think that i can help explain it see humans have this thing called vanity eno's vanity takes the form of wanting to be a genius witch who isn't into doing business and is known only to those in the know but at the same time you have a desire to be recognized as a great and wise witch right but wouldn't that be called a yes it's a contradiction but you see humans are just walking contradictions in the first place anyway is that how it really is and this is all just my own personal opinion of course but am i correct oh yes you're absolutely correct i'm so sorry in other words you want to be fond over right right i do want people to fall over me is that all no i want to really stand out and be gays upon with admiration and i'd like someone to make a bronze statue of me and to be treated like an honored citizen in my hotel you're spouting some very worldly desires suddenly what would you have to do to achieve all that do you think um the only way to achieve that is to do things that'll make me famous yes very well said okay then let's start doing that huh wow yeah this is a big marketplace mama where is this witch's shop anyway it was uh number 823b i believe oh that's along the wall and the wall is the best spot is there's a doe chinchi convention or something hello is that you well you know how i suffer from stage fright right so i decided that the best way to overcome my embarrassment and shyness was by becoming someone completely different from myself oh i see well okay as long as it makes sense to you i'm all for it so where are lika and flat tort get your red dragon bread butter cookies right here try these cookies made with beans roasted in the valley of the blue dragons my cookies are better than the ones to my right the ones to my left aren't worth trying for the love of how dare you pester me you grinning morons i will make you regret that in your next life go wash your faces in a ditch and never ever come back oh yeah please don't stop insulting me please lady rosalie she'd be perfect for that job all right one bottle of my mandrake or tablets thanks so much and come again and with that eno's shop turned out to be fairly successful and she was able to shed a few layers in more ways than one lady azusa you have mail oh it's from edo dearest lady azusa thank you for your help the other day thanks to you through word of mouth my magic or tablets have become all the rage and sales have been through the roof i can't produce enough to keep up i'm struggling to figure out what i should do about this wow so that medicine became a real hit it sounds like she's quite popular huh it sounds as if she might work out as a new business partner well she was able to draw out her latent talents maybe this was all for the best [Music] what's the matter it's big sister my sister is false what's a slime doing in here i should kill ah no don't why not it's a slime no it's sister falfa i don't get what's going on here me neither i just woke up this morning and she had become a slime you're kidding the window in our room was closed so no one could have come in from outside so this slime can't be anyone but my sister are you really my daughter in there it really is [Music] this is falfa really it is yeah i didn't want to believe it either does anybody know how to change her back [Music] okay i'll take that as a no well faffa's the spirit of a slime right could it be she's able to transform into a slime not that i've heard so uh can't you do something about it with your magic sister i think it'd be hard to create a new spell for a case this specific for questions about monsters demons are the ones to ask demons [Music] [Music] so you did this to me over a poor excuse for a joke like that no it's true i can't believe what you have become she woke up this morning looking like that do you know of any way to change her back while they say you should buy your bread from a baker so we should ask a slime about slime matters ask a slime i hear there's a special slime known as intelligent slime at fanzil castle that's where you're likely to find your answer back to the demon capital again so what is this intelligent slime's name then like i said intelligent slime really that doesn't sound wildly intelligent to me okay i'm paying a visit to fan zeld castle please mother i want to go with you to help out of course i know that you're worried too there's no need to look so serious officer and i will take care of everything [Music] intelligent slime seeks out quiet places so it resides in the castle's lowest level i'm impressed you don't get lost with all these complicated hallways huh was this path here before so you are lost i thought this might happen so i've been leaving a trail of breadcrumbs behind falfa you shouldn't eat things you find on the ground wait now we're right back where we started oh good grief this castle is so confusing hey isn't this weird you work well well i can't tell you how overjoyed i am to see you again here sister of mine if you please greet me with a kiss on the cheek you know i'm not gonna do that you're looking for intelligent slime are you not don't you wanna know how to find it i get it you'll tell me after i kiss you why but of course [Music] a kiss for my dear sister is such a wonderful experience i'm so ecstatic i could die right now all right all right just tell me where intelligent slime is already you should try looking in that over there this just looks like a normal shed to me here it is uh oh there's a lot of writing on the wall what does it say you are intelligent slime correct just hit the word yes oh i see it uses that board to communicate is that why it's covered in bruises intelligent slime this young slime spirit i have here has suddenly taken on the physical form of a slime could you tell us how we can change her back oh it made a mistake that's a lot of work to mariana province find the tallest mountain there ask the magician slime that lives there we have to find a magician slime now the tallest mountain into mariana huh all right we'll need some time to research that why don't we resume this tomorrow yeah we're all tired anyway let's do that intelli thanks for your help intelli yeah intelligent slime or intelli for short you have a simplistic naming sense i didn't know slimes like to eat meals too it doesn't need to be a meal we can absorb our nutrition from dirt and plants that we find anywhere but i wanted her to have real food [Music] ah a moment of relaxation mother what is it do you think we'll ever find a way to change my sister back don't you worry just leave all of this to your mother no matter what form she may take falfa is still falfa even if balfour were in a whole crowd of slimes i'd find her in a heartbeat well that's the place anybody home oh hello and just who might you be i'm sorry we were told this is where the magician slime lives oh i don't blame you for being confused actually i am a slime you're a slime i'm only in human form because i use transformation magic oh so that's it but this is no place to talk please come in i'm sorry i don't have chairs for guests but being a slime i don't need furniture or bathroom fixtures oh and by the way what's your name my name's magician slime why of course would it be okay with you if i called you madgie for short magi yes that's fine so what is it you wanted of me would you like to return this slime to her previous form that's correct may i hold her for a moment uh-huh yes her elasticity is really quite different from the normal slimes this is a very special slime indeed i see i see so that's it you're that type huh you don't say uh-huh for that type what type i have the answer if you want to know the reason the slime ended up in this form it's it's what it's her sleeping position what just by touching her i could feel that her body was very stiff i'm sure she must have pulled or strained a muscle while she was sleeping that made it difficult for her to maintain her human form so she took the form of a slime so you can't turn her back with your transformation magic the magic only works for a short period of time it won't solve the problem itself then what can we do the quickest way is for the slime to come to understand for herself the way to change back for help with that you should ask fighter slime who's fighter slime unlike me fighter slime attained human form through repetitive body movement so i think the solution is to learn that same technique and just where can we find the spider slime i believe fighters gone to the southern town of county to compete in a fighting tournament fighting tournament according to what i've heard she's a solitary fighter seeking only to improve her strength i see well then i will fight in this tournament as well but why if by competing i can prove to fighter slime that i'm stronger than she is then she will have to listen to me well you may have a point so tell me what is this fighter slime's name naturally it's funny fighty the same naming scheme i use for things [Music] there are a lot more men than women competing hey that outfit oh you finally showed up this crowd is going to freak out if the demon enters the tournament it'll be fine i had my horns and i'm fighting under the name felsi pretty sloppy name choice oh you want to talk the use of magic is prohibited in this tournament so you just better watch yourself i'll sure look pretty dumb if i get disqualified we're with you all the way don't get a mistress you've got this i promise i'm gonna get you back to normal hey guys don't worry i won't lose the winners this is an awesome fighter isn't she [Music] we're all ready to the semi-finals no one in this tournament is a match for our master not another skinhead i've trained this iron body to be strong enough to repel any acceptance and the winner is you're so awesome you did it mother okay now all that's left is to be mighty in the finals now the second semi-final fighting to the stage please so [Music] wait she beat her this fighting wasn't really anything special after all why do you beat her be elsa bub now i have no way to make contact with her don't you worry i have the same goal as you you can count on me to negotiate with fighty can i really just leave everything to me but first huh you get to advance to the final round officer which means you get to fight me frankly i don't even care about the final round anymore too bad i want to fight you in the final round and settle our score you have to make it to the final round understand what's wrong this should be your time to shine behind the frowny face well what do you expect i'm still no closer to fixing faltha's problem you might be closer than you think mama mama look it's me and i'm back you're back to your old self again oh i'm so glad yeah it was all things to be eligible what do you think quite the surprise right hold on did you all know about this huh i know you can do it mama and i'm going to be rooting for you thanks balfa i'll do my best now i guess you can focus on our fight azusa which of the highlands the outcome of our battle has yet to be seen this time we fight with no barriers there's no telling how it will end if we fight fair and square i am pretty darn strong after all she has a point we never did finish that battle okay then let's go on and get to it shelby this time i'll show you what i can do but i'm serious okay begin [Music] you're flying hey she's flying and she's even got horns on her head so is that what's cool in the big city hot damn these girls are too stylish for us country folk i guess they're not gonna figure out you're a demon well this is a problem huh i can't overcome your speed by attacking you head on so i decided i'd find a weak spot and attack that but i don't really have any weak spots do i actually you have countless weak spots okay so come straight at me then let's see i can aim for a weak spot when i just happen to come across one but you've got so many weaknesses it's hard to choose which to attack good grief we can't fight if you don't come down here and we can't use magic so i can't fly up i know but still fine just let me know when you're going to attack okay i'll wait here till then one two three one two three are you mocking me i'll set you straight i am going to send you crying what an impact what are you doing stop squeezing my face that's what you get for coming at me face first stop at this instant okay and now it's my turn [Applause] your force is pretty impressive and i've got more that's fine by me they fight so fast i can't keep up with them yeah i can't either good fight you know it's the longest anyone's given me so far you are pretty strong aren't you damn right i am i'm a demon officer it's even more surprising that a human is able to fight me that's especially true when i've trained every single day in both wind and rain before and after work all for this day i have no idea that makes me kind of happy [Applause] she's starting to weaken though what can i do to finish this fight huh you can do it [Music] but since my daughter's watching i have to try and look good for her [Music] i think i just evolved about two more levels what kind of nonsense are you sparing now count on me being the one who wins this fight the winner are you okay yeah but it does hurt a bit here you go then hey whoa i'll be good as new once i have a chance to rest up besides all these people are watching stop complaining we both know you're hurt huh thanks above and from me too no need to thank me it appears that i have lost to you again fair and square i'll give you a rematch if you want to go at it again it's kind of a hassle though so you'll have to wait a while you were so strong yet you have no zeal anyway i think you may have just spoiled any peaceful life you might have had what do you mean by that well after today everyone knows about your strength even out here in the south where very few knew about it damn before fighty thank you for restoring my daughter to normal don't mention it i'm just happy i had the chance to help out a fellow slime too bad i didn't win the tournament and get that prize money you know but i'll make money don't you worry even if it's one gold piece at a time yeah well money is definitely important so if you know of any martial arts events where i can make some money let me know i wanted that money you're kind of obsessed with money actually there was also a favor i wanted to ask of you what is it please take me on as your student huh you want me to teach you why sure i've never seen a stance that has so many vulnerabilities yet prevents any hit from landing you have great natural form you're my hero and i want you to teach me look don't let the stance fool you i really do have a ton of weak spots so there's nothing i could teach you really i understand in that case let me fight you just once then you can decide whether or not i'm strong enough to be your student were you even listening okay here [Music] [Applause] only those who have slain an unimaginable number of signs in that that aura countless souls are crying out goodness spidey what's wrong help me you're awake i wasn't expecting our fight to end before it even began have you given up on being my student i have oh huh i was wondering exactly where the rest of you went it's time for us to move out oh miss belzy i've come to realize that your strength is like that of a demon so please let me be your student wow she sure is fickle and what reason would i have to take you on as my student there's no way please please i beg of you i don't take students it might be a good idea though if we know she's with you it'll be easier to get her help if my daughter turns into a slime again don't try to pawn her off on me i'll even do your chores i'll wash clothes dishes anything the elsa bub i'm asking as a friend i'm asking you as well and me too no right fine then i don't do it oh thank you miss belty okay then i guess that'll taste close falsa i'll pamper you as much as you want today what do you want to eat oh mama i want to eat something like dessert okay i'll make a cake or something and i'll help make it in that case i'll help too i maxed out my level without even realizing it but after that i decided it was time to raise my level as a mother too [Music] okay then shall we head home yeah mama look mama this sign says coming to [Music] [Applause] [Music] anyone know who this is i've never even heard of her before she's probably just someone known it does seem a bit sketchy oh chavanoya she's been around for a while so you know this person flatheart yeah i love minstrels and i must know probably a thousand of them that's so hardcore chiffanoya has only performed in the capital before but it sounds like she's begun a nationwide tour mama can we stay in town and hear the minstrels it might be fun to give her a listen well okay then since we're here i guess we can check her out [Music] wow there are a lot of people here is that shifanolia i sure think so what's she with your crime style evo style with enough lonely style in it to really be a form of drag down style i didn't understand any of that people in the capital really like this stuff well i think only draws crowds of about 30 or so that's i find it surprising you know about someone so unfamous oh i don't listen only to the really famous ones that ignore the rest i listen to all menstruals just because they're mysterious those are the words of a truly committed fantasy [Applause] [Music] wait is that part of the act that's terrible that's what i was thinking too don't worry i'm going to help you out hey welcome back just tell me if anything feels off i get it now great thank you allow me to introduce myself i am cuckoo the almirage this is how you look without the makeup yes this is me you know cuckoo i bet you've probably passed out like that before haven't you a few times i can't support myself just by being a minstrel so i do some part-time jobs sadly the facts are very few minstrels actually ever earn enough to live on i know but those are the ones i've always wanted to be like that's why i left my hometown 63 years ago i really thought i'd make it big then i'd ditch my sad self and become a great minstrel just like a guy who leaves his hometown to join a band but i couldn't get anywhere at all over and over i told myself i should just quit but then i'd decide to keep trying just a little longer cuckoo why don't you consider staying here and taking it easy for a little while the air's so fresh here it's a wonderful place to rest and recover thanks a lot but uh actually i think maybe it's time for me to just give up on music and we'll try something else do you have another plan in mind as a matter of fact i have gotten offers from a few places like this beast vogue are highly a demand for that kind of job el mirage are especially popular i've been told numerous times that i could make all the money i'd ever need in that line of work at this point maybe i should go somewhere my work will be appreciated so does that mean you don't like music anymore oh no it's not like that not at all i adore music well if you do then you should never stop making music you should stick with it huh even if you're not making money right now it's pretty obvious you never would have kept at it all this time if you didn't really love doing it and it'd be a shame to just give it up i bet someday you'd regret quitting on your dream i mean if you're excited about starting a new job i won't stop you but i don't think that you really are so i say keep on doing what you love doing for now just devote yourself to your music one more time while you think over your future you can stay here in the meantime but i can't pay any rent you don't need to i'm the one who's telling you to stick with the music so i'll help you out any way that i can i really appreciate it i'll play a song to celebrate our new friendship [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] who are you talking to [Music] i messed up in two spots i couldn't give you a good performance after that i think we're way beyond two mistakes speaking from a listener's perspective desk style drag down style doesn't cut it these days why don't you try some flowery style leaning excessive style i could do that but i believe death style lets me fully express my artistry i think you're just afraid to do something that might actually sell that's not true it is true because let's be honest you tend to look down on minstrels who have a lot of fans don't you is this a drinking party for band boys and forget about your artistry because frankly you just suck shouldn't be giving me advice hmm really well let me see your loot it's not a guitar [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you see even an amateur like the great flat tour can manage to do that much so stop making excuses for yourself [Music] i'm i'm so sorry uh hey you know what i was just thinking why don't you write lyrics that are easier to understand i've been performing this way for so long now i wouldn't even know what's easy to understand [Music] i say since we have such a big family let's all try writing some lyrics all right we'll start off with leica [Music] [Applause] i think that message is a little too direct for song lyrics unusable next my lyrics are super terrific thanks for sure okay that's good next master could you at least give me some constructive criticism [Music] yo [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] i got this [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh but don't worry i'm having fun now i was singing about things like destruction and death but it was all just words i never actually died no kidding nothing beats the power of words that are spoken from one's truth so i will abandon the name shipanoya and i'll use my real name from now on and i've decided to try writing a brand new song incorporating all of your lyrics [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you all so much for everything if you're ever up here in this area on tour swing by the highlands and see us you can think of it as coming home again i will i promise just try to put on a good show if you do that everything will work out right to be honest you have no musical talent to speak of but in this world success doesn't always favor the most talented so it's possible that even you could end up being successful but first you have to fight and then just keep fighting from now on right sounds like their master and pupil already oh everyone i found a great bottle of sake so i brought it right over the elves above what a nice surprise but don't you have work to do today is my day off and i'm spending the day with folfa the minstrel she's been visiting us here at the house for a while oh then you should sing while we drink oh hold on don't go putting our guests on the spot like that i'll do it no really please let me do it to find out whether i can make it as my new reborn self i want someone who doesn't know me to hear my song and be the judge [Music] thank you thank you for listening simply fantastic i was amazing oh my well thanks very much i want you to perform at our next music festival what's that just the biggest demon music event ever it's held in the castle town of manzel so this thing is a big deal don't worry all of you will be invited to come yay will you perform for us yes and so just how many people will i be playing for well uh you'll be performing for an audience of about 20 000 attendees [Music] well it looks like our life with cuckoo isn't over just yet [Music] well everyone i hope you enjoy our music festival thank you fatla by the way you're more than welcome to visit the stage and rehearse before the event tonight would you like to do that yes of course i would it's a bigger stage than i've ever played cuckoo just give it your very best shot i will so the master what should we go do in the meantime there's a whole bunch of shops set up down there i want to go see all of them i do too [Music] that was such fun [Music] hey cuckoo something wrong i looked at the venue and it's just too big the thought of me performing on that stage i'm sure the new cuckoo will do just fine yeah that's right i'm no expert but even i can tell that your singing styles improved a lot i hope so you'll be fine you've shown you've got the perseverance by sticking with it for so long you were just investing your effort in the wrong way now that you fixed that there's nothing stopping you from putting on a good performance right for all your talk flat you have no perseverance and you never invest effort into anything for very long just what do you mean well for example you only crashed my sister layla's wedding on a whim right if you wanted to defeat us red dragons shouldn't you have really started trying a bit sooner that was the sort of thing that's best done on a win though even if you had tried i doubt you could have beaten us yeah fine let's settle this right here and now all right come on you two that's enough now we'll have a contest to see whose horoscope is better today all right then you're on that's not much of a challenge come on hey what are you laughing at i'm sorry i didn't mean to laugh [Laughter] cuckoo you've done everything you could now all that's left is to let the audience hear you sing your song right [Music] how's cuckoo doing huh she was a little nervous but i think she'll be okay now the elves above thank you for doing so much to make this happen for cuckoo well all i did was give her an opportunity whether or not she seizes the moment is up to her [Music] [Applause] this song i'm about to perform is called thank you [Music] yes [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] cheers cuckoo you are awesome i never thought it would go so well i owe everything to all of you i don't know how to thank you oh really well there's only one thing to say at a time like this thank you right thank you everyone and you've already got a pile of requests for you to make more appearances oh wow that looks like enough work to keep me going in the capitol for quite a while cuckoo you've become an overnight success cuckoo can i borrow your loot yeah sure of course i have a song for you it's not a very good one though wait is [Applause] this you don't you dare get any dumb ideas about giving up forever you're not clever enough to keep up with what's popular in the world if you were you would have been popular long ago even i flattord got it from over and over and over again and now i'm living here there's no one path to follow but as long as you don't give up there are no total failures so you just keep on singing any way you want because that's what your life is all about i want to thank you so much i promise to always do my best those two are definitely master and pupil a beautiful day like this so no meat at all i've never seen any of these before are you absolutely sure these are safe to eat why of course they're safe i made sure to pick only the ones that are edible this time i personally made a careful study of all the mushrooms in the nearby forest and i perfectly memorized which ones are edible and which ones are not these are all definitely safe considering your record you're awfully confident well if you're completely sure fine then i'll believe you and with that out of the way let the sugar begin let's place some butter on the grill and toss the mushrooms on and now drizzle off the melbourne that's all it takes to make them super tasty huh so what do you think it's time to bring on the food yay this is quite good it's not meat but it's good in its own way actually delicious and to think there are so many different types of mushrooms forests are amazing here you go sister nothing beats the combo of mushrooms with creamy butter and soy sauce with soy sauce so just what mushroom is this what's the name of it that one's a black dwarf mushroom i made totally sure i only picked the ones that hadn't grown too big yet how about this one those are called gnomes hideaway they don't grow in this area so i cultivated them in my room when they reach full size they're big enough for an adult gnome to hide under is this the same kind yes it's like a mom's hideaway actually it's a no maker mushroom it's what's known as a poisonous mushroom meaning it makes you shrink [Music] did you just say poisonous did i hear you correctly master your smile looks kind of scary you said that all of these mushrooms were definitely safe to eat well the ones i picked definitely are the one that you just stayed i've been growing in my room do you think i care where they came from oh master mother mama lady associated [Music] it's like i'm a child well you certainly look young enough i'm sorry sorry but don't worry it doesn't do any harm other than make you shrink and i'll find out in no time how to turn you back to normal you just do that i hope i can get back to normal again soon um lady assistant huh this is hard for me to say but you're so cute are you crying that doesn't actually make me happy i'm not really a child it's so funny even though your body's a lot smaller i guess your soul is exactly the same what exactly are you looking at [Music] well it's a good thing the village had clothes like yours and children's sizes here mama open wide huh i'm not a child the intrinsic differences between knowledge and experience volume one what looks that a brilliant thesis on intuitive cognition that's not exactly a book you'd read to a child not that i am one listening to it makes babies sleepy and makes them want to take a nap [Music] this is a kid's lunch [Music] i tried making it fancy to suit your new appearance boy you're enjoying this where's hulkara she's locked herself in her room while she searches for a way to turn you back she better find one so lady azusa can i ask you a favor what is it well i was wondering if you would possibly let me pet you on the head fine then you might as well cuddle me all you want at this point i've resigned myself to it huh lady i'll just say i must say you are so cute even your grumpy face is cute hey you don't get her all to yourself so aren't i petting you more gently than she did my padding's a lot softer than hers right that's not true my petting's a lot more gentle than yours it's obvious my way feels much nicer are you two fighting or petting make up your mind nope i can't reach it huh there you go sister oh why thank you rosalie you know sister if you wanted me to i wouldn't mind combing your hair for you so you too huh yeah okay go for it it's just a very distant memory but i seem to recall i used to play with dolls this way back when i lived in the mansion dolls really i'm back at last oh did you find a way to change me back did i huh no i got nothing i'm sorry then why were you smiling like that i don't know but when i decided to tell you the truth and apologize this is what my face did all i could do is apologize well that doesn't solve anything i guess i'll just have to ask the demons that was a lovely bath you've gotten used to just showing up in the bathtub huh who are you you're the spitting image of asusa you're not her daughter are you no it's me azusa i shrink because of a poison mushroom adorable you are treating me like a child resisting my affection only makes you more irresistible now i see so you decided you'd seek out the knowledge of demons you've got to do something i do not want to stay like this forever oh really well why not wouldn't it be nice to live your life as the most adorable child ever fine i'll tell everyone the great demon beelzebub was beaten by a little kid hey that's not buying fair well very well i'll go search van's eld castle for a way to restore you you'll need to come with me all right then and we'll bring shawshan falfa as well why to make me happy [Music] what delightful explosion of cuteness that was he was almost like being in heaven well that's great but just don't tell pekka about it okay if she finds out it'll complicate things for sure welcome my dear sister i've been waiting for you come now you shouldn't underestimate the demon king's power [Music] i never ever you could look so adorable to your sister you want to go back to normal oh that would be a waste you should stay just as you are at least until i get tired of it let's ask the members of your family what they think falfa shawsha do you prefer your mama the way she is now or the way she was before if you choose the way she is now i'll give you all the candy you want so what should we say difficult decision don't let her buy you off mama wants to go back to normal well um all right i think i've had enough of this joke what joke allow me to suggest one way you can change back to normal within the demon realm in a forest far far away from this castle there grows a massive tree known as the world tree at the very top of it there is a pharmacist who deals in every medicine ever known the world tree do we have to go that far to fix this better safe than sorry you don't want to risk some shady treatment method do you all right i'll try climbing up this world tree then what's it like anyway the inside of the world tree is hollow and it's laid out like a maze the 108th floor is the very top but along the way there are many areas inhabited by ferocious wild beasts a dungeon with 108 floors is pretty big but still i have to go very good decision banya you'll take sister to the world tree well i suppose if i must be the one to go then i will do it my younger sister going alone worries me i will go too by the way the elsa bug you have plenty of work to catch up on while they're away of course understood well i'll be back soon girls but wait i want to go with you this trip might be dangerous you two need to stay here all right then i'm sure mother will be just fine well then we'd better get going butler tanya [Music] whoa the size of it is pretty shocking when you see it in person i haven't seen this tree in some time since that school field trip i came to the world tree on a field trip too oh wow you mean both of you have been here before all right then let's go no matter how big and mysterious a dungeon it is i have to do this to get back to normal so i will do it what's this sign mean coins are demon currency not that the elevator part many people wanted to go up higher and higher in the world tree so they started charging an elevator usage fee the higher you want to go the more it costs i thought it would be more like a real dungeon well it is in some places for example the 11th and 12th floors are home to wild world tree 11 floor wolves and wild world tree 12 floor wolves so we'll need to be very careful there what a silly way to name them wait where's vania sorry hey look i got some deep fried buns from that shop they're great they're so good they're known all over the world what a tourist trap smells good can i have some it's a good thing they gave you the kids price huh there's a lot i could say here but let's head up to the 11th floor we've got a long way to go 500 coins per person for wild animal conservation by the way on the 13th floor there's a gate that also charges a fee this seems like such a sketchy business this definitely looks like a place where scary animals would live [Applause] what the heck those wolves are wild animals looks like they're really tape so many powerful demons come here that the animals living here are no longer hospitals and these wolves have learned to bow their heads for food suddenly it costs more to make less progress the 18th floor has wildtree 18th floor wildcats and a super rare flower called the world 3 18th floor rose i bet there's another elevator to the 19th floor am i right yes i believe the fare is 3 000 coins [Music] these high prices talk about demonic it brings back memories when i visited here on our field trip i decided to see how far i could get without paying but i ended up getting lost and was really late for our meet-up time life in this area relies on is here more difficult they've dug pits and added poisonous swamps and other things to make sure visitors will use the elevators instead that is diabolical wow it's getting late let's stay here for the night feels wonderful doesn't it i have to admit the world tree isn't anything like i thought it would be well yes there was no keeping it from becoming a tourist stop that said there are no elevators after the eighth station like mount fuji azuza it might be a strange time to bring this up but huh i want to thank you for giving us this great opportunity it's been quite a long time since my sister and i were able to take a trip together i bet you're both so busy with work i'm sure you never have time off to be honest this is part of our work as well i know it is i'm sorry for dragging you both all the way out here at least the floors will be closer together from this point on so we'll be able to move upward at a faster pace so tomorrow night we'll be staying on the 84th floor after that it's a real dungeon with no lodgings even if we wanted to stay there right let's go do this thing proceed carefully there are main slots on this floor drooling slots and snot-nosed sloths they are ferocious and they will attack [Applause] [Music] [Applause] pretty strong too leviathans are powerful perhaps we should move on [Music] [Applause] we made it oh [Applause] [Music] i didn't even say anything i knew what you wanted i mean we've come this far together you're right i feel kind of strange all of a sudden i'm not the kind of person to cry normally you mustn't after all we're still on the job when we were both children you nearly fell from up here didn't you vanya i never did anything that clumsy but i definitely remember that you were the one who started complaining more and more as we kept going until father finally said we never should have brought you along do you remember that well climbing up that volcano was quite exhausting it took longer than expected as i always say not everything works out exactly as scheduled or maybe you're just too lazy excuse me i mistakenly ate a no-maker mushroom and it made me get smaller do you have any medicine that can change me back to normal oh yes until very recently it was difficult to treat the effects of that particular mushroom but i've since learned there is one medicine that works well to counteract it furious really yes it's become very popular this is it wait isn't that it's made by a witch named eno who's known as the witch of the cave uh-huh yeah right hello it's me i know the witch of the cave i brought you three more cases of that medicine edo what are you doing here who's the kid wait are you the witch of the highlands wow you actually walked all the way up here yeah dragons can't do it the wyverns can fly straight to the top they bring up our medicines why would someone tell you to walk you know i deliver mandagora pills to bonsail castle too i'm positive that the demon king knows that's how i transport them there oh i guess i forgot that a wyvern could fly you straight to the top what a no you totally knew and you knew about the medicine too why whatever do you mean oh just never mind at least we got to ride a wyvern to get back here faster i just want to take that medicine and have a bath i'm a mess after that crazy adventure wait a moment i bet everyone wants to see you return to your normal self we did all work hard to get these pills maybe i should share the moment just man dragora pills is that it you work so hard for nothing all's well that ends well now time to get me back to normal it appears that it's working i [Music] i shouldn't see you naked [Music] well at this point we might as well all take a bath we'll only make it together including you got it huh nothing better than soaking in a big hot bath i couldn't agree more it feels best when you're completely exhausted from work [Music] pepera [Music] tell me does being here in this bath with all of us embarrass you no i wouldn't say that it's just that i'm well you know not really used to this sort of thing oh right since you are the demon king you probably never take baths with anyone so sorry but when you get me i get you back so now i'm gonna get a look at you naked that's so scandalous to me [Music] you're supposed to be naked in a bath besides it's not embarrassing when everyone's in it together right you do know that you took your practical joke a little too far this time oh listen to me peccara i'm your older sister and no matter what her reason for doing it if my little sister does something bad i'll scold her for it hmm understand i'm really sorry sister good girl so there's no hard feelings right so um dear sister what's up i've dreamed of being kissed that's because of what i read about in books but books leave a lot to the imagination they don't tell you what happens ah so being kissed is as far as you've gotten in your dream huh you are so pure yeah so there is something i'd like you to do for me sure you just name it well i'd like to please i'd like to touch your breasts your sister what would you say i want to have some practice so i get used to that too you know so i get accustomed to doing it like taking a bath with others get away from me that is not allowed oh come on sister what do you mean that that's not allowed if the demon can have some weird awakening it can cause irreversible damage no i can't grant you this dear sister no you need to remain pure and innocent for the sake of world peace [Music] oh i'd forgotten it's festival season now and just what type of festival is it it's flutter's kids festival it started about 250 years ago with everyone dancing as they pleased in the square or the highlands they offered up the fruits of the harvest to the earth god and then prayed for a bountiful harvest for the next year they celebrate on the eve of the festival and on the day of the festival itself dancing please for two days sounds great [Music] will you participate lady aziza no i always keep my distance from this one i came to live here before the festival even existed so if i'm not careful i could end up the center of attention which i don't want oh i see does this festival have stalls that sell sweet candies the study of festivals is quite important historically you know drinks can be sold at festivals too huh and even if you jack up your usual price you sell out of everything you've got come to think of it my family has grown a lot since we are here maybe i'll try to change how i interact with these festivals [Music] but what should i do we need more fruit wine over here please you can drink but don't go overboard okay well i do happen to make drinks out of plants myself so i'm just drinking these for comparison see she can make drinks aha the secret ingredient in these is pepper i am going to try making this sauce and she can cook mama would you like some water i brought some plates for sharing well thank you both so much and we have two cute waitresses i have an idea for the festival we'll open a coffee shop called the witch's house [Music] sister it's here [Music] just what's inside that bundle they're waitress uniforms for the witch's house that's why we all got measured the other day [Music] why don't we all try on these uniforms right now hmm well i guess it works um mama how do you think we look i don't feel bad wearing this outfit no because you're adorable um oil oil they took my measurements so why is the chest so tight what kind of shady place are we running [Music] uh you think so i find it too restrictive i feel better and more comfortable undressed the great flat tour will be fighting this battle totally naked in no way is that better oh man you're also lucky i wish i could try something on oh don't worry you'll be changing your outfit too and allow my outstretched hand to reach through the living world to what lies beyond transform rosalie into this dress in her mind [Music] [Applause] wow this is great thank you sister [Music] you look really good so now that just leaves like a god it's a god [Music] it um doesn't make me look too strange does it priceless when i was younger i wore an outfit like this in a school play i got the same reaction and felt as embarrassed as i do now oh that embarrassed face priceless will you please stop saying the same thing over and over again all right now we just need a menu this sounds like my chance to really shine see yep i already made one hmm so i'm taking the 15 flavor aphrodisiac off the menu what do you mean it's out it was an enormous hit with all of the men in flutter i'm still in my pride that's not the image we want and this your once a day growth enhancer better go cocktail is often than you too can't you come up with something normal well if you want something else all i really have is this wild grape and clover honey juice with a light flavor and pleasant aftertaste why couldn't you have started with that one honestly you have no common sense at all oh yeah you're the one who has any sense what's going on over here uh lady aziza please hear out my new idea anyone who can eat this giant omelet in 30 minutes gets their meal free what do you think i'm not so sure we want an eating competition how can you cook without meat so my idea is serving endless meat dishes that's what we need here oh here um that's not what we need stop it the both of you are wrong how about we boil pasta and top it with a sweet cream sauce for something truly unique i like your attitude but that sounds unnecessary oh faster we could serve a full course meal consisting entirely of 36 types of mushrooms and how many would be poisonous mama look at this big grasshopper will it taste good if we cook it i don't think we could serve that don't worry i'll make the menu here we go there all right that's done [Music] [Music] [Applause] great witch oh i can't wait to come for the witch's house coffee shop it's opening tomorrow please [Music] thank you everyone tomorrow morning our coffee shop opens even though i'm not sure anyone will really show up but the most important thing is that we have a good time so let's all have fun tomorrow well gotta start getting things ready [Music] [Music] this is oh wow people have come from even outside of flutter huh lining up overnight is against the rules oh no i heard the first ones got here early this morning then we're all good we'll open the doors ahead of schedule yeah attention everyone the witch's house will be opening one hour early today who cheers like that for a coffee shop opening [Music] welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome to the house coffee shop [Music] the great witch looks beautiful as a waitress and hunker it looks like the perfect balance of wholesome and unwholesome if you're ready we can take your order sir here's some water for you her twin daughters couldn't be cuter they're as cute as a pair of buttons thank you for waiting your omelet cooked to order just as you like it enjoy it take your time and savor every single fight she is a goddess i wish i had a little sister like her there's no other word for her but um i get a little embarrassed when you stare at me please don't whoa hey hang in there what kind of place is this i hate how like is getting all the attention from the customers i won't lose to her look at how many plates i can carry as much wonderful piece of cake i'm getting a bad feeling well that was a close one there you go oh the ghost lady is the best that's great service oh thanks you're too kind i guess everyone's happy service with style is a hit look around master uh huh this juice is refreshing and this tasty suit warms me right up it's simple but at the same time elegant i love these decorations the customers are all enjoying both the food and the atmosphere all right everybody keep up the good work okay [Music] you for coming today [Music] oh mother i'm sorry but my feet hurt that's okay i'm sorry for not noticing you take it easy don't worry i'll just take over on the register that way i'll keep working thank you shawsha but be careful not to overdo it here's your turn here's your fresh salad with forestry nuts so you'd like three coffees a chiffon cake and two fruitcakes and for you one black tea one milk an omelet special and a sandwich i'm surprised how well we're doing we're already a complete success what a fine coffee shop thanks for coming by how many in your party oh you're here don't you have any work you're being very rude to a customer did i tell you about the opening no you did not i only came because i happened to hear about it don't i always tell you to invite me along when you're doing something fun oh she wanted to be invited uh hey the elsa bub you know it's not too late to help us serve customers if you want i mean if you have the time to help that is if you can't i totally understand it i'm a demon remember i'm not someone you can just go around asking to do favors for you don't let your head get so big hold on the elsa bub that's the back door [Music] well i could help out you're ready to go when did you change clothes she's just a waitress but she has the regal aura of a queen i agree she has the dignity of a soldier combined with the elegance of a proper lady she must have gone to finishing school i bid you a warm welcome enjoy the witch's house coffee shop when you know what you'd like to order be sure to let me know okay she's perfect oh kitchen staff an herbal tea and a carrot chiffon cake set up plus two tropical mixed juices please ladies the elizabeth's turned out to be quite a good helper yeah she's even changed the tone of her voice with the elves above giving us a hand we can breathe a little easier now still there's no sign of the crowd thinning out yet all right here we go huh yeah everyone do it with me okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] i added a pinch of little devil that was way more than a pinch what do you think you're doing my dear sister so what do you think do you like my outfit is it cute or what should a scary demon king really be serving customers why of course and i've always wanted to be a waitress in a coffee shop at least most of my life wait if you're here does that mean what i think it does i thought so it's the chef's special my sister came up with an improved version for human palettes she just made herself the chef hey chef i need one more of the special coming up you mean it's already part of the menu oh okay table three needs a dessert menu i'm on it manager and i guess spotless our new floor manager now a big party just came in huh someone just changed their order there's so many customers huh nestor is that outfit for some special kind of new training i'll help out let me help out huh wait what are you doing here i have some samples right here the latest herbal supplement from nl's brand feel free to take one here you go hello exactly who gave you permission to do that [Music] here's a special song for all of you folks waiting in line listen to the howling cries of cuckoo and flat towards [Applause] no matter i'll just keep doing my job [Music] thank you that was delicious thank you for coming well then i guess it's time to close up my new product line uses grapefruit juice to counter the bitterness let's get together and talk business sometime let's do a show again soon i'm gonna write a song that'll break your heart please won't you spar with me nestor you would best go home already hey there dear sister i had so so much fun today i wanted to come back and help you again see you next time goodbye now goodbye and thanks for all your help well then good work everybody that includes you thanks the shop needs to be cleaned up now but we can take our time [Music] [Music] it's been 300 years since i reincarnated here after finding out i had maxed out my level my life turned around completely if this keeps up i bet there's gonna be a lot more fun and surprises in the future comparing my recent experiences to the 300 years before i can confidently say that my new life has already been more entertaining than my old one costless price and profit living a slow life alone was nice but living a slow life with others is special in its own way and since this life is the result of all those years of defeating slimes i can't forget the dead i owe them still there are slimes everywhere so i'm sure i'll have to face more of them eventually but for now our coffee shop is closed i think i'd like to live a nice peaceful life for a while two master the main event of flatus dance festival takes place tonight i just can't stop thinking about it i want to go i'm intrigued lady azusa i'd like to see it too then i guess we'll all have to check it out tonight all right i'll show you all my special demon dance you're back no work have you no gratitude after all that effort and work i did for you yesterday thanks for coming to lend a hand above you were a big help to us oh it was really nothing at all girls you two can ask for my help anytime you like i guess you really just can't resist you know i'm quite confident my dancing skills do i'd really rather you didn't dance either but why not master i don't understand the problem anyway they'll ban you from the festival if you get out of hand how rude of that come on master what's wrong with my dancing it's a little um feels about what's your dance life it's a mysterious ancient demon dance that sucks out mana it's another peaceful day [Music] huh hang on i'm coming [Applause] hello there how can i help you after 300 years of killing slimes another fun day is about to begin
Channel: Anime English Dub LV 152
Views: 627,558
Rating: 4.8275647 out of 5
Id: X8Gg4EojOMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 230min 32sec (13832 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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