ImDontai Reacts To Last Photos With Disturbing Backstories

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scare you guys let's uh let's scare the kitties on this beautiful Friday night man uh last photos with disturbing Back stories how scared are you already right now oh my [Music] [Music] gosh what the [ __ ] today's video is sponsored by damn bro loud ass M wait raycon that's crazy Anon County on May 12th 2022 the badly decomposed remains of a still unidentified woman were discovered in a wooded area in wesboro North Carolina just west of a National Guard Armory the deceased a scantly clad white female estimated to have been between 20 and 40 years of age couldn't be linked to any missing persons reports in the area um in Li of her real name whatever that may be she was given the mon ansen County Jane Doe she was estimated to have perished at some point in 2021 unusually at the time of her demise the only clothing that the woman was wearing was a black secret treasures bra and a pair of leggings her cause of death has never been officially announced while attempting to identify the woman the most compelling and easily the most disturbing lead the authorities Came Upon were several images captured by a trail cam close to where the do remains were found oh [ __ ] the cam had been installed in a hunting Zone near the Armory to monitor a deer feeder a death in the hunting Zone near the Armory to monitor a de eater but instead of there it captured these oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] but wait a Death Eater like from Harry Potter oh a deer feeder okay I I was like wait I was like what oh this is for educational purposes by the way images of an unknown woman wearing the same clothes as found on the do's body stumbling through the Woodland on August 22nd 2021 she was first recorded that night at 133 a.m. entering the frame on the right in the next image captured a second later as the Clock Struck 134 she isn't visible at all suggesting that she was running at the time she later appeared again at 4:30 and 4:31 a.m. oh this time hobbling in the opposite direction and using a large stick to support herself this woman is strongly believed to be the ansen county Jane do and though they didn't know why this lone female was wondering through the dense forest in the middle of the night detectives now at least had a face to work with forensic investigators analyzed the images but weren't able to draw many conclusions it appeared as if the woman's leggings were wet above her knees and toward the lower half of her stick that suggested that she had crossed a body of water likely C Pepper Creek she had perhaps slipped and hurt herself while doing so hence the walking stick some theorize that she was suffering from a mental breakdown but others have suggested an even darker possibility that she was being held somewhere remote against her will and with no time to get dressed she had seized an opportunity to escape proponents of that theory believe that she ultimately met her end at the hands of her captor who had somehow managed to track her down uh whatever did become of this woman it's truly chilling to look over these images and imagine what her final hours must have been like wandering alone through the woods lost in unending blackness in February 2022 6 months after the trail cam footage was captured and a few months before the dose remains were discovered rabbit Hunters stumbled Upon A batpack containing an unspecified sum of cash close to the Armory they took the cash and abandoned the backpack in the forest when news of the dose Discovery spread they brought the existence of the backpack to the authori attention unfortunately to this day that backpack hasn't been found despite providing relatively clear images of the do face the trail cam footage didn't result in any new leads at least none that the authorities have publicly announced and that's the thing local law enforcement have remained unusually tight lipped about this whole case I wonder if they I wonder if they questioned the dude but it's like bro if I seee if I get an alert on my cam that somebody's walking around with a [ __ ] stick at 1: in the morning I'm not checking investigating or doing any questioning that shit's creepy as hell I'm just being honest a description of the woman's remains her cause of death the color of her hair or even a description of the missing backpack no major news outlets have reported on the story either and it feels to many as if little being done to solve this case has one Anonymous local resident put it you got to think bro you got to think about it you know how many videos I've seen of like a girl at a door saying she needs help the guy opens the door and the three [ __ ] come out of nowhere and just bum rush the door I sure hope I never go missing in ansen County you just don't know in conjunction with these creepy images it's that silence that fueled so much online interest in the story with so many questions and so few answers the Doe's identity has become a huge topic of discussion here on YouTube over on Reddit and perhaps most importantly on Facebook attempt to locate is a Facebook group with 123,000 followers a place for users to share photos related to uids or unidentified decedents and yo what if like the killer or the kidnapper of the person goes to that Facebook just to throw people off attempt to link them to the case FS of missing persons and while discussing these images of anen County Jane do several brought up this woman Amber Ray Johnston a 36-year-old mother from Mojave County Arizona one who's been missing since August 2021 good idea thanks to quote our page on missingpersonsvevo [Music] Carolina and Amber was supposed to take a bus to Myrtle Beach on August 16th and meet him there thank you for the res in her last Facebook post on August 19th she streamed live from a bus before getting off at Winston Salem she hasn't been heard from since damn and it's not clear whether she arrived at Myrtle Beach or not curiously Amber's food stamp card was used by another woman after her disappearance the woman when contacted said Amber's boyfriend had sold her the card in the months prior to her disappearance Amber had been using drugs and acting paranoid oh her case remains unsolved and the circumstances are unclear what am I looking at Amber Johnston Bears an undeniable resemblance to the woman captured on the trail cam and the date of her lost correspondence lines up perfectly with when the footage was recorded this lead has since been brought to the authorities attention and it's yet to be confirmed whether Amber truly is the D or not thank you for the prime given just how much attention this Cas has received as of late though our wager that the local authorities will dedicate more resources to identifying her and that she'll be given her name back in the near future until then Anson County Jane remains one of the USA's 14,000 unidentified decedents that's I'll be sure to keep you all posted about any breakthroughs on my social media accounts that's a creepy like picture I'm not even going to try that oh it's a little boy this is the last known photo of sahu shama a smart and cheerful 8-year-old boy from hugi West Bengal as reported by India today the boy met his end on February 16th 2024 when he accidentally witnessed his mother Shanta shama in a quote compromising position with her secret lesbian partner ifat pavin what Sanu became distraught when he saw his mother betraying his father well little did you realize that his father pankaj already knew about his wife's Secret Love Affair which had been going on since before they got married what but he had chosen to keep silent about it Shanta tried to persuade her son to keep quiet too but even after talking things over with him she and Dhat feared that he might reveal their secret to someone although lesbian relationships are legal in India in certain areas they're considered extremely taboo and socially unacceptable terrified of a social backlash that that could ruin their lives both Shanta and ifat did the unthinkable together they pined nangu down stabbed him several times with a vegetable knife so forcefully that the blade bent and struck him in the head with an iron rod and a stone idle what they did all this while the boy's father panach was at work and when the only witness at the home was the family dog shadow however when sahu's cousin came over and discovered the boy's lifeless body inside the home investigators were quickly summoned and were able to identify his Killers Shanta and neat's mobile data placed them inside the house with sahu at the time his life came to an end as did surveillance footage captured by a neighbor forensic experts also found traces of sahu's vital fluid on both of their clothes and on the stone Idol inside the family home they were arrested 4 days after the slay at which point Shanta confessed to taking her son's life out of fear of social embarrassment and ostracization yeah cuz this is going to make it better bro oh my god did you hear she killed her child yeah but she's not gay right no I don't think so good like oh my like what Deputy Commissioner not only did not only like did you just kill your child [ __ ] still found out you was gay like like what this was stated to the media gay by whatever man the relationship between Shanta and theat was an old came for music reactions left with trauma they used to talk on the phone for hours past midnight based on multiple pieces of evidence we zeroed in on these two women Shanta was arrested from her home and defat from hers both women are currently being held in police custody awaiting their trial the father just lost's father is calling for his wife and her partner to be hanged oh I like that I'm calling for that [ __ ] too [ __ ] them I soundly swear I'm up to no good all right y on September 20th 2022 Emma Brown age 12 was firing guns with her father Daniel Brown at their home in pville Texas uhoh Daniel ran a Firearms business and Emma had grown up around guns and ammo oh [ __ ] that afternoon the pair post together for a photo before their joint target practice what Daniel didn't know in that moment was that his daughter had other plans in mind which he had morbidly hinted at by wearing a Harry Potter T-shirt with the quote I solemnly swear that I am up to no good the seventh grader had secretly been planning a murder Packa with an online friend both girls have mutually agreed to take out their entire families including their pets before running away together what according to chatlogs Emma planned to steal her parents car pick up her accomplice and drive 230 Mi to Georgia what did this [ __ ] do to make you that after this image was taken Emma intentionally fired a shot into her father's abdomen after incapacitating her father Emma took off down the driveway and walked about 100 yards down the road what the [ __ ] the cat do but for whatever reason she aborted her plan I'm be honest I don't like cats though instead of making her way to Georgia fired a single shot into her own head officers later arrived at the scene and found Emma lying in the dirt road she passed away 2 days later in our local hospital oh [ __ ] her father Daniel survived his injuries oh [ __ ] Emma's partner in crime who also happened to be a seventh grader was picked up by the authority at her home in lkin and was charged with conspiracy to commit murder thankfully she had either backed out of their Mutual or never intended to go through with the plan in the first place as her family were unharmed she was fully prosecuted and sentenced in March 2023 neither her name nor her sentence have been revealed to the public due to her age and it's unclear how she and Emma had met or why they both intended to eliminate their families and run off together what the [ __ ] bro seventh grade bro seventh grade icon parks Orlando freefall was touted by its operators as the tallest freestanding drop tower in the world the attraction lifted riders in a gondola 430 ft above the ground before inclining the seats forward 30° and plunging them into a freeall breaking 100 ft above the ground Riders were only meant to experience a 4G thrill a mild stomach upet and a few laughs but on March 24th 2022 things ended very differently for one part guest Tyrie Samson was just 14 when he fell to his demise from the Orlando freeall drop tower wa I remember this the Adolescent originally from St Louis had been on vacation in Florida with his family and a friend when he and his bodyy made it to the front of the line for the drop tower staff were immediately concerned with the boy's size the tower's manual specif ifed a weight limit of 287b for the ride Tyrie who stood at 6'5 and weighed 383 lb was too large to fit safely into the seat as such the harness sensor in Tyree seat had to be manually adjusted loosened and then tightened again creating a larger Gap than normal between his harness and the seat just not let him the young attendant assisting Tyrie had only been working at the park for 3 days was still technically a trainee and believed that because the adjustment had made the indicator light turned green that it was safe to proceed with the ride a [ __ ] moments before the ride was activated Tyrie could tell that something wasn't right and reportedly said to his friend beside him I don't know man if I don't make it down safely can you please tell my mama and daddy that I love them this photo shows Tyrie seconds before the gondola began to rise his shoulder bar was noticeably looser than his fellow Riders it's like bro you can't look at that in the after the ride reached its Target height of 43 30 ft Tyrie began to panic realizing that he wasn't properly secured but by that point it was too late the ride went into freefall the brakes applied and because of the g-force Tyrie was effectively sucked through the Gap in his harness and hurtled to the concrete smashing into the ground head first he died shortly after impact video footage of this incident exists but for obvious reasons I don't recommend seeking it out the visuals and in particular the sound are absolutely soul crushing even worse when viewing it it's apparent that nobody immediately helped the boy and park employees can be heard trying to pass the blame a lawsuit filed by tyre's Family claimed that there were no visible weight limits or scales at the ride location after learning the details of what I can't help but Wonder it's like you should like see you should like still see that something's wrong though and stop that [ __ ] ride bro this is oh my God that shit's like looking at that picture somebody should have been like no like we can't like we can't allow this wasn't he turned away said Ty's mother he'd been refused on other rides so why not this one I understand he's a child he insisted on riding with his friend I get that but as an adult or a ride attendant that decision should have been made that's what I'm saying bro his feelings might have been hurt but he would still be here with me exactly his family followed a wrongful death suit against the owners of the amusement park and settled for an undisclosed amount the ride has since been dismantled oh my gosh bro you got to look at that [ __ ] like on July 6th 2023 two students disappeared from India's Northeastern State of Manipur hijam Lon gambi a 17-year-old matey Hindu had been attending tutorials that morning and was later captured on CCTV riding on a motorbike with her friend fuam Hemi aged 20 when both youngsters failed to return home that evening their families reported them missing for over 2 months their whereabouts and wellbeing remained a mystery both sets of parents clung on to hope that their children would be found alive and well that is until late September when this photo went viral on social media the image shows both missing students seated together in an outdoor wooded area lyo gambi wears a mask and looks directly at the camera with a scared expression while Hut's gaze is averted and empty two armed individuals their captors can be observed in the background what the [ __ ] members of the Rival Kookie Christian Community who had forced the two students into one of their trucks at gunpoint in May of 2023 violence had erupted between the matey people who make up the majority of those living in in the yal valley region of Manipur and the kizo tribal Community who called the surrounding Hills Home the Kookie people have long complained about feeling marginalized and persecuted by The mateis Who hold more Sway With the state government intentions came to a boiling point when the mes demanded official tribal status which would allow them to buy land and settle in predominantly kooky areas to date approximately 200 people have been killed during the conflict more than a thousand injured 60,000 spaced and countless women sa and publicly humiliated oh [ __ ] it's safe to say that atrocities have been committed by both sides now I'm by no means an expert but from my understanding the cookies have a legitimate grievance with how the state government favors meaty people however in this case cookie militants seem to have taken their frustrations out on two innocent young people and decided to make an example out of them by the time this image had surfaced on the conflict had become so inflamed that curfews and internet blackouts were ordered another blackout was issued after it was posted too leading many to hope that peaceful negotiations may result in lyo gambi and him's safe release but when normal internet services returned on September 25th a second picture began circulating online one that showed the bodies of the two students lying in a pit oh [ __ ] they were wearing the same clothes as seen in this image and it's believed that they were executed mere moments after it was taken like le as revenge against the mes hijam Shanti Kuma Lino giambi's Uncle revealed that these images had broken the poor girl's mother she's devastated and faints every few minutes he stated she had been anxiously awaiting any news of her daughter's safety of her return we had to show her the images to accept that she will never return never the government has utterly f failed there is no governance here for the past 3 months they've suspended the internet without internet we'd have never learned about their deaths during a protest held in yamel thousands of students rallied to demand Justice for lympo and Gumi and HTH at least 45 protesters sustained injuries following clashes with the authorities who deployed tear gas and fired rubber pellets I want to assure the people that both the state and central government are clely collaborating to apprehend the culprits chief minister Singh stated on Twitter on October 1st 2023 four adults were arrested in connection with the slaying of the students two men pal minland hup and small hup and two women lingong bauki and tining hang if found guilty they'll face the death penalty for taking the lives of two young innocent students caught up in the crossfire of a conflict that they didn't start that they didn't participate I'm saying they're literally kids they didn't ask for that [ __ ] kind of weak bro like what Darren Charles Mitchell 21 was a national Guardsman and father from Navasota Texas May 26th 2016 was a torrentially rainy day in that part of the Lone Star State and as Darren traveled down Highway 105 just outside of Brenham his truck became trapped in Flash floodwater which washed out the road he clambered out into the bed of the vehicle and called his brother to let him know the situation that he was trapped but still alive but the flood water continued to rise at an alarming rate a high percentage of flood related fatalities come from being hit by debris and so perhaps fearing being struck or washed away Darren clambered back into the driver's side BR we actually take so much for granted bro that imagine being thankful for the internet so you could receive the last image of your kids find out they died that's an insane perspective and here we are complaining when our game lags true but it's like I mean you're not wrong bro you're not wrong I feel like we just so used to stuff uh we're so spoiled we're so spoiled by all the sh [ __ ] we have around us that we don't really take take into consideration certain things i' seat shortly thereafter at 6:29 p.m. he posted this photo to his Facebook page oh [ __ ] the caption read all I wanted to do was go home but Darren would never get to go home again I'd be [ __ ] panicking bro moments after uploading this photo his vehicle became fully submerged oh yeah no man one local resident Londo Smith watched in horror as Darren's truck was Swept Away by the water all of a sudden he got back in his truck and like maybe 10 15 minutes after that it just flipped and he top sided into the water it just disappeared you didn't see tires his truck nothing the following morning Darren's body was found Downstream in kirkle Creek he was far from the only person who lost their life during that flood Lea Holland 64 drowned when floodwaters consumed her home Jimmy Wayne schaer 49 was Swept Away in his vehicle Jesus Florida malma 23 drowned in her car and P Ali Matia 59 was found lifeless in yua Creek is this is this oh this is the last one oh on October 22nd 1999 60-year-old Santa Barbara resident sorry 60 60 Jan Davis attempted a base jump from El Capitan in yed park Davis's jump was part of an organized several Act of Disobedience protesting new regulations which made base jumping illegal INE without a permit by leaping from elatan the group hoped to prove a simple point that base jumping was completely safe and that it shouldn't be outlawed the protest was organized in reaction to the drowning death of fellow jumper Frank Gambar II on June 9th Frank had successfully parachuted from elatan but drowned in the river below while attempting to escape from Rangers once who was taking out the mountain to catch jumpers breaking the new regulation oh jam was the fourth of five jumpers who had gathered at the top of el Camp to attempt the jump the first three successfully executed their jumps and received cheers from the 150 or so onlookers at ground level these jumpers were subsequently taken into custody by Rangers stationed at the bottom of the mountain DN was that [ __ ] worth it but they all anticipated this Jan herself had even dressed in an inmate's outfit what she considered a ridiculous regulation I was wondering why she at approximately 1:20 p.m. it was her turn to step up to the plate an experienced jumper who had performed stunts in movies like water wal and Congo Jan showed no signs of fear as she shimmed up to the edge of elap one of her fellow protesters gave her a 10-second countdown and with the shout of 3 2 1 seea ringing in her ears Daredevil Jan flung herself over the edge of the 3,200 ft Mountain initially all appeared well but onlookers grew concerned when she didn't deploy her shoot at the recommended altitude oh pom muttered the cameraman as he watched her Falling Towards The Rocks below at full speed dude she's got problems man he said a few seconds later Chan fell for over 15 seconds before striking the Talis slope at the Cliff's base she died on impact investigators later found out that Jan was jumping with borrowed gear fearing that the Rangers would confiscate herse upon her arrest a trouble was Jan usually pulled the cord on her back on the borrowed jumpsuit the cord was on her leg this likely led to confusion mid jump and unfortunately spelled her Doom base jumpers argue that by prohibiting the activity Rangers are forcing hobbyists to take unnecessary risks such as jumping in low light and I mean you can't really blame them y you can't blame the authority like you you can't blame like you like why no nobody's making you do this like this is something you just want to do because you like doing it it's like I ain't goingon to lie this this is crazy bro like this literally all could have been avoided using old the gear that they don't mind being confiscated but Rangers argue that the community's Readiness to break their own rules is exactly why base jumping can't be allowed exactly and ironically Jan's protest jump served to highlight their point exactly bro although base jumping is still banned in youre to this day hand gliding is permitted one day a week from glacia point the hand gliding Community have always been very compliant with the regulations said y spokesperson Scott Gman whereas the Bas jumpers have not bro she didn't she didn't think though like to like ask or check or practice with that [ __ ] Jesus man oh my gosh man something's like you know I don't I don't know man some things just I don't know man
Channel: ImStillDontai
Views: 259,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8CFHq04e-_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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