Iman Gadzhi's Animation Secrets Revealed: Epic Maze Effect!

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in this video I will reveal how to do this epic maze effect of imaji I saw this effect in one of the recent videos of imaji and I thought it was such a cool effect if you want to download the free assets that I'm using in this video you can do so by joining the Discord down below also don't forget to join my master class where I do even more Deep dive videos like this now let's jump into it now to First go over the video as you can see there's a maze it will zoom in a bit it will show a navigator icon going through the Maze and then after a bit it will will find its way through the Maze and then even break through the maze we're first of course going to design the scene but then we'll animate everything after so I have a couple of assets imported as you can see navigation that's the nav icon I have a maze also and again you can download these in the SS down below now first I'm going to create the background and I do that by creating a new solid just going to make it dark red for now and you can of course also use a texture but this will work and you create a new solid by pressing command y or control Y and I'm going to Center this something like this and then I'm going to grab the navigation and I'm going to skill it maybe a bit but we're going to first try to animate it and we can always adjust this after but we're now going to make the path of which the basically our icon is going to animate on so let's see I think it's cool if it starts around here and you just grab the pencil and then you can just create a shape just click somewhere where you want to start hold shift and then hold shift and then click to make a line now we do this basically along the path that you want and you can always adjust this a bit later if you're not happy with it and then I'm going to break through this wall and then the last point there we go now open the shape and open the contents and open the shape and open the path then key frame the path and copy this key frame over now if you go to the navigation and you just press P for position you can paste this data on the position and it will basically animate along this path now that's cool but as you can see the timing is not perfect it will also just go through the whole sequence and of course it also doesn't rotate now you can use the auto rotate feature if you want to do this quick but we're not going to use it for a specific reason you can go right click onto a layer then go to transform and then Auto Orient and if you then do Orient along path it will basically rotate along the path and of course you can press R for rotation make sure that this first point is set right as you can see and it will automatically rotate along the path and that's cool but as you is really jerky and we don't want that we want it to be smooth so I'm going to undo this but you can use this feature if you want to basically do it quick what we're now first going to do is make sure that our path animation is the way that we want it basically what we want to do is press U to see all our key frames zoom in a bit and then the first thing what I'm going to do is select all the key frames right click key frame assistant easy ease and that will basically smooth the animation already but I also want to make sure that every time it stops it will also wait a bit before it continues and I do that by just copying the key frame over going maybe a bit more to the front and pasting the key frame and this makes sure that basically it will stand still a bit so let's just drag these key frames out a bit there we go like basically make sure that there's some space in between and we can adjust the timings later on again just copy the key frame over paste it so it basically stays a bit here stays a bit there do it with the other key frames and then with this key frame I actually want to do something else basically I want to at the end make it stop and then it will first go back a bit so we're just going to drag this position over so it goes back and then it will after that shoot through and that's cool now of course we want to use the graph Editor to make sure this is way smoother and I do this by just dragging this key frame down and making sure there's basically like a bit of a a mountain so it Rams up and slows down and especially that slowing down makes this Animation Way more smooth and it's even easier to use the selection tool select one of these key frames drag it down and I'm just going to do the same if you want to you can even zoom in a bit and basically what we want to create is have these beautiful mountains maybe this one goes even a bit too quick you can always go out of the graph editor and move a couple key frames so basically making sure that there's a bit more space in between this even though it's a small movement I want it to be smooth as you can see this is exactly what we want now once you're done with that of course you want to do the rotation first I'm going to activate motion blur to make sure that this is a bit more smooth makes the animation look way cooler and we're first just going to do the first corner and then after that it's just rinse and repeat so as you can see it will stop here and this is the perfect moment for it to rotate to the next angle so we just press R for rotation set a key frame press U to see all our key frames and then just see where it basically is to the next part you can just move this parameter or you can just type it it's minus 90 in this case or this scenario and of course we're going to also select these key frames and then easy ease them you can also do this at the end so you select all the key frames and then easy ease them and as you can see this is way more smooth than the auto Orient feature exactly what we want if you want to you can of course make sure that the navigation icon is a bit smaller but we're getting somewhere we just now have to do this for all the parts I won't show you that that's a bit boring but let's style this a bit further first thing what I'm going to do is add a tint to this Navigation icon and I'm going to swap the colors this will make it white and then I'm going to add a glow and we can really increase this by a lot to make sure that it's nice and bright then we can even add a noise to this make sure used color noise is off and we can add a bit of texture to this by adding a bit of noise it doesn't have to be much maybe 20% or something now that's already really cool I really like this of course the navigation needs to be on top of our maze I'm just going to quickly rotate it here to make sure that it's basically straight again there we go and then I want to do the Breakthrough animation as you can see it goes back and then goes through it but what I don't like per se is the timing basically wanted to really catapult and then break through and this goes a bit too quick as you can see when I play it and to change this I just use the graph editor I'm just going to move this key frame down and move this key frame down and then I make sure that basically it will ramp up and then goes quite quickly maybe a bit of a curve like this let's play this and let's see what it looks like can always yeah this is already way better and maybe just the timing if I just go out out of the graph editor and I can just move these key frames over and let's play this again as you can see it really breaks through it's like catapulting pulling back and then boom launching it through now in my opinion to break this maze is quite easy and I would just do this by duplicating the Maze and basically selecting a certain point that we want to make a break so for example I'm just going to grab the pencil and then I'm just going to make two masks so I'm just going to let's say I'm just going to break it like this something like this then I'm going to select the selection tool and then I'm going to duplicate this by double clicking it then hitting command D let's open up our layer to make sure that the mask is duplicated and it is so that's great we can now again double click it right click and we go to transform and flip horizontal or we can also just just move this over and maybe zoom in a bit and then maybe adjusting the mask a bit to your liking maybe something like this I'm just going to adjust the mask a bit so we basically have something like this this is cool now I'm going to duplicate this twice this layer one two and this is going to be left piece and right piece and this is called Maze and then just make sure that these are both subtracted and subtracted and then we go into the right piece we open that up and basically make sure that the mask so this in case Mask 2 is on and the mask one you can just delete we go into the left piece and we do the same but then the other way around so we're going to delete mask to so we have a left piece a right piece and we have the maze what's nice about this is that when you turn this off you can see basically you have one piece and we can of course animate these pieces the alignment is not perfect but of course you can adjust this a bit to make sure that where the arrow goes through it also breaks as you can see the arrow already basically almost goes through so we're going to adjust that first I'm going to go into the position of our Navigation icon going to move it a bit and let's just copy this key frame over make sure that it basically will stay a bit here so it will stay and then drag back and then push through and then on the moment where it pushes through so around here we're just going to press p on the right piece and press p on the left piece and then press r on both and then set the rot rot ation now before we continue we need to make sure that the Anchor Point is right cuz if we now rotate it you will see what happens it will move along the way but this is not what we want it will basically rotate around this Anchor Point that you can see here in the in the middle we don't want that we want it to rotate around the Anchor Point and we do this by setting the Anchor Point right with the pen behind tool and you can just move this out and then let's zoom in and then let's see what we're going to move it around I think it's cool if we move it around basically the edge so the right Edge and then on the other one the left Edge so I'm going to select the other one move the Anchor Point and zoom in hold space to move your view around and then we can set this here and if we now rotate it you will see what happens it rotates around the right point which is exactly what we want we now go a couple frames further and then we're just going to move this out of the way something like this and press R for rotation I'm just going to rotate it a bit something like that maybe move it like that and of course we're going to press U to see all our key frames select them all and easy ease them and what I also want to do is go into the position and going the graph editor and then basically selecting the last key frame and dragging that handle out so it really is moving down and then of course we can also turn motion blur on to really sell the effect and I think this goes even a bit too quick maybe we're going to move the rotation in the position a bit out something like that and that's a really cool effect you can even slow it down even further we can can even adjust the curve of course by using the curve editor and even like slowing it down more or dragging the first key frame out so it really like blows out and then slows down now we do the same to the othero piece and it's really easy just press P for position press U to see all your key frames and then we're just going to do the same we can even basically look at our other key frames to make sure that it's a bit the same and then press R for rotation and rotating it a bit maybe something like this and of course again right click easyy and as you might have noticed is that there's a small piece left and that's because the basically the maze or like the subtract mode hasn't been working well there's basically a bit of overlap you can easily adjust this by going to the original maze layer and just making sure that they uh The Masks overlap a bit so it's really subtracted now this is perfect exactly how we want it of course add motion blur to that's really cool but of course we need to add a couple of things I'm just going to go back to our example and we see a couple things of course this is more like a clove image that's in the background we can always add that later the glow is a bit different it's a bit more yellow I would say I'm not sure if I even prefer that but what I do see is this northeast Southwest like text come in and this is really easy guys this literally just like a position and there's some movement in here basically with a null object and of course there's some vignetting and some Distortion and I'm just going to quickly show you how to do this I also think there's a glow basically on top of everything so we can do that at the end but to do the animation I'm just going to create a new null object I'm going to move this up and I'm just going to basically make sure that everything is linked to the null object and then you can just scale and position this you see you don't always have to use 3D layers if you don't need to and even after 10 years of After Effects I try to avoid it because 3D also overc things it adds more data to work with and you can sometimes really easily just like I said scale this up maybe use a position press pee to set the position and then you can also move it around a bit of course you can also ease these key frames if the layer or the background layer is not big enough you can just select it and we can just of course skill it same if this was a clove layer now for the NorthEast Southwest you can literally just pick any font that you want set an N here of course align it in the center and then just set a p for position and then just move it in drag this out and make it go from up make it a bit like light white gray is and it will move in and of course you can also link this to the No Object and now we're just going to add some camera effects and we do that by going into layer new and then adjustment layer and then of course we can add a glow to this and this will basically blend everything a bit together now we need to play a bit with the threshold and of course with the radius also and for the lens Distortion we can use CC lens which is an option to just add it to it which is a cool effect anyway you can just increase the size really high to maybe like I would say maybe 400 or 300 let's see what this looks like and as you can see there's some Distortion in it or you can use the VR chromatic aberration so we can just delete the CC lens set the fall of distance to zero and then you can change the vertical and your horizontal field of view and as you can see this also creates some Distortion also creates some RGB Distortion this could be an effect that you want I think a cc lens effect is in this case way easier and then of course we can add a simp Le vignette and I always like to use a solid so just use a black solid in this case and we just press okay then use the ellips tool double click that then invert this press f for fet and then you have a basic vignette and why I like this way is because you have full control over your vignette you can just open your mask you can even add some expansion to it of course you can animate it of course you can also change the opacity to of it if you think it's too harsh you can just go into T for Trans Arcy and then when you add everything together you will get something like this and I think it's such a cool effect also these skills you can also apply in other projects and if you want to learn even more skills do join my master class Link in the description down below leave a comment of what you want to see next don't forget to subscribe and then I'll see you next time bye
Channel: TomsProject
Views: 3,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: edit like iman gadzhi, edit like iman gadzhi after effects, how to edit like iman gadzhi, iman gadzhi after effects, iman gadzhi edit after effects, tomsproject, leveragededitor, mapal, mapal after effects, after effects, efter effects tutorial, iman gadzhi tutorial, iman gadzhi after effects tutorial, iman gadzhi edit, animate like iman gadzhi after effects, animate like iman gadzhi, iman gadzhi animations, iman gadzhi animation tutorial, edit like, animate like, iman gadzhi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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