Image switching based on X&Y axis mouse movement in Webflow

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what i've learned what my whole goal in life now is to help grow people to become better than me and if you're already that are better than me then keep going don't stop i'm not the best i'm not perfect no one is but seeing other people grow and helping people grow is is now my passion and it's fun it's fun to see people fly so uh any way that i can help do that uh let me know uh yeah so who's here in the live chat room right now um first one in the door pablo my community manager and supporting live stream producer since jake isn't here thank you so much pablo for being here and helping me out uh demetrius first of all hello to everyone hello to you too norm is here welcome back yes joseph bates is back eli's back ripple effect is back scott citron yes welcome welcome back so hello and happy saturday hello nelson and everyone haven't shown up to your live streams lately but i'm always watching the recordings i'm glad to make it today yeah if you're watching the live if you're watching live right now i appreciate it i appreciate you um if you can't make it to these streams again this is on a weekend you don't have to be here just watch the recording you know you have a life to live you have other things to do you should be resting or just hanging out with your family but or doing whatever you want but uh yeah thank you for watching recording as well jtel is back susan hello welcome joseph can you explain how to access the community do you have to be a part of circle thanks in advance joseph yes um so circle actually let me show you what circle is so circle dot so so let me explain if go to my screen here is my screen working yeah it's working okay cool so circle is this cool no code way to create basically it's basically a form it's like what if forums and slack and a little bit of like an instagram facebook kind of a feed uh came together and created a baby well that circle and circle is also usable through integromat and um zapier which makes it no code and it's just so nice a lot of people i if uh mckenzie child use this circle uh ran seagal uses circle um there's a lot of people that makerpad uses circle yeah so there's a lot of no code community members and platforms that you circle so what is circle it's just a platform for a chat board or forum for your community and joseph to answer your question you you don't have to be a uh a member of circle you don't have to pay for circle when you join the pixel geek community you're just paying for the membership for the pixel gate community and then circle the platform sends you an invite to it and that's where i and the rest of the pixel geek community members um hang out in between streams um and if you're not familiar with the community oh let me go to it if you're not familiar with the community and you want to become a member it's down here what happened i clicked on it but it didn't go down but anyways so you get access to become a member and um and whenever someone has questions that's my first go-to place because i get so many people who are on instagram dms twitter dms um and different community um people who are like hey how do you do this nelson i don't have much time to answer everyone's questions that's why i do this stream and if you're not able to ask your question here on the stream there's still access on the chat board so you can ask me the question there so me um and mainly pablo are there to help with questions about your projects or with web design and you can even dm me through that chat board and that's my first priority right there uh in between streams is to help you guys out on the chat board also uh every month i get together um on google meet and uh just talk about the realness of this industry and if you want to get anything off your chest if uh you just want to vent uh that's the space i try to make it a safe space for everyone to learn or just get quick answers and um yeah and then if you do the the pro membership you can also on top of the two-hour private coaching the group session you get a one-on-one private coaching with me and i'm happy to you know help you through whatever you're working through whether it be mentally or through a project i want to be there because i have over 25 years experience in web design over 20 years experience in this industry and i've been i feel like i've been through it all okay not all most i went through freelancing then a in-house webmaster webmaster who uses that title anymore and then html email developer and then i went through the carrot on the stick of asking my boss hey i want to be a web designer okay three months later they hire a web designer and i'm like wait what the so going through that stress and then um being uh a junior web designer at a at a digital agency during the flash days so i can tell you uh i can tell you about that story and how the recession during that time uh uh made me cry so much because i was like i feel like i'm a failure because i got laid off but you know you know you put it on yourself but yeah and then i mean i even worked for a company that that made chrome no browser extensions in order to spam people with ads um and then they got sued by facebook but at the same time i was going out i already signed off on a new condo with my then fiancee now wife uh and we also signed off at the same time uh paid for the dj for a wedding and and paid for the chur donation for the church and got like half of our wedding planning done and then i had to leave that one yeah so i've been through a lot of stress and if there's any way i can empathize or show you uh tell you stories that can help you through your career that's what the one-on-one and the private coach group coaching sessions are for because um experiences stories shouldn't be kept um in a box closed it should be knowledge given to other people so they can learn and step on top of that knowledge and move forward and grow even larger all right um joseph if you're having troubles uh getting into the community uh yeah pablo can help you out um pablo if you have twitter can you put your twitter account and maybe joseph can dm you or something yeah and yeah so we'll we'll talk about it later joseph anyways whoa that was a i was a i went way left field but yeah going back to the intro of these streams uh hi yeah so that's what these streams are about just teaching web flow and no code stuff well where did i go all right um today's topic let me see here who submitted so thank you to where is it where's the notes how do i use click up okay thank you to jose for submitting this one and if you have an idea that you want to submit a future idea for a stream topic uh go to slash um let me see here or slash live streams yeah oh cool so jake made this so live streams right here if you want to vote for the next idea just go to live streams and you can vote if you're a member if you're paying member of the community there's a separate um voting board where your votes get more weight has more weight uh than the public votes all right so yeah oh cool oh and then you can submit your stream ideas here hey jake is awesome he made all of this and he made all the uh automations behind it this is the stuff he loves to do automation and no code stuff with click up and zap there no integromat yeah that's his jam so check it out go ahead and vote and that's why um oh it was jose it says richard oh we got that mixed up oh pablo sorry i sent you the wrong whoops i sent you the wrong uh click up link but yeah whoopsie hold on how come that one ready for street oh sorry i'm doing stuff in the background real quick because i'm i messed up there we go hold on let me send this to pablo that's the one sorry whoops okay cool ready for stream okay cool anyways this is what uh jake made and so today's stream is right here submitted by richard and image switching based on x and y mouse movement all right and this is the website he referred us to and so right here if you just move your mouse left to right on this website it changes images and so this is pretty easy to do oh hi thank you so this is pretty easy to do and i feel like this is going to be a short stream because i can explain this in less than 10 minutes and probably build it in less than 15 minutes and we may have a lot more time uh to review your websites or answer any questions you have about webflow and web design or career and yeah so before i get into that i usually have like a deep thought of the week and today's deep thought i wanted to talk about and it started when i saw a billboard over the um just yesterday i saw a billboard um in san diego so i'm driving down the road and then it says in big letters just there's just four uh just three words on this billboard and just it says the best exclamation point verona casino okay that's four words but whatever the best barona casino right i'm not advertising for them i'm just saying what i've i've seen there's no pictures of uh people it's just a some sort of graphical background but with large text the best bronx casino but then the billboard right after that says the same exact thing the best verona casino and then a third billboard right after that was the same exact thing and i'm like why are you over compensating why do you have to scream at people to say the best three times and then i got into just deep thought as i'm driving like man they think they're perfect huh they think they're the best that they have to say it three times they're probably overcompensating or just very lazy with their marketing and so it makes me think about like how easy it is nowadays especially with technology how it's easy to be fake and it's really hard to be real all right real and honest uh what i mean is like if you go look at social media instagram filters uh click bait headlines slash titles even deep fakes you know that are like there's apps that let you put your face on a another actor's face and replace and then like yeah i mean it's just getting easier and easier for people to edit their photos or edit their content or even yeah even photos or videos or any type of content on the internet edit it to the point where it's perfect and um when it comes to you know when it comes to perfection even it says on my website like i i'm not i'm not a fan of perfection yeah like perfectionism or people faking that they're perfect it like i don't know it gets to me and it's getting harder and harder in this world where to be real when people expect perfection i don't expect perfection i in fact i like it when people aren't perfect i'm more attracted to those type of people in wanting to talk to them than the ones that show up as perfect like nothing in this world or even universe is perfect think about it think about it like the number the number pi the circumference of a circle all right it is the most perfect number to explain a circle all right yet if you think about it the number pi it's a decimal that goes on and on and on forever which makes it not perfect so the perfect number is imperfect and i also think about like i know of some couples that like overcompensate just like that billboard like oh our relationship is so perfect and then they always gotta express that so much and the only photos you see um in messages you see from from them are perfect photos perfect family photos of like everything in our life is perfect we're we're our relationship is so perfect we were meant to be in learning from my relationship with my wife we're not perfect and a relationship is hard to to keep together so yeah it's perfection perfection i i don't get it and you know what in my opinion stop trying to be perfect just be you which is imperfect which is perfect okay i'm done with that all that went through my head from a billboard all right well three billboards all right so yeah um before we get into the tutorial again thank you to pablo for linking it but if you want to refer people into the pixel geek community there's a affiliate link there and um you get a cut of the of the um membership fee if you bring someone in all right uh and if you have an idea for a future stream go vote on it or submit it all right ricky beats thank you i actually really needed that yay i'm glad i'm glad but it's got you talking about it so it seems like it's done its job dang it they got me dang you verona casino but then again society loves to watch a train wreck we we it's in our nature to stare and be like oh what is what is that what is that i mean look at reality tv and how much money it's made i don't know i don't know i don't know anyways this is not a perfect stream i fail all the time [Music] but that's why you're all watching right because you want to see me fail all right let's get into the topic and yeah let me know if you have any other thoughts about perfectionism and ricky if you want to elaborate more on that like um why did that message just now helped you out all right so numbered studio wait let me go back to my other computer there we go all right numbered studio so this is going to be really quick pablo start the clip right here so the hero row on the x-axis changes images in my honest opinion when i first looked at this website i was like what is richard talking about i don't i don't know i just went to scroll down i was like which section is he talking about like i don't get it and it wasn't until i accidentally move well i mean not accidentally i just randomly moved my mouse to the left and i was like whoa what what just happened what what just happened and then i was like oh i get it so in my opinion this user experience right here or it made me jump or go or get surprised i was like yeah that's not good you gotta tell people hey if you hover over something something's gonna happen so um first we're going to create this interaction and then second we're going to explore ways maybe explore one way to maybe fix the user experience so it's not jarring to the point of like oh my god just changed that scared me if you have any ideas already um let me know once i'm done with the first tutorial because i want to know your opinion i have an idea but i'm still not sure if it's the best user experience okay so let's get to it so only thing i did on this blank project is upload four space photos from unsplash that's it okay so let's go ahead and create a hero row i'm going to drag in a section in this section right here i'm just going to call it hero is my zoom working yes i'm going to call it hero i'm going to give it a height of 100 vh which means viewport height i do not know why webflow gives it a padding of 7575 because that's actually false yeah there is no padding of 7500 it's just height 100 vh man why can't webflow be perfect anyways just kidding all right so we have that hero and now we need to overlay we need to stack photos on top of each other and there's two way to two ways to do that i'm thinking we'll just go with the css position way because there's you can do css position using relative and absolute to stack things on top of each other or you can do css grid where you just make all of the images uh set to position manual i mean um float and manual in that way you can stack it on top of each other so we'll do actually i can show you both yeah it's an education stream so let me show you the css position way to stack photos on top of each other so let's go ahead and do that so right here in position oh gosh there position we're going to set it to relative because the images inside of it are going to have position absolute so it needs something to relate to hence relative all right and so let's drag in our first image of space is that broken what how come there it goes took a while for it to load all right so we're going to call this image one actually no sorry i'm going to give it a selector of image okay so it has a class name of image and i'm going to set that as position absolute i'm going to set it to the let's set it to let's set to yeah top left okay and let's also make sure that the width and height are 100 vw for full viewport width and 100 vh for full viewport height and because we may get some skewedness because we're setting the size and height let's make sure that this fit is set to cover cover bam okay so there we go we got our first one and so with this i'm going to set a combo class of number one the reason why is because all the images are going to use this first parent selector and will have all of those um css properties that i've set the only difference between the four is the z index so z and x for this this one's just going to be on the very bottom so i could just leave it alone or set it at zero the default is zero or auto so you don't have you don't really have to set it but if you want you can it's up to you so i'm just going to leave it alone cool all right next let's copy and paste this and then for this i'm going to just click here delete it and add a number two number two i'm going to give it a z index of two which is higher than zero so that means this is stacked on top of the other one and let's double click it and replace the image with the next one and there we go so if i hide number two display none it shows number one if i remove that it shows number two so we're good so now let's just copy and paste the end delete number two add number three z index of three double click change the image and there we go one more time copy paste change number four z index number four double click change the image to the fourth one and there we go all right so we have four images stacked on top of each other okay now let's turn off number four three and two so what i mean turn off i'm talking about display none okay so now if i click anywhere it's clicking on image number one it's not clicking on anything else even if i preview it's only showing the first image cool cool now let's go ahead and um add our interaction so we're going to add an interaction to hero our elements our structure is done let's go to our hero right here go to our lightning bolt interactions element trigger mouse move over element clicky clicky on mouse move play mouse animation now we don't have any mouse animations created so we're going to create a new one plus and here we go so if you're not familiar with mouse move over elements here's a very basic tutorial you have your x and y okay so what happens when your mouse moves on the horizontal axis axis axis um aka x okay and what happens on y and you notice that you have percentages here so the percentages means x zero percent is all the way to the left of the canvas x 100 is always to the right and for y for web design it starts at the top so 0 is up here 100 is down here okay so let's go ahead and wait i think i messed up yeah i messed up okay we're not gonna use a mouse move interaction we're just gonna use a hover my bad my bad all right let me delete this if you're watching recording yeah um yeah this is not don't do that don't do that don't set a trigger on hero we're going to actually create four columns okay we're gonna create four invisible columns so that way when you hover over one column it shows image one and then you hover over another one shows image two and and turns off one and so forth ooh this just got a little bit harder in my head um okay and someone might come up with a better way to do this but we'll see all right let's make one more yeah we have to make a couple more elements so we're not done with the structure so i need to overlay with four invisible columns that will be the triggers the hover triggers so here we go i'm gonna command or control e inside of hero and type in div and press return and let's call this um hover columns wrapper you can use a mouse move animation just change the opacity of every image wait uh is that better is that better i think it is i think it is web desire is probably right and wait is this web desire webflow web desire if he's who i'm thinking he is then i'm like welcome to the stream no not you what's there's a there's a person on webflow who does awesome animations ah okay well i'll look for you later unless yeah i'll look for you later anyways i go back and forth in these in my head yeah i think rip web desire is right so let's go back to hero and do a mouse move over element and just continue doing what i was doing all right so on we're only going to play with x so on zero percent on zero percent we need to set something to opacity uh okay okay okay let me get this so image one image one so opacity will be one hundred now i don't want the calendar windows image one i want a hundred percent and here i'm going to set this to 100 as well but the key frame so okay okay keyframe is going to be 20. oh no 25 because a quarter of 100 is 25 yeah all right i hope i'm doing this right and this is and this is affecting image one and then i'm going to click on image two when you set their display property ah so i need to show image two okay so on twenty six percent image one is gonna have opacity of zero okay okay i think i'm doing this right and at the same time image two is going to have opacity of 100. and then i'm gonna do the same thing on 50 for image two look at me who said oh there's gonna be an easy stream and in my head i'm second guessing myself okay okay nelson you think you're all good and badass all right and then we'll do another one with 51 opacity zero all right let's test that out first because again i'm second guessing myself let me delete all of these this actually uh okay so let's see here so we did this half the left half okay and my battery's running out come on come on stream where's my charging cable what's up my mouse or my keyboard it's my keyboard okay there we go all right the interaction you were describing could be used to create those annoying last-minute pop-ups i assume uh maybe okay this isn't work i don't i don't know if if this one is the right move uh web desire or jacob because this art this interaction already looks kind of confusing and it's not working like where's the first image so that means this one has to start at zero come on i don't know about this it does have yeah yeah it's that different z index i did uh i already did that what desire i did that yeah this is not gonna fly i'm gonna go with the four columns thing because look how complicated this i i'm i want to make the interactions uh reusable and not confusing because look how confusing this is already um and yes the pros of webflow can like easily figure this out relative easily but um already it's just looking like a mess i'm getting anxiety just looking at it like i'm like it i'll save this interaction but i'll delete the trigger and we'll come back to it going back and forth oh see this is why you watch these streams to see me fail right all right let me try to figure it out before i even start talking like i know what i'm doing um what do i call it hover trigger uh wrapper i'm gonna set this to a hundred actually no i'm gonna set it to position absolute give it a full and z index of ten so it's on top of everything and then give it flexbox so that way i can um create four equal columns just by adding four divs so i'm going to add one div and call this uh uh hover trigger and there we go and the hover trigger is going to be expanded i'm going to be there we go so i copy and pasted three times so i can have uh four hover triggers right so hover trigger number one shows number one so this is what i was thinking not tap hover trigger so on hover start animation i'm going to call this um it could be done with mouse move but it'll take a lot of steps yeah that's what i'm trying to stop pablo i want to make this more simple yeah as best as we can i don't know and this could be the wrong way too this could be a very exploratory stream um i'll call it image one so what i'm gonna do is turn off uh a turn on image so let's see if this this can do this so i'm going to click on image and give it a high show of display block and yeah save okay let me try that all right and let me turn this one off so let's see will it work okay it did work so my mouse is here if i go here it shows it all right nice nice now on hover out start animation i'm gonna duplicate image one and call it image one off and i'm gonna do display none save on off see much easier than the mouse x that's it and now we just rinse and repeat for the rest ha ha let's rename this to on okay cool so i'll i'll redo this from scratch once um this is done so what i'm going to do with hover trigger is mouse hover start animation and again what i mean by rinse and repeat uh making it easier for people to create new ones or edit it is rather than having everything all in one interaction timeline getting from confusing and weird um you can just click the kebab menu and click duplicate and so it's going to say image one on two but you can just rename it so i'm gonna click it go to it and we're gonna name it image two on and i can if you don't know this you can right click on action and change the target so i'm going to change that target to image number two and it shows it right here save and then for the hover out oops for the hover out i'm going to duplicate the off to off right click change target image save and let's check it out so we're all the way into the right nothing's happening on off on yeah see what if the mouse goes out of screen yeah if it goes out of screen then the browser doesn't detect the mouse meaning it's no longer on the canvas which then triggers the hover out interaction which is display none there we go all right rinse and repeat and you know what watch this i'm going to delete those two hover triggers and what i can do is just copy paste twice and so even the interactions as you can see here with the lightning bolt even the interactions were copied over so i can just go over to interactions and that saved probably two or three clicks so right click click the kebab duplicate image three pablo would it be possible for you to edit down this tutorial even more so you can or should we keep the mess-ups i don't know probably keep the mess up image three on click change target targeting number three save uh duplicate call it image three off christopher welcome i woke up sort of late here it's all good this is your weekend you don't have to be here live you don't have to be here live you can watch the recording and it's all good all right let's test one two three off wait why oh yeah because i copied so there you go so one more right here duplicate for on save duplicate for off right click change target number four i don't think i changed the target on the on right click change target off there we go one two three four there you go yeah easier easier than the mouse move over element and scalable so that's the thing here um i want to stress this when you're creating websites for your clients you're not creating it for yourself you're creating it for your clients users but also for your client if they hire another web developer to come in you want to make things as scalable as possible easy enough to understand that a web developer can come in and take over and again if someone if one of your clients are like hey i'm so i hired someone else that's fine that's fine because you've shown that you've made it as clean as possible that anyone can come in and you've given that much respect to your clients if you make your working files or even your webflow projects confusing or like badly organized class naming struc html structure or whatnot you're not helping you're not helping anyone all right you're not even helping yourself because what if the project the client is like i love it doesn't touch a project for like a year and then like hey we need to make some updates you go into your project and you're like what did i even do so you're hurting yourself as well all right so this is what i mean keep everything clean including um your interactions the naming of your interactions like don't let webflow just name it whatever when you duplicate um take time to name it this is image one on this one is image one off you know uh on off on on you make it super simple all right uh if you pack it all into one interaction then how much more time would that take you more stress would that take you and i'm coming from a place where um when i was the in-house web designer at a huge company and there's this term i don't know if you're familiar with it some of you who do a lot of web development you probably know this term legacy issues all that means is someone built something and then we're trying to modernize it but there's all this old code that we have to freaking figure out in order to get this project done legacy issues uh so don't do that to yourself don't do that to your client and don't do that to um uh your future clients contractors you know you help everyone across the way all right um web desire sorry for the distraction you're all right this is more scalable hey i mean we're all learning from each other we're all learning from each other and you're not being distraction all right never think you're a distraction we're all learning here all right um and let me give you a shout out to webflow jacob because i like your work wrs all right and here's a real unedited photo of jacob right here look at that hello from germany awesome and you join in 2018 yeah webflow that what is this and it's cloneable wait what hold the mouse down and move what everyone dude oh shout out to jacob here let me put you in the chat room yo that's so cool oh you did the banksy thing the see i love it when people experiment and you let people clone it yeah why am i oh wait i'm not on my regular account yeah i'll follow you don't worry yeah a lot of followers great job great job there's more there's more there's more you're crazy sir new webflow pro what is this what is this my version of a pro webflow for pro user pro modus i can't click it okay so this is just oh wait you can i'm confused oh so webflow kind of has this now so you probably built this a while ago well anyways great job and thank you for being here yeah i i watch the community i like there's people that i'm like wow they're so cool how do you do that and he lets people clone it that's really cool you're awesome um yeah so that's how to do the tutorial that's how you do the thing um oh yeah we were going to go over how to make this a better ux how to make this a better user experience and who was asking someone was asking is asking what if the mouse goes off screen so watch what happens i'm going to go off just blank white because nothing's being covered on so if you don't want it blank white i mean you can just set your wrapper which is our hero to like a background color if you don't want it blank blank white you can do whatever you want with it so we have that and then i hover my pleasure jacob i'm a fan of you too yeah so that's what happens but it's uh kind of jarring when this happens no one knows um what's gonna happen so how do you make this a better user experience um oh i know what we can do we can have labels call it like project one project two or something check it out so i'm gonna set this uh all the hover triggers to center um uh vertically and horizontally i'm gonna give it a uh oh yeah yeah yeah let's give each of these a background color of black but it's like opaque it's like 60 right and that way we can give our type some color like a color white bold this make it a let's make this a big size like um 10 vw on the type size let's put text inside of it okay 10 is large it is too big that's fine i always start with 10. okay something like that let's give it some padding probably 20. project one there we go so go like that project like that just copy paste it everywhere there you go project one two three four and so when i hover on this the hover trigger so i'm going to click on the down arrow on the hover state let's go ahead and set the opacity of this div block to zero let's go back to not none state and we're going to set a transition for the opacity for 200 milliseconds which is default in that way so it's like oh there's projects here yeah and so you kind of see that there's like hover spots there's like okay there's three projects and go like this this kind of makes it look more cool and as always these projects if you want to clone them or if there's like custom code and you want to have access to the code you have to be a member of the pixelgeek community and just ask it ask for a clone uh from me there on the chat board and i will transfer it to your webflow account all right brian welcome back brian can it be set to display the last image hovered on when the cursor goes off screen [Music] i think that would take custom code corey welcome welcome to stream better ux indeed now maybe make them focusable as well for keyboard only users ah accessibility all right so for brian's question there has to be custom code because i feel like there had is there a code to say hey if the mouse is no longer on the canvas can you find where it last was where is the where was the x and y of the mouse before it left the canvas or or left or or like on mouse leave so for the what i'm thinking about custom code is for hero on mouse leave of the hero rapper of the hero div where was the last x and y of the mouse then do something with that data yeah i would have to really dig deep for that one that's a good question though cory better ux focusable as well for keyboard i i honestly wouldn't know how to do that there has to isn't that like an aria or tab index or hmm i'm interested now html tab index okay yeah so tab index you can do click anywhere in this pane then try tabbing through the elements ah okay yeah tab in okay can you do tab index in webflow i don't know let's see here i'm gonna set this to i'm gonna go to the custom or the setting element settings and then custom attributes sometimes webflow doesn't allow you to add some stuff and so whenever i'm about to type stuff i'm like please please because they reserve keywords or they reserve some attributes yeah you can do it okay cool tab index and computers always start at zero not at one save yeah tab index no space okay let's try it with this tab index one tab index two tab index three uh let's publish i wonder i wonder if this i feel like this is not going to work now let me tell you why because i have it set to hover but yet tab tab index just means focus so if it doesn't work on this publish i'm going to try and use this um opacity zero on focus as well as hover so let's see what happens okay so i'm gonna just click inside so i've clicked inside that means the computer knows i'm inside the browser so i'm going to press tab okay so you can see it's focusing okay the focusing is working but the hover isn't so let's try to add on focus on hover trigger focused we're going to set the opacity to zero let's publish and try it again and it doesn't work then i'm out of ideas for now so let's refresh all right so that works but the interaction doesn't why because these interactions are looking for actual hovers we don't have an interaction webflow doesn't have interaction for focus that may be something that the team should work on for accessibility hmm but for now my thought is finding some jquery to say like um jquery if element is focused isn't like yeah focus delegate what yeah some um i'm not gonna get too deep into it but um yeah that's you know that's interesting but thank you corey for for calling it out for accessibility i'll figure that out okay well that was fun uh yeah so we have about 55 minutes left if you have any questions about webflow about web design about um about your career you know um um you know any questions you have for me let me know now and if you want me to review your site pablo put it in the chat room already but it's a link go to review and i'll review your site um and give you my honest opinions i don't hold back but at the same time i use it as a way to help you grow um oh thanks corey thank you alright so if you submitted one let's go see if anyone submitted any any sites to review last time we had six and i was like whoo it's a lot uh but i don't mind again i don't mind today we have three awesome okay and again i'm happy to keep going until 12 p.m pacific time so first one up is scott's oh yay scott citron's website let's go to it i'm gonna scott i'm gonna give you my honest review giving you my honest review okay actually before i show it um so scott citron um is one of my two students uh who took on my my course so i i wanted to see if i could teach a web flow for a whole week 20 hours that's four hours a day and i made up this whole curriculum and i spent three months planning it and um and and scott and another scott showed up and i'm very very appreciative of you both and now i get to see one of my students projects live and um like let's see let's see so scott thank you so much for for taking the course and also for being in the live chat and showing off your work so here we go all right so this is his first webflow site all right if it's not your first scott uh i know it's one of your first sites but this is your own that you're starting um to this is to help people learn adobe and he is also a teacher so yeah so here we go my honest opinion so first of all the layout clean it's clean the layout is clean oh that okay that's cool you use sticky for that all right oh you added okay that's cool wait this one doesn't have it i wonder why so this first one doesn't have that interaction but i love the interaction you did and if you just clone this even better like knowing how to clone and adding into your site and styling it that's a lot too that's a good skill to have all right all right i'm gonna keep going okay so you have hover effects all right so i'm just doing a quick run through right now all right this opens up another page okay calendly i love calendly okay so clean now honest um suggestions on how you can up level this even more all right so first uh your nav there is a lot there's a lot going on here and the type is very tight and the gap in between each or the padding in um in each or margin whatever you're using um is very tight as well so if we zoom out and just look at it just looking at the nav it it feels like there's a lot going on in your nav okay um what's the width you're using here for your nav wrapper you're using max with 1100 um 1100 maybe take it even further 1280. maybe take it to 1280. is that 1280 on nav wrapper 1280 this one okay yeah oh okay you have another break point i would say like there okay yeah like spread it out more all right um and if you don't want to another thing you can do all right okay so another thing you can do is use drop downs if there's i feel like if there's a lot of links at the top you need to start using drop downs so using the drop down element inside of webflow to encompass things that are the to to group things that are kind of the same for example um let's see here so i'm wondering what are the difference between clients and projects oh okay it's not a portfolio site um let's see your clients friends so clients and friends because i'm wondering can you group some of these huh because there's a lot and if you can't group these then that's fine let's see here let me go to clients okay so it scrolls down i think clients went the wrong way i clicked on clients and you have i i'm looking for your id clients list is your id right here so if i go here this okay so you have three so the this one this one and the first one all go to the same id so you need to fix that uh they're going to the wrong section they're all going to how can i help all right and you may want to use the an id name that's the same as the link name because how can i help is not listed up here but clients is listed right so the clients is here but you're calling it clients list so i would just instead of id of clients list i would say clients just call it clients so that way when people see the url it looks like this it's more readable as a human you know um rather than client i mean you can do clients lists yeah it's more real but like let it match what you're doing up here all right um and if you give your nav more width you can set those paddings even further to like 15 and 15. see it's more spaced out feels better like that dude 1280 pixel yeah there you go so that would make things more spaced out yeah like that all right for your hero row um not sure if you want to do this but again it's up to you um i would put your photo on the right and all of this on the left and an easy way to do that is to just use webflow's layout right here under add elements and just drag that hero and there you go okay so you have your photo of yourself here and then your information on the left also is the sound only weird is everyone just hearing me on one channel yeah streamlabs is is broken for me right now so sorry if the audio quality of the stream is bad i'll fix it next time promise how do i make it stereo mic down mixed on does this work did that work down mixed on mono i don't want mono though i want stereo i only see one is this better i don't know if i'm fixing it no it's like flickering i i hear a bit of crackling and a fan that help all right keep going all right so i would do that on hero moving on love this perfect okay cool moving on um this is good i like this this um there's a lot of colors happening so i would strongly suggest just making all of these grayscale kind of like what webflow does on their homepage or what a lot of sas companies do is they use one color for company logos because when you have all these different colors of um logos it gets very distracting it's like so many colors are happening and it's like whoa what's going on where as you keep them all one muted color then you're calming all them down but you're not really messing around with the company's uh brand right so i would push these all to like yeah see you've done it for the united nations right here so united nations is usually blue so and fisher price is red so go ahead and just make them all black or grayscale um the setting fix i don't know what setting you're talking about but this oh the mono setting okay here let me set it to mono and if it doesn't work then we're just moving on to just keep going wait mike okay so that one probably worked yeah hopefully i don't know ah technical technical stuff can someone just fix it for me i just want to stream alright so yeah those are good um what you can do for all of your uh testimonials uh testimonial text yeah i would set the testimonial text to be instead of max with 80 percent there's this cool new thing called ch which is character count i think or characters so i'm just going to pick a random number 30 ch okay so 34. i'd say 40 a 42. i'll put that one now okay try 28 okay 28 sucks 33 [Music] yeah okay 33 max width of 33 ch on your text uh testimonial text all right 33 ch try it all right so it's more centered and then rather than a full width of of text all right uh how can i help brian says i like the idea of the hero layout and i would like to see a color picture of scott uh yeah i guess scott's photo this headshot um is is blending too much with the background so maybe a colored photo of you scott but again you know this is just uh suggestions um i love how you did uh scrolling interactions not hover but scrolling nice here's my promise and i like this right here good job and then your faqs already talked about this and so this illustration of you i feel like it comes out of nowhere because you have a real photo of you here and then you have a um illustrated photo of you here so i mean i would put another photo of you and i think what would really drive this home this section home is if you have a photo or if you have a photo of you teaching a class or if you're only doing remote sessions it would be nice if you had like screenshots of you in zoom or something like that of you teaching students or doing one-on-one so you have multiple screenshots of you doing one-on-ones with um other people so it shows to me it would show validity like um hey i actually teach you know um and that is why when i did my website i was looking for photos that actually drive home my story you know and so i was lucky enough to get this photo from the webflow sarasota meetup that i went to a long time ago and then me at a universe at two universities teaching and so it's it's like i'm legit i'm i i really teach and to drive and even home i have videos to prove it and so if you have anything to to prove that um it's not just it's like a testimonial but at the same time it's like yeah this is real like i actually teach so um showing that here in some way would really would really drive home um your story rather than just the illustration of you all right quick sampling of my recent design work cool okay so this really helps you know that well that that seems very interesting i wish so i'm wanting to click on it to see the detail because this looks very detailed and i want to know why is it like are you using typography to make that uh that portrait or like what is going on in there i want to click it but i can't so yeah and lastly this right here i i feel like this form could be smaller like a max with a max width of like 550 pixels with a margin of auto on both sides to center it yeah so like that i would do something like that actually the whole thing contact form div container so just for this one i would do a max with a 550 pixel yeah or even uh 580 pixel yeah oh that puts a break right there yeah okay cool so 600 yeah so i would do a 600 max width on just this one and you would be good cool and lastly for check my calendar uh i wouldn't go to another page i would just use calendly's pop-up window embed code since it's a one-pager anyway because like right here if i didn't know to if i didn't know um that this went back to the home page i'd be like you're telling the user okay dead end where do i go now you know where do i go now if i don't want to schedule i'm going to have to click back you want to kind of steer away people from having to click on the back button because it's the back button is like a you know escape hatch like hey i don't know where to go i just need to go back so i would just use the pop-up window that calendly gives you but either than that good job on finishing this site and launching it um i'm very proud of you and thank you for trusting in me to teach you uh all the things i know about webflow so uh thank you thank you scott and i hope this helps and i would love to see you come back next stream and show me any improvements to it and um or any other projects that you do because it's real again it's really fun to see and see people grow and fly all right next one this one is complete site whoa okay we got even more things to review all right so who is next web does is web desire next yeah jacob is next all right what is i know i'm not going to review it i'm just going to just watch in awe i know it's going to be good all right here we go here we go and [Music] we transform online shops into digital flagship stores all right he did a blur and so he just did a blur blur filter opacity and uh transform y movement oh yeah i love it i love it already custom mouse yep i've seen that tutorial before ooh it's pixelated your your circle is pixelated you might want to make that svg instead of a png i don't know if that's possible and if you're using scale not that yeah that's a png if it was like yeah that's a png most definitely um all right let's look at your menu [Music] [Laughter] [Music] mixed feelings right there you you heard my honest mixed feelings just come out [Music] easy okay how do i break down what just happened in my head and then the noises that came out of my mouth um things are happening here and i know it took a lot of work just to do that i mean just look at this logo it's starting from white and it's going to black and i'm wondering how still in progress okay okay um do you need that effect honestly because i i feel like i got confused because you have large type here and then you have large type here and they're competing against each other and i don't know i can it's just me so you can just tell me to to to shut it and um like okay cool but as i scroll down i like i'm like wait why do you have a horizontal scroll you know and then i'm like oh my god you can scroll in this that's so interesting and cool but at the same time i'm like why and to be very honest from a user experience point of view like um who's your demographics like who are you trying to sell to right now if you're trying to sell to businesses um what kind of businesses are they like modern hip business like how old are your business owners that you're trying to go towards because if if you're trying to talk to the demographics of like 30 38 and older i feel like this would be too crazy for them but younger people i don't know for people who are like in 30 under 30 forbes 30 under 30 or something like that i don't know i think they would understand this and get it immediately you know um like because there's no words that says menu here but i know it's menu because i've seen lines all the time and and this is another stretch you're only using two lines instead of three and people are more um used to the number three when it comes to ui elements three dots for the kebab menu three lines for them hamburger menu but now you're throwing two so this is very modern artistic so i'm just like and as far as the actual interaction goes i know you put in a lot of work and it's it's super nice and that was clean but i'm just confused all right um yeah i'm just i'm just confused um because you only have four links why not show the four links up here it's not gonna distract from anything and if you want that cool effect where like if you want like if you're doing the large type uh stuff why not you know do a click and it's a full screen menu that overlays on top of everything and that way you have large type for your for your menu and again if you're still getting clients and or if this is your client's site and that's the way they want it then who am i to judge if it makes them happy and they are getting clients because of it and this type of design converts then i have a lot to learn which i do so okay so that's just the hero row in my head so these reviews take a long time okay so okay cool a very fast-paced um video background video element um we have smooth scrolling happening here uh we have on scroll up on scroll down yep for the nav bar oh wow the i feel like the smooth scrolling is a bit too much because it feels laggy it i feel like my computer's lagging but again that's just me maybe the kids like it i'm getting old and again how old am i made this site because i forget so yeah i'm getting old so maybe this maybe kids like this the smooth scrolling and okay so i did not know i can click on that i just clicked on it randomly um there's no indicator to tell me that this is clickable oh the indicator is the this oh the indicator is a circle growing bigger i didn't really get that can you make it where like if i hover over this like the image scales i think that would be a good indicator or even an arrow like just show overlay it with an arrow or something that points to the right i don't i don't know i do not know you can click on these wait how come this wait oh i really got confused there i got confused um i thought this award was attributed to this to this project and so i was like okay you have this one that didn't win an award this one did but then why do you have a random award here because see how it's grouped up here and there is no line separating them uh so i would put this award right here or even he to the left of the text because the grouping of elements made me think this had nothing to do with any anything on this row so i was confused i thought these two were attributed to this project and made me think why isn't it centered like why is this off center so i was confused um keep going down that's cool i like when people do that um will be another cool thing i see people do with this type of design is they do a text stroke and no fill in the text you can do that with css um cool the logos uh scott citron if you're still here this is what i'm talking about just keep all the logos the same color um cool other than that man great job do you have another page i can look at yeah it feels very laggy i'm not a fan i'm sorry i'm not a fan of the scrolling or the mouse and again maybe i'm just old okay i can see my mouse now and see why i feel like it's laggy it's because my mouse is already here and everything else is trying to catch up to it but i think on the home page you did a css to remove the mouse so it felt weird okay cool parallax yeah see how you're doing you're giving an award at the top right i think i would have done that on the home page as well parallax i'm guessing it's um um webflow collections all right service love it love it okay so you're just using the same template oh wait okay watch out some of your texts have some um hidden characters so you might want to double check your text i love this treatment this this right here i don't know why it's getting me it's very modern i like it all right one more page contact all right all right yeah well great job jacob i know you put a lot of work into that and i appreciate you for sharing it with us uh hopefully those tips help and if it didn't yeah that's fine too i mean it's just one person's opinion one person in a in a universe or on a world of many more so all right it is time for ali ali's website here we go what do you have for us today ali okay let me go to my chat okay ali pakistan fine dining all right so when it comes to video i feel like it needs to be super duper high quality especially for food if you're selling food that food photography needs to be high quality now i know when you upload a video to webflow webflow compresses the heck out of that video and so the quality is probably not what you'll like so as a suggestion there is a trick and maybe i'll go through it um in a future stream and if you want me to do it put it to uh ideas and submit it there but susan i did i helped develop this website the video isn't super clear but what's cool what i figured out is that this video is not a web flow background video it's actually an embed player of vimeo so you can use vimeo as your background video and vimeo you can upload however big of a video that you want all right and that means you can get some high quality stuff including adding audio to it so i know this isn't the highest quality video as an example but it's um it's an option for you to embed vimeo so that may help with the food photography because i want to see the food if this is um pakistani fine dining you want to show off that food you get some close-ups of that food and be like yo this food could be at your next event you know um all right so moving on okay so okay you got some hovers okay cool uh book us today okay what so my mind is like what's the difference between book us today and get a quote so i'm gonna click get a quote all right all right we'll talk about that page later book us today okay oh this this is a phone number okay um i would change this label to say uh call us instead of book us today i would say call us to book us or something like that because again ui labels iconography button labels they're all like road signs and i've said this before i'll say it again if you're on a street if you're on a road and then you're on the rights you're on a certain side of the road and then that certain side of the road is is a mandatory turn turning road right you're if you saw a sign that's coming at you as you're driving by and it says uh turn uh incoming turn or this lane will turn it's like turn where left or right which way is it going to turn and it doesn't tell you until the last second and you're like why didn't you tell me why didn't you tell me earlier so the same thing here book is today i'm like am i going to new page are you going to show me a pop-up a calendly pop-up are you going to show me a appointment uh um a calendar what's going to happen when i click it and so when i clicked it i did not know it's a phone number link so the labels are very important call us today would make more sense than book us today all right and plus book us today sounds like hey if you um if you call us right now we can have all this food prepared for hundreds or even thousands of people ready by today that's not possible that's not possible no one can cook that fast so um especially fine dining so i would definitely change this to college today all right moving on uh this is a slideshow okay i did not know this was a slideshow because it wasn't moving so um the only way i knew it's a slideshow is because i've been using webflow for a long time and these dots look like the ui for webflow slide slider component so um i would remove the slider you don't need the slider here no one's going to click on these buttons no one's going to click on them so remove just leave the hero like it is but not in a slider component all right moving on experience more below okay cool all right so see there food photography very important great job here okay and view our menu book a consultation yeah c book a consultation and this a phone number link again i call to book a consultation or request a call i don't know something like that and so this one is inquire right here and it's going to email so this one should say email to inquire like you got to tell the people what they're about to do you don't want people to click on something and go oh what just happened why did that happen all right um your spacing is very tight at the top and bottom of this section um whereas this one has more space so it's inconsistent spacing i like what you did here i like okay i like that i like the circles more spacing because again the spacing is inconsistent between this circle the edge of the circle the edge of the circle and this line is not uh from this the left side of the type all the way to the line is this is smaller than this so you want to make them spaced out the same okay those little details really matter uh it's hard to read these this logo and this logo so what i would do is make these all white logos okay just just knock them out with white even the chili pepper right everything should just be white because it's hard if it's hard to see these two then that's not fair to these two logos whereas these are popping out and yeah so it's not fair so make it make it all white uh testimonials is a header but then this is talking about this so why is this word outside of the section here so i would put this inside of this section okay uh by norm you're on the beach then why are you watching enjoy yourself get out of here in fact in fact like leave now like close the app enjoy the beach all right anyways bye norm um yeah and this type is getting way too it i would do a black overlay on the background image because you can't really see the type it's the type is being um eaten by the food like it's hard to see the type oh you just got here walking the dog okay um okay yeah nice nice nice so it's a photo gallery and again the type is hard to see see you're doing call us today right here this makes sense uh yeah so i can't read this clearly with the photo behind it so i would push back the photo even more push back meaning having some sort of black overlay on top of it okay but thank you so much ali thank you so much all right i got to get through these faster okay the first time i'm probably not gonna get through them oh no where's the site reviews there he goes okay i got two more wait they're both from ayush okay so that means if i don't get through it through both then that's okay right because you can bring the second one later all right ayush what do you got hmm interesting glassy interesting okay um i thought it was a maze at first but that's just the type okay um wow it's it's clean and noisy at the same time but i'm very interested all right so moving on the creative audit have your brand evaluated recognize your creative challenges and get actionable advice from team at backdrop apply now okay so you have a hover effect if i click apply now all right still work in progress nothing happens nothing there's no links anywhere all right scrolling down i feel like the boxes need to animate somehow if you can do that with lottie that would make it really awesome instead of a static image but again that's just me i like that arrow that's cool okay don't just hear it from us okay um i would hold on i would push this down yeah i don't know 35 yeah probably 35. um this quote double quote sign is too close to the name so if i go here it's like it's too close to this line i would push it down like this so there's some space um what i so as someone who's like you know what the pixel geek brand i want to know how i can make uh i want to know how to up level it like how can i make my brand better you know what am i missing i need that help when i go to this i see that you're a person or you're a team that wants to help however i want to see before and afters let me see the before and afters of oneplus lansify and matt over marketing like what did you do for them i want to see the proof i need just like a portfolio site show me the proof show me before and after show me results like like are they getting more conversions or is their pr better now like people thought oh this brand sucks to oh my god i can't live without this brand um hey lewis you're working on lottie cool okay sweet so that's what i'm i'm i'm feeling here like i'm looking for proof also and again that's just me i'm looking for humans uh who are the humans behind this and maybe that's gonna be on this page all right but i feel like having a team photo or something would help like something like uh if you had a team photo here even just a small one that said uh let our team help you bam let our team help you dined let our team help you find out what's missing or even let our team help your brand grow i don't know something like that you know and so you're you're putting your potential clients in a way like hey we want to serve you we want to help you like that type of content that kind of type of copy and then you show a photo of the team who wants to help all right uh can you click on the cube clicked don't touch this will happen let me click it first before because i got to keep this safe for work oh okay okay that's cool but i mean it's uh it changes from light to dark mode that's cool but that kind of scared me so if it scares me what do you think other people so yeah well i guess other people would click it if they're not on a stream yeah cool cool all right um and we have time so before i go into ayush's other project and thank you again ish um any other questions for me when it comes to web flow web design career life i guess i guess um let me wait on chat all right if there's nothing yush's other project a tree dot ai okay a tree all right interoperability what does that mean advice for teen freelancer okay what advice do you want as a teen freelancer and let me google search exchange and make use of information oh okay um okay uh ayush is asking how do you position yourself as an expert you don't being an expert just means that you've been in the game for a while that you're like i kind of know what i'm doing because remember no one in life knows what they're doing if someone says oh yeah i gotta figure it out i know what i'm doing they're lying they're straight up lying no one again goes back to the first thing i'm talking about no one's perfect no one is an expert people are just i guess the expert if you're thinking about the word expert as like one of the best people to use a tool or one of the best people in a field expert just means they've been in the game for a while and they've they've done so much work that it's like okay like i get it like being jaded you know so don't position yourself as an expert position yourself as someone who genuinely wants to help that's it i know on my own website i put webflow expert seo purposes but i would more i would just what i usually say is i'm just a web flow nerd i saw it when in 2013 and it's been a hobby ever since and i'm using it as a way to help people bring their designs and ideas to life that's it and i use this stream and my youtube channel and my personal brand as a way to help others do the same and be happy about it so yeah i'm not an expert i'm a nerd but uh i'm just in the game for a long time so and if you think about the word professional i always thought about that word too when i was a teen i was like i want to be a professional yeah and then i learned oh professional just someone who just get paid to do something so like if you think about it if you're a kid and you're selling lemonade on the side of the street and someone buys that lemonade from you your professional lemonade seller for 50 cents too yeah or is it a dollar now because of inflation i don't know you are an expert because you show her expertise oh yeah i guess you can say it back like that i don't know it's just my own head my own head how i think like yeah experts like i don't believe in experts i don't believe in experts i believe in humans yeah so there's a deep answer for you uh your second oh we only have two minutes okay so i like this i like the round and round that's cool um yep i was expecting hover this is very clean oh this is clean is this it's so clean i feel like you're using a template and that's not a bad thing i'm not trying to put you down i'm saying this is this is clean i mean look how much space you have around all of your sections it's consistent your hover effect is is subtle um these tag yeah this circle right here yeah okay come on it's all good and then these waves yeah dude it's in your work and your attitude okay yeah there you go i am an expert i think that's me all right let's go another page yeah clean clean icons yeah i don't know what else to say about this one this one works wait why is this blurred out [Music] and it's happening on each one right well moving on yeah cool i like this i was like oh i wish that would move and it's moving the nice sight okay okay ush nelson you do believe in webflow experts yeah there's webflow experts but again it's all about the personal brand uh let me get into that christopher hold on um but let me finish this one up so ish thank you for showing us this i know i didn't give this enough time but i mean it's really really clean uh so thank you thank you for uh sharing that with us let me set this as complete and we are done right no other sites to review yay we're done okay uh so i'll just end this with christopher's um comment yes i do believe in webflow experts however when someone calls themselves expert i'm still like i don't trust you i don't trust you because again anyone can call themselves an expert anyone with one day one week one month or even a year of webflow knowledge can call themselves an expert right so labels i don't care about labels i don't care who you are when you're labeling yourself what i care about is how are you helping others and what i mean by that is how when it comes to web web design and web flow how are you structuring your elements how are how are you naming your classes how are you naming your interactions how are you teaching people how are you helping others to up level so when i think if if you want to use experts as a label then rand seagal is a is an expert um mckenzie child um waldo ben the people i've met from the webflow community the og people uh uh bartosz uh andrew nelson um and and and so many charlie marie's doing uh uh live streams ben burns from the future is doing live streams so to me those are the experts timothy ricks huge he made he hit 10 000 subs on his youtube channel he deserves that he's an expert um so when i see a lis experts i'm like cool dude cool but when i see people who are genuinely helping because they want to help people that's a human i don't care about experts i care about the humans and that's why i'm trying to help everyone here in the pixel geek community become humans and if you already are one thank you thank you for being that human who cares not only for the no code community but also for the clients well-being so that they can maintain their sites in seconds to minutes rather than hours to days and helping them gain and convert clients faster because they you've took the time to save your clients time and that's what i do with all of my clients i make sure that they don't even if a client is emailing me saying hey nelson i don't know how to do this i don't know how to maintain my site i have done my job wrong i don't want those emails and again i don't charge my clients for like maintenance fees like monthly maintenance you know i transfer the whole site to their account and i'm like hey you set up your own webflow account and you pay for the site plan on your own account i'll just help you set it up and done deal you only call me when you need a redesign or you need a complete new landing page or something but for small things i'm not going to charge you because you should know how to do it i don't want you emailing me because a client emailing me means they have to take time to send the email then they have to take even more time to wait for me to respond i have to take time to respond and i have to wait for them to respond back and for what that means i don't care i just want that money so again this is just my opinion take care of your clients take care of the other people the humans around you all right so that's it wow that was a that was a soapbox um where's my music is my has the music been playing this whole time wait no it hasn't wait play okay because obs doesn't there we go all right cool thank you thank you thank you everyone who's been on this stream for supporting this channel supporting me uh it really means a lot i appreciate you all there was this one tweet last thing there's just one tweet that said try changing the way when you say i appreciate this or appreciate it try changing it to say i appreciate you and i've been doing it more often and it feels better you know it's more personal so i appreciate you all for being here i will see you next time uh what's happening let me check my calendar i think next week no stream because let me see here yeah next week no stream the monthly pixel geek member group session is happening so if you want to be a member go to join up and i will see you on google meet and we can just chat vent or talk about whatever all right um and then the week after that we're doing another stream so the 26th um that one's tentative fyi i gotta double check on the 26th and if not the 26th july 3rd i'll be back so thank you all so much again this is the pixel geek live stream i'm your host nelson these streams happen every saturday from 10 a.m to 12 p.m pacific time where we talk about mostly web flow and no code stuff uh yeah and that's it so i'll see you and as always make the web beautiful together see ya [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: pixelgeek
Views: 1,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: webflow, web design tutorial, webflow tutorial, graphic design, web development, pixelgeek, pixel geek
Id: vMELSU8zgbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 15sec (7635 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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