Image Processing in ArcGIS Pro Complete Tutorial

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foreign we are going to teach you how to process images in arcgis pro software stay with us if you have any questions ask in the comments to get started we need to create a new project using the map option we assign a name for this project [Music] hello [Music] after opening using the base map option we can activate the available base math types and display our study area foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign command is used for image processing in this section using the raster function we can process the image you can observe all the analyzes here [Music] foreign [Music] first of all we need to download our image we've attached the related Link in the description using which you can easily download landsat images unzip and extract the image from the zip file [Music] landsat 8 bands are observable here we can use MTL file to import the image thank you using the add data option we can import the image to the software [Music] we select the MTL file [Music] the landsat 8 image can be displayed here [Music] [Music] thank you using the appearance option we can perform processes [Music] foreign symbology we can apply visual changes [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] using band combination you can choose the proper band combination foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] can also select the appropriate stretch type foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] swipe the image with the image below [Music] foreign the image it is necessary to apply pre-processing steps on the image using the imagery option and the raster function command we can enter the correction section here we select the apparent reflectance command [Music] we enter the image as input Mark the Albedo checkbox and click on the create new layer look apparent reflectance was successfully applied foreign spectral indices can be easily applied to the image in the software for this purpose we can select the ndvi command from the analysis section [Music] we enter the images input and specify the infrared band finally click on the create new layer ndvi was applied to the image [Music] foreign you can choose a proper color combination [Music] [Music] [Music] you can also export the image to export we need to select the data and Export raster commands we select the image and Export it [Music] here we will show you how to extract many spectral indices from the math section we select the band arithmetic command these indices can be easily calculated automatically from the input part we specify our image [Music] in the method section we can select all the available indices here we select the iron indexes index the required bands are imported according to the specified formula [Music] here the iron index's index was calculated [Music] [Music] we calculate the EB index the desired bands are imported according to the specified formula thank you select our image from the methods section select the Savvy index foreign S as well as the L coefficient which is 0.5 [Music] we can also calculate the ndvi index [Music] the desired bands are selected [Music] using the data section and the export raster command we can export our images [Music] foreign we set the output format to Tiff [Music] all right using the add data command we can import a shape file to the software using this shape file we can crop our area so that we can classify this area [Music] from the imagery section we select the raster function command select this command by searching for the clip command [Music] we enter our image we also Define our shapefile finally click on create new layer [Music] the image was cropped based on the defined shapefile look we select the classification tools command using the imagery section here we select training samples manager here training is based on the nlcd 2011 standard that we delete all classes [Music] we assign a name [Music] thank you and click add new class then we enter the class name Define the class value and choose a color for the class [Music] we go to our area and collect water class samples [Music] [Music] finally we select all the classes and click on the collapse option foreign [Music] we select the urban areas class a name set the value and the color of the class [Music] we collect samples from urban areas [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign we select all the classes and click on the collapse options [Music] we select the bear Land class [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you and collect training samples from areas without vegetation [Music] [Music] foreign we select all the classes and click on the collapse option we go to the agricultural class [Music] we collect samples from Green areas that are agricultural lands [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign ly we select all the classes and click on the collapse option [Music] we can also add a series of samples to the classes [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you we save the samples in a specific path [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ification tools section we select the classify option we can choose the desired classification method thank you [Music] select training samples [Music] [Music] [Music] the support Vector machine classification was done here [Music] [Music] we can also apply random Forest classification to our image all parameters remain by default thank you foreign likelihood classification [Music] the classification output was saved on the random Forest classification output in this section we select the iso cluster [Music] [Music] foreign the classification results are observable here [Music] to compare classifications we apply random Forest again [Music] [Music] if you have any questions ask in the comments foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: RS & GIS
Views: 7,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RS & GIS, rs & gis tutorial, rs gis lecture, rs and gis, GIS, ArcGIS, arcgis tutorial for beginners, arcgis pro, arcgis pro tutorial, ArcGIS Pro complete tutorial, arcgis pro for beginners, arcgis pro full tutorial, arcgis pro full course, Image Processing in ArcGIS Pro Complete Tutorial, Image Processing, image processing tutorial, Image processing in ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Pro Image Processing, Satellite Image Processing in ArcGIS Pro, Landsat 8 Image processing in arcgis pro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 49sec (1909 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 26 2022
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