I'm Yours - Jason Mraz | EASY UKULELE TUTORIAL
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Elise Ecklund
Views: 2,309,494
Rating: 4.9465227 out of 5
Keywords: I'm yours ukulele, I'm yours ukulele tutorial, how to play I'm yours on ukulele, easy ukulele tutorial, easy ukulele lesson, easy ukulele tutorial for beginners, ukulele strumming patterns, easy songs on ukulele, popular songs on ukulele, how to play popular songs on ukulele, I'm yours Jason Mraz ukulele tutorial, how to play I'm yours by jason mraz on ukulele
Id: 13lrl-ulyVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2017
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