I'm Unsure About Everything

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[Music] hi I'm coach Cory Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of this newsletter is going to be I'm unsure about everything I've got an email here from a viewer who's in the process of going through a divorce he hates his job and basically his whole world has come crashing down in the past year or so he's having a a really difficult time moving beyond where he is he's suffering a lot he still is having a hard time accepting the reality that his wife who he thought really loved him and cared about him and who he has two kids with is hanging out having fun and hooking up with a much younger dude and so he's just really in a bad place emotionally mentally spiritually and physically cuz he's still living in the same house with his soon Tobe ex-wife and he's having a hell of a time so he's got he wrote a really detailed email about all the things that are going on he's also having problems with his family it sounds like part some of his family members are a little too involved in his business which is adding even more stress to his life and so he writes in asking me my opinion on things and how he can have a positive outlook and what direction he needs to move in so before we get into the email I got a quote that I wrote I want to share with you on this topic and it says the only constant in life is change if you don't learn to change with it and become grateful for the opportunity to create something newer and even better than what you had previously you will suffer tremendously and have an extremely difficult time finding a way to enjoy your life and be happy the more comfortable you become at being in a constant state of creation and Recreation when things that no longer serve you dissolve the more effortless and exciting life will become to you most of the time things you dream about and are constantly working on and taking action to perfect will take many years and even decades to accomplish if you can accept this truth about life and creating your dreams you will find yourself smiling more being happy more and not getting so bent out of shape when it feels like you are spinning your wheels and getting nowhere you'll be able to keep your head down and continue plowing forward taking action towards what you want to create knowing that someday success will be inevitable successful people simply are able to outlast everyone else because they persist without exception so let's go ahead and jump right into his email he says hey coach I emailed you last year about my situation I am married and my wife cheated on me and still chooses to be with him currently we are still living in the same house and are going to be partying ways and divorcing we have two small children and it's very difficult for me to accept this right now because I grew up in a broken home and never wanted my children to experience that I also believed that my wife would never want to get divorced I think that's why I've been feeling so shitty through this whole ordeal considering the fact that she's been out of relationship mode with me since long before she told me she wanted a divorce and doesn't tell me what she doing most of the time and also because she's not being the same person to me that she used to be yeah it's obvious that you're having a hard time accepting the reality that your marriage is over and whether you're your marriage is ending or you have a relationship that just ended or is in the process of ending or you were dating this girl and you thought hey this is the woman I'm going to spend the rest of my life with and a couple months later she's dumping you and running off with some other dude that's a hard thing to accept because you have to realize and you have to accept the fact that there's obviously a knowledge Gap and maybe you might have made some bad choices but at the end of the day you have to become a better version of yourself in order to create something better and you know I'm 44 now and when I look back on my life it there's always another level to get to there's always a new challenge and whether it's friendships that need to end or a Business Partnership that needs to end or maybe living in a certain city needs to end and you need to move somewhere else you have to be at a place in life where you become okay with change you become okay with chaos in essence because most people will do more to avoid pain than they will do to gain pleasure so the average person is really kind of just going through life and unconsciously creating their life they're just kind of going along with whatever shows up and when they don't get the job that they want or they don't have they don't really know what they want to do with their life or with their purpose is they just try to get something that's easy that can kind of smooth things over and get to a place where they're a little bit relaxed and just going along with things but most people major and minor things and so they're you and and when you think about that if most people that you're going to encounter in life tend to major and minor things that's what their standards are that's what their expectations are and if you have higher expectations than your present peer group when they see you striving to become better or become a better version of yourself they're not going to like it they're going to have a problem with it a lot of times they're not going to be very positive or enthusiastic enthusiastic or have something encouraging to say to you about that because they're not doing they don't have they have low standards for themselves it's like you probably heard me talk many times Michael Jordan attributes the reason why he was so successful is his he had higher standards than everybody and his coaches his fans his teammates his family everyone and so he had his own standards that he lived his life by I personally have very high standards for myself and what I want for my life and I've had a lot of ups and downs in my life and you've probably heard me talk about this many times in previous videos it's very difficult to go from make it half a million dollars a year to making nothing within a matter of months because you decide to move in a new direction or you realize that your heart is no longer in a business or a career that you may have spent 15 20 years working on or perfecting it's very disconcerting to go and do something new because when you go and you start something new in essence you're kind of starting all over again like all my background was in construction in real estate and as a business owner as a manager as a leader leader in the company that I used to have with my business partners I had a lot of people that work for me and I was good at coaching them and teaching them the skills they needed in order to succeed and become really successful because the more I invested my time in them and help them to become more successful the more successful I became it's just like Zig Ziggler once said if you help enough people get what they want you'll get what you want and it's so true it's find a way to add value to people's lives especially when it comes to a career or if you want to start a business it's all about adding value to other people's lives and if you're not passionate about what you're doing to add value it's going to show because if you don't like what you're doing you're never really going to be good at it you're just going to be go doing just enough to not get fired you're going to be doing just enough to get by because that's what the average person does most people they never stretch beyond their comfort zone it's like they get to their their late you know they start out in their early 20s and when they're a teenager they have all these Grand dreams of what they want I'm going to become a millionaire I'm G to become rich and famous and then by the time they hit 30 they're working a crappy job and they're living a life of mediocrity because at some point they realize that being successful and being a high achiever is not as easy as it may have looked on TV you there's old saying it took it took 10 years to become an overnight success like the journey that I'm on now the life coaching business that I have I I've been at this for a little over eight years now and those first few years were pretty lean years I was really good at helping people as far as packaging up what I do because think about it having a life coach or going for the I mean the majority of the people really don't achieve in life and it's like you look at all the people that have the wealth in the world it's only like the top 1 to 3% % of people they make all the money and they have all the world's wealth because the average person is just simply not willing to persist long enough they don't believe in themselves enough they don't believe in their dreams enough and therefore they just give up they say oh well I'm just going to go get this average job here because it pays the bills and you think about what effect this has on your health and the quality of your life you start out in your 20s early 20s all these dreams and you get to your early 30s you're just kind of giving up on them and you're living a life of mediocrity you imagine as this carries forward the frustration that you feel in your 40s your 50s your 60s you're just trying to survive Monday through Friday so you can get to the weekend and then it starts all over you just then when Sunday rolls around you can't really even enjoy Sunday because you're dreading going to work the next day on Monday and imagine that imagine getting to a place where you learn to believe and you just just kind of accept that life is going to suck and achieving your dreams is not in the cards for you think about that are you are you going to be motivated to go to the gym are you going to be motivated to eat better are you going to be motivated to go out and have a social life and have a good time are you going to be motivated to conciously try to better yourself or improve your business or in quality improve the quality of the people that you date or that you have relationships with or that you spend time with like I'll give one simple example about that is I just I just moved this past week and I've live in like pretty much the nicest building in Downtown Orlando I'm on the 20th floor and what's just amazing to me it's like a night I lived in a really nice building I was at before but it's like a night and day difference people are people that have money and that are more successful and that come from a higher e economic range they tend to be happier they take better care of themselves they're more peaceful they're more more relaxed they have more choices they tend to be kinder they tend to be happier they tend to be friendlier I just noticed it walking around the hallways here and seeing people everybody is so much more willing to engage in conversation and say hello to you and I remember the place I was i' I'd been living for a while in in Orlando it's like I'd see sometimes I'd see people in the hallway I'd say hey how are you how's your day going I mean they look right at me and not even open their mouth not even acknowledge that I just said hello to them I could be in an elevator I get an they walk into an elevator like hey how you doing silence they don't even acknowledge me it's like I'm invisible what do you think's going on in their mind they're not very happy they're not very friendly here it's like people go out of their way to be kind let me get that elevator door let me hold that door for you hey how are you oh you just moved in oh great nice to meet you my name's so and so oh you got you know I'm having a party this week or I'm you I have some friends over you I'm I'm in unit number so and so you should come by and hang out and meet meet some some of the other friends I've made in the building it's just like a night and day type of difference and you could just see like where people are emotionally and mentally internally and it makes a huge difference and that's what the average person is like most of the people that you're going to encounter are like that you're going to see them on the street and you see on their face they're just not happy they're not alive they don't feel excited I was talking with my chiropract this morning and one of the things he was talking about and how is gratitude and how gratitude affects your physiology the more grateful you are in other in other words the it's a really great thing thing to get up every day and just spend a couple minutes like that's to just start your day out thinking about all the things and the reasons that you have to be grateful for in your life and the more you can find reasons to be grateful and and happy in your life or excited about what's maybe coming down the road the less muscle tension that you're going to have in your nervous system but the more stressed you are the more Angry you are the more you fret about the future or you stress out at work you literally fill your body full of a acidic fluids and that has a negative effect on your on your body on our bodies in general because it literally your body biologically conforms to what your thoughts are and what your feelings are about your life and so if you're in a constant state of thinking about things that you have to be grateful for and you're excited about you're going to be happier you're going to have less stress you're going to have less tension in your in your nervous system because the more tension you have in your nervous system the more that your spinal cord muscles are going to move and sublate your vertebrae and what this does it put pressure on the nerves that come out of your vertebrae and you know obviously then your brain loses its ability to talk to those different organs of your body then it starts creating health problems and you literally become as the years go by you become kind of locked in this negative destructive toxic physiology that affects the overall quality of your life it's really a fascinating topic so I mean that's a really great thing that you can do every morning is just think about what do I have what's going on in my life right now that I can be grateful for what's going on I can be happy about right now in my life I mean it's really tough when you're going through a difficult time like for me personally you know this is like it's been eight years since I started this this business it was eight years ago that I sold my million dooll house that I had on a lake and all this nice stuff and it's just now like eight years later I'm really at a place where I'm kind of feeling like I'm back at that kind of level where I used to be income wise and success wise and it really affects how you feel about yourself you know cuz especially like when you when you're enjoying your life like this particular guy he's enjoying his life he's happily married he thinks everything's going great then all he sudden he finds out his wife's cheating on him his marriage ends that kind of spirals out of control and he's not happy in his job and the reason things like this happen in life it's like when you get to a certain place in life CU a lot of us when there's something going on whether it's taking care of our bodies or we don't like our jobs or we don't like our peer group or the relationships that we're involved in aren't really good high quality relationships and you're just kind of hanging out as roommates or you're just you're not really excited you're not really passionate about one you're having only having sex maybe one or two times a month because you've been together a couple of years then all of a sudden you find out that person has left you or has been cheating on you or is forming an emotional bond with somebody else and you want to kind of hold on to what was really just kind of mediocre and kind of sucked anyways and then it dissolves and then you don't accept that you're going to suffer like I was the quote that I Shar with you earlier a big part about your ability to be happy and feel successful in life is your ability to realize and accept the truth that the only con in life is change everybody you love and everything that you build in this life is eventually going to dissolve and so what you got to realize is life really is like a constant state of creation and making yourself a new and if you can accept the fact that it's in a constant state of flux and get to a place where you are excited about what's going to happen next like I had a I had a old guy used this guy was like in his 90s years ago was my my bar Harver and he had this sign on his it was like it was so this guy was like a small small place it sign it was kind of like handwritten and it says why do I keep showing up and and this guy had been a barber since he was in the Navy like when he was 18 years old you imagine he been doing this his whole life he literally had the same barber shop for 50 years same little tiny little room he he practiced cutting hair same thing and sign said why do I keep showing up every day and the simple simple answer to that was see what happens next that's a great attitude to have towards life why do you keep plugging along why do you keep grinding out like especially like for me when I spent so many years like it took me four and a half years to figure out my business model and it's like you know you're two years in you got people that know you are saying you're a idiot you had all this success why don't you go back into real estate why don't you go back into construction why don't you go back and do what you were so successful at like I didn't want to do that anymore I didn't have a passion for that I didn't want to become like the majority of the people just kind of sleepwalking through life and it's really tough to do that because you got to have faith it's just like St Augustine said faith is believing in what you do not yet see the reward for this faith is to see what you believed and like like I said it's like taking me literally 8 years to get back to the place where I I once was and enjoyed that really great life and lifestyle cuz it's tough as the years Roll by it's like year after year after year you're grinding out you're doing all this work and you're having an impact but just you're not getting compensated and you don't see the business growing it's like you know it's like a slow process I remember the same feelings like when I was in real estate like I remember when we we we first leased this $25 million office building that we eventually ended up purchasing and so we took like a big gamble cuz we went from having we were I remember our rent was like $1,600 a month it it was only like 17,800 foot place that we had and there was like 10 of us in this little we were just packed with people I remember a year or two years in when we had this new office building it was just kind of like when is this thing going to take off I was you know I was spending 20 $330,000 month in advertising at time and ultimately I got to the point where I was spending $50,000 a month in television advertising but it was just a slow process because you'd hire hire a new agent in you'd invest like six months of your time before they would really kind of get it and things would start to click and then they would it would kind of start to pay off and sometimes you'd hire somebody and youd invest all that time in them and then they wouldn't work out and so it's like six months of your life and all that money that you spent investing in this person now you got to start all over and hire somebody new and you got four or five people you're training TR it at any one time I just remember sitting in my office looking at the traffic one by just going man I just when is this thing it's going to take off and it just everything in life is a gradual process because our society is like all about the Quick Fix give me the magic pill give me the magic pickup line give me the getrich quick scheme how do I get rich and just do a couple clicks on my computer and then a million dollar shows up in my bank account people have this mentality it just is not like that success doesn't work that way if your life totally sucks now if you're not happy with where you're at or what you're accomplishing it's going to take time it may take 5 to 10 15 20 years to get where you really want to be but isn't it worth it just spend that time maybe spend a decade of your life where you don't really get to have a really great life and lifestyle you don't have tons of money to spend to ultimately spend the next 20 30 40 Years of your life really really doing well I mean it's common sense when you really think about it but most people are just trying to survive and that's kind of like where this this viewer is at he continues he says I understand that I shouldn't fret about this but I'm having a hard time getting over the fact that we had a long relationship before we had a long friendship before we actually got into a relationship and then we got together and had two children got married in the whole relationship she had me believing that she was going to stick by me through her words and actions over the course the relationship she allowed herself to develop feelings for another man and I'm having difficult time getting over that and the fact that she still chooses to see this 22-year-old kid I know I need to disconnect from her but I'm having a hard time doing that what is your advice to do on this well you got to look at the fact that she's already involved with somebody new and she wouldn't have got involved with somebody new if if your relationship was really that great it was obvious that it was it was mediocre at best and more than likely sucked because she moved on and found somebody else and you like most of the guys that I talk to that are in these situations hey I thought everything was going along great and they had no idea and then what what happens is is if every area of your life like on a scale of 1 to 10 is like a three or a four and then you think your relationship is maybe a six or seven it's not really great but it's okay in your eyes and then she leaves you and then you realize that now your relationship part of your life sucks and then it really causes you to to look at every area of your life and so now you're thinking now my relationship really sucks and then the fact that your job was a three or four and it's always been that now you look that and it's even it's like it seems like everywhere you look you're like like just mediocre mediocre mediocre and it's really hard to get motivated to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and be motivated that's why I spend so much time with quality of life issues with men and women that I coach helping them figure out their purpose because you got to have something that you're excited about it's just like I said the only reason I stuck with things for so long is because I couldn't come up with anything that was more exciting and more emotion compelling than what I'm doing right now he says other issues I'm having is getting rid of my limiting beliefs I'm not in a happy place right now and I'm trying to figure out what my purpose in life is and how to get back back my own happiness it's all in my thinking right it's like Wayne Dyer says when you change the way you look at things the things you look at will change what you focus on will expand and right now you're obviously focusing on all the things that suck about your life you say well what's good about my life sucking right now what's good about the fact that I don't like my job and obviously my relationships are in the toilet and like in this particular case all of his friends are involved with his wife so he's got to he wants to create cuz think about it every time you hang out with friends that have a connection with the ex-wife to be it's going to be kind of hard cuz you're going to have those memories especially if there's a couple involved and now you're the single one that the couple that used to socialize with you and your wife and you're hanging out it just feels weird and it feels awkward you got to look at this is this dissolve because this relationship didn't serve you any longer that's the only reason why things in life don't dissolve but most people just they're trying to hold their mediocre life together and when things start falling apart it's like a big mirror it's a big reflection of there's a lot of things in my life that really suck he says I'm feeling guilty for the way I treated my wife in the relationship being disrespectful to her and always being miserable what was I just saying so he was already miserable his life sucked but he was just kind of ignoring it he was just acting as if things were great even you know all that that big lump under the carpet you know it's not all the we brushed under the under the rug under the carpet it's still there and so basically what happens is now you have to deal with it and that's what this situation with your wife did it really forced you to look Inward and realize you know what things really aren't so great in my life he says she also says some of the stuff that I said to hurt her and this is how she looked and stuff but when I said stuff which was never negative about her looks I meant it with good intention well if there's something that your wife like say your wife's not or your girlfriend's not working out she's not really taking care of everybody because I've I've done numerous sessions with guys they started dating a girl and she was looking good they one of my clients she had she blew out her knee I think it was and she wasn't in perfect shape she was in all right shape but I mean she literally gained like 30 40 pounds in like 3 or 4 months and it was a point where like he just didn't want to have sex with her anymore he was totally turned off and by this point and he just kind of went along with things he finds himself living with her at that point and he just wasn't happy and then when he looks at the fact that you know she gained a ton of weight what he realized was that he allowed himself to start living with a woman whose relationship was okay it was really just mediocre but when he when she gained all that weight he realized like this really sucks and he was really miserable at that point and it took him several months but eventually he left he moved out and he got his own place and he feel like he got his freedom back he moved on from that particular relationship because he was really and I remember talking to him before he even moved in with her and we talked about these things it's was like I can tell that it really wasn't that great but he just kind of went along with it and then when she gained all that weight he realized W this really sucks and so it's like it's just like for me my divorce when I was it was my 20s I should have never married her in the first place the only reason I did is cuz I was a I was weak weak I didn't know any better and it's like after going through that experience I was like I will never get married again unless I am 100% certain and like I've said many times it's like i' I've since that relationship I've come close and with two different women who I dated for many many years and I thought for sure those first couple years I was dating this is definitely the person I was going to marry and you get to a place you realize hey the relationship just ran its course and most people when that happens they start feeling all those feelings just like when I was thinking about getting engaged in my wife I talked myself into it I didn't feel like I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her but everybody's all all my all my female friends were telling me I should all my my my buddies from high school they were all getting married at that time and I was just like hey well I guess this is the way it is cuz I you know what was the example I had my parents it wasn't a very great example I didn't know any better I had a dream of what I believed a relationship could be like I pretty much just settled and gave up on it and it's really tough when you got something that's okay to leave that because you know especially like for me when I was in my early 20s I had spent so I had so many things so many relationships that just didn't work out so many girls I started a date that I really liked and it didn't work out with them and it's hard when you get something that comes along it's so much better than everything else you've had out of all the years you've been dating you think wow if I let this grow oh God it might be 10 years before before I find somebody new he says I meant with good intention that she doesn't see it like that and so he was he was putting her down a lot and so if if you want your girlfriend or your wife to work out more you don't say God your ass is like the size of Texas you say things like you know what honey I think you look so sexy when you come home from the gym and your tight yoga pants you're all sweaty I just want to tear those things off off and ravish you that's the proper way to comp in other words what you're saying is I really like what you're doing I really like when you do this you're not saying you know hey your you your boobs are kind of sagging down to your knees honey you should really do something about that it's not the you know it's not the posi it's like you want to put a positive expectation on things you compliment her on what you like what she's doing you don't focus on the negative it's e that's even is what's interesting about advertising it's that that and they learned this in the early 1900s is don't focus on like if you're you got an acne cream don't focus on the bad acne focus on how good your skin is going to look after you use this product think about it when you see that on TV like like some of the I'm not going to mention any of the names but there's several you know drugs that that these very famous beautiful models and very famous successful or celebrities have and they all you see the pictures of them with all of their clear skin now but you know they show the before pictures that showed how bad their skin was so you see them when their skin looks great but you also have the before pictures so you can see where they were and where they are now as opposed to just saying hey I got really bad acne I can't hopefully this product will work in the future because nobody would buy it then if they focused on it from that perspective he says I hate the fact that I'm so emot I think this has a lot to do with my dad he says I'm having a big problem with him because I feel like I'm being influenced by him through all his negativity and from the way he acts and what he says well sometimes you just got to stand up for yourself say Dad I love you but you know what I'm going through a really difficult time right now and I don't need all this negativity if he continues on that way you say Dad you're just bringing me down so if you don't have positive and uplifting to say I'm going to go I got a lot of things to do call me back when you're in a better mood cuz I I don't have time for this this life is hard enough without you trying to bring me down or tear me down I I had some conversations like that with my own father when I was in my late 20s because he didn't have anything positive to say about my my business or my entrepreneurial Adventures he didn't like the way I was going about things he was just trying to keep me from having disappointment or being disappointed but the way the negative way that he went about it I just said I don't need this in my life so if you ain't got anything positive to say I want to hear I mean I literally said that to him and he never had anything negative to say after that and a few years later when I really succeeded he told me how proud of me that he was which was the first time in my life he'd ever said it was like literally in my late 20s but the first time I ever heard my dad say I'm proud of you he says his belief system is is what it is but I think he's influencing me with his thoughts and his beliefs well the only way he can influence you it's like no one will ever do or say anything to you that you don't invite them to do it's just like what the Buddha said if someone gives you a gift and you don't accept it to whom does the gift belong he says he doesn't have his life together and he's trying to tell me what I should be doing he says he's also stirring up with my soon to be ex even after I asked him to leave it alone I think he's making stuff up in his own hand about her so he can justify getting into a confrontation with her it's like some people are just like that some people go through life looking for reasons to be offended or to get pissed off about things it's like I see comments on my YouTube channel or sometimes people send me emails you got people that are unsuccessful telling me what I need to do to be even more successful than I already am it's like I only listen to people that are either at my level of success or even more successful than I am it's like a leader leads by example he says I can't control what he does but he's not being respectful of my asking him to leave it alone and it pisses me off I just feel more depressed after I talk to him so don't spend so much time talking to him I just want to get away from him but I know he will be bitching if I don't call him or anything well like I said no one will ever do or say anything to you that you don't invite them to do and so if you're feeling obligated to talk to him just cuz he's your father but he's always constantly bringing you down you've got to put your foot down you got to set your boundaries you got to be man enough and have the balls and say hey man I love you Dad but if you don't have something positive to say I don't want to hear it you got to stand up for yourself because otherwise you continuing to call him and let him bring you down you're enabling his behavior and a lot of us do this by putting up with people I I had a a guy that is he's been an acquaintance of mine for many many years and a few months ago I just finally just he kept calling he want to hang out and then he would always he'd never get her I'll call you later man we'll we'll nail down that time then I would I would hear from like a few weeks later and I finally was just like it I was like dude you're wasting my time I'm busy I don't have time for this but I'm happy to spend time with you but it's like once once or twice a month you call me we got to get together we got to hang out and then you never follow through anything you're going to say and that is how this guy lives his life he's a procrastinator and now that he's in his 40s he's just kind of in a rut and he's he's just got a mediocre career he's got a mediocre relationship he's just miserable like why would I want to spend my my time being around somebody who I've long since Left Behind sometimes you just have to do that obviously with family it's kind of difficult because they're family but with your friends it's like one of the things that Tony ramens taught me many many years ago the quality of your life is in direct proportion to the quality of the people who you consistently spend your time with he's so emotional along with a bunch of other people in my family don't hang out with them limit your time it's like one of the things that Wayne dire says he says I have made a decision I'm going to be at peace with all of my relatives in other words no matter what they do I'm not going to take any of that on board just like the quote from the Buddha if someone gives you a gift and you don't accept it to whom does a gift belongs so when you your your your father or any of your family members are saying hey I got this great Burger for you don't you like it you say no thanks he says they aren't fun or energetic or any of that we're all so serious with a little bit of fun and I can't stand it I need to surround myself with positive people but I don't even have a social life and the few people I know I don't feel too comfortable around because they're mutual friends of my relationship with my wife great what does this tell you this tells this tells you this tells me that you need to get out there and make some new friends the way I look at is no matter where I go I will make friends people who like the same things tend to like each other so go get involved in some activities and doing some things and some hobbies that are exciting and compelling to you even if you don't know anybody there you'll meet people along the way just like I was talking about the new building I moved into people are much nicer here than the place I was at just people just have more money that that live in this particular building so they tend to be happier and they're more successful and they're just going to you're going to feel better about themselves he says I used to be happy and now all this is happening I feel like I haven't been doing anything right in my life financially physically emotionally and spiritually well look at that statement I feel like I haven't been doing anything right in my life what does that question presuppose everything sucks and so your brain goes okay okay well let me find other reasons to find what else sucks in your life if you instead of saying you know what's great about this I can start a new relationship I can make new friends I can get a new job I can get a new place I can live where I want to live it's a gradual process like getting to the place where I'm at now it's taking me many many years to get back to where I once was it's been a long journey and there were many especially those first four to five years it's like I was pissed cuz I felt like I knew what it was like you know it's like when you have a lot of success and you have a lot of wealth and you get used to a certain standard of living it's like you go and you travel and you stay at five star resorts and hotels and all that goes away it sucks because you don't have as it's like money doesn't make you happy what it does do is it gives you choices and it really sucks when you don't have a lot of choices that's why it is so important to have an emotionally compelling vision for your life something that's emotion compelling that you're trying to create he says which is where I think my limiting beliefs are I want to have a different mindset on life and all it has to offer but it's so difficult to figure out what I should be doing book a phone session with me I really feel for my kids going through this plus you got children that depend upon you cuz if you don't fix this part about your life guess what you're teaching them to grow up and be just like you how does that feel how would you feel if 20 years from now your kids are just as miserable as you are today because you failed to do what is necessary to become the father that they needed you to be that's what's really going on here you're being called to become better than you were you're being called to become a better man so you can get a better job a better relationship a better peer group and have a better attitude towards dealing with your family and focusing on things that you have to be grateful for he says maybe I'm overthinking it I'm unsure about everything my mind is like a a full a bowl full of jello right now I work in a deadend factory job and I feel stuck now so more than ever I need assistance as to how I can get back to being happy and fun individual so like I said I would if I were you I would definitely book a phone cuz if you've watched a bunch of my videos and where I've talked about how to figure out your purpose and you still don't know what to do or what to focus on then let me help you figure that out when when I do phone sessions with people who are trying to figure out what their purpose is in life we'll end up spending a whole entire hour just in that one thing but it's like once we've got a direction for you to go and once you know what it is or what direction you need to move in that gives you something emotionally compelling to work towards think about it it's like when you were a kid and you wanted that that new toy whether it was for Christmas your birthday or whatever you probably photocopied it you tore out of a magazine or an ad in the newspaper or something you download it from the internet and you printed it out you taped it to your wall somewhere and you looked at it and you absolutely bugged the out of all your your parents and all of your relatives and all your friends you were telling them about I can't wait till Chris or I can't wait till my birthday I get this or I get that because that gives you something positive to look towards if you have something to be excited about it's something to look towards you're going to be a lot happier than where you are right now it's like you don't like you say he's like I'm working at a deadend factory job how can you get excited about a life like that how can if you and when you want to date and meet somebody know how can you get a new girl excited about your life if you're not even excited about it that's something to think about so if you'd like to get my help personally if you're in a a really challeng alling situation right now you feel like your your life sucks or your job sucks or your relationship sucks or you just don't know what to do next you just feel like no matter where you turn in your life you don't know where to go what to do go to my website click the products tab which will be the top of your screen and book a paid phone coaching session with yours truly and I will talk to you [Music] soon
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 91,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0_GI0FvWNt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 27sec (2487 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 25 2014
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