I'm The LAST HOPE For Humanity in I Am Future

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so I need to find supplies to repair this Tower and find survivors who may or may not be out there in I am future who is also sponsoring this video so we have quite a bit of work ahead of us and we're gonna need a hand get it to get this started someone use it as a back scratcher oh what else are you gonna use a hand for so now we have a hand we can pull up some of these fossilized roots and get through the area and then we need to find some food well thankfully there's a fridge over here I don't know how but I'm a lucky guy but it needs a battery so we'll just need to buying something probably in this glowing chest over here look at this we have a battery we'll just go ahead and plug that in let's see what's inside oh the fridge is talking well hi there never seen a talking fridge before no I don't think I have always ready to hand out some advice ask away I don't really have questions I just want to get started on building back this rooftop and to do that we'll need to get a place to sleep so we'll rebuild this ladder we'll just see and find some planks and also examine whatever's in this Ash's pile someone lived here on the roof but now we can build a new campfire we might as well just place it right where the old one was but we'll need some planks for that as well so many things require planks thankfully I can just disassemble this one and crate for some scrap metal and also hopefully find some new things over here like I saw on the table I'll just pick that up and then we can plug it into our hand here aha now we have a saw it's a little bit Rusty but we should still be able to use it to cut up this table into some planks and now we have things that we can use for the ladder so we'll just slap this in there chop up another table slap it in there and thankfully there's some planks just over here all by themselves and we'll slap that in there so now we can climb on up to the roof the roof's roof and pick up some books for paper examine whatever this is and then we can go to sleep you guys we literally just woke up and we need a nap and it sounds like the fridge is making some noises but we're also really hungry right now so where's the fridge where in the world are you it's a leech let's just remove that and then we got some corrosive slime out of it gross Electro sites are afraid of sunlight during the day they sleep but they crawl to feed on electronics well we'll have to handle that a different day but there's also some Infected weeds that we need to take care of somewhere oh right there gross we should just be able to pull this up though with no problem Oh except it hurts although the weed just dropped some weed killer not sure why I was hanging on to that but now we can use it to spray the weeds away so we don't have to touch it this is much better but there's also a lot more of these plants we'll just get rid of as many as we can and get rid of this leech thing go on get rid of you all right oh and the door opened now we can get through and find some other things oh it's just when it becomes daytime that's lucky and now we have blueberries so we can eat those for a little bit of hunger regeneration not too much though hello what is this oh it's a backpack backpack that floats by itself I like that and there's also a whole bunch of this other goop that the plants dropped we should be able to use this for something but we will need to build a workbench so we could just place that right over here I think as long as the backpack gets out of the way there we go now we just give it the plastic that we have and a piece of sheet metal which is right over here slab it in there and now we have a workbench and before I forget let's cut up some more planks so we can build a campfire so once we have this going we can cook some food and and also clean up some more of the roof so we get even more resources and I also kind of forgot to check out this thing because it's got a question mark on it an empty cryopod so someone else might be here that's pretty cool I guess is it supposed to be my Utopia I don't want anyone else a part of it and I could cut up these barrels but I need an iron saw what do I need for one of those I should be able to make it in the workbench I need solvent in a plastic jug somewhere well there's plenty of plastic but none of them have solvent in them let's just cut through this box and explore more of the roof oh with some more planks out of it and also get rid of these infected weeds that's making the place look much better although my Hunger really hasn't improved very much I think that I can just shovel a whole bunch of biomass into my mouth now make things feel a lot better and there's a blueprint over here or a garden bed hey that's gonna help me out a lot there's some other things over here like fertilizer and whatever these are ooh lettuce seeds I don't know why I'm excited about green stuff right now mostly because I can't get to the red stuff yet although getting a garden bed crafted right away will definitely be a good thing for us so we'll give it the fertilizer and one of the planks that we just headlined around and now we can plant things like the green stuff that we have it'll take a little bit of time so we can go ahead and do some other things like more cleanup and collect the bucket as well so we can put water in it and I think this is the solvent that we need oh yes it is and we can make more of it too that's good and what's especially good is we can craft an iron saw now so now we should be able to cut up these metal drums I like it that gives a sheet metal I don't really have a use for Sheet Metal just yet I don't think anyway besides just making a small little storage box that can go right next to my fridge we just need to cut up some more metal and some more planks and now we have somewhere to put all the random stuff that we have I think I need another garden bed going is also a good idea because we do have another fertilizer in our pockets and some more things over here that we haven't even begun to utilize so now we can get two things of lettuce growing now oh and there's a little drone that we can pick apart for some plastic some wire but now we need a drill to take out the rest of it that's fine by me let's just cut up this metal here so now we have some scrap metal and also whatever is in this package oh a hat not sure who'd wear one of those now the other thing the game is pointing me to is this gate over here with some of the components burnt out so in the Transformer and microchips that we can get from appliances disassemble this is a fancy little coffee maker here that we can disassemble as long as we take off the base plate and just start unscrewing some things and regain all the components that we're taking out too I like it so we just rip that off and now we need more bits to take apart inside like oh the microchip hey you can find a lot of goodies in here I like it and that's disassembly complete very nice so now we can plug the microchip in there and then figure out where to make a Transformer so we can fight the Decepticons and also take some more blueberries because my guy is getting some hunger in his system oh and our plant needs water I need to find out where to get water but the game is pointing me to over this elevator so let's go ahead and go down it hey look water wow and a fishing rod so we can go fishing I like that I don't have any bait though let's go ahead and leave the rod here for now I need water first and foremost let's fill it up in there and put some fuel into the fireplace and now we can use it to wire the plan there we go now should continue growing although we still need to figure out the food situation thankfully the flowers that we can collect are good enough to make some soup I don't know how you can make soup from flowers but it still tastes good I hope needed to eat it anyway and now the night time is here so those little buggers are gonna come back I think not too sure where though but I should also make some more weed spray thankfully I can use the corrosive slime for that that's pretty handy I use the Slime to destroy the Slime and I use the water to water the plants because water Waters things oh there's the leeches so do I just pick you up to get rid it hurts gross get out of here at least I can spray them with the weed killer and as works the charm amazing oh they left a big pile of goop though and there's another one I think I'm finding the direction that they're coming from go on get out of here and there's oh yeah this is definitely where they're coming from stop crawling towards me and I'll take out your friend too and a corrosive weed thing sprayed up over here we'll just take care of that and there's a oh that's a big nasty plan I don't think I can use use a spray on that unless I can nope not really it just hurts at least I can spray the danger plants around it though and now I have some leech tails in my inventory I would certainly like to do things but I don't want these leeches to get in my crops so I might just have to wait until daytime because then the leeches will go away and also check on whatever this is should take it apart as soon as I get the chance components are going to be top quality well I should hope so it looks like we got some light bulbs out of it cool and then we can cut up the base of it and get some more scrap metal and pick up some mushrooms mushrooms are edible right poisonous when they're raw okay so we need to cook them as well at least we'll be able to eat the lettuce when that's all grown up are we actually make it into a salad but let's work on opening up that gate we need two Transformers for that we can make one but we need more cable thankfully we can just make that really easily and then make another Transformer excellent and then we should have access to the roof now once we strap this in here and voila the gate is open which gives us more roof a smart Tower I guess that's what this thing is not sure how Towers can be smart maybe it runs 5G so now okay they have pumped so much electrolytic fluid electric fluid you've just seen a couple parts oh that's more than just a couple parts there's also a thingy over here it's an Android well hi there oh it's called me master I must have a friend my time is running out I won't be able to answer all the questions okay choose your questions wisely who am I even the Android doesn't know well you're very helpful fix a smart Tower and find other survivors who might know coordinates of their office okay so we need to find other survivors but then who are you it's just a bunch of digits fix a tower and financers that you were unable to discover all right then this thing wouldn't be what was in that cryopod before was it well whatever the case I can use the tool that he was using it's an injector fun little needle prick used together liquid resources oh that's gonna be handy literally because it's in my hand and we got a memory module from the Android interesting is there anything I can craft with that I can craft a memory module and I can use them to upgrade the workbench hey that's gonna be handy but I'll need more parts to do that let's just store it for now and come back down to this fishing area so I can get some actually decent food and probably also pick up some of these worms to use as bait the better the bait the better your catch oh I can use these leech kills as bait let's start fishing whoa that caught something right away okay you gotta time this one two and three and whoa a black baddest cool let's just collect as many of those as we can and my guy's just like yay so this will be three black batters for us oh and there are some more lures in here can't use it right now though my inventory is full I'll just leave the rod here for now and let's see what we can do with that fish as soon as we give the firewood more fuel the firewood more fuel the firewood is fuel so we just put the fish on a cutting board we can get some fish fillets and some fish oil yes please let's just fillet all of them whoa what is this caviar we ain't fancy now flexor Chef skills and choose the right ingredients to learn a new dish well what if I just throw in a fish fillet times two oh I can't do bouquet an ingredient how about a mushroom then strange substance yeah not really about the corrosive slime nope we can't cook with that can I cook with the caviar yes but it doesn't like it be able to see the fish fully as is some nice riceless Sushi delicious and now we have fish oil that I can use to make an oil can and I think that was one of the things needed to upgrade my arm again it is but I also need Metal Frames so I'll just hold on to that for now but at least we can make it and the lettuce should be grown up now yes it is aha a perfect snack and the second one is ready oh actually we get quite a few less leaves from that we also got a worm that was in there so if we just had some more flowers and biomass we can make the salad but why would I make salad I can just collect fish all day or I would if I had an empty inventory so let's just put in some of the light bulbs that we have into the smart Tower and we'll come back to this in a little bit and cut apart some more drones and also what are you you're Blinky it's a minion an indispensable helper cool just need to find a programmable core at least I can dismantle lid for parts that don't fit in my pocket we'll just use the rest of the spray really quickly there we go now give me you oh it's an inventory cell I feel like I can use this to give myself a new backpack slot if only I had some electric cable easy problem to fix if I need a workbench V2 for that well in any case we need to make some Transformers and some Nails just making as much of this as we can and the Transformer there so we have the two that we need and the four nails and then we just go into our storage to give ourselves a memory module and then bada bing bada boom we have a workbench V2 oh looking really fancy while over at it so now we should have unlocked more recipes like the backpack module I need more wires for that thankfully there's still plenty of scrap metal lying around the roof wait is there some free lettuce growing on the roof here there was what's that doing and there's some more flowers for us perfect and we can start repairs here oh it's a bridge lean to the next roof well that takes some flanks we'll get back to that and then I'll just collect some biomass and make a salad just so I can say that I did should I eat it now I probably should at least I gave quite a bit of food now to make the electric cable and now we can finally make the backpack module so we can upgrade our storage oh quite a bit as well very nice also can I do anything with this vending machine Eco May robot design help you reuse resources Place leftover phone the receiver to obtain a product Oh I can get a disco sure if I just had more mushrooms I don't really need any of that I do like the simple Hammer though I need to make more salads like the one I just ate fine but I can get an inventory module from fishing I might as well just park my butt in this chair and get that over with but we don't have any more leeches and it didn't seem like that gave us a fish that we needed anyway so let's just go ahead and start with fishing with the worms hey a large bug guide and that's a fish that we needed this is gonna be a very good day indeed so now that we have five of those bug eyes and also collecting the bait from this chest just so it can leave me alone about it a spoon lure I actually really want to see what I can get with this it looks like it should be something pretty good it is a small bug eyed that's not so bad just something else for me to cook up but first things first let's get an inventory cell with all of our fish and then make up another backpack module so I don't have to worry about inventory for a while now and we'll replant the lettuce so we can make more of the salads and get that simple Hammer now we do need an empty bottle to collect some liquid resources basically I can craft up a few of these and I can extract the liquid from whatever this is give me all that good stuff and I can just spend get to this and cut some planks from The Vines I can get so much good from here and now we can get through and find some more goodies like whatever that is give me you please oh it's a temper drill that should mean I can dismantle some more things a low power drill carefully disassemble structures made from weak Metals yes please oh like a microwave I definitely want to take apart a microwave that I can open for whatever reason hey you got a light bulb and take apart the loose snails and everything that are on the bottom I love how many resources you can get from these things it's also really fun to just take things apart in general and now we should be able to open up the back and take a fan that's fun and then we can get rid of the plastic outside to get to the juicy circuitry on the inside and some electric cables they don't even have to craft I like it and that's the heatsink I'm guessing not really sure how microwaves work I just know they give me a lot of goodies and then once we clear everything else out of here there should be one more thing we can take can it be the door I can open the door so oh it's a button there we go all the goodies from the microwave and whatever this is looks like a strong box digital storage I can't equip it I think I'll just store the storage for now and also find something to use this electrolytic solution for like a matrix that's what we needed to reactivate the tower although I don't remember how many we needed was it four we'll craft up the one we have for now because we have that Electrolux storage and then we should be able to plug it in I also didn't realize we had the Transformers there oh no wait I got those from the microwave I already forgot so we need three matrixes but that's good though because we have three microchips and I'll just extract liquid from this plant really quick and I need to get back in defend because it's nighttime and I also need to quickly craft up some more of the spray stuff because I ran out thankfully that's no problem uh there's gain everywhere it's nasty the only thing you're good for is fishing bait get out of here at least they don't leech on to me they just destroy everything around them it's gross ooh so there's where I can make the minion but I need a programmable core for that which it says I can find on the roof we'll just go ahead and get that started over there but I also want more garden beds which should be good for us and then we search the torch blueprint because it says it keeps the leech thingies away I'm not too sure how big the area is but as long as we keep it pointed in their Direction it should be better for us and it can also make some coal just by extracting some of it so we'll just go ahead and plug everything into this now we have a working torch which means the buggy should stay away yes no it attracts them you know what as long as they get around the torch and not my plants I'm okay with that then I can spray them like this aha all right so that should take care of that problem for a little bit now we can make up some more matrixes as well as spray these plants away but there's this other thingy over here that just keeps growing them it's gross I don't like it at all I'm just gonna extract some liquid from here and also get as many of these components as I can that are over here and for some reason an infected we grew up around my torch that doesn't make sense or maybe it does I'm not too sure now we just need some more plastic oh there's also this thing I totally forgot about it's a toy rocket Neato now to give me some plastic which I can get over here and I need a temper drill to get rid of these things but it should be able to cut apart this drum and get to this back area provided this sign was out of the way if I need a non-reactive injector for that and you also need to wire my plants oh I need more water let's just quickly make up the matrixes and plug them into the tower so I don't have to worry about that anymore I just need one more light bulb which I can maybe find in the Drone no not quite but I can drill it and oh careful not to let the drill over your heat and now I get even more materials from the drones excellent oh and here's another coffee pot I can take apart I should be able to get a microchip from this if I remember correctly yep there it is the microchip camarius sweet goodness I can make things with you again so now I have the planks I need for the garden beds and I just need fertilizer meanwhile let's go ahead and collect more fish because my dude is hungry and also collect water because that's really the big reason that we're down here so we just do a little purification and then our plan can grow like it should now the last thing our Tower needed is one more light bulb so I'll just make that really quick and then once we plug this bad boy in we can figure out what we need to do next hey thank you for using the smart Tower purpose is to make life more convenient communicative functions digitizing Consciousness memory correction oh I see contact with Distant Worlds and drones troll how about Contact radio signal sources are currently silent alright how about drones drone is ready for launch hey select the exact destination coordinates and move to manual control so now we can start an expedition and away he goes I don't even know where he's going but we're gonna collect some things I think let's see there's a trash Beach there's a crashed Airplane Nothing But Darkness behind the cockpit Windows the plane belonged to some celebrity and will never fly again or there's Stan the hoarder so that's a person isn't it but I really want to see what this crash airplane is about go ahead and do it now this is something cool to be honest go ahead and explore all right and now we need to dismantle some things hopefully the Drone has enough battery life to do this so then we should be able to fly inside oh nasty oh there's someone in here do you hear the rousing new instrument join the melody Damsel in Distress oh pesky fans who tore my security to bits oh wait it's the Android isn't it that the leech is currently eating the face of aha so we just knocked the box down and the leech went away they make a lady trapped in the cockpit oh well hello so this is a news article about the celebrity can I dismantle this I guess it's just news and cockpit time can't get into the cockpit without the access code the Androids knew the right digits do you know the digits or do you know the digits okay there's some digits one nine so then you should have the other half right somewhere it's covered so you can't read it although I can kind of read that to be honest it looks like a seven nine one nine seven nine one nine nope maybe there's something else that can investigate something on the wing maybe oh there's what there's an Android Just Fishing out here what are you doing oh and this ticket's all torn up there's no code on here but there's a recorder in the water oh hello this is a plane please respond make an emergency landing all right experiencing fire well best plane yeah this plane is dead this is the captain speaking we're gonna need to descend if the pilot needs help the four digit code is 26. oh but then cut out aha that's the front half so now I have the whole code for the car cockpit two six one nine let me in after so many years the prince will finally save the princess hello oh it's a jukebox well that's not really what I was expecting waking up somewhere after an endless nightmare I wanted to become the Jukebox that he used that's one way of doing it don't know who I am perhaps you haven't seen me before poor Androids will never hear lullabies I'll help you get home so is the Drone just gonna carry this jukebox back with me hey what do you know it is wow so now I have a friend well hi there loading platform is not the place for a start of the caliber uh-huh so we need to move the characters around and give it a stage all right so we have Earl and marquin here with us on our little rooftop Paradise so I hope you guys enjoyed this video of I am future if you did and you want to check out the game for yourself then make sure you get on Steam with that discount that's available for a limited time just use the link in the video description and thank you very much for watching and thanks to the Developers for sponsoring this video subdue in turn and I'd also like to thank the channel members including bread Mr One agent Elixir one Corby Farm Dakota C donamoto deviant X muffin suffer Lucas SS LED splatter sex the real nickname Edward hateful Herald Todd M Peggy Sue oh and droop along
Channel: InterndotGif
Views: 15,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interndotgif, intern, blitz intern, intern blitz, blitz, i am future, i am future game, i am future steam, i am future gameplay, i am future intern, intern i am future, i am future walkthrough, open world games, open world survival, survival games
Id: yLkgn8WZ8yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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