"I'm Stuck On A Road That Has No End" | 7 Scary Stories!

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psychological horror will always be towards the top of my list of the most terrifying stories out there tonight's video will have you thinking that much can be said for share from tales of late night drives to demons tormenting one's mind and much more also my good friend somber reads will be reading Story 2 in tonight's lineup if any of you enjoy his narration be sure to check out his channel we recently did a collab on his channel as well so you'll have a link to that in both the description and pin common he's less than a couple hundred from 1k so let's see if we can help him out a huge thank you to the writers for allowing us to narrate their stories their links can be found in the description remember you can send in your own story to our while each stories at gmail.com please remember to drop a like if you enjoy as it helps out the channel in a very real way subscribing if you're new is also very much appreciated enjoy the video and as always I hope you all have a great night I hate driving the only reason why I bought a car was in order to get to places more conveniently without having to wait for buses if you ask me what car I Drive I can't tell you more than what color it is I just left my parents home and I had a two hour long car drive ahead of me it was dark already and the highway was surprisingly crowded at the pay toll so I checked my GPS for another route it led me to an old road that I never took before it looked like I could cut 20 minutes so I decided to take it the road itself seemed well maintained but the problem was there were no lights anywhere even with my high beams I could barely see through the devouring darkness ahead of me I slowed down on sure if there were any upcoming curves or animals that could jump in front of my car about ten minutes into my drive and I saw a person on the side of the road he was holding his thumb out trying to hitch a ride I didn't really want to let strangers inside my car especially in an isolated place like this one so I ignored him and moved on I wondered what the guy was doing in the middle of nowhere hitchhiking but I shrugged it off and continued ten minutes after that I saw another person on the side of the road with his thumb mount as I passed by I realized it was the same person his face and clothes were dirty but it was undoubtedly the same person and I somehow gone back I've been driving forward this whole time and there were no turns or curves anywhere I checked my GPS and I seemed to be on the right track 74 kilometers remaining suspicious but convinced there was a logical explanation and continued ten minutes later there he was again same person and yet different his forehead was bloody in his clothes ripped in places I looked at him holding his thumb out and spent my car up at this point I started to panic a little I turned on my GPS again and it showed I still had 90 kilometers ahead until the next turn what the hell another person on the road the same person again Blow year than last time in which he held out visibly fractured that's bone sticking out I looked away from him and continued driving I looked at the GPS and it showed that I had 105 kilometers in front of me what's going on here I inhaled and exhaled deeply telling myself there should be a gas station or something nearby the road can't stretch on forever right ten minutes had passed since running into the person on the road and there he was again he was bloody all over and his clothes were ripped in various places he had a huge scar on his forehead and blood was running down his face I ignored him once more feeling his gaze on the back of my head as I passed by I looked at the GPS 187 kilometers my destination I turned on the radio to have something to keep me company from the deafening silence and I found a talk-show it put my mind at ease a little bit made me feel like I was not completely alone the person on the radio talked about the news and I had tried to listen to him focusing on the road and hoping against hope I would not run into that guy again voice stopped for a brief moment which made me think the radio cut out but then it continued I stared at the road but went in my eyes trying to figure if I had just imagined that my blood froze and I suddenly got a very strong urge to look in the rearview mirror I resisted for a few seconds and then fell into the trap and locked the person who was hitchhiking was on my backseat bloodier than ever staring at me his screamed and swerved off the road falling into a ditch that stopped my car completely forcing me to slam my head on the steering wheel it took me a moment to regain my senses and when I did I jerked my head toward the back seat it was empty I dragged myself out of my car assessing the damage there was no way I could get it out of the ditch I looked around having a sudden feeling of unease and then pulled out my cell phone to call for help but no matter what number I called the line was done so I did the only thing I could think I went back to the road on Flint and started walking a few minutes into my hike and I saw headlights coming from behind me I put my thumb out to hitch a ride but the car just drove past me I continued walking in some time later another set of headlights appeared in the distance and I raised my thumb again but the car didn't slow as it drove past me a shocking realization hit me like a ton of bricks it was the same car from before it's been an hour in the same car keeps passing by okay so I never really believed in this sort of thing not until a few days ago at least I mean I'm one of those people you know skeptical I didn't really buy into all this stuff about ghosts aliens and goblins only thing that mattered in my life was popularity in school but peer pressure can be a bitch so there was this rumor going around his school one of those creepy rumors you hear when kids go missing like oh I heard Jimmy did the boogeyman shuffle in his room in front of a mirror with squiggles his parents only found his toe or some other stupid rumor the crap kids make up but Joey molesky he vanished the other night I heard my mom saying his mom went crazy said she saw him in the mirror said he was screaming she got taken away people in white coats came and took her to the funny farm apparently when they went into the house they saw ruffs crippled red pen ink on the wall in Joey's room hero shadow falls whatever that means that's what I overheard one of the other students saying when I walked past their lunch table I didn't take much notice of it at first but after two weeks another kid went missing same sort of weird situation as all the kids would talk about we live in a pretty small town so word gets around fast parents started to get worried there were curfews and lock-ins put in place after 7:00 it became a ghost town but it only got weirder the following week two kids and three adults were missing the trees by the woods outside of town were up in flames people in town thought it was just some teenagers messing around but when they got down there well they found Joey what was left of him at least his body was burnt to a crisp it wasn't natural either party burned up from the inside with all this happening I started to get nervous decided maybe it was time I started paying more attention to other things I started texting other kids who heard all the gossip turns out shadow falls was a Facebook page apparently it had something to do with the spiritual tablet that had been found and translated over into caves one in Egypt hidden away they found it 20 miles from Giza cross the Nile and the other was found deep in the South American rainforest and the part of a jungle only discovered recently they say that the tablets are one piece but that there's still a piece missing broken into three parts well on the Facebook page it has his ritual and it has most of the words for the ritual just not all of them they say this is what the tablets translated to some sort of curse locked away for years so the rumor is Joey liked these sort of spooky ancient things thought they were funny the others are saying how in Joey's room they found the details for the ritual written down he and some friends performed it four of them out in the woods I'm guessing they thought it was funny the ritual asked for the blood of a harmless animal a blood sacrifice from whoever activated the ritual apparently it only needed to be a small amount and an innocent soul I got uncomfortable reading it I thought it was best to get some sleep besides I didn't really believe in all of this not really did I I woke up the next morning and heard my mom talking to someone on the phone don't worry I'm sure he'll turn up another one missing I started to get an unpleasant pit in my stomach what's going on the curiosity one i open facebook and looked at the page again the darkness begins the darkness consumes the darkness lives and the shadow falls that was the inscription at the beginning I don't know why but it sent chills down my spine so the instructions said to set out a circle of flame five candles and the ritual words were written down here the shadow of Sun the shadow of Moon once the shadows begun it will be your doom shadow by night shadow by day shadow consuming the souls of its prey with these final words it soon shall be free the candles are out so dead you will be it's just a stupid brime I told myself it didn't even sound that scary so why was it making me nervous so after that I closed the page and abandon it I didn't need to know anymore as the week's went by the disappearance has stopped but then it was on the news they found the third tablet in the ocean after that the kids at school started to bring it back up again I didn't pay much attention I just wanted to forget it but then there was a shadow theme party everybody was going it's like nobody took it seriously they were going to talk about the final tablet everybody wanted to know if I was going and I agreed damn peer pressure the next night at the party they decided to do the last part of the ritual so many Joker's none of them bought it but I had started to fill something was off again I tried to talk them out of it but they wouldn't listen give him our flesh give him our bones wake the shadow now release all his bonds in the darkness he waits for a simple taste for when he is free dead everyone shall be the silence was painful until the idiot started laughing the big jock was the first to go darkness swelled in the room pulsating the walls alive with the black frenzy of shadow a tall figure with large black claws outlined in silver and huge pointy teeth he took the jock out first one long clawed finger and his head cut clean off he swallowed it whole before it even reached the ground it was horrifying to see the blood poured onto the floor as he dropped to his knees and landed on the floor everybody screamed and freaked out the darkness was everywhere but the figure was nowhere to be seen I caught a glimpse of a window quick everyone follow me I yelled as I ran for the window straight ahead I was on the second floor but at this point that didn't matter the figure appeared in front of me arms wide and ready to grab me I surprised myself when I didn't stop I ran and I've done during it went for me with its claws but just missed I got behind it and jumped straight through the window the last thing I remember I caught a view of the window as the darkness closed up the room the others were screaming and being torn to shreds as I was falling to the ground outside I twisted my ankle as I landed and rolled I've ran though and I didn't stop until I couldn't run anymore I fell into my garden him passed out when I woke up I was in a hospital bed I heard about the incident at the house party but they said the house was wrecked and people were missing no death not even any signs of injuries after that I didn't hear anymore and went quiet again after all people go missing all the time I carried on with my life after all who would believe me if I told them but I keep the lights on now all of them even when I'm sleeping if I can't sleep I can't stop thinking though I seem to get away so easily feels like it wanted me to escape if you're reading this keep your lights on once my grandfather asked me a question where does the darkness go when you switch the light on now it was just a riddle I knew with no answer but it was something that would come back to me night after night because as a child and I was terrified of the dark I don't know whether my fear of the dark caused the experience I'm about to real light perhaps it did but what happened to me when I was around seven years old was so terrifying but even though I don't think it was objectively real it has stayed with me my whole life as a child had always taken a long time to fall asleep this was partly because of the thing I was scared of every night would be the same after the lights went out they would begin I would lay awake under the bed cloths waiting for them to start for a while everything would seem normal traffic went past maybe a plane would drone by but slowly the Silence of the night would settle like snow the night came rolling in a black fog seeping through windows and pulling on the floor it gathered in corners like the cobwebs of cave spiders drifted out of the wardrobes and from under the beds you filled the room maybe tonight would be different perhaps I could begin to relax and accept the soothing invitations of sleep then suddenly I would hear them the night noises a little thing a gentle tap so quiet it was impossible to say whether it was nearby or far off in the world outside my window but I knew it wasn't it was the thing that made the night noises it was coming I tried to breathe that as quietly as I was able the blankets were gathered around and underneath me so I could lie upon them forming a totally enclosed cocoon there was the snap creak of a floorboard somewhere in the dark that was it's horrible footstep on my bedroom floor I was too scared to think now but during the day I wondered about what that thing was why did it come only in the dark what was it about nighttime that allowed it entry to my room there was nothing different I reasoned the room didn't change with the lights off being in the dark was the same as closing your eyes surely but this argument didn't convince me common sense didn't apply here darkness did make a difference at least it did in the skewed unreal reality where the thing lived this was when my grandfather's riddle came to mind whatever nameless other world that dark went oh that was where the thing lived in the light and the dimmest of light I could see the wall or at least where the wall should be but now the blackness was absolute it could have been a void of nothingness out there it was impossible to tell without light in the world to define surfaces and solid edges to make them real a thing could come through it seemed like there were no solid walls just endless darkness and somehow that made a connection to its realm the darkness in the room joined up with the things dark void like a droplet of water connecting to a larger puddle through the oceans of knights that came swimming from that world to ours a nightmare made strange flesh the noise was right at the end of my bed that meant that I must never ever look where the thing would now be visible against the bedroom window I had never seen the thing that made the night noises I didn't want to but I knew what it looked like all the same if I were to glance over now you would be there silhouetted against the dim orange glow of the streetlights upon the curtains its hunched form quivering to eyes lambent orbs of yellow light with bullet hole pupils full of hunger and hate this one particular night seemed worse than ever before my heart was pounding my body so tense it hurts now there was the faintest of sounds a whisper like the noise a sea mist might make rolling in it was sliding somehow all grotesquely Bala Tek down the side of my pad could I feel that movement too was there the strangest change of pressure as it whose along toward the bed head what was it waiting floor at any moment it could snatch the bed cloths off me like a napkin from a plates and leer into my staring eyes they wanted me to sweat in my bed sheet prison I could imagine dreadful organs of taste and since boiling in the air above me drinking in my fear the whole bed began to feel as if it was spinning like the feeling you get when you step off a roller coaster something like a ringing sound so deep it could not be heard but felt went through my whole body and after that nothing although I was not conscious I knew later that a long time had passed when I awoke it was like rising up out of deep water I looked about not sure what I was seeing around me there was literally blackness I instinctively knew although my young mind could not fully comprehend it but I was sensing this not with my eyes but with my entire being this was not just absence of lights but an absence of anything at all there was emptiness within meets him or I felt no fear just dull confusion as though I was sedated with muted curiosity in the way one might explore missing when coming around from anaesthetic I begin a sense that I couldn't feel my body anymore I don't think I had a body gradually I became aware that below me I thought of it is below although there was no way to sense Direction was something not black but red it seemed at once far away and close by a rectangular red shape that was visible through some kind of break or hole in the darkness itself it seemed wet in some way glistening like oil skin then the light shifted as though a shadow was passing over it there was movement in another shape indistinct was next to it now then came a sound in any circumstances the gut-wrenching scream would have been awful but what drilled right into my soul was that I recognized who was screaming my own mother wailing and gibbering like something inhuman at that the red shape resolved into a familiar object it was a bed viewed from above the sheets stained bright red and on it but mangled into the twisted bed cloths another shape a grisly visceral mass that I really mind refused to acknowledge I tried to scream as my mother was but I had no mouth to do so but the black distmoved and the void closed in on the red shape like the closing of an eye and it was gone it was just me now just mean the thing that made the night noises alone in the neverending dark forever the sparks of utter terror yeah do you have such a fate seemed to free sticky cogs in my mind up to that point everything had been viewed like a nightmare passively observing but now I realized I actually was aware that this was real this was happening my self awareness rushed back in there I was conscious and terrified in that black nothingness but I didn't believe the awful thing I had just witnessed something deep down just tonight it I don't know how else to explain what I felt all this happens in seconds but I can even no recall what my mind was instinctively thinking as though something within me had said right except taking over there was just me and the void or I was the void or there was no me apart from this fizzing angry suddenly ultra lucid voice dictating what I should do I knew with cold certainty that the thing was coming the thing had brought me here pulled me through into it's nowhere world in later years I've wondered what the thing was going to do to me I've theorized that because I seem to be diminishing losing my very self and the thing being a creature of nothing was absorbing me somehow but that's just speculation somehow I or my inner voice had an idea a method of escape down there where the Scarlet horror had been was what was going to happen would happen if I stayed here so if that was some kind of potential reality or future I needed to get away from it but I couldn't simply move away if there was nothing to move in or with instead I concentrated on the direction that I had designated as being above I focused willing the void around me because I was the void around me to rise to lift me out of this nightmare this time it happened instantly almost with a pop the second I realized I had eyes again that I could feel they opened they opened onto my bedroom utterly dull and solid and wonderful in orange cotton bedspread with Tufts on it in the front of my vision the curtains were still drawn with gray early morning lights showing through the sides the only evidence of anything having happened at all was the Sun of my heart thundering self fast and loud it was almost aware for a long while I just lay there looking at the undeniable reality of the familiar sensing my own weight on the bed the sheets on my skin and a little prickles int which is of my body that was over 40 years ago but as you can see it's burned into my memory I've never experienced anything like that again and pray I never dim barely a night goes by that I don't at least idly recall the mental image of the thing that made the night noises or defiantly snap my eyes open if I have the slightest fear of doing so in case it's there it never is there of course but as I grow older I do have a creeping fear when the day comes 40 years closer than it was done when the whole reality that I can see and hear and touch is finally and unescapable taken away what will I experience was I given a glimpse of something that will happen eventually happen to us all more importantly will that instinctive fizzing inner voice be of help when it comes again I work as a helicopter pilot for a search and rescue units in Anchorage Alaska after a small two-seater plane had crashed in the forest my team and I found these journal entries in a small notebook it was stuck between the frozen fingers of a 26 year old man who had massive injuries I thought the crash had brought these gut-wrenching gashes upon him until I read the horrors hidden in the notebook day one the last thing I remember was telling Gerry that we were going to die I must have blacked out or hit my head because I don't remember anything between now and then when I woke up Gerry was done and I somehow miraculously survived the plunge into that barren icy wilderness the wind feels like daggers on my face I saw a cave about 40 feet away from the wreckage so I grabbed my shredded backpack and hobbled on my broken ankle after collapsing once I made it to the cave I did an inventory check two bags of beef jerky an empty thermos two changes of clothes and my schizophrenia meds my parka has kept me warm enough to try to nurse my ankle to where I can at least walk on it but I won't last long out here I woke up in the middle of the night shivering but I knew the cold wasn't what had woken me up I felt on edge the same feeling you get when you're walking home late at nights and you think you saw something only there wasn't anything to see only the sound of the wind dates him after getting around two solid hours of sleep I looked for some kind of Kindle I could start a fire with finding wood wasn't the problem finding wood on the snow-covered floor of the wilderness but I could carry in my condition was definitely more challenging after an hour so I was able to gather my findings into a tiny little fire pit I tried to make sparks and ignite the bundles of broken sticks a resorted to friction heats to create an ember my four years as a Boy Scout was paying off after the fire had been burning for around an hour I felt my stomach roar with hunger I ate half a bag of beef jerky and decided to take a nap to make up for the lack of sleep from the night before a snap my eyes open is I heard a scream in the distance I thought I was dreaming at first but after giving us some thought it had to have come from the forest I couldn't put my finger on what exactly the scream sounded like I knew it couldn't be a human because there isn't a human within a few hundred miles of me but it didn't sound like any animal I'd ever heard before I watched enough horror movies to know that wandering into the snowy abyss as the Sun was setting it was a huge mistake and I decided that I would do my best to ignore it it feels as if nights last significantly longer than daytime here like three or four times as long my perception of the time feels so wrong that trying to keep track of what time it might be is a waste the eerie feeling of the previous night's has come back the only difference is that it doesn't go away I started a drift off when I heard the snow crunching outside of the cave I limped over to see if someone had noticed the wreckage and was looking for survivors that's when I saw it a creature that made me nauseous when I laid eyes on it its legs look like long broomsticks it's hair went down to its waist his arms were about the size of a human's but his fingers were triple the size of what I would consider normal looking I didn't see the face of the abomination that was standing before me and I was grateful I slowly backed away and went back into the hollow cave I stayed up all night sharpening a branch with a rock in case the thing wanted into the cave luckily I didn't need to use that day for I've eaten all of my jerky and used most of the pages in the notebook for my mini fire pen writing down my experience in this terrible place is the only thing keeping me at ease I slept through all the third day and thought most of the third night I was glad I didn't have another encounter with the figure and I had seen the day before I did wake up with a small cut on the side of my head near my temple and I don't remember how it got there I figured it was an injury from the crash that I didn't notice I've been looking for signs of wildlife and there's nothing other than the being I saw two nights ago no tracks no scat no sounds nothing it is unnaturally empty and quiets here last night I woke up with the same godforsaken feeling only I heard those footsteps walking toward me I turned my head in there it was coming for me couldn't move I couldn't blink I couldn't even breathe it had me paralyzed somehow the hell is this thing I saw its face both eyes were pure gray almost as if it hadn't heavy cataracts one small hole was in place of its nose and his neck was curved at an almost 90-degree angle it skin looked as if it was pruned and had a yellow and green tint to it almost like a scab after you have an open wound in the pool for a while its mouth was very small and it was placed at the top of the chin it's long black hair governed most of it's a nude body but left its face open it stood at the cave entrance and looked at me with dead hazy eyes the light from the flames of the campfire danced across as dry and cracked skin then he just left I was able to get up when the light shine into my sleepless eyes I'm terrified of nightfall it all began with a murder-suicide at the time I wasn't home if I had been at home I'm sure that I would have been with my parents now but I live on my own and only know what happened from the police that were in my family's home walls that were once covered with childhood drawings and family pictures were now stained with the blood of my once loving parents the forensic team occupied the kitchen where the heinous crime took place I watched as my parents were wheeled out in black body bags leaving the home they built together police filtered through the house trying to find any evidence of the motive all I could do was just mentally shut down both my parents were gone now and I didn't have the safety blanket of a brother or a sister to comfort me I wasn't only child so I was now even more alone my sole comfort comes from the music I play to keep me going but after encountering such a tragedy my only companion in this crazy world of ours won't even help me with the house now being foreclosed I was forced into an apartment to paid for by the state everything I had ever owned now sitting in boxes in a medium size apartment well I try to find order in my life music echoes in my head well I begin to put the apartment together I know soon I'll have to go to the funeral so I'll need a black soon thankfully I have a friend who works in a clothing store and can get me a discount she already is aware of the situation and I go in for a fitting after about an hour of finding the right suit I pay for it and head back home that night I decided to look over the police report of the incident what had happened according to the report is quite intense my father was in the living room watching something on TV he then left his chair revolver in hand it walks into the kitchen where my mother was making dinner for when I returned from work she had turned her head to see my father and saw only the end of a loaded gun she didn't get to say a word before my dad pulled the trigger the bullet went right through her right eye and into the wall behind her head blood sprayed in left a large hole my dad then turned the gun on himself and pulled his trigger the bullet went through the center of his head causing not only a blood and a bullet hole but brain matter came from the hole in his head no motive has been declared at the time of the crime all that was known was they both died in a murder-suicide and from my personal experience they never fought or anything their marriage was perfectly fine no fighting so why did he kill her and then himself that question bounces around my head as I try to sleep a week passes and is the day of the funeral I get out of bed still trying to get over what had happened I had shed old here as possible and couldn't bring myself to even try to further comprehend the incident I take a shower shave and drive to the graveyard the entire drive over all I can think about is how my dad would just snap and kill her the actual funeral is just as depressing as I imagined my extended family showed up to say a few words through tear-filled eyes and then silently sit down as another speaks finally we get to me and I try to say what's on my mind nothing comes out and I sit back down the rest of the service goes on and everyone asks if I'll be ok I moved out a few years ago so I'm fine on the living situation but dealing with the fact that both my parents are gone will never leave me my family says some parting words and they all depart after everyone leaves I go back to my apartment and just sit in silence the light from my TV provides the only brightness in my darkened room I decided to sleep off the day and pray work will be better the next morning I call my boss and say I'm not feeling well my boss has never been this kind but I just go within I get another call from our lawyer regarding my parents will I say that all meets her in an hour and go into the shower after a quick wash I blow-dry my hair and check how far her office is from me since it's only two blocks away I decided to walk over after my arrival I'm greeted by our lawyer Ana he's only 2 years older than me and far more successful but I never let that get to me we go to her office and look over the distribution of my parents belongings the house will be up for auction for a month if no one buys in the house will be torn down and with the junk my parents collected I inherit everything in decide the fate greats more junk to sort through I joked to myself Anna and I finish up our meeting and I walked back to my apartment instead of bringing everything to my flat I decided to go through it there I have a month before it's sold or gone so I've got time I make the drive to our old house and try not to be reminded of the horrific tragedy that occurred not too long ago thankfully the scene has been cleaned up so I don't have to deal with that I start going from room to room seeing what can be donated or kept after making my way through nearly every room I have a big donate pile and a small amount of items to keep some old movies from our collection books and family photo albums the last room left is my dad's private room as a kid I wasn't allowed in finally I break the seal and go in the room contains a single chair an old TV with a built-in VCR in a closet I opened the closet to find a series of boxes and in those boxes are homemade video tapes no label on the head but there was one on the spine in sharpie the words hallow hours followed by a number quizzical and perplexed by this I take the five boxes of tapes in the TV from my apartment I pack up everything in my car and drop off the giveaway pile to the goodwill I passed on the way back to my flat after dropping the giveaway items off I head back home to begin my makeshift investigation of the remaining boxes from my dad's room I park and bring up the boxes and the TV to my apartment after hooking up the TV in my room I opened the other boxes more tapes with the hollow hours label eventually I realize that there are 100 tapes of this program at this point I just assume it's some old shell wanting to write down my findings I opened my phone and make a note called hollow hours investigation wanting to see what the hell this is I begin by looking online surely someone else on the internet might know what this is after a few hours of searching no one knows what I'm talking about desperate for answers I leave a few posts on various old media message boards in hopes that would yield some results wanting to get into the tapes I leave the internet and put in the first tape the tape begins with a message saying it's the end of the broadcast day so this is some like off air program interesting I make a note on my phone of this discovery and continue the tape the screen cuts black and a title card reading welcome to the hollow ours comes on-screen the tape goes on to show some grisly images deaths from throughout history and security camera footage of people dying various means of death are presented on this video with one really sticking with me a man is crushed by a car the camera focused on his head being crushed I paused the video and run to throw up I'm a lifelong fan of horror films but it's more disturbing knowing it's a real person dying no makeup or special effects the video goes on to show more gruesome deaths and I make notes of my findings the tape ends with another title card this concludes the hollow hours come back tomorrow I checked the tape and keep it aside from the rest of the collection the rest of the day my mind is filled with questions on what this program was far and what the end game is for it that night I tried to sleep after seeing hours of horrific images after struggling I just choose to stay up and try to find out anything more about this show was it some local access program that's lost a time that seems plausible so I looked at my old tones television station known as Greenbelt TV program named the hollow hours shows up on the site not even anything that matches a description of the show damn its i mumble and paste my apartment am i missing something was this program picked up at a garage sale years ago from another part of town after doing research on winter recordable videos first started I narrowed my search window from my digging I placed the start of the timeline at the early 1990s judging from the footage found on the first tape is soon to be taken before my timeline is set up but it could have been found footage from a snuff film my curiosity gets to me and I go back to my room to watch another tape well I think I should go in order I say and get the second tape I put the tape into the VCR and I'm greeted with the same message as before much like the first tape horrific images and graphic deaths are displayed on my screen somewhere of families being tortured by burglars recording the whole event the video starts shortly before the burglar enters and it shows the address of the house I paused the tape and write down this new piece of evidence after writing that down the tape goes on and more grisly images are burned into my head the tape goes on and my gaze won't leave the screen after 7 hours the tape ends with a see you soon I checked the tape turn off the TV and sleep to get my energy back I'm awoken to a notification from one of the forum posts asking about the hollow hours the commentator tells me that he recalls something akin to hollow hours and describes what he saw he says it was early in the morning and many years ago so he's unsure if it even aired I thanked him for his help and take a shower to wash away my odor I've been cooped up watching these tapes for almost two days and I need to clean myself up all during my shower images from the first two tapes rattles through my brain I decided to drive to the house that was broken into during the second tape it's a bit of a drive but I just have to know I gather myself and begin my journey to the break-in site after an hour of driving I arrive at the crime scene or rather the house that the incident took I'll leave my Corrie and knock on the front door the owner asks what's going on as a lie I say that I'm out of gas and my phone's dead the homeowners let me inside I sit with them and call for assistance in reality I just left a voicemail for Ana so can I ask you a question about the history of this house I asked and they look at me like I'm insane yeah there was a break-in about 30 years ago it was big news around these parts and it comes to where I am to help me actually she just came to see if I was okay yeah just going through my parents belongings she shrugged and pulled out an empty gas can I pretend to fill up my car and drive back home so these tapes are actually old videos better keep watching I think to myself as I entered my apartment I closed the blinds in my room and put on the next tape the familiar greeting and more violence ensued after a few hours of merciless violence and carnage my brain just shuts down it's like a walking coma all I can do is insert tape after tape by around tape 25 I awakened from my comatose state I took notes although I don't recall doing so reading them over I'm taken aback by the horrific acts of horror shootings death by cars death by consumption and one labelled as just the most sickening thing I've seen yet I dare not relive whatever that was and keep going on days pass and I finally arrive at the final tape tape 100 of the hollow hours who knows what could be on this tape the answers to what the hell this was or just more acts of dehumanization anxious I put the tape in instead of the familiar welcome to the Hall of hours from the previous 99 videos this one starts with a man he's standing in what can only be described as a cult robe his face was obscured by the oversized hood he speaks to the camera about his cult one statement sticks out to me I want you all to spread the violence he lingers on this phrase for assault ten minutes after which the tape ends I sit back in my chair and that would happen wash over me this man wants to just spread hate and his way to do this was from some underground television show desperate for answers I go back online for more help my forum posts yield no responses which angers me goddamnit I screamed to myself and throw my phone down after taking a minute to scream I see something in the box I didn't notice before taped to the wall of the box is a note written by my town it must have been obscured by the color of the box and the faded tape I peeled off and opened the folded piece of paper scribbled on is another address the cult I think out loud and put it in my phone another long drive and I arrived at a dilapidated warehouse I parked my car close by in case I need to escape adorning if the lamp seems like the only entrance so I walk over one knock later and the door is open I take out my flashlight and slowly make my descent down the stairs finally arriving on stable ground a dark red light comes into view who goes there a voice calls out the red light following close behind sir I wish to know more about the hollow hours I respond in hopes I can continue my investigation the red light gets closer and closer held by a hooded figure you wish to know more the voice asks and I not in response the next thing I know I can't see and I'm being taken farther into the warehouse the object obscuring my vision is removed and I'm sat in the middle of a circle everyone is covered in a hood similar to the men I encountered earlier welcome to the cult of the hollow hours I hear from another booming voice followed by the circle murmuring to themselves the booming voices owner comes into view and the discussions from the circle cease yes sir I say afraid of what will happen to me the source of the booming voice comes to me and removes his hood he's a rather muscular man and stands out from the other meek members of the cult I see and how did you find out about this cult did you watch the tapes or did someone tell you yes and hushed tones to me mewling down to be at eye level I swallowed my heart which has no lodged into my throat okay sir let me explain how I bound up here it all began with a murder suicide before June 28th 2019 I was an avid urban explorer I would always look down backroads for abandoned houses and soon to be torn down barns I'm also a photographer by trade so naturally I brought my camera along with me to capture the experience so when my grandfather invited me up to his summer lake home in the White Mountains I was gleeful not because of the mountain scenery or the private lake with multiple jet skis no no no I was giddy at the thought of being able to explore one of the most sought-after abandoned destinations surf coaster surf coaster was a massive abandoned water park about two miles from where's beach the park covered about ten square miles and was rumored to be the urban explorers paradise I arrived at the nearest public parking lot a Cumberland Farms at around 6:40 p.m. I used my phone to see a topographical satellite view with a large abandoned parking lot of the waterpark I was led down a few side streets and back roads until I saw the sign hidden among vines and bushes was a blue sign with yellow tinted bulb lights surrounding it that said surf coaster next to it was arrested and rather puny two foot high gates with a faded no trespassing sign I'll pretend I didn't see that stepping over the obstacle I was presented with a parking lot with a few scattered 80s looking hatchbacks and sedans they were rusted with their windows smashed in and graffiti plastered all over them the parking lot stretched about 70 feet in front of me and then stopped to another fence to my right there was a wooden fence in to my left down a step hill was an urban explorers dream water slides covered with ivy and moss pools filled with deflated inflatable toys and sunning chairs with towels still on them as I started down the embankment I stopped at what must have been the ticketing both inside the ajar door was a small room consisting of a chair with a comb on it an open cash drawer underneath the counter and a roll of tickets behind the chair as I stepped inside I noticed something in the open cash drawer and was money water-damaged money I gently picked up a fifty and held it up to the Golden Hour sunlight to see the blue security strip running down the bill it was real why in the world would the company leave money at their close park I thought to myself placing the bill back in the drawer and I continued down the hill the next two hours were fairly standard ferb and exploring chipping paint dirty water rotting wood all except for one small detail the towels most lounge chairs by the large pool were people's towels as if they had just left them I thought nothing of its and ignored it after I'd seen the last enormous moss-covered waterslide I only had one more place to go the bathrooms now at this point in my adventure the Sun had already sat and a cool breeze was making the hairs on my arm stand up as I traversed the crumbling pool deck on the hillside bathrooms I noticed something odd the bathroom doors the doors were rusted steel with large locks on them when I got there I was right large rusted locks were holding the bathroom doors shut but why the bathrooms I wanted to explore them but they were built into the hillside and were mostly underground so there was only one entrance as I looked around for a rock or some heavy object to try and dislodge the locks I realized that the grounds turning the bathrooms were scattered with bullet shells they were still shiny and using my scarce weapon knowledge they looked to be 30 caliber rounds my stomach turn is the park to actually be closed due to an active shooter or terrorist wouldn't that have been on the news I mean that's a big deal I settled myself as they could have just as easily been rounds fired by some rednecks who used the waterpark as their gun range it was a New Hampshire after all I soon found a rusted fire extinguisher and successfully knocked the men's room lock off inside was an assortment of more towels swim goggles duffel bags and tried up sunscreen bottles the whole room smelled like vinyl for some reason and I could barely snap a few pics before bolting out of there all that they would lock that up but it could serve as a home for homeless people aren't drug dealers I was just going to skip the women's room assuming it would be more of the same but then the thought hit me what if it was something else what if it was the same I had to know after retrieving the fire extinguisher from the bush I threw it into I knocked off the second lock and opened the heavy door a blast of air hit me there were two things wrong with that air one was the fact that it made me as cold as I had ever been and that it smelled like a rotting animal I stepped out of the way to let myself warm up for a few seconds I saw a good photo opportunity there with both doors open so I took it setting my shutter speed to capture the light just right I was about to take the photo when through the viewfinder I saw something that made my blood curdle movement from inside there was a greyish brownish movement coming from inside I dropped my camera and frozen fear the faint lighting the full moon gave was enough to reveal the creature that slowly emerged in front of me it was crouched down to fit inside the doorway so I could only guess it was 9 feet tall his face was that of a wolf and it had teeth that jutted out of its lips large green deer antlers top its head and its fur was greasy and slimy like that of a dog saliva and as I stared at it let out the most terrifying sound I have ever heard its will was high pitched and raspy at the same time and gentle and rushed through me as I turned to run back up the cracking stairs to the hill my feet pounded on the moist soil as I neared the parking lot I glanced over my shoulder and only then could I see the complete mass of the creature it had to be at least ten feet tall and it strides on all fours told me that I had to run faster than I'd ever run before if I wanted to live so I did I ran all the way back to the main road and all the way to the gas station all while listening to its ear piercing wails girl farther away I practically dived in my car and nearly stalled it trying to peel out I drove the two hour journey back to Lincoln with my foot to the floor most of the way even though I'm back in civilization I still don't feel safe and I regret going there I also regret dropping my camera so if anyone wants a Canon 1dx check the abandoned bathrooms at surf coaster but beware no where's Beach Windigo don't enter my house whatever you do reader make sure nobody enters my house once I'm gone don't what the sounds get to you like it got to me there are gaps in my memory and I shudder to think about what could have happened during those times but this is my story I was home one day watching Netflix when I saw something out of the corner of my eye there had been a flash of black a piece of the night sky that disappeared the moment I looked at it if I didn't know better I would have sworn I'd seen a mouth in it if I hadn't known then what I know now I would have fled him never returned but then it might not have been enough I later found a small jet black feather in the corner of the room where the flash had been it was extraordinarily dark to the point that it seemed to blend in to itself I had ignored it at the time leaving it on the table in front of my couch and continuing with my movie the feather disappeared and that was the last I saw of it then came the sounds at first there was a strange chirping but then it was an incessant ringing like tinnitus I didn't notice it at first but it quickly began breaking my attention when it would get louder you can imagine how hard a desk job is when something is constantly making noise but that wouldn't happen for some time Irene would occasionally devolve into a barely perceptible screeching noise the sound of overworked steel grinding into the ground way off in the distance life continued as normal in the first couple weeks I could almost ignore it completely almost the first night after hearing the noise was filled with pleasant dreams it was always a sunny summer day in a public park there was always a slight breeze and I was always starting off by sitting under the shade of a large tree it was always comfortable and relaxing children would be playing sports and families have go on walks songbirds would chirp nearby the noises from the day were here too it was always centered on a small plug that followed me around the park I could accomplish many things in this dream world I felt powerful the Pope would speak to me in a deep voice it told me it was a spirit of peace at war against the noise of disruption it gave me tasks to do in the dream world to fend off the noise it never occurred to me to disobey but I wish I had done so maybe that would have stopped the ringing the commands would get progressively more peculiar as time went on one day I had to find and skinned a bear for its Pelt I woke up wearing the bearskin and it's been a very nice coat since then stuff began materializing around me that I didn't attain while dreaming a hunting knife an old microcassette sound recorder a Crow's feather black as a piece of the night sky and then came last week six days ago that noise has changed it became unintelligible whispers awful continuous mutterings my mind became a screaming wool of voices as I began to lose my sense of individuality and went to bed that night and couldn't sleep the talking it was so loud your plugs didn't work white noise didn't work I was getting desperate for a means of attaining some peace I managed to get no rest that night as I stared at the alarm clock watching the seconds tick by I haven't gone to work since that day not that I would have been able to do much in my current state it was three days ago when my friends came to check on me the conversation is a Blair I remember her comment about the house being a mess and that I look like hell it definitely felt that way I was mulling this over when she screamed she was standing over a half decayed corpse the reeking body lying face-up on a small kitchen island shattered limbs hanging off the side most of its skin missing how did that get there I don't even remember getting out of the house so there's no way I could have been the one to do it it became so crystal clear right then she had planted the body there to frame me for a murder my blood froze up a thought how could she betray me like that after all we had faced together and my thoughts paused and the voices quieted what had we been through together I couldn't remember how I knew her only that she was once my friend I don't remember what happened after that but that I had gotten a brand new Bear pelt when my memory resumed the voices were quiet for the rest of the day I retained my sense of self during the closest to the privacy of my own thoughts as I had been since the noises began it was the night that the voices began to make sense they were talking to me one of the myriad Minds some speaking to each other some speaking to me in some just screaming in madness one voice came out in particular it had a deep voice it was the voice of the Pug from my dreams I listened to it I didn't think anyone would have disobeyed an order from a voice so calming so truthful he told me what I needed to do to make the voices stop the rest of the voices followed soon endlessly echoing his decree his request made me hesitate but how the pain was too much to bear you have to understand I didn't want to do what I did I was so tired and they told me it would stop they promised me it would stop but they lied they told me if I would just do what they asked it would all be over you were in no position to judge me when you would have done the same thing so I followed the voices instructions I left the house for the first time in a week and found him wandering through the night I don't know why they chose him had so much to live for and so much left he could have done but the noise persisted I knew he was the target the moment a crow landed on his shoulder all I had to do was get close while brandishing a hunting knife when I had reached the jumping distance I blacked out and woke up back home unlike last time though the voices were no quieter and I knew something bad had happened I don't know what happened but in my current clear thinking it must have been something terrible why won't it stop the voices like last time I have to make it stop I want to sleep for the first time again there was no summer day dream there was only me hunting and stabbing people over and over I woke up tasting iron in my mouth and acred rotting stench in my nostrils the voices were gone but I knew they would be back they would always come back I need to put a stop to this soon this is my last message to the world don't enter my house don't let the noises get to you stay away from the sound the best offense is to hide from it I'm pursuing the eternal silence no I hope no noise will ever reach me though where no action can catch up to me [Music]
Channel: Slumber Reads
Views: 18,724
Rating: 4.83355 out of 5
Keywords: slumber reads, night drive stories, true scary stories, scary true stories, scary stories, true horror stories, true stories, horror stories, creepy stories, true creepy stories, scary story, true scary stories reddit, scary horror stories, true ghost stories, scary, scary stories to tell in the dark, best true scary stories, true scary horror stories, true scary driving stories, true scary stories august
Id: cB0vg_qcOiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 44sec (3704 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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