I'm So Far Behind On My Bills I Feel Like I'm Drowning

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Kim is with us in Columbus Georgia hi Kim how are you I'm good how are you better than I deserve what's up in your world basically what our situation is we have more money going out than we've got come in on a monthly basis I don't know weekly basis even and I desperately want to start this program my husband and myself we've talked about it and we do believe this is the way that we'll finally be able to dig our way out of this mess that we've gotten ourselves in but the problem is is I can't pay the bills that we currently have because they're so far behind to get caught up to start saving the thousand dollars for the first step right and so I just feel like we I feel like I'm drowning in debt at this point and I just how long how long how long have been like this years [Music] it's been climbing up yeah and so if you have maybe between eight to ten years yeah it's been getting worse but now now you're getting scared I'm terrified yeah okay so tell me about the debt how much do you owe on your cars we don't have any date on our cars actually we're in a pretty good place as far as that goes both our vehicles are paid off what are they worth and yeah how where they worth well the saturn's probably only works if it's worth 300 I'd be surprised okay you know our drug is the other vehicle and it's a 2005 so I don't really know what it's worth to be honest but we do need both vehicles I wanna hear it I'm not just trying to figure out if you had a $30,000 car I was gonna get rid of it but so what's your in household income well right now we're looking and twenty-seven thousand one hundred and eighty-seven dollars and 32 cents approximately own what it was what comes into the home not including his taxes all that's already I've already figured that out of it and do you have fun or do you have any savings coming out of your checks well this is what I know we currently don't but I do passed away a few years ago and she didn't leave us some money and was that money we were able to purchase the home that we live in debt-free that's all we don't have that over our head thank God that's good kids have you got at home I'm sorry how many children at home myself and a bunch of dead don't you so what is the dead on one more time what is your dad on we have seven credit cards some medical bills and how much on credit cards hmm well the credit cards and the medicals combined I figure we're about twenty in this twenty thousand and there's that yet yes I believe it is I don't have told over everything and tried to the only thing that this may not include is the our HOA dues that we are behind them also and that's probably another thousand okay all right okay well here's what I'm hearing you guys are not out there spending money like crazy people you don't have any money and so you're not out there overspending and buying a bunch of crap because you're out of control and impulse thing or something you might at Walmart but you know you're not you're not doing it big-time I mean you're not dropping ten grand on some stupid car you can't afford or something like that you've just been you've been dying death by a thousand cuts a little bit here a little bit there and sudden there's 20 grand on a couple credit cards here and because you've been out of control for so long and you don't any money you know so how much of a tax refund did you guys get I think we're getting about 13 total from both state and federal fouls are a couple of other factors I want to be sure that I ask you about thirteen thousand no I'm sorry hundred okay now you didn't you said thirteen I didn't know which thirteen you were talking about oh I'm sorry that's all right that's all right and so that's not a bunch so you're not being over withheld on taxes okay let's do two things immediately all right the first thing we're going to do is get on a written plan with the money you have coming into the house okay and that's a budget jump on every dollar calm for your phone or for your computer it's completely free to use it all right when you jump on that you're going to make every one of those dollars you and your husband are both going to sit down and look at it every month and you're going to make every dollar behave because right now you're living crisis to crisis and you run around putting out fires and you're not making good decisions now when you're doing the written plan that both of you are agreeing this is the money that comes in this is where it's going it's not going any where else okay your first four or five things you buy or what we call build the four walls around your house I want you to make sure your utilities get current if they're not already your house is already paid for so you shouldn't have to worry about that but you need to catch those HOA dues up and keep them current anything having to do with food shelter clothing transportation and utilities so you put gas in the car to go to work you keep the cars running that's repairs and insurance and we take care of the how HOA dues because if we have food we have a place to live we have a way to drive and we've got clothing emotionally the rest of its just a game you're behind you're behind in the game but when you don't know if you've got enough food money because you gave the money to credit card company because they called and yelled at you that gets you in a different place emotionally you get the crap scared out of you can't breathe right and so we take care of the four walls so you live to fight another day and then we begin to work through these other debts so the thing one is a budget thing two is the four walls thing three is I want you to look at your checks and see if anything is being taken out of these checks that you can stop having taken out of your check so you get more home I want you to get home with every dollar you can possibly get home no investing no buying anything except health insurance only health insurance nothing else because you're gonna need the money and then lastly I want y'all to start working on your incomes because you're living way down next to the poverty level right now your income is low and that's not calling you out or calling you a bad name or something I just want you to make more money because you need money and so it's a part time jobs on the temporary and then this long-term what are we gonna do it with a different career cause y'all don't make any money it's hard to do it on 27,000 it's tough as you've already found out no kidding Dave I knew that hang on I'm gonna send you through our Financial Peace University program and I'm gonna pay for it hold on
Channel: The Dave Ramsey Show
Views: 162,711
Rating: 4.8064961 out of 5
Keywords: I'm So Far Behind On My Bills I Feel Like I'm Drowning, drowning in debt, debt, money, credit card debt, credit card, dave ramsey, credit cards, student loans, how to budget your money, how to pay off debt fast, how to pay bills, personal finance, bills, money problems, personal growth
Id: rTKIyiW4BoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 08 2018
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