I'm not moving all these books! the BOOKSHELF UNHAUL saga continues!

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hey guys welcome to a another round of a bookshelf unhaul last unhaul video I went through that row of bookshelves all the way along and today we are going to continue the unhauling process my family is going to be moving in a few months and I'm trying to help us out by not taking all the books with me it can be hard today I'm in the mood to unhaul and get rid of all the books so we're going to capitalize on that and try to get rid of a bunch my dishwasher is going there's going to be a loud background noise because of it but you know what it's it's just life so I'm sorry about that but that's what's happening so I want to actually finish my bookshelves today I said in my last video the cabinets have homeschool supplies I'm not going to do those on this channel I'll probably do that on my personal Channel um this might end up getting broken up into two videos because I think this might take a while but I just want to get get this done so that's the plan for today and people always ask me what I'm doing with the books um I'm going to be selling them locally I live in Canada shipping is outrageous I can't ship them to the states I can't ship them within Canada without it being more than the value of the book so it's not worth it so I was going to bring it to my local bookstore but used bookstore I don't think they're going to take very many so I think I'm just going to try to sell them locally and give them to friends and see what see what I can do with them all um yeah so let's get started some of these shelves books are going to be flying off left and right and some of them pretty much everything's going to stay but hopefully overall I can get a good chunk of books gone so we're going to start over there in the little bookshelf and then we're going to follow that row all the way along and then we're going to come back and we're going to do the lower level and we'll see we'll see how long this takes okay I'll be honest right off the bat here I'm not sure whole lot's going to come off from this section so I've got my complete Shakespeare I'm not really a Shakespeare fan but I do want to read all of his works at some point so I'm keeping this for that reason because I don't love Shakespeare I'm better off just having a collection of his complete works instead of having them all in separate books we've got the Bible recap this is a really great book keeping that um then this is my like short Story collection oh and my uh tablet pen um so I've got the plated spoon and other Tales of Sherlock Holmes penguin modern British short stories Flannery oconor I've actually only read one short story from here these kind of should be on my two read shelf yellow wallpaper and Other Stories Let Me Tell You by shiry Jackson and classic Tales of detection and Adventure I'm keeping all of those I have not read all of these short stories so later in the year I have a goal to read 52 short stories this year or more I kind of am thinking about doing a short story readathon of sorts if you guys would be interested in joining me for that let me know in the comments and maybe I'll figure that out and then I've got um this book sleeve from Katie that usually holds my e-reader but it's currently empty that's I don't know where my e-reader is to be honest right now uh so we're not getting rid of anything here and I can tell you right off the bat we're not going to get anything get rid of anything off of this shelf because this is my LM Montgomery shelf and yes I have multiple editions of certain books the story Girl the story Girl the story girl kind of evident right there um but I love her books and I have tons of different an a green gaes an a green gaes and of Green Gables and of Green Gables and of Green Gables and of Green Gables and of Green Gables they're they're staying don't judge me okay or if you want to judge me that's fine all her books are staying nothing's going she's one of my abs absolute favorite authors so sorry not sorry they're coming with me sorry to everyone who's going to carry that box okay this shelf I feel like we can do some good damage in a positive way um I have money from different places that I've traveled in here so I just keep like some change and stuff so I've got like American dollar we've got some Mexican pesos I know I've got some Ugandan money some U great Brit British pounds I've got Euros in here South African rand uh yeah so this is a cool way to keep track of where you've been now this is another one of my classic shelves we went through one and a half of them in the last video oh and there's some Lego and I did notice that some of the books that I kept from the shelf above I actually have duplicates of so I might also pull a few books from this shelf up here and get get rid of them so where do we start yeah well look at this we've got a treasury of H Christian Anderson and I can tell you that this is going to hold more stories than this one so I may as well get rid of this Edition this one will stay now here's where I've got lots of Pilgrims Progress as well I had one copy up on this shelf I've got this copy which is supposed to be an illustrated classic but it doesn't have much for illustration um I do really like this story I also have this Edition and so I think I'm going to get rid of this one oh but this one does have some little annotations oh I didn't realize that I feel like I need to get rid of one of them I can't keep three copies yeah I think I'm going to get rid of this one okay then I have Emma by Jane Austin this is a cool Edition but it's another one of those like I have numerous editions of Emma so that one's going to go oh and then I can actually fit this one in here now once again I've got Jean Austin this book is gorgeous I love it it's got pride and preice North anger Abby persuasion and Emma but once again I own them in different copies it it it can't stay as much as I love it plus it's like it's hard Co like it's a it's a hard cover but it's got like a squish to it it's very satisfying but the font is small the book is heavy it's got to go Heidi now I do own another addition this one is obviously cuter this one is really old though oh I don't think it actually has a date in it it's been ripped out it's really old really old end papers um oh it's got some pencil marking on it but I don't love the Heidi story so I don't need a second coffee then we've got Dr Jackal and Mr Hyde and Other Stories now I this is one that I forgot that I I do own Dr Jackal and Mr Hyde but this one has more stories so I'm going to get rid of the other coffee keep this one we've always lived in the castle I really enjoy Shirley Jackson out of the Silent Planet I need to finish that series I've got Agnes gray by an Bronte North and South by Elizabeth gasal those are going to stay Robinson cruso not a fan of this but I do want to keep that here's another addition of Emma this one I'm keeping and another edition of North and South also keeping I am very very very slowly collecting this Edition but it's slow we've got skating shoes by nol strutfield love this cover love the feel of or the reminder of You've Got Mail so that stting my cousin Rachel in my last video I got rid of an older copy I love this I can't remember vgo something Classics I love their additions I've got this copy of change air some books up here so I just read cat stories last month and really enjoyed it but I'm actually thinking I'm going to get rid of it originally I thought I would keep it but I think it's going to go we got Oliver Twist this is my one and only copy of this and I just bought it I really enjoy Oliver Twist so he's going to go over there kind of in color order now here are my pretty Jane Austin additions we've got Pride and Prejudice Sense and Sensibility persuasion which is my favorite of Jane Austin's North hanger Abby and and whoa Emma so I love those those are standing and then like I said all were twist 1984 by George Orwell and I've got Emma and Pride and Prejudice in these little additions these are actually the additions I read them from for the first time years ago um once again the font is Tiny I am going to keep my um whatever addition these are McMillan collector's Library Edition books but I don't think I'm going to keep these I wonder if they're actually the same Edition just red they're collector's Library huh anyway I'm going to get rid of these can't keep all the books we've got the turn of the screw A Room of One's Own oh I did not enjoy this one three guine do I want to read that I should think I'm just going to get rid of this book I really didn't like it a little princess I got rid of one no I didn't it's still here I think I can get rid of this addition because obviously this one's beautiful and it's one of my favorite movies the 1993 is Edition um and this was gifted Me by one of my great friends Around the World in 80 Days so I forgot I also have this Edition which is funny because there's a big size difference I like the Vintage feel of this one the font is Tiny um I think I'm going to keep the Vintage Edition though it's cool and then this is the only addition of The Secret Garden that I'm keeping and I'm also keeping the an of Green Gables one these are Illustrated of course when you're looking for an illustration you can't find one yeah this is an Illustrated Edition and I read it from here reread it from here a couple years ago I love that okay then we're going to move over to the next shelf this is mostly my Christian fiction shelf um actually this one this book is by my daughter so obviously keeping that this this Shelf has gotten a little um over full we've got set to Stars a light by Amanda Dykes this is one of my favorites of hers just going to move it over for now definitely keeping that this seashell is the 5-year-olds things we didn't say by am and green is a favorite the extraordinary extraordinary deaths of Mrs Kip keeping those for sure just need to move them to make room um when Twilight breaks Sarah sunden I don't mind her books but she's not my favorite I think I'll get rid of that uh Lady Jane disappears is was my first Joanna Davidson politano I loved it a rumored Fortune I think I'm going to get rid of this one I read it a while ago and it's just not a favorite of mine the Lost Melody that one is a favorite Susie F binder stories that bind us yes that's absolutely staying uh Amanda Dykes whose waves these are I think I'm going to get rid of this one was the first one I read by her and I enjoyed it but set the Stars ofite was better an Ivy Hill Christmas this one I enjoyed the conversation or like the learning about Christmas in the it wasn't the Victorian period I don't remember exact maybe it was the Victorian period but I don't think I'll reread that um all manner of things nature small birds like five plus star books those are staying of the secret keepers of Old Depot grocery I did enjoy this one but I don't think I'm going to reread it so I'm going to say goodbye to that one the edge of belonging I loved you don't know me I loved that one then I have my Jamie Joe W stack I am going to keep all of these Echo among the stones is my least favorite but I it's staying this H maybe I shouldn't maybe I should just get rid of the ones that I don't love okay echo's among the stones is going this um elephant is made from banana leaves we got this in Uganda now I have a little bit more room here the All American by Susie ffer I enjoyed it I just read it recently I love that you can read a Christian fiction book without romance being the center of the plot or there was actually like none in this one but I don't think I'm going to keep it finding lady enderly this one actually quite annoyed me at the beginning I got into it by the end but I'm not going to keep that one The Heart reader of Franklin High this one is like a little bit like spiritual warfare esque um I'm not going to keep that one catching Christmas is one of my favorite Christmas reads Shona's book strings books are all staying um this present darkness and piercing the darkness by Frank Freddy are staying another shatona book Argy Junction that was my first read by her then we have counted with the Stars this is his biblical fiction I'm going to get rid of that and then two really great books here safely home by Randy alorn and The Oath by Frank predy those are staying and now I also have room for some other books [Music] here this side is like historical fiction this side is more contemporary and then my daughter's book needs to go front and center there well almost centered and we will move on to my other bookshelf okay we'll start with this side of it so I've got a couple different kinds of things going on here actually um Snow White with a red hair this is a manga series that I've really been enjoying so that's staying and every morning the way home gets longer and longer it's a super short book that will have you in tears book love this is a little comic book about different I don't know bookish I don't know if you're a reader you'll probably relate to this quite a bit I loved this and I need to reread it now we've got some like parenting and all sorts of different books here so Sally Clarkson books are staying for sure I just need to move them a charm of goldfinches this is really cute but I don't think I need to keep it I loved his illustrations though they're really cool um but I read it I don't think I need to continue like keeping it Simplicity parenting I think this one can go the core this is a homeschool book that I'm going to keep notes from a blue bike I've read a couple times it's been a while I'm going to keep it for now I think no you know what I also own the ebook so I'm going to get rid of this one and the turquoise table and The Call of the Wild and Free I'm going to get rid of both of those which is good because this pot has been squished in here now I can breathe a bit here is more like I guess this is fantasy part of our fantasy section heartless I just read I think uh do I want to keep this for my daughter I think I'm just going to get rid of this one The Eternity gate I really enjoyed can't wait for book to babble uh no this has got to go I read this in the fall um for the most part generally if I have like red tabs that means I don't like something there was a lot of things I didn't like and the ending is terrible sorry guys um that one's going Romanov I loved Fox I loved Lost Kingdom I just read last month and really enjoyed um I love Mark of the Raven I think I'm going to get rid of Cry Of The Raven though once again I really enjoyed the first book in the series didn't enjoy the others as much the goose girl I've enjoyed and I have not continued the series so maybe I'll just get rid of river Secrets this is book one and book three in like a fairy tale retelling at least this one is a fairy tale retelling um and I've had this for years and haven't read it so it can go the Queen's Rising I really enjoyed I have been trying to decide if I'm going to read the second book in the duology I I feel like it ended well um but I'm going to keep that and steps sister um I'm torn I really did enjoy it I'm going to keep it for right now I might end up getting rid of a few more books before we move but now that plant can hold those up and you can already see that I have Hardy Boy books I thought maybe my son would like these but honestly I'm just going to get rid of these so that's easy enough and then we've done oh B shelf is very dusty can you see that yeah um so we've done all of this section so I'm going to move my tripod down to the lower level and then we will go through there okay so this is my tolken toling shelf um those are going to stay Jared and raika are really big fans of his books this is my collection of his books um yeah so those will stay so easy easy enough this shelf is pretty much a bunch of Sanderson books actually I never did show at the very top of this bookshelf we also have the whole storm light archive those are staying um this one I got Jared for Christmas in the shadow of lightning I don't think he enjoyed it enough to uh keep it I'll pull it off and I'll ask him I think that one can go but all our Sanderson books here will be staying you can't actually quite see them all there's more of there's the mbor series and and elant there and Legion I I don't think I've ever given any of his books even three stars I think they've all been four or five so yeah they need to stay this shelf is mostly science fiction I think some fantasy has gotten moved on here plus an empty dust jacket from a book that I'm reading so let's see here six Crimson cranes I just read and enjoyed I'm going to keep that Scythe I've kept this one um I got rid of the rest of the series but I did enjoy book one definitely a theme the forgetting I enjoyed but I don't think enough to keep recorder I loved illusion I loved the whole Divergent series I think I can get rid of well now I just realized I put a keep in a get rid of on the same pile so I'm going to get rid of Allegient Divergent Insurgent four and and then other books will fall just throw them in here for now okay blood for well Wolf by wolf and Blood for Blood are a duology they're really cool um alternate history My Lady Jane I really enjoyed aberration is book two after recorder Sky Hunter I enjoyed and I'm waiting to read the second book it's all my shelf um my name Jean I loved amember in the Mist I read recently really enjoyed that warmwood Abby was so fun I can't wait to get to book two oh always forgot how to pronounce this synapse um really enjoyed that it's like a Christian science fiction book Enders game I think this one can go the chemist I enjoyed it but I don't think I need to own it the Strange Case of alchemist's daughter another one that I enjoyed but I don't think I need to keep I can actually fit this book back on here now six cres and cranes let's move you over a bit um the lunar coloring is going to bother me here they got to go here okay um the lunar Chron Chronicles we've got Cinder and Scarlet these are book one and book two I don't own the rest of the series um I really like book one I think book two is the weakest one in the series then I enjoy the rest of the series but I think I can get rid of this one The Hunger Games did I even keep I think we just kept this one I think a while ago raika read them and we decided to keep book one project Hail Mary I love the rule of three I still need to finish this series it started out as a Trilogy I think it ended up being four books uh it's it's pretty good uh but I don't think I need to keep it all systems red once again this isn't the first book in a series first Nolla it was pretty good but not really worth keeping even though I've kept it for years last Light I still need to finish the series by Terry Blackstock but I don't think I need to own it and the host I really enjoyed even though this is one of the weirdest books to try to explain to people feel like a crazy person wow okay that's that's quite a bit I think we will stop almost there I'll show you my next shelf this is my red Agatha chrisy shelf and I'm not getting rid of any of them I've borrowed a few out to friends there's a few missing I have lots more to read that are downstairs but Agatha like L Montgomery these are my collections they're staying so that's all for this video I'm going to film the next one um but it might be a while before I put it up just because of timing so thanks for joining me for this unhaul and I will see you in a video again soon and another unhaul soon
Channel: Chantel Reads All Day
Views: 4,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: booktube, reading, books, reader, book recommendations, book reviews, christian booktuber, christian booktube, christian youtuber, christian vlogger, chantel reads all day, bookshelf tour, bookshelf unhaul, bookshelf cleanout, bookshelf clean out, book unhaul, cleaning bookshelves, getting rid of books, moving books
Id: VYPKH7pTj7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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