I'm Nobody's Fool: "Tashia" Peagler v Derrick Baxter Jr.

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finding your person can be a lifelong Pursuit but once you found them you realize it was worth the wait on today's case Mrs pegler and her husband Mr Baxter thought that they' done just that they had an instant connection and they fell in love and even Blended their families now Mrs pegler says her husband's poor judgment and an unthinkable betrayal has put everything at risk she's in court today to decide whether or not it's even worth trying to make it work let's hear their case court is now in session the honorable Judge star presiding your honor this is the case of pegler versus baon thank you very much Miss pegler Mr Baxter miss pegler you say you have endured more pain and heartache at the hands of your husband than anyone should have to deal with you say your husband's betrayal is why you are here today ready to end your marriage yes your honor and Mr Baxter you're here today to prove to your wife that you desperately want to continue in this marriage you say you want your family back but most importantly you want your wife to trust you again yes Yan okay Mr Baxter it looks like something happened between the two of you to get you to court today let's start with you miss pegler take me back to when you all first met we met at a kickback back in 2014 at Mutual friend's house the energy was really good with us the CH istry was good and we um just really hit it off really good so it everything started out well right yes ma'am you had similar interest and similar backgrounds yes your honor so talk to me a little bit about what kinds of relationship you had been in before and what was different about this one well I was married before and when once that marriage had ended you know it was a a lot of stuff that happened in between like I'm I lost my mother um I lost my father and I also lost my brother but that's a lot that's an awful lot yes so I was looking for you know that Comfort again that you know someone to be there that I can you know lean on and have you know that type of relationship with and when we met it was great it was I mean it was just great we just the chemistry was just everything I mean he was take me on dates and you know buy me flowers and everything so um and that's what I loved about him cuz he had such a kind heart how did you guys get engaged we got he proposed to me with a flower she Lov flowers I love that and it was something different cuz my first engagement I took off running but it sounds romantic it it was okay and so you thought this was the one right yes yes your honor especially after so much loss yes your honor Mr Baxter why why was she the one for you when we first met she just had this energy that that can brighten up a room she had a this this intellectual Persona about her that that just attracts me to her so so much and I understand that um you all Blended your family is that correct yes your honor and what kind of father is Mr Baxter phenomenal he's a phenomenal father he's he does everything for his kids and not even just his mine also you know he even still comes to my son's games and you know watch him play well that's probably because he thinks of him as his son also correct and that's what you wanted right yes your honor so Lord knows it sounds really good and there's some Stakes involved here because there's some families that have fallen in love with each other but I understand things started to go down yes your honor can you take me back miss pegler when it first started um after we got married it was just like not instantly but it just starts changing a little bit you know what changed like we used to go on date nights all the time oh I love a date night yes I love a date night and um he would do no more date nights it started dwindling down to where it was no more date nights um stop buying me flowers knowing I love flowers and then would always have an excuse of where he's at or he wanted to be with his homeboys more so wait the date nights were really important because that's how he courted you am I correct exactly yes so Mr Baxter what happened why did date night stop well I work a lot and my work schedule sometimes I'm might work 12 hours sometimes might work 18 hours but you had time to roll with your boys see because let me you you made time for her when y'all were first dating why did it change cuz something happened Mr Baxter well I yeah cuz she kind of changed as well okay tell me what you mean by that okay if I do go out whip my homeboys or whatever most of the time I would see her out at the same spot that I'm that I'm at with my homeboys and so it it how is that a problem if you doing the same thing I'm talking about the date nights if you used to do date nights together and you all would either go and do something for instance M my husband and I like live music we go and hear Mesa sing or we got to go hear if Eric B is in time we on our way okay that's something that we enjoy doing and what did you all do on your date nights and how did it change okay miss pigler your husband is not giving it to me so you tell me we used to we would go bowling we would go skating we would go to the movies see and we would go we would go out to eat and then sometimes even though we go out to eat I might do something if the kids aren't at home or whatever might do something sexy put on something sexy and you know continue like the the uh what do they call it the night cap yes yes from our date nights but once everything started changing can you Peg it back yes ma'am to when it started changing maybe about two years ago you think that's when the date night started to pet her out is that correct to DND what was occurring within your household she start coming home more like he would be drunk intoxicated and things of that nature well that kind of turns you off probably right turned me off all the way what changed because well the lack of sex changed for one it was one time when I got out the shower butt naked he turned around and got excited and I went and got the bath towel and walked away why would you entice your man and then not be tow I didn't entice him why didn't you want to have sex with him I'm Petty you can be Petty if you want to but Petty leel is not going to get you the man that you want Mr Mr Baxter were you all were you coming home drunk sir yes after about two years ago well again I wish I could take it back to what changed because well the lack of sex changed for one because so explain that to me with him being intoxicated um um so it was one time when he was too intoxicated and I he wanted some sex and I wouldn't give it to him you know I got up and I went in the living room and started watching TV so he was confused about that um it was one time that's not confusing why didn't you want to have sex with him because you ain't showing me no appreciation you're not giving me what I I'm showing me that you care about me m so why should I give you sex show you that I care about you it's always about her it's not always about me it was even a time when he would be trying to have sex with me um and I tell him I have a migraine cuz he knows I have bad migraine it sounds like you was putting him on PP if you know what I mean pretty much and then he was it was one time when he was um I was in the shower he came home I was in the shower I got out the shower butt naked and I bent down and he got he turned around and got excited and I went and got got a bath towel and walked away and he looked at me and was like what's the problem but wait a minute Miss P why would you entice your man and then not be I didn't going entice him I just got a yes you did the fact that you told the story the way you did tells me you enticed him because see lies don't have details and you had the most beautiful details you got out of the shower you were butt necked you went to bend down you did that all on purpose you did I'm Petty well okay but you can be Petty if you want to but Petty leel is not going to get you the man that you want or or any or any sex so why are you all using sex as a weapon against each other when you all started out so happy together I don't understand that well I have um a friend Lola and she came to um you know she would be over at the house a lot this was like a second home right and you didn't have a problem with her being there initially is that a fair way to put it yes sir what made you think that something was going on UNT he would start coming home earlier from work um she would sit there and take showers with the door open okay my husband is there um uh before she would sit there and be like um you know I'll tell her story or something that's bothering me about him oh you got a good man you um don't worry about it you know he's a good man don't don't leave him and don't be tripping on him okay but wait a minute here's my here's my question Miss pegler let me just say this to you if I see a chick spending too much time at my house inappropriately dressed and not really hanging with me I'mma check her with a quickness why didn't you check Miss Lola I I like to get my receipts so in other words you were just waiting and laying in the cut to see if it was something there yes ma'am did you talk to your husband about it not at first no I I wanted my receipts I wanted my receipts so why did you want to catch them in the ACT rather than to uh knock it off at the because before it happened because if to me if it's already signs that it's there it's already happening so but before I come and accuse you of anything I want to make sure I got all my receipts I put tracking devices on his car did he know that nope okay Miss pegler how'd you catch he was supposed to be going on a boys trip to Florida and she came to me and was like that she met someone online and she was going to go visit them in South Carolina so I put tracking devices in both of their suitcases she pour bleach on the FES wrote cheetah on my shoes mhm well you know what she deserve to be mad sir you know that right if you'd like your case to be heard on Divorce Court call us toll-free at 1877 31122 22 or log on to our website at divorcecourt.com Miss a show watch full episodes on our streaming platforms and follow us on social media for exclusive content Mr Baxter something tell tell me that you walk right into a trap yep I tracked him I tracked him at a hotel I tracked when he was at the hotel he didn't know that um I seen you know I went and seen what was going on and then what I when I put two and two together is when I seen her car at the hotel too then there's you at Applebee's I ain't invited Applebee's I like Applebees I want some Applebees too but I go to Applebee's you in the window with her okay Mr I'm going to I'm going to now listen to you yes ma'am because clearly this went off the rails how did this happen sir growing up my dad always told me don't let no man into your house or your um Let me let me let me let me stop you right there Mr Baxter because this is the one thing what you're not going to do is explain your lack of character by saying that she let somebody come into the house I'm already going to take her to task about bringing folk up in her house too much okay mhm but a man of character a naked woman could be laying on the floor a man of character who is married turn around walk turn around and walk out the house turn around and walk away you let some hoochie come in between you and your wife and I started putting no not necessarily CU I I felt bad about it I was being uh he didn't feel bad because when I caught them they didn't know what say when I fronted them about it I still don't even know how to even ask for her forgiveness how long did it go on too long tell the truth too long so in other words everybody lying to miss pigler basically but I had my receipts I just let him sink their own hole okay Miss pegler she's first how'd you catch so he was supposed to be going on a boys trip to Florida and she came to me was like that she met someone online and she was going to go visit them in South Carolina so oh okay y'all think I'm real dumb so I put tracking devices in both of their suitcases ooh no she didn't put the air tracks in there wow so when um I let them go ahead and enjoy their little trip and look at my jewry they up there taking notes right now the jur taking notes oh so we need to do this next okay I see y'all mhm yeah I I put a hole in the little uh lineing and then I put it in there and I sold it right back up like nothing ever was in there stuff oh I'm very technical Savvy and he knows that too Leon Panetta up in this okay head the CIA so when they came when they finally came back well once they left I got all they stuff both of their stuff I put it in the same bins and put it in the same bags and changed the locks on my doors so they couldn't get in until I got there so once I got there yeah it turned up yeah exactly yep and when she had found out she C up my clothes she poured bleach on my clothes she wrote cheetah on my shoes she busted out a car window flat and tires she lost her mind she showed herself she lost her mind M well you know what as crazy as that sounds that she did she deserved to be mad sir you know that right yes ma'am I I actually deserve you all separated after that correct yes your honor and Mr Baxter's been out of the house since then yes your honor Mr Baxter what have you done to earn earn your way back I started by buying her flowers I um I try to be involved more in her life and her kids I try to bring my kids around so that we can try to become a family again um I try to take her on dates if she let me have you dated him only last night what does that mean same place supp to take me on a date so he had to buy my food same place same time y'all were at the same place at the same time it was convenience and somebody probably needed to feel loved and wanted again you're right Mr Baxter am I right hit the nail on the head you know here's here's the thing when people come to divorce court and they tell me they're done and they're ready to go I believe them when they come in here with papers signed and ready neither one of you all brought papers in here because there's still so much between you I can tell I made a mistake I just want her back I really want you to know that well let me tell you something in order to rebuild trust you have to have a willingness to work on the relationship you have to be willing to reflect on the experience which you all have done here today and I'm very proud of you I regret everything I did y you have to openly apologize which Mr Baxter has done you have to give your partner time Mr Baxter which you've done and Miss pegler you've taken that time you have to try to create new memories and something tells me last night was the start of a new memory the two of you need to remember that you can trust people you don't have to be Leon Panetta all the time and you can't be sneaky you do need to learn to ask for what you need miss pegler you say to your man what you want I want my flowers I want my date night I want to go skating again I want to beat you at bowling you have to ask for what you want and you sir don't wait for her to drop a towel you didn't say you're my wife I love you I want to please you I want us to get back to us you have to ask for what you want do you think you have a future with this man I honestly can't answer that question right now is this the man that you love I want my wife back I really I want my wife and my family do you love him still yes I love you you can take the time to rebuild the trust Mr Baxter if you love her it's time to show her and showing her is working to win her back so I can tell you the truth people can get old over an affair they'll never get over how it made them feel so it's really important for you to let her feel what she needs to feel but it's also important for you if you say you g to get over it get over it and start all over that's the only thing that's going to work I can't make you stay together and I'm certainly not willing to throw you away so you could keep doing what you doing and moving forward but that's not going to make you happy cuz I can tell you right now now last night made you happy or at least satisfied give it a few more days give it a few more months give it a year if you need to but don't throw away your marriage until you're 100% ready don't say goodbye until you're really ready to say good riddens Mr backx you got work to do mhm yes yes man I'm step my game up a little bit step your game up a lot I just I don't know I don't know I'm undecisive just undecisive you going to make it work Robert I am pulling for them I want them to work but I have to tell you that was a pretty big betrayal I am so sorry that's that's trifling oh no he did not use a straight up jersey word trifling trifling because take think about it Lola yeah she knew both their strengths and weaknesses and used it for her own benefit let's just pray the two of them can find their themselves back to other yes I I really I really want that to happen I hope it happens um but she a better girl than me I couldn't do it made in Georgia that
Channel: Divorce Court
Views: 87,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Divorce Court, divorce, marriage, lawyer, television show, reality tv, judge, court, court drama, star jones, court show, judge star, court tv, relationships, couples, divorce court reality tv, divorce court full epiosdes, funny divorce, divorce court judge lynn toler, judge lynn toler
Id: l5V1cD6WR4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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