"I'm like a vault!" 😂 Ella Purnell and the Fallout team on Easter eggs and sweating out your eyes

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[Music] so be honest who of your friends and family was most like hyped to discover you were in Fallout actually quite a few of my friends yeah quite a few of my friends freaked out and some family members my brothers were quite impressed one of them was quite impressed the other two just cool all right I preferred Arcane yeah yeah yeah I I mean I I feel like I had my brother was pretty hyped but I didn't know until my little nephew was actually speechless you know that's when you know somebody was shook by it he was like we know each other and and he didn't know how to talk around me all of a sudden Brotherhood of Stay Stay Stay Stay Stay Stay you're you're in the the seriously is it coming you know yeah yeah I love it when people try to get little spoilers out of you and you're like I'm not going to I don't talk I don't tell anybody anything I don't tell anybody anything like a vault I didn't even realize I can't liar I did I swear I'm not that smart I'm not that you're too good an actress for me not to believe that was on purpose take it thanks the mission of the vaults should be important to everyone you're an actual Vault dweller I am I thought all you dip shits were dead anyway moving on I want your audition stories for this like I imagine it's pretty odd pretending to be in a suit uh yeah the crazier stuff was also being on a set I mean seeing what Howard Cummings and his team had been building I I got to walk into a vault that was part of the audition it was part of the audition this felt like out of the story books you know you try the suit on does it fit type of thing but obviously that full suit doesn't fit me it I have to be massively tall before I am then put on platforms to be a monster it was crazy and the film camera rolling um what else Ella was there oh so you already on board MH yeah my I I did a meeting with Geneva Graham and owner and then read the script after the meeting which was you know kind of backwards for me I did my audition on zoom and I thought it went really badly and I and it was I just I I sort of balanced my computer on top of a very tall stack of books and it was slightly wonky and it I just thought it was so bad I couldn't believe I got part I really couldn't and then we did our chemistry test on Zoom can you remember yeah trying to do a chemistry test when one one person's on mute there's a log a lag it it was yeah there's also that weird thing of like do I look in the camera of my computer or do I look at the face I can see yeah and you're like waiting for the next line like yeah should I start reading before yeah if in doubt just say oky doie okie doie Okie doie and carry on are you fully aware though Ella how much that's going to follow you around oky doie yeah it's part of my lingo now I started about halfway through filming just like hello we're ready for you on set okie dokie you know and now it's it's all I say I can't stop you're just going to get people in the street just shouting or even Whispering like on the tube or something Okie doie you know I actually don't think I'll mind it it's it's not the worst one I've gotten on the TBE some positivity to the phrase that's true Okie doie okay well yeah it's quite nice actually I'll take it yeah fair point if you insist on staying then you will have to adapt uhhuh do you get a number of people Ella who can't quite believe that you're from the UK do you still get the mind blown face I do and I I really I take that as a compliment that's it's nice but I I like being British I'm going to keep it I imagine her accents getting really strong while she's here right he did say that we got off the plane and all of a sudden I was like what he said you've gotten more British in the last 10 minutes I think my I lose my accent a little bit when I've been in the states too long and especially when I've been doing an American accent for a long time but uh yeah luckily I've got enough people back home to me trash trash became rubbish I was like what okay I've always said rubbish who is this I've always said rubbish I say sweater that's the one that I hate myself for saying it should always be jumper it's so much better what about the uh idea of of Fallout the game being turned into this TV show because for so many people this is a dream literally come true how are you finding the idea of trying to encapsulate all of this history 25 years do you have a good simple answer to the question of what is it about Fallout that's so appealing the tone yeah honestly I mean it and it was something that fans of the game would recognize immediately but to for me a newcomer to to the franchise I was just surprised by it I thought like what holds all this together at the same time you know uh the the humor the the the violence that's almost a spectacle it's almost circus like you look out at this Wasteland looks like chaos but there's always somebody behind a wheel but that dark Gallow humor juxtaposed against this incredibly violent sequences just tonally just really kind of disrupts the brain so I talk about if you want to have like a crazy out of- body experience this is the show for you there's a lot of post-apocalyptic kind of entertainment but there's nothing like Fallout a lot of that goes back to the world before the bombs fell you know this kind of naive utopian version of what the nuclear future will give us and all that goes wrong and whether you're someone watching the show and seeing these characters or you're playing the game when you're put in that reality of the Wasteland it's like what would you do to survive and it has some very harsh moments there but it also it wants you to have a good time right it's going to wink at the camera there's some dark humor that serves us really well in the games obviously and one of the brilliant jobs that Jonah uh and crew did everybody on this was finding that tone and weaving it in and out where one moment it's it's an action epic and and one moment it's a dark comedy unless I see I grabbed a moldy one I completely agree and you can't make it too heavy you can't make it too light it's like a sule well I well said I was never able to Big A so hopefully yeah please use that in the rest of your media will you know what it's like a post-apocalyptic sule people are going to come after you ain't much stays clean up here vaulty well now that is a very small drop in a very very large bucket of drugs I imagine working with won Goggins and Kyle as well obviously did you ever get intimidated or did that sort of fall away when they made that first dad joke well actually with Walton very intimidating because he looks terrifying CU he's in the head to toe of prothetics the entire time but I remember the first time we did a scene together I came onto set and was absolutely terrified of this this ghoul and then I I got up close and I could see he was crying you know we're filming in New York outside under the sun it's like so so hot it's like 105 degrees Fahrenheit I don't know what that is in Celsius and and I and I thought well it's the first day it's very emotional no he was sweating he was sweating out of his eye holes the only gaps in his Prosthetics and so that made him a little bit less intimidating just a little yeah and also extra creepy or yeah or more intimidating because yeah he looked scary I like the idea that you thought God he is a big fan he's crying no I thought should I be crying should I quick quick thing of my dad was that your toughest day on set preparation that's actor preparation really working through the emotion very proud of I think they asked me if I wanted a cooling suit and I said of course not why would I ever do that take one day two like you know like day please please did I see in one video though you were asked you guys there's all four of you who's the big game fan like who's the actual one who's played the games did I see your hand go up okay I've been playing about three years and I'm on level two I'm level two I think we have to imagine the camera hitting a wall and my turning out no it is someone told me to invert the controls because I I get really frustrated that I it just doesn't come naturally to me and I get really mad because the problem with being competitive and not very good is you're just angry all the time and that's how it feels so I spent a lot more time watching other people play the game it seemed like a more efficient use of my time rather than just smashing my controller on the ground um I did mention I have brothers right it's sort of Brad the competitiveness into me I get it now um but I we both watched people play the game right twitch and YouTube and all of that and that was useful excuse me hi I just want to ask you for directions you do have these Grace notes that are in teasers and trailers so I'm not overstepping here for example you know gun out speaking to a NPC and beginning a conversation with a weapon in their face is chef's kiss where did that come from was that in an early script because it delighted me and failing that dialogue completely meaning the character isn't um look that's you know grma Geneva writing the script and diving into the games and just saying hey what is what is the tone um and finding those moments we were talking about translating it the other I point out we way we approach the games is each one is unique you know we go into a Fallout 4 I approach it where no one's ever played a Fallout game before so each of them each game is is a moment in time for a Fallout in the same way the show is right and so yes it has callbacks to things but it also it moves the story forward a little bit that's the beauty of being able to work with so many people that you just deeply deeply trust I mean Jonah is also a fan of the games he's played a lot there so much like you say so much detail so many little moments you know there's comedy in every moment even the darkest most devastating ones so I leave you with this final question on that note what was your least glamorous day on set what was the day where you went yeah that wasn't fun well the okay episodes three and four let's just say Lucy really gets put through it there is uh maybe the second time Lucy and the ghoul me oh again a scene involving a finger monster and uh water that's all I'll say for fear fear of spoiling and I mean she doesn't look very glamorous she looks bedraggled but that doesn't mean it wasn't fun I think that's the that's the joy of it right is being able to really go to the extent of like human capability and just desperation and survival and that's exciting to me really being able to get into the you know the theme of survival I can't say okie DOI again if I have to say okie doie thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe and click the Bell icon to keep up to date you can listen to my radio 1 movies and TV podcast screen time on BBC sounds and you can find these interviews in full on BBC player 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Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 393,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BBC, RADIO 1
Id: 7ZKfn53-_No
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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