I'M LEARNING TO OUTLINE // save the cat vs. 3 act, 9 block, 27 chapters vs. snowflake method
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Kate Cavanaugh
Views: 15,895
Rating: 4.9843597 out of 5
Keywords: writing, outlining, writing vlog, outlining vlog, Kate Cavanaugh, camp nanowrimo, 24 hour write a thon, first time outlining, first time writing, save the cat, 3 act 9 block 27 chapter, katytastic outlining, authortube, authortube vlog, best outlining methods, how to outline novel, how to write novel, camp nanowrimo prep, nanowrimo, snowflake method, writing life, writing advice, writing tips, writing hacks, freelance writer, freelance writing, indie author, tradpub
Id: b3WGhXBAdl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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