I'M HAUNTED BY WHAT I'VE DONE! | Among Us (NEW Town of US Mod)

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all right first things first fondulous dead ass body delirious you're like so echo [Music] what you're echoing that [ __ ] is sick it's the glitch [Music] yes i can hear you oh never it's from this guy right here i'm all alone on the drop ship i'm all alone on the drop ship i'm all alone on the drop ship oh yeah i'm singing a song which means i'm imposter i'm singing a song there's a hole what a [ __ ] go through it go through it go through it go through it why why is there a hole in this guy why is there too many people standing together huh let me drop the whole thing i'll drop your whole damn hole okay the bottom of the shower shut up bop's been so long since i did a task it's been so long since i did a task bryce squirrel that was weird as hell what i was running from kai kyle why or squirrel exactly okay cartoons cartoons what score i'm an investigator i watched him he ran directly over the vent directly over the vent with his footsteps that is sush what the [ __ ] oh that is us so cartoons cartoons i just watched squirrel run right in this room i don't know who killed you chronos [Laughter] [Applause] in front of me squirrel no it's not kyle's with me so all right let me explain what happened because i'm caught in the coyote but then somebody reversed time so i teleported back in front of chrono but as myself instead of kyle let me guess whoever whoever the time person was was waiting at the at the medic thing right no they they can't look at us that was that was just that was a one-time accident [Music] why can't we see who we're voting for wait we definitely can what why can't we be friends what it's wild and crazy wild and crazy wild and crazy i'm glad they added that button i don't know if y'all saw that on the meeting there's a little button so everybody didn't have to wait so everybody doesn't just have to wait on me oh why can't we be friends why can't we be friends i'm so good at turning wheels i'm like a wheel turner [Music] and pop jesus christ excuse me that monitors the world you didn't see that john chrono in that top left area by cams and somehow you and i missed it rila while we were doing the top left reactor oh it's kyle then i want to know who the hell i keep flying across the map backwards who is i'm pretty sure it's kyle but it's seven so i met up with kyle coming he was coming from left to right i believe and then we're in med bay right now but it wasn't on the left squirrel and kyle were both imposters he was dead right by a hole it's true well kyle i'm skipping to give you some more time to play okay i'm lying i couldn't climb and squirrel tried to throw him under the bus as his imposter friends no he wouldn't [Applause] i'm getting here how do i use this [Laughter] there's something here someone put a shield on me and then i switched to them now i'm the medic with a shield on what what can you do another shield no you're a god i'm immortal how are you immortal though well we can just vote you out oh wait does does the shield pop if somebody tries to kill you no no no no no no no you lose your shield yeah yeah yeah he's the medic so they have to try to kill him unless he's small steals it back from him and then he's no [Music] longer [Laughter] i tried to save him but it didn't work yeah there was a time warp so there was an attempt to say he why did you kill squirrel again why are you saying i just don't remember seeing her at the ship and there was like nine other people there right now that's fine i wish you wouldn't i wish because i always shout mg gee get him she's so aggressive i gotta get away from you i gotta get away what the [ __ ] bryce didn't rewind what the [ __ ] double kill double kill double kill i feel like superman right now so where where was the kill what you got uh right on uh vitals man of vitals i don't buy them well that's unfortunate because ria and chrono were in uh yeah med bay wouldn't be right on various you were just with me i know then i went to vitals that's a possible app it's in the middle of a map you silly goose what did you say silly goose you do not say big silly goose you call him an [ __ ] like a normal kid where's vitals not to the right of the meeting all right was just not talking to me at oxygen i was that's not wrong that's not wrong with that past g he and went to kyle if you're the jester i swear to christ so gee he tunes too but yeah i swear to god bryce i'm helping well don't kill him we shouldn't even vote on seven honestly yeah both me i killed it okay well okay if you want me to do here i'll do it i'll do what i can get don't worry don't threaten me ever again hey don't throw me ever again [Music] this is us right here this is what we're doing okay oh what in the hell is going on nothing what i don't inquire kyle i gotta say something else to you you're gonna love to hear father okay okay oh god kyle's about to get killed they're about to do some killing i think they're making out you wanna go check perfect hey whoa i caught y'all all right first things first fondue's dead ass body y'all replacing me delirious you're like so echo that [ __ ] is sick all right i think it's squirrel i tried the vent i'm sure of that squirrel how do you try to be well uh she sprinted into the bathroom and then sprinted back at me so i i just assumed he was gonna bend because no and kyle kyle is showering so i'm assuming either he's just vouching for him because he's vouching for him or he's telling the truth no also what are your roles guys because i'm confused and kyle i know you have the mega man what do you mean me kyle were talking i thought i could hear kyle from anywhere so i test it out by running through that like over there in that bathroom while he was on med base again but i couldn't hear him everywhere and then bryce comes out of the bottom right area like through the thing into med bay and then g he was also down there and then at least one of them was dead down there but i think gusty and delirious were both dead down there and bryce and g he killed dead down here no no dude to the left specimen left outside to the left of table yeah he definitely went through decontamination i didn't why are you lying you did and how would you have seen me go into the vent room you came out and then i walked over there from the left side yeah didn't come to decontamination because i went to decontamination thank you for taking my word guys because i have a desk there it's not me but i was in by the way i didn't see you oh oh no oh someone's dead i'm like she wasn't wait a minute hello [Music] stop stop [Music] and then a squirrel kills another squirrel and then squirrel reports the body and i don't know who the other squirrel was rhea was the other squirrel i watched via turn she turned into me and she murdered rila when i was following her then she turned back i saw area kill or a white kill yes aria killed but i thought it was a squirrel kill squirrel did not kill rihanna turned back he killed chrono did you see the squirrel kill two squirrels no i think it was the weird part of this thing there was yeah squirrels and then i saw a white kill right in front of me i don't know i'm so confused by that yeah it's it's probably what it oh it's the glitch chrono i saw the same thing it was wrong i thought i thought you were talking about there being an issue with the mod you're like oh there's a glitch bro don't worry no it's an actual rule how did i even get three votes i'm confused that doesn't even make any sense because i guess somebody said there was two of you so yeah it's a glitch because she transformed his scroll yes we need to get rid of the hell out then yeah what the hell there's two holes here yeah this is what i was trying to talk about earlier it was very confusing so bria do you actually have magical powers there's two holes you see the new hole look there's another hole right here that's [ __ ] crazy turned into a dead body is that what we wanted what do you think you're lying i know wait oh [ __ ] hold on okay is the glitch separate from the fraction of the imposters yes first one's separate what this what just happened everyone's dead me and kyle were together did bryce not just report this body oh yeah he did it he's dead what and how did ria die i killed her i don't know what what what right yeah i shot okay i shot her as the sheriff all right so it has to be toons then huh let's go relax okay so i think it's a squirrel i will tell you it's not me because i know it's not kyle because he shielded me and i know it's not me because it's not me mine what the [ __ ] just happened it's crawling like there's cartoons like i feel like chrono could be lying because nobody realizes but was with me like the entire freaking time somehow it was there a glitch and then posture kills the blah blah blah he dies and blah blah blah blah the glitch can do exactly what the do but they can morph at something else is there a mod where if you report a body it kills you i'm so confused i don't know i didn't check the rules [Applause] what wait oh god chrono chrono don't kill me please not you you son of a [ __ ] that's right that's right that's right crono oh that's right i that entire game did not know i was an imposter it said minor and i don't know what the [ __ ] that meant oh oh it's in red so it means you're you're an investor but i literally it said help imposters win i thought i was just trying to put vince down to help the imposters win you thought you were the janitor only placing these yeah and i was like i never even paid attention that i had a kill button of all time yeah i know where you going squirrel you [ __ ] [ __ ] where are you what are you doing where are you going i just want to survive i've been ruined too all right and now we have a [ __ ] time lord that they [ __ ] you squirrel [ __ ] you anything i can guarantee you that [ __ ] you i can guarantee you can suck my ass squirrel no no no no no no no no no no no no get to the button all right all right murdered me no i was about to say squirrel killed me and i got revived so we can choose one of two yes i'm solving my own damn murder squirrel i was talking [ __ ] he killed me i was only dead for one second i got returned back to life and ran straight to the button okay all right after we get squirrel we get goosey because goosey murdered me at download and then i got revived [Music] you're not the time lord [Music] [Applause] that was [Music] watching cartoons up in my room watching cartoons up in my room
Channel: CaRtOoNz
Views: 456,809
Rating: 4.9727316 out of 5
Keywords: cart0onz, cartoonz, cartoons, funny moments, let's play, cartoonz face reveal, Among Us, cartoonz among us, among us new map
Id: vrJS9u3R2oQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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