I'm Embarrassed! Freezer Organizing the BEST Way!! The FreezerMax System

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Hello friends I'm actually quite embarrassed to be showing you the first part of this video today we are going to be organizing the chest freezer here behind me in the garage and it is a complete disaster we have our work cut out for us let me just tell you really quickly how the freezer got into this mess number one the baskets that came with our freezer are made out of plastic they have become misshapen they no longer sit where they're supposed to sit and it makes it really hard to keep anything organized or to be able to get anything out of this freezer and it has been a problem for quite a while now that we need to solve number two my parents have just left Alaska to go back to Arizona for the winter and they unloaded their freezer into this freezer when they left and that just means there's a lot of extra stuff in here that wasn't in here before and number three summertime is crazy in Alaska we go go go go go go all summer we pull things out and have quick easy dinners and there's just been no time to rearrange and make sure that the freezer gets put back together the way that it should when we come home from Costco we're just throwing things in and it is hunting season here in Alaska we hope to get a moose and maybe a deer and the freezers need to be organized before hunting season so we got to get it done right now today is the day we are going to be transforming this freezer using the freezer Max chest organization system I'm actually really excited to do this project because I'm hoping this will be the last time I ever have to show you a messy freezer just waiting for an airplane to pass over we are a hunting and fishing family here in Alaska so we actually have three freezers one here in the garage one out in a shed and then our freezer upstairs attached to our refrigerator and all three of them have different purposes and I like to be able to share them with you at different times throughout the year when maybe they're a little bit more empty or full but I hope that this is the last time that I have to show you this freezer being a complete mess because of the freezer Max system so having an organized freezer is actually really important to our family because we eat 99 of our meals at home and we need them to be quick and efficient and be able to find the things we need it saves US money because you don't want things going bad in the bottom of the freezer and when I realized that my freezer had gotten out of control I started doing some research to figure out how I could better organize it and I found the freezer Max system and reached out to them and said hey I want to represent you I wanted to organize my freezer and I want to share it with my YouTube family so they sent me this system I'm opening it right here with you it's been sitting here for a week waiting for the kids to go back to school and calling my name so that we can get the freezer organized before we bring home a bunch of new meat all right so the freezer Max system uses a series of rails that you attach into your freezer along with their baskets to keep everything really organized now the exciting thing about these baskets is they adjust to whatever size freezer you need so we're gonna have them be really large because our freezer is really large but they also can be used in a small freezer how ingenious is that and they just feel really really well made and I love all these holes to let air flow I feel like they thought of everything when I was looking on their website I was like I have to work with these people so I emailed them and said hey I got a project for you I have the worst freezer imaginable right now and I know that your system will make it amazing so this is really exciting the other thing that speaks my organizing love language is they give you this giant magnet to put on the top of your freezer and label what is in each basket so when you go to start searching for baskets and having to move things around you know exactly which basket you're going for and when your family's helping put things away you can teach them to look on the magnet and figure out oh this is a vegetable so I should put it in this basket or this is a meat and I need to put it in this basket mind blown it is so smart I actually used to do this on my own I would print out a piece of paper and write where everything was and just use boxes this is like the dream version of that I'm so excited foreign I got the whole system out of the box and laid out here and now I'm going to watch on my phone the installation process and get to work all right it's gonna take some effort and work to get this done but I'm ready for it step one we gotta go unload the freezer it is still fall in Alaska it is about 55 degrees and rainy today so I can't just use the outside to keep all of the food Frozen like I would be able to if it was winter time but Mark assured me that if I put all the stuff in these coolers and kept them closed for the day we would be able to just put everything back in afterwards so let's unload the freezer my goal is to organize as I unload so that when we go back to put it back in everything that's together in the cooler will be kind of similar items like meat or fish or frozen fruits frozen vegetables so I'm going to try and keep it organized as I unload so that it just makes it easier in the end an unwrapped stick of butter with bite marks in it any guesses on who did that oh my goodness I'm not kidding this is what has driven me crazy for months I can't get it out [Music] it's broken [Music] I decided I needed to put on some gloves my hands are freezing they're getting so cold so I've gotten down to the bottom layer of our freezer and it's actually pretty organized we've always used crates and boxes to organize the bottom layer that top layer though was such a mess we couldn't even get down to the bottom layer it was such a headache so I'm going to pull these things out we have a lot of stuff in here another benefit of doing a project like this is you just realize all the things that you have that you may have forgotten about I just found all the ingredients I need for breakfast burritos which I was about to go buy at Costco this week again now I'm just pulling them out of the freezer they're thawing out in the sink over there and I can make breakfast burritos tomorrow which my boys love for back to school so that's a win there's several other things that I'm finding as I'm cleaning it out that I am just gonna cook up like I have a frozen lasagna we're gonna have that for dinner we just want to make sure we get through the food that's in the freezer instead of just buying all new stuff I do have several bags of cheese in there don't let me buy cheese for at least a month at Costco you guys keep keep me accountable I don't need shredded cheese other thing I can't buy is loaves of bread I've got a lot in here we need to eat through them so here is where we're at I've got a pile of bins out here I've got a very frosty freezer over here that needs to be defrosted and cleaned out let's do it [Music] [Music] so I've unplugged the freezer I'm going to leave it open so that it can start to defrost I am going to hit it with a hair dryer to help it defrost faster but first i'm going to gather up my cleaning supplies I am going to go have some lunch and then we're going to come back and make sure that this freezer is squeaky clean before we start the install process for the freezer Max system I can hardly wait there is a drainage plug in the bottom of the freezer it is still frozen so I'm gonna wait and pull it out after I get some water in the bottom luckily we have a drain right here in our garage so I'll be able to just drain the water straight out to there so doing this organizing project today has just filled me with so much gratitude it's about so much more than just organizing our freezer our freezer is full of Meat and Fish and berries that we have harvested it's full of Costco groceries and it just makes me reflect on the blessings that God has given us as a family I just feel so much gratitude as I'm doing this project to have a freezer full of food because I'm certain that there will be times in the future where we need to rely on that food that's why we feel like we need to have a well-stocked freezer and A well-stocked Pantry we're not doing it because we're scared we just like to be prepared for times in the future where things might be uncertain whether that is weather here in Alaska whether that is economic Times whether job loss or injury we just never know what's going to happen so I'm just filled with a ton of gratitude as I'm organizing this freezer and reflecting on all these blessings of having a freezer full of good nutritious food so it makes me really really feel like things do slow down a little bit we get back in the kitchen for longer periods of time our kids come in the kitchen and cook and all that food in the freezer is going to make that happen to feed our family to feed friends to make wonderful memories and gather people into our homes so it's really helping me get in the mood for fall in a slower pace around here in Alaska during the fall and winter months foreign [Music] I'm all fueled up let's see how far in this project I can get before I have to go do school pickup [Music] foreign [Music] it's so satisfying what a big chunk comes off [Music] like a mini iceberg in there I have to say getting the ice trucks off the sides of the freezer took a lot less time than I had planned blow drying it and then once I could like get a little bit behind it and just pry it it just like shattered and all fell apart I gotta clean out the pieces that fell off I got a bunch out here on the driveway this is moving along nicely and now we deep clean because if I'm gonna put forth all this effort I want this freezer to feel as close to like new as possible we have a little bit of ice cream dripping down the side a little ice cream melting action we had a couple months ago but I'm gonna get some hot water we're gonna scrub this thing down and make it look sparkly new and then we're gonna have to dry it perfectly so that the rails will stick and we will have an organized freezer I can hardly wait got some hot water some cleaning rags a magic eraser let's clean this baby up it already looks better [Music] hold the drain plug [Music] here it comes while this drains I'm going to use a magic eraser and clean the outside might as well do the whole thing [Music] foreign [Music] so this like many other projects kind of turns into uh if you give your mouse a cookie type situation like you start one thing and you have to do about 10 other things to get back around to the first thing you were doing we're trying to organize this freezer but since we have it pulled out and cleaned off we gotta sweep up and clean behind it so that's what I'm going to do next while the water is still draining foreign is this my is this my payment three dollars in pennies and nickels [Music] next up I'm gonna go grab some towels I want to get this thing extremely dry it even says that you can wipe it down with rubbing alcohol to make sure you get rid of all the condensation I'm gonna make sure I do this project Justice I put so much work into it already I'm gonna do it right I'm starting to feel like this is a new freezer it is so clean look at that it's a thing of beauty and she's bright white gotta make sure we put the plugs back in so I just checked the sides feel really really dry but the instructions said that we could use some rubbing alcohol to make sure that any condensation evaporates and I'm gonna do that just to be safe most freezers have an area where there's a condenser encased in the freezer and that is the case with our freezer so we're going to do some measuring to make sure we put the rails in the right place we're trying to work around this little condenser box right here so our freezer is actually longer than the three foot pieces that they send these are going to be our guides for our shelves but they say that they're easy to cut with a saw and we're going to be cutting an extra piece after we install this one to make sure it goes all the way across the freezer they really have thought of everything when it comes to this whole freezer Max system so these are our placement guides they've painted one end of them blue the other end is just gray and these are going to be used to help us make sure that we get our rails in perfectly so we're going to take this short side of the shelf and stick it into this placement guide like that then we're going to do the same thing on the other side this way it will be exactly the same distance from the bottom all the way across it's genius no level required I love it so on the back of the rail there's this red adhesive but I just want to show you without pulling off the adhesive first how awesome this is because you just stick it in and then you know your level because you're using those guides I was just rereading through the instructions and trying to decide if I had time to finish it when I looked at my clock and it is 3 22 and I pick up the boys at 3 30. so I gotta go welcome home boys what yeah yeah it looks like a brand new freezer it does why are you so dressed up Everett it was Cowboy day yeah what does a cowboy say you go like this yeah all right oh I love you oh my goodness brief intermission to get some homework started but then I'm gonna finish tackling this project I feel like I'm running up against the clock because I don't want to leave all this food in these coolers for too long so the boys are reading I'm gonna see what I can do before I have to go pick up Hunter next foreign [Music] the only thing you want to make sure is that I think most freezers have curved edges make sure you pull it in a little bit so that you're not creating a gap where it starts to curve so I'm about a one inch from the side of the freezer so that there's no Gap so you'll see here there's about a one inch Gap here because it starts to curve and it wasn't going to stick properly [Music] [Music] we are now going to have three layers of baskets in this freezer which is incredible so now it's time to install the second set and I will be putting extension pieces on but first we're just going to set each one in and on these guide pieces there's a second Notch this is the notch we used for the first shelf now we're using this Notch to make sure they're perfectly spaced out all right round two [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] there we go this will be the smallest piece we use because it's next to the compressor and my alarm is going off in my back pocket which means I have to go pick up Hunter because I gotta leave a character trait is the person kind nice uh Brave things like that those are character traits oh I'm back from picking up Hunter a lasagna that I found in the freezer is up in the oven so we can have some dinner after this but I feel like we're racing the clock I want to get this food put back in to the freezer so I'm gonna finish up I'm gonna measure and cut the last three rails and then we're gonna put it all back together three rails at 20 and a half inches let's do it [Music] foreign [Music] I'm so excited to put the baskets in now I'm trying to think through where I want things I want the things that I use the most often up on the top whereas things I don't need to get to as often like berries I'm going to put down on the bottom I'm gonna try and do this really strategically but it looks beautiful here it is with our rails all the way across on both sides the system is amazing I only ran into a small problem because of where the compressor is the basket is a little bit too deep I should have put the Shelf up just a little bit this is a huge freezer it's also an older freezer so I may not be able to use one of the baskets but other than that it is a beautiful system and I have 10 baskets in here right now you could choose to leave one basket off the top and then just be able to slide all of them back and forth but you can just simply take it out and then slide around and see what's down below I'm probably just going to reach out to the company order a few more rails raise it up just a little bit and then I'll be able to use them all Mark is here to help me reload the freezer [Music] so this basket right here is not sitting properly because of the compressor so I'm going to reach out to the company and see if they'll send me new rails and I'll put them just a little bit higher and then it will work perfectly so I just put some light stuff in this one I put tortillas and a couple buns so that they're easy to access foreign so unfortunately we found that our upper lip of our freezer is not perfectly straight and we are pushing the limits of these Baskets at the 23 inches so we're afraid they might fall in which is the problem we were having before but I am going to reach out to the company if they just sent me two more rails I'll just install them below like right below the opening and we would have no problem at all I think it's a super easy solution amazing amazing amazing it's gonna take me a little bit more work to make it perfect but I am very happy with today's work well darn it got a little overcooked while we were down there doing that but I think it'll still taste good lasagna Hajj and today I'm going to be finishing the freezer project that we started a week ago I reached out to freezer Max and they sent me more rails right away we're gonna get this project done right and this freezer is going to be amazing I do have to take everything back out turn the freezer back off so that we have the proper adhesion on these but it's worth it because this is going to be so amazing once it's done so I'm going to get some gloves on and take everything out and put them back into my coolers so we can get this project done [Music] now the reason that we are having to add these extra rails into our freezer is not even freezer Max's fault we realized that our freezer is no longer Square on the top it's a little bit wonky so when I made my measurements I made them on the side and he said oh it's going to fit perfectly and the baskets did fit perfectly on the side but the two baskets in the middle kept falling in because we realized our freezer is no longer a perfect rectangle so frustrating but thankfully it was a quick solution I sent an email to freezer Max they responded immediately sent me what I needed and we're gonna have the perfect freezer after this foreign [Music] if I'm being honest I was kind of dreading that project of getting everything out again but everything was so organized I just put each type of thing into one of these coolers and it's going to be so easy to put it all back together because it was just so beautiful I can't wait to see it all done all right we gotta wait a couple hours for the freezer to defrost so there's only just a tiny bit of frost but we want to make sure that we get a perfect seal on the final rails I'll be back this afternoon to finish it up I left the freezer for a couple hours now I'm going to dry it out and then I'm going to make sure it's extra dry by rubbing some rubbing alcohol because you want to make sure it's extra extra dry because then these rails stick so well Mark was a little bit skeptical on how well these rails would stick but we loaded up our bins with lots and lots of meat and they stick beautifully it's just a fantastic system it is time to add this top rail foreign [Music] this freezer may not seem like much yet but this next part is super satisfying [Music] thank you thank you all right friends we've come to the cherry on top we are going to put this magnet onto the freezer and label where everything is they send you this awesome little dry erase marker with an eraser on the end I'm actually going to choose to use a wet erase marker because I know my family little fingers are gonna erase all my hard work so I'm going to use a wet erase marker always an airplane flying over every time I try and film this is going to make sure that every time we go to put something away as well as when we need to get things out for dinner everyone in the family is going to know exactly where everything belongs this system is truly incredible like I am going to be bringing my friends into the garage and showing them my freezer I'm so excited about it it's beautiful it's organized it speaks to my heart and I just have so much gratitude to have a freezer full of food if you have a freezer this is your chance to go and clean it out organize it look at the freezer Max system because it is incredible if you have a chest freezer like this it's never going to be disorganized again because it just there's a place for everything thank you so much for spending time with me today we are so grateful for each and every one of you thank you we love you we're grateful for you and we'll see you again real soon for more of this Alaska life
Channel: This Alaska Life
Views: 37,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alaska, life in alaska, costco, moving to alaksa, boy mom, family fun, family life, cabin in alaska, alaska vacation, this alaska life, hamm family, lauren hamm, what it's like to live in alaska, alaska living, alaska family
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 40sec (1780 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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