I'm Building A Zoo In Minecraft! - The Most Colourful Exhibit?! - EP27

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hey guys welcome back to another episode of building a zoo in Minecraft oh my gosh now that the mod pack is updated I can get back to doing these things regularly and in the last episode I mentioned a little bit of an announcement that I had to make well I might have to wait a little longer for that announcement trust me it's actually two announcements one of them is huge one of them's medium-sized speaking of medium-sized you are definitely not medium-sized there Ethan definitely not okay so we're gonna build some exhibits today the first one we're building remember I wanted an idea of what to put down here well guess what I figured out what I want to do I want to make this my stingray petting area that's right you ever go to like uh oh I don't have any water on me you ever go to like a an aquarium and they have like a stingray petting area well that's what I'm doing with these the estuary stingrays are gonna be right in here it's gonna be very shallow gonna be very shallow water because we want to be able to reach our hands over and touch them but we also have to decorate up here a little bit you got to make this look a little bit better I'm using some sandy dirt oh that is weird Oh check it out he's back oh I thought you'd left me forever anyway I was planting some some plants and then my recording kind of froze but anyway I planted some plants now when I get some water before I put in these sugar canes and these Reed's because I think that'll add a nice little touch of color to our little stingray exhibit and then the episodes over just kidding obviously we're going to do a little bit more than that where the heck am I gonna get water from oh there's a river right behind here I'm an idiot the waters in now it looks fantastic I'm kind of bummed about the back here these plants won't plant back here unless there's a light source so what I think I'm gonna do is just add a little bit of rock work back here it's all about the details right and then I really want to add these reefs now somebody said oh okay somebody said you have to aim for the surface of the water now I see what you were talking about I don't want this one here though I want it a little bit further back because that's where the that's where the stingrays that's right stingrays are gonna be swimming oh that looks good already I like that okay let me get some stones and I guess I have to get I missed you buddy seeing your beautiful face makes me really happy um I guess I have to get the stingrays how many did I catch I think I caught three I'm pretty sure I caught three which is a nice number for that sized exhibit the only problem is is there like a food thing now food there's still just the food barrels okay I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna release them in my little holding pond or holding pool there hit him with the book hit him in the face with the book and then these are all these are the only empty Nets I have by the way I have so many animals in these chests over here it's it's insane but yeah I'm gonna hit him in the face of the book and see what they require and then hopefully we can rev up provide that for them where is my book oh it's in this backpack right okay so let me get the book out now let me get oh no what I'm trying to that is like backpack ception wonderful it's raining all right here goes nothing you are now released now can I hit you in the face with a book komm tortoise kibble okay and you can breed them with tortoise pile oh oh oh oh shrimp and mussels uh get back in your net oh I'm gonna die shrimp and mussels oh boy where the heck does one find shrimp and mussels I'm gonna have to take a trip out into the ocean or something oh boy I'm a little bit worried now because if I need to if I need to generate new land or new terrain for shrimp and mussels now that's another long boat ride okay let's put you well let's leave you in here let's go finish the exhibit real quick I did bring some bushes too maybe we can put a bush back there bushes added Rock added or stone and I think it look it makes for a nice little backdrop I didn't want this to be too complicated it's about the petting this exhibit he's about the petty apparently the way you get shrimp and mussels is with us scene [Music] five string two sticks what the heck is a scene I don't even on pronounce it scene sin sign I saw the sign two sticks and oh look at this I see net um okay well let's go over to the ocean I think you just right-click the water with this thing let's see let's find out I'm kind of pumped just Oh what did I catch its muscles so it doesn't work every time more muscles so it doesn't look like can you hold it down oh it takes a lot of durability so it's like a hill me see if I can get like right in the water hmm it seems to be pretty rare that you get muscles I I think I got lucky that first look at that that's three that's not gonna be enough to to feed these these estuary stingrays huh there's four haven't caught any shrimp yet I wonder if I go on to the ocean biome this is what this is considered a beach biome River biome let me try the ocean biome and see if if is this ocean this is ocean okay we got muscles so far huh looks like it's pretty rare okay that's pretty cool that's awesome oh wait a minute I just catch that fish can you catch fish with this too I broke my sign scene thing but I did catch one shrimp and 10 mussels that's kind of cool it's like a little minigame see how many mussels and shrimp you can catch okay so the the Stingray takes the tortoise kibble now I don't know if I have any tortoise kibble left over here in the in the shack of of things the shack of stuff and things we have one tortoise kibble leftover okay the thing is now I think now don't quote me on this but I think that every time you write so it before the update you'd right-click the animal and it would only take your food if it like ate it but now I think every time you right-click it takes your kibble so we might need a ton of kibble to actually tame these guys which i think is actually a better system if it works that way because it makes it more difficult okay apple carrots pumpkin seeds potatoes I got tons of that stuff in here apples carrots ooh not a lot of pumpkin seeds but we can make that happen pumpkin seeds that's probably more than enough and potatoes and I need some kibble I don't think I have any kibble here here we go again estuary stingray you are now released I'm gonna need a new net to catch you but before we do that actually let's get the new net ready let's see if we contain you oh it took it oh no oh yeah it takes it it takes them oh he's tamed he's tamed he's tamed okay that's good that's good here uh where are you at thank you very much caught estuary stingray that's on him that odd autumn that's awesome that doesn't mean he's tamed I should sleep let's sleep let's not do this in the dark with mobs wandering around so just to double-check yeah he doesn't have those three bars and once gets tamed oh he's taking a lot okay okay we just didn't see the hearts on the other guy I guess we have one tortoise kibble left I think I'm gonna need to make more all this is frustrating let's get out of here please thank you we're ready to add them in we go come on boom that's one boom that's two and boom that is three look at this we now have estuary stingrays and we can reach over and pet them hi little guys how you guys doing you're great I made one extra kibble by the way the last guy took almost eight kill no no sorry I've made eight and thank you to five more than the first two but regardless I got a build see I don't know how the food Baro works right now like can I put it do I put it in the water or do I put it on the shore I think if I put it on the shore it probably works the same way these guys work so as long as they're within like a certain range they automatically eat not that it really matters because I still have like the food and and stuff turned off but that's because of the particles if I don't turn it off it's just gonna be insanely difficult but I'm still going to make a food Barrow cuz I don't want to cheat boom food barrel okay so now that we have a food Barrow we have to fill it with mussels and shrimp which we only have these two right now oh did they need do they have like some sort of enrichment requirements I feel like I say this after every exhibit that I built but I feel like this is my new favorite exhibit these little stingrays play with the ball it floats in the water they're swimming around it's nice and bright like all the colors in this exhibit really make me happy and then the food is back there by the way I put it I dug a hole in the stone and it's actually back there you can't really tell it looks so awesome and then I go over here and so dark but guess what this is the the Japanese the giant Japanese salamander like they like the brackish water conditions so I'm happy with that one too and then of course the tree frogs they're having a great time I really love this modpack and I love the basilisk lizard blacklisted whatever that's a tongue twister basilisk lizard exhibit nailed it anyway I put string on top of the reeds as well so don't grow too tall but oh man look at this I could watch these guys all day there you go guys check this out Sagi is changing colors he's got a rare condition called no just kidding if you if you name your turtle or anything really I think anything any animal who I should try with other animals too but if you name your turtle soggy this is a bit of an easter egg he he pulses colors and stuff there's a couple other names as well which I won't give away maybe you'll come across them maybe you won't but yeah I had no idea I just noticed this now he looks oz look at him pulsing Cup this is a very rare turtle indeed anyway time for exhibit number two I got to find the perfect spot for it I think this is the perfect spot so what are we building you ask well guys I've been dying to build a butterfly conservatory for the longest time now pay no attention to this shape because this has already been revised at first I did like a 5 I was gonna say 5 by 5 but not really 5 by 5 a very small circle and I'm gonna expand it into a slightly larger circle um one two three four five I'm using mangrove wood for the bottom actually because I haven't used mangrove wood in a while I might not even have enough come to think of it so we'll have to we'll have to be careful with our our distribution here ooh this is gonna be tight - no it'll fit one - nope that's not that's not the thing don't get to do this there we go 2 3 4 5 and then 1 and then 1 sorry 1 2 and then 1 Oh guys I built so many circles in Minecraft but I still can't do it properly ok that's pretty good and then the other 5 goes here and we should be alright for size two three four five it's kind of butting up against this which I'm not a huge fan of but it's not bad but you see what I did there but it's not bad I guess I can make it I can move it further over this way in fact I think that's what I'm gonna do it's all about the details guys never settle the bad thing about these sort of flying exhibit things flying exhibits the exhibit itself is not fly you guys know what I mean well there's a skeleton right there what the heck dude oh the roe deer by the way I didn't show the roe deer in the last episode either here let's let's just ease your minds they're doing great the babies we're in the water they're still well one of them is in the water unless the other one oh no that's not a baby baby they grew up already there's a whale back there they may have grown up already but anyway yeah they're doing great this is a wonderful exhibit yeah everything makes me happy in this modpack okay yeah the bad thing about exhibits with flying animals is that I mean not just flying animals but for the most part flying animals is that they tend to escape so we don't want the butterflies to escape so over here we're gonna have a similar situation as that where you come in and you have it's like a little it's like a little extra insurance just to make sure I guess it'll have to be I'm gonna try to make it at a glass actually because I wanted this whole thing to be glass mmm why can't I switch there we go my mouse wheel I'm telling you it's it's seen better days yeah I'm gonna try to make this whole thing glass so that's what we're doing oh right this is the big plan okay right in the middle of this much like in the middle of that exhibit there's like a tree I wanted to make it so that you enter there's a big a beautiful tree in the middle and then you walk around and enjoy like a little bit of flower eNOS not a whole lot because you don't have a ton of space this is just for butterflies so I don't think we need a huge amount of space but yeah you enjoy a little bit of the flowers along the side and you have the butterflies just land on you you just walk around and stuff so what we're gonna do is right in the middle here if I could find it I think this is it yes we're gonna have a pink cherry blossom tree and I have a bunch of bonemeal to make it grow big and tall oh baby oh baby let's just waste all that bone meal last one boom oh that's gorgeous I love this tree okay so we have to make our glass enclosure that tall that is a lot of glass but I'm up to the task well I got the entrance made and it's time to put glass all around this exhibit just kidding I already did and I hate it this is oh let me get otto out of that tool this is all covered in glass and it is completely invisible now for an exhibit that you're looking into I think this is great but this I don't like this at all it's like it it looks really really weird it looks like it doesn't belong so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna actually change it into all textured glass believe it or not so if you oh by the way when placing this glass if you have the same resource pack that I have that makes glass clear turn that off do yourself a favor turn that off when you're placing this glass because it is like impossible it's a place because you can't see where you're placing it it really is very very difficult on a scale of this magnitude so yeah turn I turn you do yourself a favor turn it off and then you might not even I mean if you're doing something similar to this you might not even want to use it for for this I think I like the texture better at least I know there's actually glass here so I marked down a path in here um I want this place I don't want to have like a hard lined path just like we have in that exhibit what I want to have is sort of like you walk in here and you you you take the path that you feel most comfortable with we're gonna have some flowers and some bushes I'm thinking maybe we also hang some some greenery from the top here maybe even some vines possibly I think that looked kind of nice because it's kind of a tall exhibit with this tree in the middle but it is kind of a cool exhibit I really really like it it's different than anything I've done so far um I'm not sure how I feel about the all glass exterior like I wish I could put fence posts and then have the glass connect but that just isn't the case um so we're gonna go with this for now and I don't want to put like thick logs I just don't think that would look very good yeah we're gonna go with this for now I'm gonna grab a bunch of flowers I'm gonna grab some leaves now I don't think I'm gonna use cherry blossom leaves because it'll be too much pink I think I'm gonna use try to use different shades of leaf blocks to hang from the top here like some spruce and some of this stuff right here some bird should be good off obviously oak and flowering oak would be fantastic so yeah let me grab that stuff and then we're gonna start I guess adding the the butterflies I think I have to name every single one of them yeah I think I think little little drupelets little drupelets of leaves is gonna be perfect now I brought some silty dirt for I guess to get up there because this exhibit is so high that I can't even reach let's get some flowering oak here and then beside it we'll have regular oak and maybe over there as well maybe not that one actually talk about the details guys all about the oh geez I don't like that feature of the backpack Maude where you hold ship I guess I can change it I probably have even mentioned that before and I never end up changing because I'm an idiot so so far we got a few little leaves hanging from the top here uh yeah I think that's gonna look pretty nice we have like one spruce leaf oh no I used some more over there okay that makes sense I also added these mounds of dirt in the corners just to add a little bit more dimension I'm not sure how I feel about them just yet we're gonna have to find out how we feel about them one week what is this oh okay I thought this was like inside the glass but it's just the corner we have to find out how we feel when we add the flowers if it if it looks good still then we keep it and if not then we don't I did cut some of these guys down oh man this is not gonna be this is not high enough I feel like on the hermit craft server I can reach up higher that's a limit isn't or it's sorry a setting you can change it pretty sure let's get that one and I think probably the yellow autumn would look best beside this just like that yeah just a few a few pieces and in each core not each corner but a few pieces here and there in the corners I think we'll add a little something extra to the vertical space because right now we don't have a whole lot going on up top okay no I wanted it there there we go let's make this one maybe come down a lot further maybe even add a flowering oak on the ends of them oh the flowering oak doesn't wave oh wow that's interesting you learn something every day I had never noticed that before how did I never notice that before where's the flowering oak I got that from it was that one right there it's not waving you know what neither are any of these trees wait a second what is going on I think only the how have I not noticed that only the oak leaves wave that's amazing anyway Wow here let's try this let's put some flowering oak like a little bush down here maybe we'll have a little spruce action there maybe we'll have one more drupelet of orange leaves that's right I said drupelet again go all the way up here and oh you know what yeah I like that it's kind of connected like this okay let me see how this looks from the outside we got to get a bird what were they called oh man I forgot what they're uh the tropic bird I think that's what was in there the tropic bird these guys are still doing fantastic the condors at least they were where's the other one buddy where's your friend please don't tell me something happened to him please tell me he's just stuck in the tree or something I don't think he is oh come on what happened these guys are doing great no casualties here there were three and there still are three the tiger Oh No Oh Oh what the heck what he's white did they change the texture for the or the variant to white and now I ended up with a white tie not that I'm complaining that's great but I caught another white tiger I guess this is gonna be the white tiger exhibit and then I'll have an except a separate exhibit for like the regular colored Tigers the orange Tigers what is going on is everybody else all right there's my giraffes or there's Brandon way down there these guys aren't moving very much I think I have to like somehow get them out of here I don't think they're stuck though now are we getting sidetracked or what yeah he should be - should be fine - get up dude get up go kind Murray oh are you gonna be alone or - nowcast cuz Brandon could use some friends I'm not sure why they insist on climbing down here and they don't like go out into the middle of the exhibit but who am I to judge they make their own decisions they're their own animals can I jump on your back huh no I was trying to get out of the exhibit by jumping on the giraffes back a common misconception um okay I need to get out of here anyway let's go continue that other exhibit I'm gonna miss this so that's what it looks like from the outside and I'm not unhappy with it it looks a little strange I feel like I need to put like a rim of leaves around the top but we're gonna leave it for now we're gonna leave it for now and see how we feel about it later sometimes you ever guys you ever guys you guys ever find that sometimes when you're like building stuff and you've been building it for so long not that I've been building this for too long but when you've been building something for long and then and then you need like a fresh look at it it's so much more helpful to move away from the project and then to come back later and it's almost like it's a brand-new project I don't know sometimes I feel that way let's put some of this flak stuff up high so it whoa another lag spike so it adds some vertical aesthetics maybe we'll put one on the bottom as well just to keep it balanced okay next we have the rose bushes we can put a rose bush here and we'll put one there we'll put another one there we only had three you need some I don't have any more I'm bonemeal on me otherwise I'd get some more some meridia whatever the heck that is I only have one left some bell flowers okay well going that's beautiful bell flowers then we'll do some bushes for sure when he pushes okay some bushes as my friend Corrales would say this is looking alright but I need some yellow up in this exhibit ah alright we'll get some yellow sunflowers right by the door we can have one and then we're gonna make what we're gonna put some more in the middle here as well some more flowers okay well might as well man this rain turns everything so Moody it's kind of cool but kind of annoying at the same time some peach flowers put some peach flowers here oh just okay I only had two some wild flowers and add a nice shade of purple okay and that's pretty much it let's go back and get some more now that I look at it from out here that is very colorful and I really am loving it like McDonald's but a Papa ah I'm so stupid if I put dead leaf piles here will it ruin this block okay just won't go down okay that's fine that's fine we just want some leaf piles here and they're running out of space actually to put things and some regular leaf piles if that makes it how about no oh no did I just break it I think I did okay pink tulips it is couple pink 'old some Missouri Bluett ooh I like that little clustered pile there with a little bit of this stuff that's a little bit of like a white flower ish section okay um maybe some bamboo bamboo look good and if it does look good where should we put it maybe right by the door that's kind of cool will it grow I don't remember if these grow or not we'll see I don't want to put water in here because once again I'm a little bit worried they're gonna die if they land in the water that's where I've been finding all my dead all my dead butterflies like I have a lot I have two dead butterflies both times I found them in water so I'm a little bit worried about that let's put one there who the hydrangeas that's a nice looking flower just a hydrangea yes I mispronounced the flower and you guys would have both killed me in the comments some eucalyptus this eucalyptus plant by the way I don't know how to plant it I've tried I tried planting it in the stingray exhibit which I want to go look at again I miss it but yeah it doesn't it doesn't seem to want to plant a couple of these guys maybe back here we'll have Oh dioxide daisies of course boop boop and we want every green surface filled with flowers so I don't want to forget or or miss anything any spots we have a spot here red would look good in this corner as well because there's a lack of it what about a white tulip here there's already one there oh no that's a pink tulip barely can tell the difference wow this is looking really colorful you know what I think hmm I feel like the middle here I feel like where's my shears at where the heck my shears go oh oh here they are okay I feel like the middle here needs a taller plant so we're gonna move thee let's see yeah I feel like a rosebush should be them you know what let me get some bone meal coming around the corner to get some bone meal and guess who I spot Mason unbelievable even with the update you guys are still getting loose and now I don't even have a way to get you in here I have to break the fence to get you in here mm-hmm let me can I okay oh I won't be able to jump back over that's okay that's okay here Mason join your friends and stop being such a butt the new bird behavior is actually a whole lot better than before like before they were just like fly frantically now they kind of chill um this is really loud in here I'm sorry yeah out there that's a zebra that I saw right not a white flippin tiger okay yeah what's the white tiger inside the multi species exhibit over there um but yeah I really like the new bird behavior they're kind of chill on the floor for a little bit and then they fly off and it's not as hectic as it was they're still noisy as ever though alright I found a couple things that might look nice in this exhibit oh hello that was weird oh wow it is really looking when we have the butterflies in here this might be my new favorite exhibit I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm joking with you it might be but I'm joking with you okay temple bells yeah these are nice I had bell flowers here but I didn't have temple bells um I did get some bone meals so we can bone meal the crap out of these thing thank you very much that'll do for now we'll put a rose bush up here maybe put a rose bush down here mate oh right back here we'll have temple bells oh yes oh yes I think every block is now covered with a flower of some sort I wish you could multi-layer grass with flowers like for instance this oxide daisies on this corner why can't I put another flower like on this corner I know it doesn't make any sense in terms of Minecraft physics but one can dream oh there's one right here umm really again gotta be kidding me I don't know what to put there I think maybe what I'll do I got an idea we'll do that and we'll put that there oh yes this is gonna be so nice there is Ethan is in his cave I finally caught him oh you can't I caught you buddy it's too late to move away anyway I was just coming back to check on the stingrays because I missed them hi guys how are you guys doing you guys did you guys break the ball already are you kidding me I thought they added more durability to these balls that's just like a ball to not be durable Japanese giant salamander you look great okay so what you are about to witness I think I have a feeling is gonna be the most frustrating thing that you've ever witnessed we're soggy at Oh oh he's camouflaged for a second there cuz he was green um what you're about to witness is yeah probably gonna be the most frustrating thing that I've ever done in a long time these butterflies I know how hard it is to catch a butterfly so naming a butterfly you know what maybe maybe I'm gonna get some blocks and create sort of like a little a little box to release them in maybe some trapdoors would work what am I talking about I've got the perfect little area to do it in right here there's no way they can escape from here and I'm gonna release them here hopefully they don't die then I'm gonna name them and then when I name them I open the door and they fly in there that's the plan how easy is it gonna be first guy or a butterfly it's gonna be named Reagan aha Oh Reagan Oh Pope no right this way Reagan okay maybe I'll have to recap them and really release them again there you go Reagan oh this is gonna be such a nice exhibit are you kidding me breakin is one of the nicer butterflies - are they tending to fly towards a certain direction I hope not okay next up oh man okay next up with this beautiful yellow butterfly that's gonna be named Chantelle by the way all these names are coming from you guys in the last episode so in the last episode of you commented there's a chance that you're now a butterfly in this episode kale is next not the vegetable the person kale okay kale you kind of look like a kale - you got the like the same color as kale okay it caught you there's another one Oh yep they tend to want to fly towards the door that could be a problem when we come visit but we'll see all right who's next Greg by the way I'm gonna do these now off camera but I'll show you all the names so there's Greg there's Alex there's Wolfie there's sonoran there's Shana there's Jake and there's Morgan okay so that's what we got so far let's get these guys in here cuz they're empty alright yeah Greg is next I'll see you guys once I've named all of them and released all of them in here all the butterflies have been named no casualties here we go this is underwhelming this is a little under okay here we go now we've got some flight happening okay good I was worried they'd all like sort of like fly towards one direction but it looks like they they're pretty good about changing directions who's this this is Jake I think this is Jake am i right pretty sure that's Jake that could be so hard what the heck man show me your name okay um that's Jake you have to take my word for it who's this who's this one over here why can't why won't the name show up I'm worried that these guys are just gonna despawn one day I just went through all this work I guess we could put something else in here if the butterflies don't work out who's this uh Oh a name was there was a name Edie okay it's fine don't worry about it guys I love this exhibit let's go outside and take a look at it and see what it looks like from out there with all the butterflies that's really cool oh it looks better from out here than it does from inside there which is nice because most of the time we're gonna pass by it and that go in it so this is good that's really cool I'm so happy hope you guys enjoyed this episode remember the big announcements are coming I keep teasing these announcements guys it's taking me a little bit longer to get things set up there's a clue to get things set up then I thought it would take but trust me when it comes you're gonna be uber HAP's ok who perhaps hope you guys enjoyed the episode I'll see you in the next one remember to click the like button if you enjoyed want to see more zoo videos I'll try to put them out more often now that everything is updated and there's no compatibility issues and stuff like that so yeah I'll try to get maybe two a week maybe oh that just grew ok so I know it grows so we might have to put a cap on that anyway hope you guys enjoy the episode see you next time bye bye
Channel: VintageBeef
Views: 384,932
Rating: 4.9379559 out of 5
Keywords: mindcraft zoo, ftb, vintage beef, zoo, minecraft mods, modlist
Id: zEapbrpvdCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 32sec (2132 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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