"I'm almost AS BIG AS Mother!" - Third Save File Stream

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all right for real this time let's try Judas Doom guy $20 there's a little something for all the entertainment you provided over the years thank you so much that's a little loud paying me all the money that YouTube never would I appreciate it let's get it polya Le I'm kind of just thinking about like some regular Judas to chest but like what do you guys think Health up nice I needed it rip that Library oh yeah no that that run was broken though I don't know why I thought this was the one that dropped a sack instead of the spider it's the big one that drops a sack oh oh easy there guy should have made a friend make a count called Timmy and then you can have them moderator roll and have them lar as Timmy in the chat we already have Sage is Steve the pirate do we need more we're uh we're low I see you there Tim I wish I had a bomb yeah that was calculated that was calcul relateded double bomb go I even had to use my flipping book I want to save that for the boss fight what am I supposed to do why do people like this character Judas to Mother Judas to delirium uh-oh that's not the bombs I was looking for corgo 100 corgo 100 hello huta have your mother and him been lately slug Lord 200 bits they've been great that great opposite wolf do you stream without earbuds or headphones on I've always been curious what your setup is I'm sorry I missed you 8 minutes ago uh I I I do not have anything in my ears I don't like not being able to hear my own voice back you can get like open ear headbuts but like do they really work I'm I'm thinking about like if I'm going to have like a land game day of friends over it'd be actually kind of cool to have those bone induction ones cuz then you could hear everybody and the game it's just kind of a little weird my phone doesn't recognize my face no dark room anyways uh all you have to do is just line up the the game audio with the um with the microphone if I I can think of words right now if you line them up then you actually overlap them and if I turned off one or the other you actually still would hear it if I turned my my computer off my my Isaac game uh output you'd still hear it through my microphone a little bit but once again because they're overlapped and uh the game is louder got to get a microphone with some good gain settings on it so it cuts out most of that stuff uh you want an omnidirectional microphone you want to point the microphone towards yourself these are just all little little things that you can do let's see if this actually the cool shop use that this is not a very good start I'm going to going to be honest I'm going to go in here to see if I can't get two luck pennies we couldn't but there yeah okay maybe arcade next floor I could buy the bomb that's probably more useful let's be honest get a bomb get Tim get secret room don't forget about your curse room you go ahead and tell me how I'm going to go ahead and get into my curse room um as Judas let me know I'm actually going to get the other Tim now since I am looking for a soul heart please probably top secret room right there if Tim could have just been that rock instead all right one Soul heart I'm feeling a little bit better if you guys want me to go delirium we probably should go Angel room at that point in time somebody said mother I don't know if there's good unlocks to this character one way or another get a soul heart in the curse room good luck getting out for very mixed reviews on Bone induction headphones I think it's really interesting how like you could be on a bus and and you can hear everything right there's nothing in your ear you can hear your music and nobody else can hear it I mean it's like kind of a little bit off audible if someone's blasting some bone induction headphones next to you but that's crazy it like vibrates on your your skull essentially or your jaw or whatever it is and it literally plays a song through your head bone induction conduction what did I say um all right let's go you get curved horn from lamb curved horn from from lamb that sounds kind of nice actually we did Boss Rush and hush it's so nice when we unlock those like immediately oh man we come back to play the character and I don't have to worry about that nice bone smel ification it's just that that technolog is wild but I can imagine it could get a little uncomfortable after a while cuz it is just like vibrating on your face oh nice nice good timing yeah probably not probably not sh's pretty okay it does a lot of damage pretty good against early bosses can I miss this thing over here Doom guy I read that one already just get your birth right iile is greedier and we haven't done that iile is a solid unlock would love to have that could have shoed the fires I guess if I don't get more health I'm probably just going to want to go Angel anyways so maybe we go lamb delirium that would make sense to me you guys liking the Fizz hair mod of course Jus doesn't have any hair but he's got his little FZ hat a little dangly on there I don't know if anyone noticed Health up could still be a health down pill we don't know because a health down pill at one red heart gives you a health up nice little uh fixes there's been so many quality of life fixes to this game you guys I I think that it could be a really really interesting video idea if we were to revert all of the quality of life updates to this game oh did you see that shot there was no way of dodging that remember playing OG Isaac there's been a lot of fixes back when like self damage counted against your devil chance or when it like took Soul Hearts like there's so many things the game would be so much more difficult if we uh took all those away that'd be a a really tough challenge unlocking the lost a long way no [Applause] no we need something here I need something to to pick this run up V five months welcome back okay I need some bombs hit and run baby [Music] how we do it seriously like not a single bomb here I don't know I don't know what to do it looks like we're going Angel you could do unlocks with seeds I think a seated run turns off achievements doesn't it eye droppers I like the eye droppers I like the fire rate up I like let the tier delay down specifically yeah two red hearts I just you know we go in there and we find the best deal with the devil we've ever seen it's going to cost two red hearts and then we're going to be what going at half a soul heart no could get abidon even abon's been changed a little bit isn't it like it used to be like plus six black carts or something and now it's like turns your red Health into black Health Plus and then you get like two extra or something oh man oh man just had to go check it out there might be hearts in there or I could just play smart and go to Angel room maybe do I want to keep this half soul hard do I want to go into my curse room and damage myself enough to get into this box B trap just go boss trap take do it curse room if I go into the cursor it gives me soul Hearts then I'm I'm still not going to do boss trap but it did not hey it's a bomb stapler damage just got to not die Champion Boss Rush or Champion uh boss trap just activates Boss Rush on me that'd be funny if you picked up half a red heart it just boots you out of the room I don't know how I hit that bomb from my direction and it came towards me is the game cheating again couple bombs any idea where the secret room might be it's not really close enough for me to bomb here to check and get that bomb that's what I kind of wanted to do it's looking like the secret room could be in three locations which makes me less likely to try for it okay that that narrows it down do I want to go for the secret room or try to get a Tim it's got to be right here all right going for the Tim we need another Soul heart here I don't think I can do this in one bomb like maybe there's a spot where you can put it to to get in there I guess I I could use both bombs though hey we did get it all right got some stuff a God damn it stupid red chest let's going Angel room Nine Lives though uh brim bomb to nine lives is it it's like a thing now where you you can't take a deal with the dev if you can't pay for it I'm trying to remember how they fixed it how they changed it then reverted it then changed it then changed it then reverted it then changed it you could still take it if you can't afford it right it does work take them all yep you can do brim bombs in nine lives grab the cat CU if I can do all of them I should technically like you guys are saying should be able to take all of them if I'm going to die anyways and get a book touch out of it yeah good good I mean I knew that one was going to give me a heart back too so I I no I did not need to die I said if I'm going to die anyways and by that I mean run out of Health what another life I don't want it but sure massive size down with an up arrow and uh speed up really that's after I come back sure interesting one one chest on the the red chest behind yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah colos kosx thank you so much for the cheer one sub welcome more speed I'm a speed demon bye to my soul heart which is sad but it is what it is I'm going to go secret room I'm going to go get the secret room with all these bombs that I have so many bombs going go secret room would I you know what this guy might even pay out with some health that'd be really nice like a a health upgrade otherwise I'm just going to be basically wasting full red hearts but they're sitting here doing nothing it's one of those One of Those runs where you just got to keep pulling on the threads and see what uh comes undone no stopwatch uh we weren't going to get enough for the stopwatch no way it' have to be like 35 Red Hearts available just a reminder that soul of Lazarus does not make you L this makes it very useful for T lost as most other responds are removed further that's good to know Anthony fanti hey Huts my birthday is tomorrow happy birthday tomorrow first time catching a stream been watching since the gungeon days thank you so much for the $5 Super Chat I appreciate that red hearts plus bomb beggar and heart machine and the donation machine is what I say to that I just wanted to get him to pay out with the health upgrade it would have been really nice so I think at this point in time I'll bomb like you're saying bomb the machine maybe take this money get that Health upgrade Boom Baby Boom baby I've never seen a stingy beggar like that four coins and you gave me nothing what excuse me hello just sacrifice some lives nah we'll be okay one red heart going deals with the devil I mean we have we had the 10 lives no not that machine got to do it I got to do it treasure room and Shop on the cathedral we we wanted to go to lamb right only need to change that if we have a good trinket I guess we need both what H oh there's a little creep on the ground I don't even [ __ ] see it did anyone see it no one saw what okay it was the smallest little tiny patch of nothing sick I love losing my angel chance for that or devil chance now dope dude hell yes thanks brother reverse lovers card that would just kill me worth probably if I die with nine lives and come back do I still have the broken heart creep is such a terrible mechanic it is when it's that tough to see like I get it I'm even on low viz like it's like flashing and stuff Taurus not my favorite but I suppose it's handy it's just annoying it's so annoying that I had to stop and turn off your video literally couldn't watch won't support Anthony Vin grix also missing poster mysterious paper and broken ank Les rags and Judi Shadow all respond their respective tainted character I lost as a random chance 25 teris spawn still t- lost with the mysterious paper good info thanks Anthony this guy kind of pops up and then does a little extra thing before he shoots he telegraphs that shot which is nice reworked foes doing a good thing oh whoa easy there Chad I might or might not have bought an ice cream/ slushie machine so I might or might not be making Rogue energy drink slushies maybe even Rogue energy drink Italian ice in the future I thought it sounded pretty fun and it only cost me $180 there's definitely a secret room here I should have waited a little bit longer you got the creamy yeah I got the ninja creamy deluxe edition hello a Costco it's like $50 cheaper $180 well spent are we invited for slushies that's the best investment though yeah assuming it doesn't break do I want want this card how badly do I want this card I want this lovers card we still have the broken heart 99 bombs I'm just going to take it I think this I mean not that I have the ability to reroll in uib in utility library is probably what it is uh is also broken it's broken once again I I don't know why I don't know what that means um it's just going to be there I guess for the rest of this run but now we have 99 n brim bombs that sounds pretty hot and happening use the bomb before your pickup oh yeah true no I'm going to starve oh look at okay okay maybe it's it's activating my mouse control command which is just not what I want right maybe I can turn it off what is it it's l Mouse control is there a mouse control in here no there's not one of these mods is just probably not working with repentagon which is exactly why I didn't want to get repentagon I wasn't in any of these right let's go to menu settings is that it no that's not it yeah this I don't I don't know I don't know how to turn it off this is why I didn't do repentagon you guys there's like not that much going on R for Pentagon yet unplug your mouse what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do about that what what am I actually supposed to do about that these enemies are just so dumb sometimes and I dumb I mean Super Geniuses I'll just move it like off to the side or something let's hope it doesn't like try to use the smart camera feature to focus on my mouse pointer Mouse Control to Major HS Queen of Hearts interesting where would I use that I kind of need some Health First Mouse Control to Major Huts filled on with 100 bits this is mouse Control to Major Huts I think that's probably worth it with this many bombs just to get a little bit of cash some cash flow pump up those rookie numbers you can disable in you to Li by clicking authorize on this random link okay scone speed up speed up pill I'll take do you feel like playing so much Isaac gives you some benefits in your life other than your salary uh nope it is horrible it is pain everyone thinks I'm weird and bad my family disown me I can't get a date I'm basically just a account on a trash Farm holy moly the tears have been good I mean the the pills if I disable the mod it'll probably delete the run just like CU a little bit of red text in the top of the screen until we can turn it off next time just don't let me forget is the important part there cuz I will that's the plight of an Isaac player you still have us Huts maybe I should stop playing Isaac you're right kidding can I get a virus here can I get a Serpent's kiss can I get a mommy pestilence my goodness I didn't expect oh didn't expect you to be packing so much heat one bomb did it that's a that's some good health that's a nice amount of Health that I just received there thank you and a good devil deal can we do something I'm going to go buy a soul heart maybe excuse me had the game delete a run for me randomly didn't take my streak thankfully you need to find people that like the weirdness I like the amount of Soul heart I got from the shop that's what I like more batteries wow sign me up BOGO bombs well we are pretty low could sacrifice a life to go into the curse room just to see what's up but go for magic mush if I see a clump of a lot of mushrooms I'll go for it but if you have console on open it and the warning should leave do I have my console on oh wow I've never opened this yet with repentagon look at this there's a gooey oh my gooey error display below is the first error of the chain blah blah blah blah blah blah blah uh not replace window for a proper lock file entity Kill from inutil lib failed attempt to index a nil value okay and if I uhoh there we go escape made a go away all right sweet thank you interesting uh good stuff for Pentagon that's cool like think about the things that you could do in there with a with a gooey uh I do actually like Taurus with the ball of bandage that's that'll be nice oh my goodness I hate the green fly so much it's just so hard to predict when they're going to go left or right what if I just hide over here probably would have been the same amount of time for me to kill him gooey makes you gooey I suggested uh I've done it multiple times now and I'm just bothering them at this point in time but I really really really want to be able to put folders in my mods list I think that honestly repentagon needs to just scrap the entire start Splash menu screen and just do it all over from scratch slow shot you know it exists anyways if I could just like turn on fiend folio with one click or like any of these mods where you have the mod but then you have the um like in youtil Li they're like you have to have that on then you have to have this thing on then you have to have this thing on and they're like in like you know 100 mods between these two different things I got to scroll for 75 years that's not fun for me they're eating my money I hate that I hate that they eat the money I guess maybe they give it back when they're dead brain cell toaster the dependencies yeah I'll turn on and off a mod but then it doesn't warn you in the mods list that well you know you didn't turn the dependency on it does when you you install the mod off the Steam Workshop but you do that once and then you're done experimental treatment it's a horrible idea let's do it minus damage plus fire rate should have waited for my book to be ready what else went down shot speed is that shot speed down chat the real reason why I ended up getting the ninja creamy is because people were talking about how good protein ice cream was cuz I'll I'll do I'm trying to work out a lot and then I have my protein shake and it's okay but if it could be ice cream think of how good that would be and the Rogue energy slushies I mean both of those things sound amazing minus damage no Health l makes sense for a greed based enemy don't you back up those things that I dislike how dare you ninja cream you guys uh you don't you don't cream your ninjas so where all the gooeys are [Music] that's how our Pentagon was made there was a mommy ninja and a daddy ninja no gooey ninjas are my favorite extra creamy you bring that to me [ __ ] bring me the other one no that's not it bring me the other one okay bye kobaz 33 33 months on the sea vessel whoop whoop y there'll be treasure here somewhere that's got to be Topsy Grom for sure welcome back Soul heart soul heart soul heart soul heart these are wild when you have mods on oh could go back to dark room and take this with me that'd be a fair trade what do you guys think one more shop and uh item room on Cathedral or take the skis I don't think that there's an HR department here but I'd like to file a complaint that should be a life motto it could be ice cream I mean right tell me I'm wrong literally so I I made the same exact thing I do whole milk and my protein powder I know heavy in calories I use it as a meal replacement uh anyways I put a little bit of vanilla in there and then they recommend that you actually put some like uh it's it's either it's like vanilla Jello-O or vanilla pudding because it has like emulsifiers in there that give it like a creamy texture and stop it from critting Ice so it might be a little icy since I didn't do that but scissors so there's probably better I'm going to die either way so whatever I guess go brim bomb such a waste of brim bombs but oh you you you bunged it why are you doing this you're bad you're bad at this what God dang it I give up I'm done I'm not I I don't negotiate with terrorists bastard finally being able to catch a stream after 5 years of watching vods ahod from Czech is that the basser basser is that you is that a different basser it's on the YouTube side there multi is bastter a common name there's a cricket's head in there you shut up no I'm a different one okay yeah I I have a bastard he's like one of my longest running uh twitch subscribers which why I would be surprised if he was on the YouTube side but hello thank you we'll take more bastter I've only known one bastter and he's like one of the best people I've ever known so I hate this room what a dumb way to die dumb ways to die really dumb way Ways to Die Dumb Ways to Die so many dumb ways to die remember that ad campaign that was crazy who allowed that I'm going to Tel aills so that I can skip this room I could have gone curse room with it but by the way it's spelled a Hoy that's aoy with a J I'm learning today ahod is how I would say that ahod to you [Music] gazuntite love your vids I love your chats hav't kind streaming ages jooy the AI Tim vid hope you and Jamie are doing well Jamie and I uh broke up by the way anyone watching that's interested to know but I hear she's doing okay y i I honestly don't know where I would use that you know the uh what is it Vanishing twin item the one that gives you the double boss fight there should be a yera for boss fights a onetime used thing that does the same thing where I could make a second fall in there and then get another deal with the devil item ceremonial robes we are over the moon to have this item that's great honestly I'm I'm kind of thinking of maybe just going and killing myself in the in the curse room and then coming back to take ceremony robes cuzz with three black hearts it'll be set well we're not even going to dip into these lives after that sorry I didn't know no I know that's why I'm I'm telling you calmly I'm not always calm with people if I think they're trolling me or trying to be cruel I might do it I might do it what happened if it's not too personal yeah I mean guess she wasn't happy is what it is I'm the type of person that uh I I'm I'm really trying to work on it too not self-sacrifice myself for a relationship Torah saved me cuz there was a fight in there that's kind of cool but I do I self-sacrifice myself and soone people are like you didn't put enough into this relationship it's like I well don't I don't agree but okay oh the scissors right we could have gotten that but I did get out without using a life so I just picked up the scissors okay it's new Devil was the other one again hanged man hanged man for the chest before we leave the hanged man nice nice Cricket's head pretty dope I'm just going to go I just want I want to get out of here tired I do it to makes you happy yeah yeah if she wasn't going to be happy then nor would I right brainworm it's just an Easy Choice I'm going to go brainworm on this one free pseudo homing pseudo random number homing yes please I wonder if it works my bombs it probably works my bombs right wouldn't you think another queen of hearts what do you want me to do with that not that I have black hearts protecting it though I could go a little bit deeper on my my health and like a blood donation machine oh it's another easy choice I got to go with it this is going to hopefully improve what we find from here on out I Hey look [Music] I swear I what's dangling off of me chat what is this dangling off of me what is going on Mom I had my drag footage leaked oh God now they know check his PC what was just dangling off of me it was my FZ cap thing but it was down below not the Drake footage please I'm going to get these sacks I have so many bombs I didn't really need that battery yet I probably should have held off on it oh scifly is already doing doing such work you're beautiful your pitiful it's true must be an angel with a smile on her face can anyone name that that artist Noy good luck with the best character Huts got a dip cuz night shift well thank you so much for being unbelievably generous again have a good night shift thank you thank you thank you with 10 sfly jump and into work fully charged that was James Blunt yeah that's DOA cat Checkmate freaking James Blunt what a flash in the pan he also saying uh hi I thought that was do AA peep have we tested out our bombs yet think so okay they didn't really Bend okay brainworm doesn't work on the bombs fine it would have been cool if it did though picks up D6 keeps dancing James Blunt is a collective hallucination seriously you can just tell me he never really existed and I made it up in my mind and I'd have to think about it for a moment I'd be like did [Music] I I kind of want to get a reroll in here but we're so close to the boss that that might be a bad idea let's do it anyways always knowing where the secret rooms are is is beautiful but then having the you know the mystery gift to use in the secret room it's got to be one then the other yeah I don't think I would have ever guessed here that's a weird spot got the challenge room to do too I have been complaining about my health but roll in the secret room [Music] potentially two rolls in the secret room chat be realistic here how many of the good secret room items do have we even unlocked though I we have rock bottom right that was Jacob Ben Esau to Boss Rush or something we did that really early is that the only thing that we [Music] need R key is Def default do it get down the D Infinity the sausage yeah sausage you automatically have that [Music] unlocked that's unfortunate that that is that late I actually think we should reroll keeper sack it's so good it's an amazing item but it's already depths one and we just bought the freaking shop out there's only one more shop there could be a roll machine but then we don't have the money you know it's what do you want me to do you can buy the bomb roll your sack I'm going to do the challenge room right now to get some charges federal charges against me no oh my God another item I'll do it too you know I should y I should y it absolutely get two more items yuio CR ship 18 months welcome back appreciate the continued support can we get this thing off the screen when I'm fighting a battle here so I wanted to I mean I could just drop my queen to I don't I don't need to double it but like why not it's going to go wild two broken hearts we didn't have health anyways okay look might as well do it in the shop to get extra bombs and I I don't know about taking that long well let's just get everything in here should have saved that dang battery you dinkus couple of mushrooms go for mushroom uh transformation wavy cap you know it's like a thing to think about like trying to save the wavy cap in case I did roll to uh rock bottom or possibly using it prior to dropping it and rrolling it so we have the fire rate for a little bit so if we do get Rock Bottom nah it is it is a painful item but yeah use it three times one two three there that's not so bad this is like trying to watch me play VR mini golf I should have used it when I came back when cuz it's just going to wear off a little bit now but I a charge after this room after these sponsored messages freaking out man schnaz berries taste like schnos berries 5 4 3 use it one more time wait wait wait wait wait wait wait 5 4 3 2 [Music] [Music] 1 chat do I want to take the r key over my flipping D6 that's a tough call because it's a freaking D6 I paused it for you I'm not taking missing no you can't make me time to take missing no I'm not doing it you're going for unlock so 10 out of 10 yes that's a good point you had me at unlocks I remember during the hots Victor episode you wavy cap so much to troll sin and the specialist music was completely unintelligible thanks Steve I would never do anything to troll somebody must not have been me I was going to say where did my health go but then I remember that using the ls card takes your health it doesn't just give you a broken heart it takes the health I just want some ice cream in my mouth hermit yeah there's there's the hearts card the queen way back I don't know do I need it do I need it some in the chat right now James Blunt push the live button you're way behind you're not alive we 25 minutes in the past booster pack that could be interesting cards with Rock Bottom can be really really hot you know they could be completely [ __ ] I don't know maybe yikes brother I don't even know what I want here maybe ace of hearts H I've got an idea I've got an idea chat and it's going to be a genius idea and you're all going to be like oh my God Huts is living in the fourth dimension I don't know how I didn't think of that uh and we're going to go into deal with the devil first though [Music] and sure all right here's the idea right we're going to go ahead and take our Queen of Hearts and I'm going to use the queen of hearts and thens I'm going to drop my hermit card cuz I don't need it I'm going to go get two other Queen of Hearts cards and then we're going to ace of hearts and we're going to turn like 10% of them into Soul hearts and or Eternal hearts and I'm going to have the most amount of Health I've ever had in my entire life uh there is a blank card you're you're not wrong about that I was going to say why didn't I get this black card it's cuz I can't can't reach it see now I should have I ABS should have doubled both of my Queen of Hearts cards and I'm over here like it's not necessary oh well I got a DM from slay what happened slay's hacking slay just gave me cheat codes uh it's the video where you can use the r key at the same time that you pick up something else and then you get to have that active item when you come back but the problem here is that I'm going to wait till I get the unlock uh I'm leaving the D6 behind but that is good information thank you slay if I remember that's that's always the problem right always the issue I'm going a space card space space card blank card Queen of Hearts and then I'm going to Queen of Hearts and then I'm going to Queen of Hearts and then anything else no world's not bad but I'm going to of Hearts try to get some soul Hearts Ace of Hearts you know it's not nothing freaking IB bag goes so so hard right now so yeah I get I get R key the same time that I touch the D6 and then have both but getting two unlock sounds better to me probably want to go chest first then since it's easier right have a good time doing that kill blue baby and then AR key come back and do the harder version when we have more stuff harder version being the [Music] lamb at one red heart getting two Soul Hearts is that's a big deal let's be honest get in there quick get out of here quick I I left the key behind it's okay I got all that for free that's nice haven't you already done the lamb uh nope we went to sha for some reason and fought Satan and then died I don't know I don't I I don't know I don't know why we did that already done with things like mother beast um no I was just thinking about getting some basic ones out of the way but we could do beast and it's depending on how strong we are coming back if I'm really strong if I'm feeling really good sure let's get some harder ones out of the way like mother I think is is difficult for me oh say one of the tougher fights why am I feeling like there's just so much going on right now that I needed to grab something and do something what was the car back in the Trap room I don't remember as I got my R key I guess I'm going to go you have Rock Bottom for Christ's sake yeah Rock Bottom doesn't give you uh Power though it it allows you to unlock power it still takes some some luck to to get it to get her done I'm thinking we're going to be pretty powerful right I'm not saying it's going to be a bad run just talking about you know I would be open to going to a tougher place like mother since chat wants it left to my own devices I think I probably would have just done uh chest dark room but thinking about like you guys probably want to change it up a little bit more more frequently Taurus it's it's kind of lame but I'd be remiss if I didn't say it didn't extremely help me remiss hey is that phrase [Music] correctly one of those things where normal words are like alien all of a sudden I having a stroke delirium would obviously be the the toughest fight I had to pick a tough fight and we totally could rush to get to hush fight to then get a guaranteed uh teleport to delirium damage up when we take damage that's just it's wonderful now we're locked at 10 10 n damage I'm glad I took that item that I was considering not taking can I get that fire fatty pack well sure only need one more fly item for flight [Music] interesting wasted one red heart there but all right we capped it up at 137 damage don't really even need the money so I I I might as well get it I suppose there could be some beggar or something in the [Music] future Manny pack is just holding out it's min max time blow this guy [Music] up well he can't get into the mother fight not right now I wouldn't want to anyways still think thinking we're going to go dark room now boop boop dark room n lives makes the most sense yeah maybe we'll turn into guppy that'd be nice just got to get R key the next run easy there's no way to drop the r key and then pick the r key back up and duplicate the r key is there you imagine Ary dup [Music] B up B up all right let's get out of here moving box well dip I mean that's not a dupe glitch it's now what I meant you know it two Soul Hearts I'm probably not going to go curse room at this point in time [Music] Isaac ISAC max amount of damage it's a dud is [Music] run Boop there's a 11 and luck for us small rock that's 15 damage try to take my speed away sucker you didn't get it I said dark room right I did say dark room almost went the other way sweet if you use the uh double double active card does that work for Ary magic mush pleas Hills are also good knocking around my own stuff spe up honestly Ace of spad is not even a bad idea I mean there's a lot of cards out there that give you stats 2.0 speed I'm just running circles around you chat you ready for some uh free toplay demos and stuff post Isaac I got to list to some fun games one of them we played before asgard's fall but it's been released on Steam now and it looks like it's got a little bit more to it it might or might not maybe the the videos were only showing the full release but it looked like there was some extra stuff but free to play demo batro already played batro uh what are they by the way sheepy a short Adventure this one just came out this a full game but it's a short small game it's free to play though gatekeeper eclipse this was a game this is the uh the demo version of a game that came out that looks like it's trying to be risk of rain uh and and it actually got pretty good reviews it's like isometric though it's very risk of rain like it's like pal world to Nintendo this is risk of Reign's power world uh and then what else this asgard's fall which like I said it looks like there's maybe more content ENT now in the demo but but it looks good I really like the stylized look of that so going to be playing those gatekeeper was pretty fun consumer only cares about the end product [Music] don't need to play you but I will I guess I suppose so 85% chance devil deal visuals in the last one look nice and clean for all of the AOE probably going on yeah it kind of reminds me a little bit of what was that game what was that game with the the little guy that like you could pick a main power and a side power fun Taurus room one of them was like throwing the little Spears wave based someone knows it I can't think of it outside my head I just recently saw it alls of Torment no the the thing I'm thinking of is stylized the same way do you want money cuz of R key no yeah no I guess true you have a point I don't need a m Max money I would say but I know you liked being slapped by that tentacle Huts it was moist moist you know we have a lot of moist phobes in chat should I just blow them up for extra chance for the devil I don't know maybe I'll get some health or mapping or something think could have something good yeah I'll take the health I I could have played this guy once before I grabbed the health oops cuz you do get one heart healing from it I'm going to go all the way back for a half red heart I think I might cuz does it take the rotten heart or does it take a soul heart too cuz rotten Hearts like technically only half a heart I don't know it gets wacky this might even take a soul heart I don't know Chad has a lot of fun phobes got to get you some of that long moist suction wavy action hot slame all right that did work [Music] boo problem is trying to find some health oo it's not the health I was looking for but it's good balls speaking of moist rotten heart counts as half a heart yeah I just didn't know if it was going to work with the other thing and the stuff and the place and the guy packed very happy to have it have gotten out a little bit faster but I could use my Tel pills actually I kind of spaced it on that one excuse me I put a top secret room with a bunch of red [Music] Health oh we are we were in the top secret room it's way way up there and I'm kind of not interested in going to get [Music] it throw 2/3 spun 2/3 guppy I might take everything here contract From Below Ouija board that's 636 fire rate mate that's nice that's interesting because uh we had gotten our fire rate up with the wavy cap and that should have gone back down and so we shouldn't have been able to just get a tears up and see it immediately it should have been a while before we were actually able to get back up over five fire rate but it started at 5 whatever we were at and gave us the fire rate is that is that weird did we break the wavy cap I don't think it's supposed to work that way anyways we're not playing the demon beggar anymore Lusty blood or whatever brought you past the wavy cap that's damage the fire rate though we got it up to five it should have fallen back down to like three or whatever it was it's temporary before you pick up Rock Bottom stay permanent maybe maybe that's the thing you only use it three times that's only 2.25 yeah but if we just got 1.2 fire rate you're telling me that the uh what's it called the one that we just grabbed the Ouija board you're saying that that gave me 3.2 fire rate or something oh maybe it's a pack the paa was in there you're right pack is a good fire rate I forgot about the Packa tears up I was I was really excited there for a second thought we discovered something the lost city of Atlanta men only want one thing speaking of fire rate yeah tear up 65 fire rate is just it's [Music] good you so good don't complain guess I could have slipped into the curse room there quick but with this much luck getting uh double drops is going to be hella nice for dark room hopefully we'll just get a crap ton of items I guess I'll see what's in here five room redo the floor last time I used a Luigi board I saw daav Jones himself and man he looked like he got up on the wrong side of the bed there was a mess seaweed in his beard poor lad ascended through a kelp forest to reach us virus spun and More contact damage and pubes on my face ascended through a kelp forest to reach us you guys ever play that uh horror game that came out that was like underwater and there were like those like really weird SE creatures that looked crazy was another one of those games that I was following on Twitter not subnotica no it was like a legit horror game might have even been called like horror from the depths or something subnotica subnotica it's subotica just chats over with your s is like subnotica yeah was subnotica [Music] bar trauma no Suba it yeah it was definitely subnotica not iron long I played Iron long s let's see if I can find it quick what's s no it's not s um I can just Google it too underwater horror game Suba s's nuts deep fear death in the water was it death in the water what is this that's what it was death in the water see Google knew what I meant this [Music] thing looks creepy as hell these are the guys I was thinking of anyways if you have theophobia that's one way to try to get over it that looks like nightmare fuel yeah it's a horror game hey that's me uh subnotica too he said no but I know he really meant subnotica [Music] Health how do you do oh I wish we could have skipped this phase scifly working overtime right now all right we'll do it again want to see me do it again subnotica isn't even one of the scarier water-based hores yeah definitely [Music] scifly decrees you take no damage scifly about to start a union because of these worker conditions you see them flying around there not getting enough appreciation I think did you enjoy below zero was the original the best the original was definitely the best for me I'd have to say magical skin I don't think there's a good reason for me to use that more broken [Music] Arts but Hut you could use it in the secret real and get another R key wait wait virus it's good I kind of want to go in there anyways do it oh so glad that we did that's so good eror 404 what's up what up where you going where you going why you [Music] running lock up [Music] sure welcome abort Captain detecting multiple Tim class life forms in the chat proceed with caution what oh it took me back I thought the I didn't see the door over here I was like uh we're trapped that was the top secret room that we came from for a second I thought we got soft locked or something I I have tele pills too but yeah still no deal with the devil yeah oh yeah Megan has long pauses thanks boob pirate this spit up music is kind of rad Health up [Music] we [Music] buttons Taurus has just carried us pretty hard throughout this entire run and gimpy now going to be dropping a bunch of Health what do you got can't hurt me you know just go for it my name is Steve you put some respect on my name balls put some respect on my name balls brim bomb has been pretty cool too using Satan's own stuff against him the rock slides man tough that's tough all right let's get it let's get some items here boob pirate this titty pirate that their tumors and I'm a captain folks SARS oh my breast cancer awareness lad's body shame and fools those were some words guppy come on no well I got to do this I want to come back for dark matter we'll see how it goes do I need to go back for a damage upgrade that won't even make a difference nah probably not if we get down to one heart here it still might be a difficult boss fight despite all the good stuff that we got cuz Lamb's kind of cheaty cheatsy doodling succubus though constantly give us that uh damage multiplier when we stand inside of her inside of you yeah why not despite all my rage I'm just a damage upgrade still just a Tim in a cage Jawbone infest lock up more chests more chests when are we going to get the AI Tim [Music] cover Tim could you sing us a song please anemia thank you so much for the 2bs Hyperion with the $5 I appreciate that thank you so much and monab with a membership Tim didn't want to sing a song clearly thanks YouTube chat anemia says what Isaac bosses could you beat in a fight IRL which of these bosses could I beat in a fight in real life delirium just take my Pro sing brain power for us sing brain power I think whenever tries to sing a song it tries to put like musical notes in there and then it crashes the whole thing because it's not an actual uh character that it recognizes so Tim Tim can't sing apparently unfortunately iion says Hey Huts have you seen the trailer for zcos I thought since you like horror games that might be up your alley it should be on Steam you know I really don't like horror so I I hope that you're joking but people like to watch me play horror zcos I swear to God if it's a porn [Music] game this needs to be VR H dope WTF nope F that you imagine that in VR it comes with a new pair of underwear losty blood love it glass Cannon um it doesn't actually give you the stats right it just applies it to the tier so I wouldn't be able to lock in that 10 times damage you could do Pony Factory too that sounds like a totally normal game for kids what the just give me a bag of crapping being able to see where the head's going to land good stuff more chest please come on at 11 luck we should be getting more Pony Island yeah there's a pony Island too now it's on my list it's overwhelmingly positive review big fan and scoopies big fan means that we are now blub Pony island is a great game gather around kids you got smoos Sun card full mapping the sun all right I do want to full clear I I want to be as strong as possible here kind of surprised we haven't gotten more Health nope come on man give me some items there we go not what I was thinking man if only I could just lock in the uh 40 damage and then get rid of it somehow I'll have 65 fire rate though Ah hell BM it might be smarter for me to use the book during the fight come back for R key that's what I think and then maybe we could take the book with us if I use that Hack That slay taught me boom hey there's our health plus 80 damage yeah or [Music] [Music] 84 all right let's try out some hacks huh can we do it no I went too early I did it too early chat I panicked I think slay lies about all of these hacks every time I've ever tried it's never worked out um what do we want to do now mother or beast soiled it skill issue have you tried being faster I was too fast actually Checkmate atheists beast beast beast mother mother mother you have Beast oh is that that's Beast right yeah you're right so mother it was mother or delirium is actually what it was and I don't even want to be blue baby I don't even want to take that horrifying [Music] music take Pokey go it doesn't doesn't even mattering now I wish Taurus wasn't acve all the time but oh well look at that damy speed ball already spun curved horns spe in the basement it's a great unlock phenomenal unlock just roll the ank nice doly D7 not my favorite but could be kind of busted oh we're not going back to the dark room though so maybe not curb tor's mid honestly like it's still pretty good for a trinket like yes there's been trinkets that have come out that have been better but I don't know if I would call it mid unidentified pill this light it's XL I don't even wasn't even paying attention got ourselves a v here glorious this do you want to keep going devil doesn't really matter at this point in time we take yeah honestly both I don't want to be at low amount of Health for the mother fight what was the drop here Wishbone one the ultra hard challenge with Meat Boy nod leaf that sounds riveting that's a good answer to what we've got immunity to explosion damage just basically you know not not that it wasn't already sealed but the the deal is just it's Flex taped now stitches is not bad I just don't think we're going to really use it dead onion phenomenal piercing plus spectral we had spectral and now White Fire there's a luck up pill in your shop strength card too gave us some range wow still 11 luck touch White Fire Plus 36 d damage because of suck though yeah we are at 121 damage currently that's crazy that is a Nutter butter if you do an XL floor the other item room should have an item in it a random good item tell me I'm right give me no item at all yeah right puberty thir l was barely even here it got him old bandage sure I'm going to take my horse on the old bandage Road I'm going to ride until I can no more remember that song No One plays that song anymore let's go it exists yeah I play that song oh boy time to pick up some snacks for the crew a bag of Cheetos some black ale can't forget the flow for hard tax insert cash or select payment type you don't take duun I hate self checkup ridiculous there's so much Steve Chad what's for dinner what are you making me can we get back to that demon Beggar Pizza Lucky Penny we still still have not gotten 10 luck UPS since we dropped Perfection ham with pineapple [Music] gravy pineapple gravy huh I'm going to take the miter here I'm going to do it I'll go for some more more Soul Hearts sounds like a deal oh don't really want to be lost pay out pay out gosh darn it wheel what makes me larger finally Stompy empty heart shoot oranges oranges for scurvy C6 Sam will have me head if I forget those again and maybe a lemon mangi pie for citrus Carlos marangi lemon marangi what character is this and what is the purple jar in his inventory that's hipac that's Judas in his purple jar duh oh were you just born yesterday I don't even need any of this stuff and I'm going to gulp this pulse worm because yay bone heart nah F doctor 15 months thanks for everything that you do thank you for the 15 months of support that's I think you're pretty cool thanks ocean man that's judas's iconic purple jar this is a tough Boss Matt range another Perfection hey 17 luck what do you know thank the undies I'll go into here and I guess since you just paid for that I guess I'll take it didn't really need it though I could Sol of veden but we get weight on it you know what floor are we on ash pit one it's not until Ash pit two that we get the second knife apple juice will help bu bu bu bu bu bu bu bu bu 404 random trinket every room nah pass G Perfection for no reason one makes you smaller one makes you larger again beoop beoop chew pen why not throw it in the bag I'll take [Music] it if bag don't really need it could I hurt myself enough though to get back into the damage thing with the thing with the stuff right you know what I mean the damage thing with the place and the guy look at all this stuff popping off 18 luck look at this [Music] all right to all the viewers having a sad salty day you're loved your opinions are valid on this ship don't let the Lily livered loons get the better of Y they don't know you like you do take the time to care for yourself first Huts Love Steve love thanks motivational Steve [Music] WT WTF is that boobed pirate you know we're all boobed in here needed that gigant Bean I'll take it marked soul of Eden go soul of Eden oh boy card raing yeah that'll save me some time in the future all right we got to make this Wario run quick [Music] tear which Minnesota flag was your favorite to win the one with Rick Ashley see the power from dodgeball is portrayed by Allen two to Tock this is a different Steve unrelated different Michael baldon I asked anyone get that reference where we going mother yep a lot of goodies in this room I got to get that coin hang on Office Space oh got my my bats with me mom's weakness guano oh kind of cut me off there a little bit didn't you [Music] [Applause] isn't going into that room really really bad for something I'm trying to remember what it is when you go fight and it like resets your stats or something you need the mother SpongeBob song mod all right so we had our knife we're good to go free for landing marrow I don't even want it got to be honest Jello could be funny but maybe I'll just stick with my smelter pretty unnecessary pretty recognizable signature it's not rock bottom right it resets Bumbo jell 4 five pretty funny on Long fights true this one's probably not going to be very long boss room or treasure room let's go treasure room eeny meeny miny mo roll once oh plus 40 damage no big deal no big deal what am I even doing right now I don't even know mother fight whose idea was this black powder check out my secret room we go curse room quick [Music] bunch of boring [Music] stuff bu bum music be like magic fingers honestly the amount of damage that the magic fingers could put out kind of laughable what's this pill speed up yeah one one pump I Tim would probably say something like it's really bad for you because you when I go in there your mom always lets me give her my knife peace we we your mom always lets me give her my knife piece wink [Music] wink Tim you always make fun of me and my mom why don't you make fun of chat's mom for once got to get him back [Music] who I'm huge larer Tam are you broken why why did you break here's the result did not receive any input maybe my my microphone got on like disconnected or something let me check my volume mixer input device from yeah that's what [Music] happened Tim can you hear me yet can you please make fun of chat's mom instead of my mom for once retro Samurai thanks for the tier one puberty what's that Huts can't stand the heat well I'd make fun of chat's mom but it's hard to roast a bunch of pixels skib Bey toilet now if you'll excuse me I got a game of Binding of Isaac to Ace which is more than I can say for you Huts ah ooh wow Tim already roasted chat too what are you talking about Tracer or Secrets it's slame you lame the weak [ __ ] out of [Music] [Music] here full mapping that's really nice thank you [Music] boil baby little haunt sure experimental pill one makes me even larger huge growth card is appeared in the basement I did not know that that was even a thing that we had to unlock it's a great unlock retro get to five subs thank you so much that's very very generous of you to do that YouTube I didn't miss anything did I no the notifications for YouTube stuff is weird on the fritz just join the stream what's the hell is going on Tim what the hell is going on oh Red's too oh you need me to explain it to you Huts well I'm just over here being the awesome AI chatbot version of Tim while you're still struggling to win a single game of Binding of Isaac oh pogies I don't know if I'd say struggling Tim but [Music] sure whatever aies your skibby then we take the negative for the damage into the corpse we go did you update the Tim boys I don't think so I second stream I've made it being blessed by the Huts you're a gentleman and a scholar I've been watching your vods for years and decided today's the day keep up the amazing work thank you [Music] retro has Tim been diagnosed with ADHD yet damn do you think you have ADHD I'm not sure that you are well oh Hut you caring about me that's precious just because I'm loud doesn't mean I have ADHD you judgmental poop nose I'm more worried about your incompetency in binding of eyes though screams scabi scabi yes yes yes asterisk Snickers asterisk maybe chat likes me better now huh tapeworm I don't even want this much range he called me a poop nose wip's nose oh my there was poop on it love how he has this spell Out The Binding of Isaac so robotic I love playing The Binding of Isaac colon rebirth repentance downloadable [Music] content oh we just got smaller and now to get bigger again and then to get smaller again and then to speed down pube tears up it's Tim's own poop on your nose from all the crap and on your necki tries to do and misses double Tel pills I aror room up [Music] scum size up should increase your contact damage tell me I'm right guess I'll take dust touch don't really need the book don't really need anything else Brimstone could have been funny I guess how did the Run get here Ary what happens if you I am a room the mother mother floor I don't know oh wow they just took me right to the boss just I'm just going to go since I can't see the map Tel pills tels oh it actually works okay I thought it was a whole new floor by the way that you jumped down now now I got to get back now I'm going to starve get out of here get out of here let me through [Music] who who who game be like made it can we kill mom with 43 cents no boss armor my perfection no can you imagine trying to dodge being this big I am almost as big as Mom Mother mom there it's over it's all ogre now GG great run what' we get for it it's been a while since we fought mother oh is this the sad one this is the really sad one drawing ISAC no Mama no give it to me now this what you think of me think of me this is what I am to you a monster no no Mama it's after all I've done for you this is how you view me you think I'm a monster Isaac I'll show you a monster no help me you are just like your father I can't even look at you poor little pink man you you are just like him her fit in the background kind of reminds me of ASDF buy me more jewelry breing binging song gives me chills thanks for watching see you in the next one
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 9,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: RAxkZ1RNWfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 15sec (7155 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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