I'm a dad now

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[Music] thank you I just dropped off Marcia at the hospital we think tomorrow it will happen so she's gonna stay overnight and tomorrow will be a dad I'm very nervous I'm nervous for Marzia but I know she's gonna do super well I know she's really good at this kind of thing she's always a bit scared but I know I know she can totally handle it really well yeah I feel bad I'm leaving her alone but I will be there hopefully when Bjorn is born I'm just gonna hang with the puggies for the time being and she's gonna let me know how he goes in the hospital it's such a strange day because obviously we had uh nine ten months now leading up to it but you just can't I just can't imagine like there's gonna be a baby like I've thought about it hundreds thousands of times and but it's just like I can't imagine it's gonna be a baby like I don't know I have no experience to relate that to so it's also new uh so it's very exciting to say the least but come on emergency you got this foreign [Music] it's hot everyone just goes it's harder where I am it's way harder where are you 41 degrees in humidity is bad it's so disgusting to be outside even for a sec I my top of my head is cooking I was out for like a minute I hope they have AC at the hospital for emergency otherwise [Music] ah [Music] it's now 5 30. the doctor woke up March at five I looked destroyed look at me and I called Martin she looks so beautiful and perfect she's having more contractions now and stronger contractions so I think any point today I'll get the call to get over there when it's time for to deliver the baby but I think it really is happening today everything's looking great Martha's doing amazing I'm gonna give these sleepy guys a little walk before it gets too hot out because it's super early anyway today's the day let's go guys I just had a nap Mars has been at the hospital for almost 24 hours now her body's 100 ready I it's hard to understand but I think he's laying in a position that kind of blocks him from coming out uh or dropping down rather right now Marissa is sitting in a in a pose that will hopefully make him move if that doesn't work she will have to do a C-section what she's fine with and obviously yeah I'm fine with obviously too I'm C-section and it just kind of feels like she's gone through so much to get her body to this to be fully ready and now she is ready but it's like she can't because yeah so I hope that this pose will work uh and if not no BC section so no matter what he's coming out today you have no choice Baron apparently there was a bit of a scare while I took a nap it's all fine now so that's good and I'm kind of glad I slept through it I feel bad like my sister's been in the hospital for so long and I'm just here we're obviously talking on the phone but just chilling with you Iggy the best net buddy of all time so yeah I'm heading to the hospital pretty soon as soon as I get the call I think within an hour at least it's very exciting what a crazy experience I can't imagine what it's like for Marzia I'm just like I said I'm just here all right this is it Bjorn moved he's he went in the right position I'm just waiting to be called into the hospital and my time is limited there freaking out yeah I just hope she's okay I'm freaking out [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] oh he's so happy with you [Music] Karen is born I don't want great he's so cute I am officially a Dan so strange I have to go now because I was only in line for uh two hours and a half actually they extended a little bit myself was feeling a little sick afterwards she has a bit of a fever she lost a lot of blood but everything went really well beyond this great mine says doing doing well I'm just very happy at all and thankful it all went so well unfortunately I have to go back but I will visit them tomorrow and we'll talk over phone [Music] oh they had a beard everyone yeah hello I might say it was the biggest Warrior on the planet that was such a long labor and look what you we make huh best thing ever hmm I'm back home I am so tired I can't imagine Marzia and it hasn't even started yet first day and I'm already so tired but beyond seems really chill I don't remember if I talked about the delivery but it all went really well Martin said did amazing seriously she was such a such a champion it was so nice when I came in and I got to see her and we were both so happy and then she had already been pushing a little bit so I came in for the last bit and then he was born today I got to spend more time with him which was really good it felt so weird that's just like leaving him but I'm glad I got to spend time with him today and we change his diaper and fed him and stuff like that so it really felt like oh this is my baby a lot more so he's coming home in two days uh because marziah needs to recover and stay with yarn and I'm not allowed to stay more than two hours so I have no right of saying I'm tired like I might say it's just gone through so much and she still has to look after Brian the nurses are helping a lot obviously the name is Bjorn which is an old uh Viking name I always really like the name yarn even as a kid I thought it was such a cool name it means uh bear in Swedish and I remember as a kid I was like you could be named that that's so cool so I I think it's a really fitting name it kind of works in Japanese too like Bjorn it's not too strange and there's a really big popular baby brand ins it's Swedish obviously baby Byron so people recognize it from there even here so that's good and uh he's so cute I think it fits in perfectly it's a soft and hardening so yeah it's pronounced Bjorn like uh it's kind of it's a it's usually hard for foreigners to say that word letter I mean usually people say Bjorn like an O but it's a uh like yarn I don't know how to explain how to say it better than that it's only nine but I'm going to bed I'm just so tired I'm gonna feed you guys and then we'll go upstairs huh what do you say you missing Marzia should be home soon I set this up for Martin beard because tomorrow they're coming home I don't know I thought it was cute and apparently it's a tradition in Italy so Marissa's parents sent us very nice to put up one of these if there's a new baby he put up one of these on your door so I'm gonna do that and tomorrow they're coming home it'll be the first time that we get to film what it feels like to be parents so a little nervous but I think it's gonna go well today's the day I've sat so many times outside the hospital waiting and I always see so many mothers coming out with their babies but today it is our day to do that I almost thought like oh we have such a long journey ahead and it's gonna be so difficult I mean it just started started really but we did it jiren is here and we get to go home I'm very very happy what a weird smelling die [Music] check this out this has been here for nine months and my little 3D cat so you paint one eye before you have a wish and then you paint the other eye when the wish is completed I don't know exactly if that's what it is it's a DaRuMa but it's time to paint the eye and then we burn it at New Year's I never completed one before that was a terrible eye sorry during my son [Music] we survived our first night Masa stayed up so late I didn't even realize so she's still asleep and I'm trying to take care of him as much as I can this morning you pooped a lot last night you sprayed all over proud of you it was like 4 AM or 5 A.M I'm feeding Bjorn and then I drop one of the glass bottles and he gets on the floor and the dogs run over it and Bjorn is crying because he wants milk and is like oh God I can already feel the chaos but I think we're doing good he's fine he sleeps a lot he seems happy as long as he gets milk which seems to be the time soon [Laughter] oh how did that happen homie you got it get off me woman [Music] you're supposed to keep him out a little bit but he didn't like it's too bright for you huh or if I cover a little bit [Music] emergency made cupcakes would you like one um oh so good fresh love it you're not supposed to do housework we're on our third day taking care of the little one I feel a lot less tired today can only improve from here the sleeve is the worst part really it's easier to take care of he just poops and piss poops and eats and sleeps this is not a bad life we're gonna give him a little Stampy yeah yeah [Music] just wanted to show our baby sleeping so cute nice hair my dude where's Mommy doing to you there you go oh so proper foreign [Music] sleepy boy here it's been about three weeks since he was born being a dad has been um I don't think anyone says it's easy in a lot of ways it has been easier than I thought because he's just been sleeping pooping pooping some more and then eating then pooping again and he likes to do it right after I change his diaper don't you yarn but I think myanmars have been doing really well I'm really proud of how well we work together and uh could do with a little bit more sleep though piano is very cute as you can tell I think he looks just like me like looking at all the photos of myself and comparing to Byron it's almost creepy sometimes I look at him I'm like did I clone myself this is some weird sci-fi movie and then you're like oh yeah that's how babies work he's got mice's hair color though so much hair man it's been really cozy mainly just been reading playing video games working out we've been advised here in Japan you're not supposed to bring your baby out for a month but it's been two he's pooping it's been too uh hot and the Sun is too strong anyway well we can soon take him out which will be fun I can't wait to leave the house I I mean I have been but we're eager to you know do stuff with you being aren't you too and hopefully we can share some of that as well and uh [Music] just want to say um I really appreciate everyone being so nice and just happy for us it feels amazing that so many people feel that way and I'm so happy everything went well obviously and Beyond is doing great I couldn't ask for more really so well some more sleep would be nice but yeah that's the end of the Vlog and yeah say hi to Baron I guess who once what can I do for you yeah bien says hi back all right foreign
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 13,471,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pewdiepie, pewds, pewdie
Id: tKOlGCqDowQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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