Illuminati Subliminal Messages In Backwards Songs!

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what the hell you know i've retired my subliminal message series twice now and once again i found even more ridiculous subliminal message accusations but this time i found a video that is accusing songs of having illuminati subliminal messages when you play them backwards and i know what you're thinking illuminati oh my god anyone with the illuminati who's the illuminati you know i i don't know if anyone really knows what the illuminati is but i fell into a black hole of youtube we've we've all done it you know we start watching videos of dogs wearing hats and you end up with illuminati videos obviously but this video is spreading false rumors about illuminati messages so it's our duty to debunk them let's get into it [Music] oh good lord [Music] satanic new world order all i and if okay if i have to listen to this song one more time i'm gonna staple my nuts to a passing train right now how am i going to prove that this illuminati message wasn't intentional well we're going to do the vocal test you see so i am going to sing the supposed backwards message and then we're going to reverse that and we should get the original lyrics satanic new world new world new world order so now let's just reverse that clip now it should sound like i'm singing down down we went from illuminati to darwin thor when our winter win yes darwin darwin plays discus yes well um yeah that's bullsh but in our opinion that doesn't sound like it we are going to use science to see if it actually does let's see what my voice recognition thinks i'm saying maybe it will prove that they are right but i really heard darwin i really did heard all of our window laura would be nice well laura would be nice if she wasn't in the illuminati nowhere in there is messages about illuminati so this message is bogus wrong oh wow okay this one this one's going to be interesting [Music] [Applause] i knew it i knew you were up to something daughter the explorer well you have all the animals with us illuminati [ __ ] great that was so joyful what was the recording process for that theme song all right kids just go in the vocal booth and just give me a hell satan okay i'm excited to test this one out sandwich now do we get dora the explorer it's like an asian grandmother greeting you into her house it's so aggressive that brings me so much inner joy okay do you need any more proof that this one is the most bogus one yet great thank you bogus now the illuminati can track us through our internet but i know a way to stay safe and anonymous while you're on the internet that's my buddies at nordvpn and for the record i'm kidding illuminati is not spying on you on the internet but burglars online burglars and websites can but this is where i rely on nordvpn to keep me safe on the internet nordvpn blocks my ip address and my identity while i'm on the internet thus preventing hackers and other online threats from attacking me and let's say you want to watch some illuminati dora the explorer but that show is blocked in your country due to geographical restrictions just open up nordvpn choose one of their more than 5 500 super fast servers let's say i don't know finland and suddenly the internet thinks you're from finland so now you can watch your illuminati dora the explorer you guys gotta follow the link in my description and get nordvpn nordvpn.comterryberry and use my promo code terryberry to get 68 off on a two-year plan with one free month oh and don't worry nordvpn has no data logging so you can watch as many illuminati videos as you want without red flags going up again terry berry proco terry berry do it or i'll send the illuminati after you all right let's continue this video what's next [Music] i gotta say that is probably the most catchy way you can admit to loving satan god that's catchy i love satan but let's see what it's actually saying i love satan reverse and for those of you paying attention it should sound like i'm saying it's my life the original lyrics okay that was pretty close okay so this one this one was actually much closer but what's with the ah it's my love i just thought of something how are any of these backward messages supposed to be illuminati i love satan that that's more satanic than illuminati yes huh right am i right so this one is bogus too incorrect skittles taste the illuminati okay grocery bags fall apart when you put cotton balls in them okay there we go well as long as it's not my pitch fork let's just test it yes i love him uh satan masturbate all right let's pull off the flippity mix sand which is what are we supposed to get here every time the base bangs realize it all right yep allah i was really hopeful at first and then it just fell apart every time all right that's another one for the debunked pile oh gosh all right i'm going to see if i can subliminally influence you to subscribe to all right next up vanessa hutchinson what does vanessa hutchins ass have to do with illuminati what if she is repeatedly saying asthma asthma is not very illuminati but let's do the vocal test and see what we get my ass my ass my ass my asthma reverse all right so we should get y'all say it i'll say it i'll say it i'll say it i'm saying i'm saying i'm saying i'm saying no no no no um what i'm saying i'm saying i'm saying i'm saying nope no you're not saying i don't think we're fooling anyone i'm saying i'm saying i'm saying i'm saying well let's see if uh vocal recognition thinks i'm sane i'm okay that right there is the illuminati leader my ass hey siri uh-huh what is the illuminati the illuminati is a name given to several groups both real and fictitious historically the name usually refers to the bavarian illuminati an enlightened interior secret society founded on may 1st 1776 in bavaria today part of germany would you like to hear more not really to be honest hey siri sorry rebecca does not seem to have any devices on icloud oh riri is next [Music] how many more freaking satan ones are we gonna get you reverse a pop song and it kind of sounds like they're saying satan and people freak out you guys know there are actually bands out there spreading actual satanic messages have any of you ever heard of black metal ghost has anyone ever heard of ghost you disappoint me [Music] ghosts should definitely let me become a nameless ghoul for a live show sometime hey live shows are never going to happen again okay [Music] all right riri i'm doing this to prove your innocence satan is the best that's kind of how she's saying it right all right so we should get ever see another sunrise the original lyrics this what i was doing so good never seen it it reminds me of me distracted by shiny objects i've never seen a nice disk sam is it an ass this that doesn't even grammar sam is is this an ass this absolute hogwarts it's britney [ __ ] i most certainly am not that's it that's it you're fat that's it well you are an illuma fatty [Music] actually it does sound like it though you're fat she says it's so snooty like you're fat you're fat well this one's going to be easy to test you're fat all right so it should sound like i'm saying every time simple enough yeah we'll see about that the end is always always jacked right up free africa afraid afraid alfred alfred is the leader of illuminati all right well then i'm doing well folks we ran out of time for today so far i think we've got this illuminati bullsh debunked but stay tuned for part two when things get just a little bit nutty next time on the shocking conclusion of illuminati messages how is summoning a cat illuminating that was scary actually [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Steve Terreberry
Views: 1,259,892
Rating: 4.9075789 out of 5
Keywords: Illuminati, subliminal messages, backwards songs, Stevie T, SteveTerreberry, played backwards, songs reversed, hidden messages, hidden meanings, Illuminati songs, reversed songs, subliminal, messaging, reaction, reacting to, the Illuminati, satanic, evil messages, vocal test, reversal, backmasking, secret society, Illuminati song, Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Britney Spears, Gwen Stefani, No Doubt, Dora the Explorer, Vanessa Hudgens, reversed, songs, shocking, hidden, messages, conspiracy
Id: 4Xd5a-TiY54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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