I'll Make Your Boss Fire You! I Am The New Owner, Get Out of My Private Property r/IDontWorkHereLady

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hello friends and welcome back to our slash i don't work here lady and our first story about why it's important to learn more languages it's fun to be bilingual backstory i'm a 69 year old us army retiree who served much of his career in germany and speak german almost as well as i speak english due to good genes i look about 10 years younger than i really am in a small tourist community that i live in there are a lot of senior citizens like myself who live here year round and may have part-time jobs at our local stores so it isn't unusual to find an older person working in one of the stores during the summer we get a lot of tourists with more than a few karen's and kevin's so i'm at the local supermarket yesterday shopping in the soup aisle and a nice vertically challenged short woman about my age was trying as hard as she could to get an item off the top shelf i said here let me help and reached up and got it for she thanked me i said no problem and she walked off toward the checkout i then proceeded to look at the various cans of soup trying to decide which ones i'd get then i heard it the sound i had heard about but as of yet never personally experienced excuse me i turned around and there she was the stereotypical karen and based on how she was dressed a summer tourist memories of the many karen stories i'd read flash through my brain and the silly idea i'd had when reading them clicked in me in german i say excuse me she responds in english where are the sum product i reply in german excuse me i do not understand english she looked at me like she wanted to kill me what's wrong with you this is america speak english i reply in german what's wrong with you what is your problem she turned and angrily stomped away i finished my shopping and went to the self checkout she was in line at one of the registers with the clerk i paid the machine for my things and bagged them as i walked by the lane she was in i said to her in a loud voice and in a clear new england accent in have a nice day lady and left the store being bilingual can be fun and our next story karen got slapped okay so this only just happened a few hours ago and i still have a bit of an adrenaline rush so bear with me as everyone is bound to know shopping lately has been a little hectic the mass crowding has gotten better now that there are limitations on how many people can enter a shop at one point but everyone is still pretty stressed out and dolled up in their lovely fashionable face masks all that being said there's no excuse for what this woman did i live in england and over here we have a certain big supermarket store with a burgundy slash orange themed uniform so after finally getting through the queue into the store i grabbed a card and was off i was in there for maybe 20 minutes when i rounded the condiments aisle and caught what happened first there was a woman younger looking maybe a teenager wearing an orange jacket but it looked like one of those bright neon track suit ones not the uniform she was crouching down on her knees looking through whatever was on the lowest level i do that sometimes the cheaper stuff tends to be from food companies who can't afford the premium shelf space she was wearing air pods next there was an older woman not a karen in the typical haircut overweight over dress sense but she did have that face that i'm too important to be kept waiting serve me now peasant face and no mask standing behind this clearly oblivious girl she'd been trying to get her attention before i even walked into the aisle and for some reason the moment i appeared she snapped i'll never know what possessed her but this older lady actually reached down and grabbed the younger by the underarm yanking her up to her face the girl reacted as i believe many would without even asking questions she yelped spun off balance and clocked karen right in the face it was glorious the woman's nose started bleeding and the young lady was just standing there in shock someone loudly announced they were going to get an employee while i put myself between karen and the young girl fearing the older woman may try to retaliate the girl looked dumb with shock meanwhile karen started screaming i didn't really catch what she was saying in the haze of it all but i know a bloke behind me was shouting back at her telling her she shouldn't have grabbed the girl and that it was her own fault more screaming than the employees showed up from there it was just a matter of getting everyone's stories pretty much everyone who stuck around saw karen grab the girl first so karen had no leg to stand on though it didn't stop her from demanding the police be called and that she was going to press charges the police had already been called by a manager and us witnesses were asked to stay and wait for them some couldn't as they were with their families and such but i having nothing better to do stuck around at this point the girl had calmed down and was just kind of standing there silently while the woman continued to scream about pressing charges and suing and fired while the manager just kept repeating things like she doesn't work here ma'am and please calm down ma'am the police questioning was actually pretty fast if boring not at all as interesting as it is in the movies i didn't get to see a grand parade of karen being dragged away and cuffed sadly once all the statements had been taken both women were escorted outside by police and that was pretty much the end of it for me i did still see them in the parking lot speaking to different officers but couldn't get close enough to hear anything that went down i made sure the police and the store had my number just in case finished my shopping then went home it's been a few hours it was surreal and i'm actually kind of hoping it ends up on youtube in the next few days so there's my story hope it entertained and our next story i'm the owner i'd be fired but you're banned for context i live in the uk and i recently inherited a business from my grandfather when he passed away the business is a mix of a catering and sports establishment we have a kitchen with around three ovens and around six chefs in at any one time due to the popularity we have in the area we have a very diverse menu and drink selection this is before covet now for the cast me k is karen n is the new manager c is the head chef bm is the bar manager s is the sports development employee and o is customer so monday turns around three weeks after i became the owner i drive to the staff car park at xyz business and park i wear a pair of dark jeans and a black t-shirt with a logo on it i walk to the back entrance and say hello to the team this is the first time i've met the manager since the funeral bm tells me where everything is behind the bar and explains how they did things and asked if i wanted to change anything i said no but if there were no customers to clean everything if possible and he nodded in agreement then went back to work i then went to see the head chef the conversation went like this me hello c i'm me i believe we met at my grandfather's funeral can you show me where everything is and how you guys work so if you ever need an extra hand when it gets busy i can lighten the load for you see sure this is the food prep section this is where we wash the dishes and other items here's our oven aisle and here's where we keep everything anything you want to know she said politely after the tour i shook my head and said no that was fine thanks after that i headed over to the sports area we had been open for half an hour by this point i was now wearing a new shirt that said i was an employee so i could fit in with the staff and so i can help with things lead from the front and all this is important for later so i spot an employee and walk over and introduce myself to them hello there s i'm the new owner i came to see how everyone works and how i can help later on ah yes bm said that you were here for the sports department we just work like normal clothes shop and sell sports items for a wide range of sports we also have tennis courts and a track field as well as a mountain bike trail section we hire bikes and equipment for people to use nice thanks i say i'll talk to you later i'm going to see if i can help out behind the bar afterwards i went over to the bar and helped getting a few customers with ordering their drinks things go well for the first couple of hours then it happened the karen comes up to the bar as i was pouring a pint for someone else she huffs a bit waiting for me to finish bm was taking the bins out and the other bar staff were taking drinks to the tables when i was done i put the pint on the tray with the ticket which had the check slash bill because that table said they were going to leave after one last drink i turned to karen who's clearly drunk hello welcome to xyz how can i help you today check your sweet time i would like a pint of carlsberg with a shot of vodka sorry i can't do that for you as it's a violation of the license we have i can't sell alcohol to someone who's already intoxicated huh the owner normally lets me i'll give him a call and get your butt fired the karen yelled loud enough for bm to hear as he got back from doing the bins and having a cigarette he'd asked me beforehand and i said yes bm what's the issue here okay this employee won't give me a pint of carlsberg and a shot of vodka still yelling bm looks at me and it seems that i have a look that's just saying play along bm right i karen cuts him off i want him fired right now i'm a loyal customer and i know the owner he normally loves me bm couldn't believe what she'd just said and said that he can't fire me and that i'm the owner karen gets mad at me for not saying that i was the owner then attempted to swing at me got me square in the face causing me to stumble backwards slightly and cause a slight nosebleed a customer called the police and they arrived a few minutes later one officer asked for her side of the story while the other officer helped me clean up before asking for my side of the story karen said that i'd been rude and verbally abusive towards her and that i simply refused to give her what she'd ordered i said the above story and bm backed me up as well as the customer who made the call when the officers brought us back together i saw that she was in cuffs and both officers asked if i wanted to press charges i immediately said yes and that she'd be banned from the establishment she left kicking and screaming i thank the officers for their time then went over to the customer who'd called the police and told them that the next two rounds were on the house also i sold the business to the bar manager a year later and it's still going well to this day thank you for reading this and i hope you have a nice day hey guys thank you all for watching the video to the end and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: RedWheel
Views: 74,034
Rating: 4.9448738 out of 5
Keywords: r/IDontWorkHereLady, I'll Make, Your Boss, Fire You, I Am The New Owner, Get Out of, My Private Property, Boss, the Boss, I Am The Boss, I Am Your Boss, I Am Owner, I Am the Owner, Owner, New Owner, Private Property, My Property, Property, I Am the New Boss, Get Out, Private, Get out of, The Owner, I Am The Owner, this is my private property, r/idontworkherelady, r/, reddit, r/TalesFromRetail, sub, comedy, r/prorevenge, r/entitled parents, work, Work, RedWheel, reddit stories, fails, funny
Id: w2t9K0wWfvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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