Il Lago 1 Michelin star: full tasting menu

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Amuse bouche is very important for me: this is our business card. We make it different every time. It shows our creativity. We put all our love into this tasty welcome. Always different but always beautiful. In the middle of the table, we have smoked sea bass carpaccio and peach. Focaccia with tuna belly and caramelized fig. Then... Potato foam with sea urchins. And the last one. But not the last one. Panzerotto stuffed with cheese and black olives. Enjoy! Some white bread and Parmesan chips. And extra virgin olive oil. From the south of Italy. From Calabria. We have carabineros tartare, served with jalapeno sauce, marinated tomato and spinach mouse. It's very important for me to see creativity on the plate. I want to see beautiful colors and emotions. But taste comes first anyway. Our roasted scampi with seasonal vegetables, lemon bisque, and black chips. We created the tasting menu with all of my team. It's important to involve all the divisions in this creation. In this tasting menu, I try to communicate my way of cooking. The cuisine of Il Lago is the high-end cuisine. It's a combination of taste and presentation. Basil taglierini, swordfish carpaccio, tomato and calamari. Taglierini pasta is wrapped in carpaccio of swordfish. We used to eat a lot of swordfish. In the south of Italy especially. And then just a sauce of baby calamari and small tomatoes. I think it's an emblematic dish of our chef. Normally in Italy, when we eat pasta, we don't use the knife. But in this case, chef wants that we use the knife to cut the carpaccio. And then we have to eat all the ingredients together. Pasta, swordfish carpaccio, little piece of tomato and calamari. Thank you One of the most important plates in our menu. The lobster risotto with lobster mayonnaise, tomato jelly and lemon jelly as well. Enjoy! Lobster risotto is a signature dish in Il Lago from the opening. The recipe is being passed from chef to chef. The sole fillet with the quinoa on top. Served with aubergine caviar, aubergine cream, tomato, and tomato-champagne sauce. Italian cuisine is one of the most elegant in the world. That's why people love and understand it. Here we are. My favorite plate. Glazed goat. Served with celery variation, green apple, lemon and verbena sauce on top. Enjoy! Classic dish, cooked at based temperature for 36 hours. Served with vegetables and meat sauce and verbena. It gives the acidity to the dish. Very well known dish. Big classics. Being a Michelin star chef is a recognition of your and your team merits. It's a prestige and pleasure. But this is not what makes the difference. You should not think of the Michelin stars. If you have passion, consistency for a long time. I am sure that you will have your star. It's a question of time. But don't go crazy to get a star. You have today a lot of great chefs with no Michelin stars. Our pre-dessert: exotic fruits variation with almond mousse on top. It's not difficult for me to be a chef. I have passion. So it's not a sacrifice for me, it's a pleasure. I thank God every day because I do what I love. And that I can share my emotions with other people. Ricotta cheesecake with wild strawberry. And our citrus fruits variation with grapefruit and champagne sorbet. And for the end, we have La Tropezienne, apricot tartlet, and peach tartlet.
Channel: Elite Life
Views: 268,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: four seasons geneva, four seasons il lago, il lago geneva, geneva michelin star, geneva michelin star restaurant, geneva michelin star review, four seasons hotel des bergues, geneva landmark hotel, four seasons hotel des bergues geneva, il lago michelin star, il lago michelin stars, 1 michelin star restaurant il lago, four seasons 1 michelin star, four season geneva 1 michelin star, michelin star geneva, geneva michelin star restaurants, chef Massimiliano Sena
Id: mD6Hvgwl7dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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