IL-2 Great Battles | Tempest Mk V | Hunting ME262's "Rat Catching"

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in march 1945 the war in europe was nearly over but the luftwaffe was still not out of action the winter snows still lingered on in the netherlands from where allied airmen assigned to the second tactical air force sorted daily into northern germany intelligence reports jet fighters are very active today from their base near sm ready for takeoff your orders blue flight flying the tempest mark 5 is in the lead follow the flight plan after takeoff from vocal and once near sn perform a patrol above sn merlheim airfield where the 262 should either be landing or taking off the flight leader will attack the jets while the wingmen protect him from enemy fighters take off time 13 30. good luck hi everyone welcome back to aisle 2. here we are back in my favorite aircraft the mark 5 tempest absolute wonder aircraft love it we got two wingmen and we're hunting me262s now um that is the town so it's just beyond that town is where the search area is so we look for any airfields which is a large piece of cloud over the area at the moment she's obscuring it but um yeah this is where we need to keep an eye out there may be some 190s or 109s thrown up to defend the 262s but um that's for our wingment who a bit of flack as well that's for our wingmen to um keep busy 262s are our primary prey today trying to search through that cloud to see if there is an airfield or anything like that that's getting limitless this has been a bit of a bombing mission over there nothing obvious over there you see anyone ah there's an airfield there's an for enemy airfield free to engage roger obviously we're flight turkey i'm guessing because it's a turkey shoot that's the premise whether or not it'll be work out quite that way isn't the matter right there we go just off the nose you can see the runways so we keep an eye out for any glints of um lights off aircraft chassis or anything like that two engines are still with us they haven't spotted any fighters i'm dropping down a little bit obviously it does say try and get them landing or taking off so it's a little bit like the um the marauders when the uh in the mosquito the mortar squadron the mosquitoes and they used to just circle around at night and wait till the um german bombers were coming home with the german fighters coming home and they'd switched the landing out the landing lights on the runway and then the mosquitoes would dive in and um attack them as they were landing there are some aircraft lined up there but i didn't see anyone on the runway they are 262s outside those burnt out hangers maybe we should go and um do a strafe a lot of anti-aircraft fire around here as you'd expect the two buddies up high i think somewhere i know they're over there dive down with me roll in oh they're going for it as well strafing away back bursting in my face okay rolling in now here we go now i don't know what the um deflection is set to probably not enough but you can see there's a line of two sixes two lines of one two six twos so we've got all these knocked out hangers appear to have 262s parked outside them so we'll come in again anti-aircraft fire coming somewhere over there strafe these ones staying reasonably low so the anti-aircraft fire may hit the trees or there's a gun right there look i think he's looking at our buddies rather than us which is good oh i see some landing lights over there so you're going to come up that'd be quite nice if we have a bit of a dog fight we get them on the um on the take-off roll got one of the aircraft moving oh has he been i think he's been damaged look his engine's just been locked on i think he's gonna crash into the trees so oh yeah i wonder if they uh kill the pilot what about you sunshine you're smoking so you're not coming up okay it doesn't look like we're gonna get a aerial dog fight today those ones may just be um stationary well we've put a few rounds into them don't seem to be exploding or anything so maybe we'll go for the the one parked up here oh so right we're out of that mode that didn't take long did it uh targets destroyed those ones i think are probably just placeholders they're probably not actual targets we put enough rounds into them and they haven't gone pop so uh right well then boys whoa as i get a little bit complacent and i don't see the anti-aircraft fly out get down below it there you go we're okay right that mine is scared let's um head home and uh chalk that down to a mission complete right as you hear it we've got permission to land home base is there you can see the um the hanger's still burning um and obviously we know it shows the active runway so we need to uh descend and come around again beautiful i love flying on this map so green in lush over the uh the netherlands has to be you know i know the um stalingrad map and the moscow map and all that i've you know set as they are but they're just so either wintery or or gray and dull aren't they but this one's so vibrant i love it much rather fly over green fields and woodlands right i can't see the other two tempests which is probably as going into a cloud it's gonna be a recipe for disaster but i'll um look to bring this down let's do a bit of side sleeping because i'm forgotten how fast this aircraft was got throttle right back and it just is still just absolutely so quick right can't be slightly coming back speed's not dropping off and sideslip getting a bit of this speed is so fast right let's um gear down this is pair two requesting landing approach over proceed just to try and slow this thing down she just wants to run she's like a racehorse well it's been a long time since i've landed one of these oh yeah as you can tell came in a little bit um a little bit hot well that didn't sound good what was that this is turkey landed you know what's happened there clear the runway i can't clear the runway because either my undercarriage did not deploy or it fell off oh you know why let me tell you a story um after the aisle 2 um or the hard drive issue um a lot of the all my key mappings were lost and i basically had to um restore some of the the files by uh you know doing the um integrity check that kind of thing and we lost all my controls and um my usual control for doing the undercarriage um i thought no i don't need that i can just use the g key however clearly after a mission i forgot that that no longer works so uh yeah i think i've i forgot to uh the replay will make it obvious but i think i forgot forgot to do well i didn't forget to deploy my landing gear i forgot that the um the key was no longer bound so um with no landing gear that i would say was a nice controlled landing anyway let's just um leave the scene of the incident and um talk about it no more and there we have it after 39 minutes and 15 seconds we successfully landed no questions about it [Laughter] fine we'll take it uh we got one medium aircraft kill so that would be the 262. so i think this was a scripted mission so those two 262s which were um warming up ready to take off i think they were realistically the only two targets on there the other uh what was that seven two six twos i think they were just that static models um and they didn't count or i didn't see them go pop either but we only put a couple of rounds into that one and it went pop um we put a lot of rounds into the other ones and they didn't go pop so yeah i'm guessing they're just static models but there we go we just stretched our legs in the tempest one more time it wasn't a glorious win as we thought we might be but um it's great to be back in the tempest uh thank you so much for those of you who have voted on the youtube uh community page for the next um installment of what we're going to do on our kind of our friday videos it looks like aisle 2 career is um the favorite and i've been reading your comments and i've been replying to some of them and it seems you know you don't want to do anything to the norm you want to do maybe something obscure i had i had a lot of people asking for either an italian campaign or the um the ju series so either ju87 stuka or the ju-88 ju-88 of course was a very multi-purpose aircraft it was a medium bomber it was a dive bomber it was a night fighter it was it was everything wasn't it so we might do that i i'm quite tempted by those ideas um i quite like the idea of them flying the italian fighter 202 um that could be fun should be going up against p40s and things so that could be some really interesting dog fights also it's a it you know it's a light bomber yeah strap a couple of bombs under the wings as well so you do some bombing as well so it could be quite a versatile um series that one the ju 87 uh could be short-lived but it might be fun actually i'm tempted to do the stuka because the stuka is such a wonderful aircraft and i love the um i'd have to re-learn how to do the automated dive recovery system but it is good fun um and i you know i quite enjoy you all criticizing my bombing every week you know same with the jua i think uh that's got a lot of potential the uh heinkel h11 was a great series i really enjoyed doing that doing the gunnery um and um so yeah and the other the others um kind of curveball suggestion was look at aisle two great battle i i'll to clifford over biggie pardon rather than great battles and that is something i may look at as well i do have the brook um expansion as well so we could do some desert fighting for a change of scenery so we could do battle of britain stuff we could do um desert stuff in north africa and we've also got the um sort of baltic regions and uh and the the uh bowdoin plate netherlands maps here as well so yeah i'll give it a good a lot of thought thank you so much for all your views and uh look forward to something coming in the near future if it's something i've gotta set up and get working next friday might be another one-off mission again while i get things set up ready for a series because you you want to hit the uh the floor running really but i've i've chatted enough um you can look forward to that coming up in the near future um i'll keep it a little bit of a surprise because i'm not quite deciding myself yet but thank you so much for all your comments thank you so much for your feedback if you're still watching this thank you for your patience and your perseverance as well and i'll see you next time thank you so much take care bye you
Channel: Taff in Exile
Views: 29,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cliffs of dover game, il-2 sturmovik (video game), il-2 sturmovik: forgotten battles (video game), il-2 sturmovik: cliffs of dover, taff in exile, cliffs of dover, combat flight sim, il2 sturmokic, il-2 sturmovik, battle of britain, storm of war, white cliffs of dover, ground attack aircraft, battle of stalingrad, ww2, eastern front, hawker tempest, Lockheed P-38 Lightning, fw190, he111, ace combat 7, war, multiplayer, bf109, p40, mod, tank, taff
Id: bwypzpAX0xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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