Ikigai: 5 tips to Live a Long and Happy Life

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[Music] hi i'm biebs blue how are you doing i read this book hoping to learn about the title ikigai which is the japanese word for life purpose similar to the sanskrit word dharma sadly this book by hector garcia and francis morale didn't help me discover this but it did reveal many ways to help you live a long life by interviewing some of the centerian residents of a village called ogimi in japan japan has the highest life expectancy of any country 90 for women and 84 men so here are five tips to living a long and happy life according to this book number one don't worry smile open your heart in ogimi they live in close-knit communities celebrating many events together keeping occupied by growing vegetables and selling them at the local markets well into old age number two cultivating good habits they wake up early at 6 00 am keep their fingers and brain busy by exercising and stretching and going for walks every day one resident said if you don't work your body breaks down number three nurture your friendships every day talking each day with the people you love is the secret to a long life one of the residents said number four an unhurried life slow down relax do one thing at a time enjoy the little things be mindful and try to achieve flow instead of trying to multitask number five be optimistic one resident said every day i say to myself today will be full of health and energy live it to the fullest a positive attitude using affirmations and finding joy in the blessings in your life are key to finding inner peace and happiness so even though i didn't find my life's purpose in this book i learned about how the japanese managed to live so long i believe we're all here for a predetermined time so it's up to us to do what we can to make the most of each day we have to enjoy the good and be kind and help others let me know in the comments what is your ikigai thanks so much for watching show me some love with a like and subscribe and i'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: Beebsblue
Views: 14,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ikigai, longevity, long life, happiness
Id: p_sT34kfKlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 17sec (137 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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