IKEA BILLY Bookcase assembly, joining BILLY Bookcase and wall fixing of Ikea BILLY Bookcase
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: PP FlatPack
Views: 123,816
Rating: 4.9474344 out of 5
Keywords: IKEA BILLY Bookcase assembly, joining BILLY Bookcase, wall fixing of BILLY Bookcase, fixing billy bookcase to wall, billy bookcase, ikea bookcase, ikea billy bookcase, billy bookcase assembly, ikea bookshelf, bookcase ikea, ikea billy assembly, ikea billy bookcase closet, billy bookcase closet, ikea billy bookshelf, ikea bookcase assembly, ikea bookcase ideas, billy bookcase assembly instructions, billy bookcase assembly video, billy bookcase ikea assembly instructions
Id: CPFW-5y_qb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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