IISERs vs NISER Comparison - Placement, Fees, Ranking, IAT & NEST Exam

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University of Yale Michigan University of Texas Harvard MIT Stanford Oxford all the top research institutes around the world University of Singapore in Japan in Europe in America here in Isis you are already doing let's say one two internships you did in India your master project you did in abroad in USA or Germany or let's say in Australia that you already have connection with the professor you already get up got a PhD offer right this is how simple it is about almost 2000 Cruise have been spent to build Niger hi everyone this is chemistry at myself and this is going to be a very important video for all the nicer Eisen and CBS experience in this video I will compare nicer and CBS in various conditions and both are fully powerful installation you can let me know in the comments below now when I talk about Niger I am basically telling you about both nicer and CBS that is the institutes which come under Department of atomic energy HB and I okay when I talk about Isis I am talking about all seven Isis so all seven eyes now one more important thing I want to tell you if you go and search on quora or Google or on YouTube you will find so many random videos from random people who will say I am from either this was my experience at iser and so many fake you know profiles are there so many fake people telling wrong things about Niger and all and negative things as well as so many wrong positive things also so two kinds of wrong things they have told in all these platforms some are very negative to these institutes some are very positive to these Institute but in this video I will try to focus and give you very neutral uh point of view for both Niger and CBS I will not say that everything is good in one Institute and everything is bad in other Institute okay I will tell you very clearly the facts about each of the institutions and I want to give a disclaimer my aim is not to demean defame or any of the institutions okay my aim is totally to give you information and facts about these as much as I know about them based on my experience of living in a research institute one of the Premier Research institutes in India now here are the areas I am going to compare them versus academic structure secondary scholarship third displacements then forces funding fifth is MSC thesis project sixth one and irf ranking seventh on seats and eighth one is entrance examination so in these eight parameters I am going to compare Isis nice and CPU so let me first tell you about the academic strike just so you know that in five year BSC and MSC program bsms program in either first year you have to read all the subjects like physics chemistry maths bio Humanities uh subjects economic sociology and all those subjects in second year you can choose your pre-major by I think third or fourth semester you can choose a pre-major out of pcmb and mostly you will do coursework from those subject and from third year itself you get your major subject and you start working on that particular subject for remaining three years your Master's project will be in that particular subject only now in Niger from first year only you have to study pcmb sociology economics Humanity subjects and all in second year you directly get your major so for example first year I read all of these subjects second year I chose chemistry similarly people choose physics or biology like that so from second year we get our major subject as a result of this for final year MSC thesis at nicer we get two years of MSC cases which is fourth and fifth year but in either since they choose their major in out here so in third and fourth year they do the coursework and fifth year only one year Master's thesis project they have I will tell you more about Master's thesis in the later part of this video okay this is the major difference in the course structure you can say and the minor degree is there in all of these institutions different users have again a bit different academic structure but generally it is very same as I have told you right now now apart from this you can also do minor degree in some other subjects as well for example if you are having major in physics you can do minor in mathematics or if you are in biological doing chemistry it can be in any of the areas it's not very strict it depends on the program now first you if you are either aspirant or nicer experience first qualified in next exam these are later discussion when you come into these colleges I will help you how to choose and all that okay so this was the one major difference now second one is the scholarship so as you know that at niser it comes under Department of atomic energy TST government of India right so it has more funding as compared to Isis as a result the students at niser and CBS get scholarship which is called disha scholarship 5000 per month plus 20 000 for summer internship contingency total we get 80 000 rupees per month and fees is also very less as I have already made detailed video about the fees at nicer as well as CBS and izer so you can check those videos so the scholarship we get at nyser and fees is also very less but at iser's feces uh typically hire about 80 to you know 90 000 depending on various categories it is less for stsc for example just 40 to 50 000 uh but fees is higher and scholarship is also not there at isers earlier it was there I don't know why it got abolished now students at either do not get scholarship just because they are at Eiser there are people who get inspiring scholarship but inspiring scholarship has different eligibility criteria that is a different program to know in detail about the fees please check my these videos I will put the link in the description otherwise this video will become very very long and I have told in detail about the fees and scholarship in these videos now let me tell you about the placement so there are three parts in this first one is placement in Academia Academia means those who go for uh further studies for PhD so from either CBS all of these Institutes we have a lot of great placement offers PhD offers from uh University of Yale Michigan University of Texas Harvard MIT Stanford Oxford all the top research institutes around the world University of Singapore in Japan in Europe in America Australia everywhere you see uh the students from these institutes go and pursue their PHD so it is one of the top class Research Institute in India which give you almost you know guaranteed when when someone comes in either or nicer and CBS he or she is assumed that the person is going to do PhD and the professors have very good Network they train them very well in these institutes because overall they even get publication my own friends in BSC and MSC they have you know four or five research paper itself and that too that person is in biology similarly in chemistry my friends have one or two papers so with such kind of profile and resume with so much experience in internships at various places it's very easy to get these International and very good PhD offers by the way these in these PhD offers they also get stipend and they all the fees and everything is taken care by the institutions the student the PHD student does not have to pay a lot of things okay all the contingency or you can say this type in or you can say as a job salary is given monthly and depending on the country it is different for example in Europe is it is two to three thousand Euro depending on the place you are in or Institute you're in in America again it is I think two to three thousand uh dollars uh like that so it varies depending on the Institute but yeah it is like that uh coming to second part which is industry so the best part I like about Isis is that they have very good running placement cell for example in Pune Kolkata Bhopal and there have been so many placements uh from companies like TCS and many pharmaceutical companies uh coming there recruiting students in mathematics and physics they generally take data scientists role which has very good packages again I don't I could not find I tried a lot but I could not find very in detail about this placement of ours how much salary they were getting but there are placements in either well and functional functioning in Niger last year itself or you can say this year itself we started the placement cell and we have also got many PhD and MSC job offers uh I I won't say about my offer itself I also got placed and all I will not talk in detail about it but yeah uh we have started the placement sale at niser now and we have also got some pharmaceutical companies TCS and all coming to us and recruiting students from here so there is now industrial related placement happening slowly it is very less as compared to the PHD offers but it is increasing now and third one is the bark so this is one difference in the placement that from either you cannot apply directly for the interview of Park scientific feature role but from Niger and CBS since you have already cleared Nest examination and you are under Institute which comes under Department of atomic energy so you can go for the interview directly without even going for the written examination although it is very very hard interview is very hard whether you go for git through gate examination through direct interview but yeah I ultimately you don't have to give a written exam if you are from nice or CPS to go to Bar in various scientific officer role I guess the positions which get released and you can join just after MSC from these Institutes now let me tell you about the funding so as I said nicer generally has more funding uh According to some speeches of directors I have heard from you know Foundation day lectures and all about uh 1500 to 2000 crores have been already spent by last previous last few years data I am telling you okay about almost 2 000 crores have been spent to build Niger and I could find some of the official documents with almost 700 crore funding in uh from 2012 to 2018 I guess I will put those document Link in the description you can check but it's not very official data but from what I have heard from the talks of uh director uh almost 2000 maybe more than that has been spent on neither and from what I have heard about Isis it is almost 500 crores were allotted to each of the isos in last few years again I don't have very much data about it but roughly I can say that a nicer and CBS generally get more funding than either from what I have known from my friends circle around me okay that that is all I can tell you about the funding I do not have any government official data with me now coming to Masters project or thesis so as I told in either you have to do two years of Master's project I knew fourth and fifth year but at either it is only one year and another part is that the best thing about Isis is that I personally which I love about it is that they can do their Master's project from anywhere for example just imagine you're doing chemistry you can do your Chemistry project from uh somewhere in Germany and after doing the project uh you can really convince that professor and the professor has already built a connection with you that person has seen you over so they are very happy to take you for their PHD as well but if you are at Niger then you cannot do your MSC project outside uh because they feel that their lab infrastructure everything is very good and they do not allow students to go outside to do MSC project so as a result we are not able to build that good connection with the professors outside uh we have to apply again work hard to you know get PhD abroad but if you're in Isis you are already doing let's say one two internships you did in India your master project you did in abroad in USA or Germany or let's say in Australia that you already have connection with the professor you already get up got a PhD offered right this is how simple it is now apart from this obviously people at Isis also apply to a lot of other universities not everyone gets satisfied with the lab they get right so they even apply for MIT Stanford Yale more and more options so that they can get more PhD offers but the best part as I told you is that you can do Master's project outside your own Institute your own either but in nyser I don't think this is allowed I think it is also CBS but not in myself now one more thing I want to add is regarding a master's project so it in neither generally it is fixed that from physics chemistry maths bio only you have to choose a research topic and project and you have to do it but in either for example one of the uh cat Toppers who got all India rank one in cat exam for Iams uh he did his master's project in I think water management or something related to Poverty uh but it will not be allowed if he was in nicer so in Isis you can do projects outside your you know core basic science domain physics chemistry max volume you can do projecting like he did in uh you know Waste Water Management or something related to Poverty so this is also one of the really good parts about Isis which I really like and in fact this person was in physics department and he did his project in power water poverty but it would not happen if it was in neither or CPS cycle now uh generally people talk about nirf ranking but instead of that I am going to tell you about the nature index okay why because and irf ranking has so many parameters that it's not very good criteria to judge a research institute I think uh nature index which tells you about the research output of various institutes around the world can tell you better about the research output in these institutes so I will share my screen and show you how you can also see go to the website and see what is the ranking of Indian institutes globally and in different areas what is the ranking of different institutes in India okay let me go to the screen and share with you how you can see what is the ranking of nicer CBS isers in nature index let me tell you about the nature index of various research institutes I just told you so if you see in 2022 I will give this website link in the description okay don't worry about this so uh if you see the global ranking in all the sectors let me come to academic okay let's not go to government cooperate corporate and others let me talk about academic and all the subjects here so if I generate the ranking so we got this ranking now I don't know where India is let me find out let me just search here India and we can see India is almost at 149 you see 149 we see the first college in India which is IC Bangalore okay uh then we go to the next one which is in India at 190 we have seen we have homi bhava HB and I this is actually nicer and CBS okay here you can see from physical sciences and in detail analysis about the research output as per the share of the subject okay now so as I told uh India if we search next one we get is hpni uh hbni is Niger and CBS okay these come under uh National baba baba National Institute uh then uh next one we see at 247 is IIT Bombay in overall Global ranking uh next we see India is either Kolkata at 274 we have either Kolkata then if we go next we see either puni then at 316 we have either Pune and if we see next then we have IIT Madras so as you can see only IIT Bombay is above the Eiser which is mostly other iits are even below this okay so this was the global this was the global nature index as you can see here now let me uh go to India okay so let me go to India and search the academic section uh Nature and Science okay so both in nice Nature and Science in these journals if we search uh we generate the list and we see first one is either Kolkata wow in academic output Nature and Science eizer Kolkata is the first then jnc ASR comes then comes acai okay I don't know what this is then I see Bangalore even comes here sixth number and IIT Monday is above this okay and IIT kharagpur at five I don't know where other institutes are but anyways so this was academic and Nature and Science these are the papers given to Nature and Science now if we go to subject wise if we talk uh all and if we talk all in search generate then we have csir first then we have either Kolkata then jncsr then ncdc ISC iacsc is Indian association for cultivation of Science in India then various others okay now let me go to no instead of Nature and size let me go to physical sciences okay and uh let me generate the list so in physical sciences in academic and corporate sector both we see HB and I first so in physics that is why it is generally said that you know nicer or hbi has one of the best research outputs in physics in India in HB and I if you click again you will see that almost 41.69 percentage share is from physics then remaining is from chemistry then life sciences and then environmental Sciences the next one that comes is IC Bangalore so even uh physics nature index in in nature index physics section even IFC Bangalore comes second uh to nicer and here you can see output of IC Bangalore as per the subjects then third one is the tifr Tata Institute of fundamental research then comes IIT kanpur then then comes either Pune you see here five then uh question then six one is Indianapolis Association for cultivation of Sciences and then comes IIT Bombay and others Department of space and all that this was in physics if you talk about chemistry in India let's generate the list so first one is csir then IIT bomb and all that okay and if we choose instead of all we choose academic section at academic sector so in that case IIT Bombay then I see Bangalore then Eiser Kolkata then IIT Madras and all that is coming okay now if we come to let's say Earth and planetary science arts and environment Sciences academic so in academic I see Bangalore is first then either Kolkata then IIT kanpur so I told you right how to find out all of these things uh uh so yeah you can find out these lists I will give this link in the description with that all the best now let me tell you about the number of seats in these institutes as you already know Isis have a lot more number of seats as you can see in the screen here total almost 1748 Plus 90 that is 1838 seats so almost 1800 seats are at isers uh while at Niger you see as you can see in the screen here 200 sheets at nicer and almost 57 seats at CBS so total you just have 257 seats as a result generally it is much harder to get into nicer and CBS as compared to isos and coming to the next 0.81 which is the entrance exams so as you know that Nest exam is actually really advanced level or kvpy level uh the questions asked in this exam very much will make you think very critically about the subject very in-depth as a result uh it is very hard to get into neither and CBS or read the question is paper is hard and the number of seats are also less but when it comes to either so there are there were earlier three channels kvp foreign Advanced more than 75 percent of the seats were taken through either aptitude test and now the kvpy has been abolished right so for 2023 this year as I have already told uh in detail about the video from the official notification from kvpi 2021 essays team they will take student from J Advance they will take the students and from either aptitude test they will take the students so in either the admission happens to these three channels and as I already told you about this seats so there are almost 1838 seats at isos uh now Eiser aptitude test is comparatively easier than J Advanced it is almost J means sometimes above Gmail's level or sometimes at the level of J Mains examination uh the questions level of questions I'm talking about the exam pattern is also different you need to have section wise cut off marks in each of the uh you know major three subjects that you will attempt but in uh ISO aptitude test there is no section wise cut off marks you can attempt as many sections as you want uh you can attempt or leave any of the sections you want in Nest examination you can do any of the three section best three section will be taken into account if you want to know in detail about these exam patterns how to prepare for these examinations I have already made detailed strategy videos how to prepare for them I have already launched so many crash courses we have got so many selections one indirect one ordinary 12 all India and other team more than 400 of our students are now in these Premier Research institutes around India okay so please check out our crash courses we already have revision classes study materials mock test more than 12 uh mock tests with detailed Solutions previous up papers with detailed Solutions all of them doubt clearing classes are there private telegram group is there if you have any other doubt outside the class you can ask them so everything is there you don't need anything outside this for people who are preparing for next year uh IAT or Nest 2024 or 2025 we will launch courses very soon and depending on when you are watching this video it might have already been launched so please check sahastra.com website slash courses section or you can also message me personally in sahastra app okay whether you take any of my courses or not you can always message me for any kind of doubt or career counseling regarding these research institutes in India with that I hope this video was useful to you please like this video right now it took so much hard work to make this very long video so please subscribe to this Channel with that see you at your dream Institute [Music] download the app now [Music]
Channel: SciAstra
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Keywords: iiser, iiser aptitude test 2023, iiser pune, iiser exam information 2023, iat 2023, iat 2023 exam date, iat exam iiser, iiser aptitude test, iiser application form 2023, iiser preparation, iiser crash course, iat 2023 eligibility criteria, iat 2023 syllabus, iat 2023 registration, iiser cutoff, iiser vivek, iiser bhopal, iiser course, iiser exam, iiser exam preparation, iiser full infomation, iiser jee advanced, iat cut off, niser, nest exam, nest 2023, iisc bangalore
Id: -Qi0u8CO4yE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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