IIS SSL - How to Trust a Self Signed Certificate

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I so in this video I'm going to show you how to trust a self-signed certificate so I'm on the server right now and I've created a is web application called sample MVC 5 and I've created https and SSL on it so if I go to my client or if I go navigate to it you'll notice on my right here is Google Chrome and on Google Chrome I have this X that says basically that the site the identity is not verified and this CA root certificate is not trusted so that's what you see on Google Chrome and this is what you see in is so if I go to is untrusted certificate so how do I get rid of those because sometimes during testing you you actually do need the warnings to not be there either because you have automated testing or whatever configuration you have says that the certificate has to be trusted so what do you do to get rid of that so I'm gonna go click on the certificate in Google Chrome I'm gonna click the information click details and I'm actually going to copy the file so I'm going to copy the certificate and I'm gonna choose the the third choice which is a dot p7b file and i am going to save that file let me save that file as a temp slash / Soundwave is the name of my server p7b and I am gonna click finish so I have the file the certificate exported now so I have to install it into my trusted CA authorities so I'm gonna bring up whatever shell that you whatever's your favorite shell right here I have PowerShell you could do it in a das or command shell so I'm gonna type in cert manager dot MSC to bring up the certificate manager so here the certificate managers up and you'll notice what I have here on the second choices trusted root certificate authorities so I'm going to double click on that go into certificates in and you'll see your typical list which is GoDaddy Microsoft Verisign especially and thought which is all the well-known certificate authorities that actually issue official server certificates or SSL certificates so I want to install that here and have it as they trusted certificates so I'm going to go to certs and I'm going to say all tasks and import and I'm gonna click Next and I'm gonna browse to my exported certificate that I have which is Soundwave p7b I'm gonna click Next and I'm gonna click Next again and you'll notice it's gonna prompt me do I want to install I'll say yes and import successful so that's all fine and good and you'll notice if i refresh the internet explorer it still thinks their certificate is unofficial so I have to exit the internet explorer but I want to show you an issue that I have with with Google Chrome so so you'll see now the lock is fine there's no red its trusted I'm in HTTPS so that's all fine and good with Chrome if I hit refresh it still doesn't trust the cert and even if I bring up another browser and I go there it still doesn't trust it and you know why is that well don't be alarmed so if I bring up task manager it turns out that there's a bunch of Google Chrome's that are up and running and I have to close up all of them so if I close if I end all the processes of Google Chrome because the status of that certificate happens to be cached some want to end all of them and you'll see all of them on end it now and I'm gonna bring back Google Chrome and you'll see now it's trusted so if you run into that issue that's how you resolve it and there you go that's how you trust the certs I do want to demonstrate this again by deleting my certificate so my certificate was Soundwave here I'm in this certificate manager once again in the trusted authorities and I'm gonna delete that certificate and remember that Google Chrome is cache so I'm just gonna demonstrate it on IAS for expedience sake so I'm gonna go here and you'll notice once again after I delete that certificate from the trusted authorities I get this message so there you go that's how you do it that's how you trust a certificate and thank you for watching
Channel: CodeCowboyOrg
Views: 41,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IIS, Internet Information Server, Web Server, Self Signed, Trust, CA Authority, Certmgr, Certificate, SSL, HTTPS, Verify, Identity, Trust Identity, Root Authority, Cert, Trust Cert, How to, How, Howto, not issued by a trusted certificate authority, trusted certificate authority, Browser, Internet explorer, Google Chrome, Chrome, Certificate Error, learn, problem, issue, untrusted, fake
Id: R59Lx3nE_to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 25 2014
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