If you're grieving, this is for you

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- anyone grieving to anyone who has lost someone close to them we want you to know that it's normal to feel sad it's normal to feel a shock to feel fearful scared or anxious about the future or worried about death it's normal not to feel anything at all what I feel angry all the time or to feel like you laugh too much or cry too much or sleep too much or to not sleep at all it's normal to just want to scream it's normal to want to continue with your life or to feel like everyone has moved on around you it's normal to feel confused unprepared or helpless it's normal to feel guilty or relieved lonely isolated or abandoned or to want to be alone all the time these feelings may come or it was or you might not feel anything for a while these feelings can come the most obvious of signs or when you least expect it it's okay it's normal we all grieve differently we all grieve differently we all grieve differently we are grieve differently we all grieve differently take each step each minute each day one at a time remember to breathe your grief is valid your feelings are valid it's okay to take time out for yourself it's okay to cry on the bus or the train it's not weak to feel it's okay to reach out for how things can get better people can help you friends can listen family can come for you teachers can support you and doctors can look after you well those have been there and will be there for you you are not alone you are not alone you are not alone you were not alone [Music]
Channel: YoungMinds
Views: 30,911
Rating: 4.9650002 out of 5
Keywords: Grief, death, loss, bereavement, mental health, depression, anxiety, young peolpe, mental health support, mental health vlog, Youngminds, mental health charity
Id: o-7c74-pUlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 54sec (114 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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