If You See This Bird, Climb a Tree to Safety!

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when you think of the world's most dangerous bird as i do sometimes eagles or vultures may come to your mind surprisingly these awkward cassowaries may cause way more damage than the other more notorious angry birds i first mentioned the largest cassowary species may be as tall as an average person and weighing as much these plump birds can't fly but neither can you plus they run fast so don't you try to escape from them they can reach you even in water since they're great swimmers they can run as fast as 30 miles per hour so you might need a getaway car if there's a cassowary who's mad at you but don't worry their attacks are quite rare anyways mute swans are gorgeous graceful creatures at least that's what we all think but touching one of these 28 pound birds is a bad idea they have bony spurs in their wings that they use to take enemies out their wingspan is about eight feet and they can slap you with all of that and they also bite don't ever get too close to one they regularly go after humans especially if the bird has younglings nearby and don't let the name fool you either they aren't mute swans can hiss loudly and even bark good warning signs that you're encroaching a bit too close humans and magpies have always had weird almost love-hate relationships these medium-sized birdies can be pretty aggressive at times but if you treat them well you'll probably become friends they can recognize human faces and they're sure to come back to your balcony if you treat them to something yummy if you offend a magpie they're gonna remember that too and bear some grudges so keep an eye on your eye pardon the pot pelicans are symbols of love and they say they're ready to sacrifice their own life to protect their offspring ah now it's clear why they can swallow the entire prey without even chewing it or tearing it you just don't want to go near their nest sure you're not a tiny fish and pelican beaks are too small for a human being but you don't want to be bitten now do you okay this one's gonna frighten you only with its name a shoe bill stork is an impressively large bird up to five feet just below the average human height no wonder they can fight a crocodile all right a baby crocodile but they need only their super powerful jaw to win in one hit still not afraid well they make blood chilling noises as if you were in some action blockbuster movie [Music] if you think these cowardly ostriches don't pose any danger you got it wrong twice first they actually don't shove their heads in the sand it's an optical illusion and yeah how are they even supposed to breathe in the sand second these guys are kind of overprotective parents so if you ever want to approach their young these heavyweight beasts who can run as fast as a car within city limits are gonna come for you not scared yet well you should be ostriches are the closest living relatives to t-rex together with chickens what scenes look quite harmless except for their foul smell but that's another story but their babies have notorious wings the chicks flappers have two distinct claws that are multi-purpose first they are sort of protection against predators and second they help them climb trees in case the baby's out of the nest once they grow up the claws disappear just like milk teeth size doesn't matter at times if you were a hummingbird you'd have to eat almost 300 pounds of food per day to maintain normal weight with that little bird's metabolism but the lifespan would be way shorter too only about three to five years if you dye your hair you probably have more in common with a bearded vulture than you might think we're probably the only two species in the world who use dye on purpose vultures dye their feathers with red soil to show their dominance over other birds people well we just like changes california condors may not be as large as an aircraft but they're huge anyways their wingspan is almost 10 feet these are potentially dangerous for people but chances that you ever meet them are slim there are only about 200 of them left in the u.s here you are looking for something yummy in the fridge but you just can't see what you really want if you were a bastion thrust you'd break wind at the fridge sounds gross but that's apparently the way these birdies look for hiding worms they give them a gas attack so the worms get shocked and yippee they are now an easy target for a bastion thrush hold your nose and bon appetit okay enough of those funky stories let's look at the skies you wouldn't expect a poisonous bird on this list but alas i present to you the hooded pitahui scientists found out they were poisonous when they kept experiencing numbness and a burning sensation after handling these birds there are lots of toxins in their feathers especially on the underside the birds don't produce toxins themselves they probably get them from the beetles they eat or how about the spur-winged goose these guys are notorious for being toxic too and the toxicity comes from munching on blister beetles it's safe to touch them but eating one can lead to irreversible consequences wink wink the toxin remains even after cooking another bird you don't want to eat is a common quail don't mix it up with a japanese quail which is usually kept as poultry common quails can be really poisonous leading to even such dreadful consequences as kidney failure it all depends on the certain plants this bird eats good news it's only poisonous during the migration period but it's yummy and safe outside the migration if you're not quite sure it's better to avoid this one on your plate unless you want some muscle soreness if you spot a cute fluffy snowy owl you better close your eyes and run they might look innocent but in fact they have razor sharp talents which they know perfectly how to use they point them at the most vulnerable parts like head eyes you got it do not mess with a snowy owl one more species you don't want to contact is the little shrike thrush say that a few times fast strike thrush just look at this tiny birdie and its innocent eyes and don't let them fool you remember the way they look and never touch them they're as poisonous as notorious central and south american dart frogs blue capped eye frida may be tiny but it has a toxic mechanism that makes this small birdie invincible they eat only certain types of beetles that provide this bird with special toxins even if you touch it you'll probably get numb as a result of intoxication it's inedible since the toxins don't disappear even when it's cooked golden eagles are the power lifters in the bird's world they can carry weights up to four pounds they pick up tortoises and other prey easily these mighty birds are strong enough to steal a toddler but they actually never do that moreover in mongolia people even use these eagles to hunt wolves canada geese have been living close to humans for years but they're still wary of us getting near their homes especially in the spring mating season at this time the geese can chase and bite people they consider a threat to their eggs mates or babies if you want to avoid being attacked by these seriously angry birds the best thing you can do is just slowly back away romantic seagulls in the sky don't seem to cause many problems the worst thing they can do is leave you some unwanted droppings well this impression is pretty misleading because these birds are very aggressive like all of their kind they don't attack because they feel like doing so so the rule is quite simple just don't touch those birds and stay away from their nests [Music] oh and when the time machine is finally invented be especially careful with the birds from the past velociraptors are long past existing just like the rest of the dinosaurs they had talons and feathers so these guys were actual birds and not scaly lizards by the way these are the stiletto sharp talons you should be afraid of these could cut anything beware if you go into the future too you never know what's waiting for you over [Music] there
Views: 399,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside, dangerous birds and animals, big dangerous birds, poisonous birds, most dangerous birds, velociraptor, cassowary, pelican, hummingbird, california condor, hooded pitohui poisonous bird, hooded pitohui venom, animal facts, wild animals, facts about animals, animal facts videos, facts about birds, short facts about birds, weirdest birds, strangest birds, most dangerous animals, dangerous creatures, most dangerous cute animals, cute but dangerous animals
Id: hrcOntdXXXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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