If You See an Envelope in Your Car, You're in Danger

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[Music] you're driving along a highway the weather's good and you're in total control of the car and suddenly BAM another driver comes out of nowhere cut you off and slams the Berk naturally you can't avoid the collision sounds like a typical fender bender but you might be surprised to know that this is one of many scams people try to pull on the road one the cut and break scam so let's start with that situation you've now got a mangled front bumper and you're standing there looking at your poor vehicle mouth ajar what just happened why did he slam the brakes after cutting you off hey he did it on purpose and he's after your cash but it doesn't end there the car that cut you off turns out to be full of passengers complaining about neck and back pain you want to be empathetic and believe what they're telling you but don't otherwise you'll end up with a serious collision and injuries claim against you all you must do is play it cool you were driving carefully you were attentive of all the other drivers on the road you weren't tailgating and that's all good that's exactly how you should be driving so the evidence will be on your side when you fight this thing call the police and gather your own evidence just in case take pictures of both cars the road everything were there any witnesses get their information pay attention to the passengers behavior if they move around freely and start pretending to be badly injured only after the police and ambulance arrived the accident is most likely a scam but once the case gets fully investigated you should walk away from this thing with a law on your side and it also doesn't hurt to invest in a dashcam for your car number two white smoke let's say you found your car a cozy spot in the parking lot and left to go run your errands as soon as you return and start the car puffs of thick white smoke appear from under the hood or the muffler then a stranger shows up and just tick you lating wildly tells you that you have some horrible problems with your car naturally you're in a panic so you jump out of your vehicle and run to open the hood to look inside your noble assistant tells you to go start the engine while he checks it unfortunately if you fall for this lie and get back behind the wheel the volunteer will start tinkering around and surprise surprise your car won't start after that they'll offer to tow your car to the nearest service station if you agree be ready to pay for your gullibility not only will this person demand payment for his towing services but his buddies at the garage may also trick you by saying that your car needs some costly repairs okay first try to figure out the cause of the smoke yourself and don't let strangers approach your car I'll tell you right now that guy had poured some oil on the muffler or the bottom part of the engine while you were away also check if any warning lights are flashing on the dash if you're still unsure whether you've been tricked or not you can never go wrong by calling a legit car service or towing company never agree to towing services from strangers who conveniently pop up out of nowhere number three unexpected help going along the same lines of that convenient Good Samaritan this scam goes a little something like this you're driving along perfectly fine when suddenly somebody starts flagging you to pull over the driver comes up to your car and says he'd seen white smoke billowing from under your hood you don't know any better since you were behind the wheel and couldn't see anything under the car so you take his word for it in the same breath the scammer so graciously offers to check under the hood for you and while they're at it they inconspicuously spray a bit of oil under the engine and voila white smoke does billow out when you start the car up again to see for yourself the criminal then pretends to be repairing the defect and succeeds in eliminating the problem hooray hmm not so fast after that this on-site repairmen starts demanding money for his services and believe it or not a lot of people especially inexperienced drivers agree to pay up later however they find out that their car didn't have any problems at all and they'd been bamboozled whatever happens do not accept any suspicious help if something like this ever happens to you just call a friend relative or a trusted mechanic to come help you out if you can't hear any suspicious noises from under the hood everything looks normal and there aren't any warning lights lit up on the dash simply continue your trip without ever leaving the car number 4 a hurt pedestrian here's another way they like to play with your empathy and guilt you're slowly creeping along the parking lot looking for a spot with full concentration you don't pay any attention to a person walking past your car but suddenly the pedestrian hits the ground most likely damaging or even breaking off your sideview mirror in the process obviously you get out of the car to see if they're okay that's when the victim starts threatening you that they'll call the police but we can settle it right now what would you do in this case experienced drivers or skeptics won't give in but there are those who do so don't be one of the gullible ones simply agree to call the police right then and there sometimes that alone is enough to send the victim running but even if they suddenly have a change of heart and promise that everything's cool no hard feelings or complaints insist that they wait for the police to come and file a report otherwise they might call the authorities later with your plate number plus if this person purposely damaged your car you should be compensated for that anyway don't sweat it the police will likely examine footage from surveillance cameras in or near the parking lot again if you've done nothing wrong then you have nothing to worry about number 5 come on over this is a particularly dangerous scam that's hard to fight crooks notice a driver who's trying to merge into traffic they slow down and wave their hand to signal that they're letting the driver in but just as the unsuspecting victim merges into the lane the Good Samaritan speeds up and crashes into their car the next thing the victim knows the crook vehemently denies ever letting the other driver over and claims that they just merged right into them this is a situation when witnesses could play a key role if there were any and they so graciously pulled over to stand up for you when the police get there then that's ideal but it also doesn't hurt to be extra careful and attentive when merging into traffic keep your eyes on the car ahead and behind you and you shouldn't fall victim to this scam number 6 envelope in the car this scam typically goes like this in the morning you get into your car coffee in hand and ready for another day but then you notice an envelope lying on the passenger seat that wasn't there yesterday so how did it get here overnight you positive that you locked your car last night that's when it hits you somebody broke into it but that's not all you open the envelope and it reads dear sir or ma'am we've tested your car's alarm system and the possibility of a break-in as you can see your vehicle has major security risks we expect your financial gratitude and in return we'll send you some personalized recommendations on how to protect your car there's also an account or phone number attached to the letter so do you send the money and wait for their awesome services of course not by no means should you ever send money to strangers with threats it'll only encourage them to keep going call the police also try to leave your car only in secured parking lots and get your alarm system check regularly by your car's manufacturer now before I leave you with all that to think about please remember that people fall victim to these kinds of scams more often than you think whether it's because they want to save time or would prefer to settle a problem on their own without the police or lawyers it does happen so don't let it happen to you have you heard of other tricks scammers use on the road let me know down in the comments if you learned something new today then give this video a like and share it with a friend but hey don't go anywhere just yet we have over two thousand cool videos for you to check out all you have to do is pick the left or right video click on it and enjoy stay on the bright side of life you
Views: 1,511,098
Rating: 4.8241191 out of 5
Keywords: scam, scammers, call the police, scammers tricks, save money, scamming, protect yourself, scam fail, recognize fraud, car scams, car accident scams, road scams, parking lot scams, life hacks, new scam schemes, avoid doing this, safety videos, fake road injuries
Id: HnFpaMBBukc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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