"If You See a Rest Stop on Clear Creek Road, Keep Driving" Creepypasta

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it was late I had probably been driving for over 10 hours trying to make it home in Allentown I've traveled across New Hampshire most of my adult life as a professional truck driver hauling logs and on most nights I could tell you that I can handle the long hauls from Allentown and state up to the White Mountains but bad weather can make you run out of your drive time fast typically when that happens I'll find a shortcut down some of the shorter narrower roads roads that 18-wheelers probably shouldn't venture and cut my time in half that is what happened when I decided to take a turn on Clear Creek Road now I'm sure some of you have heard the rumors and wondered is the road really haunted like they say well until last night I would have told you no in fact I have probably taken the road plenty times before and not even thought about it but this particular night I knew that my drive time was running out and I would need to find a place to stop for the night I kept checking the time wondering if I could get to the next highway before the minutes ran out but as my heavy wheels kept clogging on the road I knew that wouldn't be possible that's when I saw a neon sign shining in the darkness Mel's meals opened 23 hours a day a rest stop way out here I had never seen a rest stop on this road before there was another truck there already parked and I could almost smell the food coming out of the diner the GPS told me it was another 20 minutes before my next turn something didn't feel right but I was so tired I decided that if someone else had decided to stop there then it must be safe I activated my air brakes screeching to a halt and grabbed my big 72 ounce cup I bought a while back and checked the time 7:13 p.m. I knew it was much later than that had to be it was so dark outside I made my way towards the diner and then looked at the other trucker that had pulled in to catch a night's rest I didn't recognize the logo on the side of the truck the truck itself looked old and rusted like it had been built in the 80s as I was making my way past it I heard a sound that made my heart skip a beat the entire trailer shuddered and boomed and shook inside I heard this a loud screeching noise like massive claws against the metal as I backed away and looked towards the cab suddenly a man wearing a full bodysuit exited the cab and moved towards the trailer with something glistening in his right palm it appeared to be an electric cattle prod my mind raced as I watched him unlatch the trailer and climb inside I heard more shrieks the rattling of chains and the loud shock of the cattle prod zapping whatever it was inside then he climbed back out and latched the door back up he didn't seem to notice me at all and place the electric weapon back in his cab before climbing in and shutting the door himself I wasn't about to approach him and ask what that was all about in fact if I still had remaining drive time I would have left right then and there but our trucks are monitored by the company I work for and any sort of violation like that would put me out of work without question so I mustered up some courage and walked inside the diner as I expected it was almost entirely empty safer one waitress and a cook whom I caught a glimpse of in the small window to the rear a Bell jingled softly on the door as I walked in and a spunky blonde waitress smiled cheerfully towards me evening Hoss welcome to Mel's meals I'm Cindy she said excitedly as she trotted off to get a menu but when I looked at it the brochure actually seemed unnecessary something wrong Cindy ass as she smacked some bubble gum there's only one item on the menu I pointed out how special I was starving so I ordered it and asked for a cup of coffee then I heard that familiar jingle and saw another man walk into the diner at first I thought it would be the spandex loving driver I had just seen it but this man didn't look familiar to me at all he was wearing cowboy boots that made soft clinks on the tile floor and a biker jacket and an Outback hat he took a look at me and I nodded where they get up like that you sure stand out like a sore thumb I told him he didn't even bother to make a response to me and just shimmied over to the bar taking off his hat and then asked in a gruff voice for a cup of coffee I glanced out towards the parking lot but still noticed that there were only two trucks where did this guy come from I checked the clock on the wall surprised again to find that it hadn't changed a minute since I got there enjoy some hashbrowns while we cook up your order hon they're on the house Cindy said placing a plate in front of me they had arranged my hashbrowns to look like a smiley face and made a little chuckle and began eating the food was surprisingly good the music was a tad off but I was starting to relax for just a minute when the cook came out carrying a large silver platter with some meat on it it was still sizzling so loud that I could hear it as he put it down in front of me first time here he asked me I noticed he had a tattoo on his arm consisting of three letters and I said to him was Mel your wife sister actually he said ran this diner for years before she gave me the keys to the kingdom he decided wiping some grease from his face see a lot of business I asked looking about besides the cowboy and I the place was pretty deserted nah you know how rumors spread in a place like this he said with a slight chuckle he appeared to be very friendly and the food looks so good I couldn't say no he walked her back into the kitchen and I reached for my fork to chow down then I felt a strong grip on my shoulder and looked up to see the cowboy standing over me need something I asked him you don't want to be here he whispered at me excuse me I said looking at him in the eyes put your silverware down pick up your keys and leave this place he said he was steering straight towards Cindy no not to her but to the clock right behind her head it still hadn't moved past seven thirteen sorry buddy I know you probably mean well but I'm not going anywhere tonight I told him as I reached for my fork again the Bell jingled again before I could take a bite this time the man in the bodysuit was entering and he didn't look happy he was pacing around the doorway a Sindhi walked up to him don't let him fool you the cowboy sat as he released his grip on me and shuffled his way back to his seat the waitress and the newcomer were having what seemed to be a heated discussion that I could only pick up bits and pieces of above the music not now this came too early shipments supply and demand then I heard that noise again louder than ever before coming from the trailer outside it sounded as if it was coming from Hell itself this time I dropped my fork as it clattered to the floor Cindy gave me a half smile sorry to disturb you sir just talking shop she said aloud to me and then glared back at the spandex man he actually looked downright hilarious where in that suit in here and I was too intrigued to eat he walked back towards his truck and I watched out of the corner of my eye as several workers seemed to emerge from the darkness behind the diner to his trailer door they all had chains and long cattle prods just like he had used earlier they were moving whatever wasn't side to the back storage room I pretended to get up and get a refill and walk straight towards the cowboy sliding right beside him to whisper what's in the trailer I asked leave get out of here now he said his voice was Stern but it sounded as if he was almost begging me to go the shrieking and scratching I heard earlier was now coming from inside the kitchen then I heard a new sound the sound of a grinding saw I could hear it cut into flesh and bone when that happened I dropped my glass it shattered on the floor around my feet I looked at the cowboy his eyes were whiter than a sheet the doors to the kitchen open and the cook leaned out with blood covering his face an apron I didn't have to be told what to do this time I made a break for the door and ran through the dark parking lot I was painting like an Olympic sprinter I grabbed a hold of the side of the truck and then looked towards the back the doors were still open I froze as I heard more growls coming from inside the trailer I reached into my pocket and retrieved my pocket knife before walking towards the door my truck was only 30 feet away right on the other side of this one I kept my eyes on the shimmy door at all times using my phone to illuminate the darkness around me and see what was on the other side it was completely pitch black I could hear the snaps and the yelps I stumbled towards my door and climbed into my cab when the headlights came on I saw exactly what they were hauling inside gray scaly skin long wretched tails with bones protruding out of the sides but they had a face and chest like a man they looked towards me with pleading eyes I pressed down on my air brakes and backed away they struggled against their chains louder as I saw the cook look towards the road I didn't stop until the diner was well out of sight not until morning broke over the horizon I haven't slept a wink my hands are still shaking even as I try to write this I know pretty soon I will have to call my boss and explain why I went against to do T regulations I'm not sure what I'm gonna tell them but I know I won't be taking any shortcuts in the near future [Music] you [Music]
Channel: CreepyPastaJr
Views: 423,649
Rating: 4.8917599 out of 5
Keywords: creepy, creepy pasta, creepy story, creepypasta, creepypastajr, creepypastajr., fear, horror, horror story, nightmare, scary, scary story, storytelling, true scary story, creepy stories, scary stories, scary driving stories, scary driving video, creepy driving stories, creepy rest stop stories, creepy truck stop stories, scary rest stop stories, scary trucker stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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