If You Only Knew: Bill Pullman | Larry King Now | Ora.TV

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we're gonna play a game of if you only knew the producers prepare these questions I just saw magic funniest fan encounter funniest fan and cat well I think the my you know the scariest you know for me if that's it's not it was funny maybe later but at some point but I was doing appearance on the Kelly and Regis show you know and they were down in Orlando Florida and the hot of the summer and they had this thing where you come down a gauntlet line of fans that are there cheering and everything and then you walk up on this podium and I'm shaking hands and Bob lying and then all sudden this hand comes through and it's got a glove with the fingers cut off and it's just a it's a glove of winter glove in the middle of the summer and grabs my hand and won't let go and I'm thinking oh no this is when I'm gonna see a gun or what's gonna happen and it was a guide and said I love Newsies and Newsies was the movie I did it's a musical movie about the orphan boys who delivered newspapers of the turn of the century and in the movie that cut off all their fingers and so this fan was so crazy they had the glove there and I thought oh it's not an Assessor fan biggest risk you ever took biggest risk I ever took you know think I I was living in Montana you know and I said I got to go to New York City and try to be an actor place we'd most likely find you on your day off well I've loved my orchard you know I'm always you know having oh I have an orchard yeah Hollywood in Hollywood yeah terraced up the hillsides and you know California is unbelievable for growing things if you could take one person dead or alive to lunch who would it be whoa man well I'm filled with Nelson Rockefeller now because I you know I'm gonna play him in this movie coming up and I just met his mark who's in his 50s and he told three hours talking about what he was like you know he was quite a dynamo you know and his vision of what it was to be a public servant was pretty impressive stranded on a desert island what three things do you bring with you whoa man I would probably I bring a shovel because I like digging up plants and moving plants around so I can get my little orchard going you know and I'd probably bring I bring a copy of Donald kollross Patti's book trees of the eastern United States which is just this great classic naturalist account holman you're a Renaissance man best piece of advice you ever got piece of advice I ever got well my mother you know she always said she was a big about inclusive being inclusive and in these times I think that's a hard concept but she always said you can always draw the circle a little bit wider you know you have our family but we can always include some one more you know as odd as they can be we can always draw it was unheard of today yeah yeah you know is there a role you regret turning down oh you never want to mention that because somebody played that part and you don't want to feel like oh I got it and I turned well let me ask you this was it a hit yes it was a really great movie it I don't know if it was turning down I was good I couldn't do it because I had another job but it was far go I really I think that's one of the best movies ever made and it was the part that bill makes they played and I think I had another you know we it's something else was there and I but that is you know one of those movies that will stand the test when you saw it what do you think yeah I felt like I can - you know regret I think regrets are good when you have something that you did do and you regret it better than what you didn't do you know so someone you'd trade places with for a day I would trade places for a day usually somebody to - to learn there's a great you know naturalist named Richard Campbell who works down in the in Florida at the Botanical Garden and I'd love to trade places with you it's a superpower you wish you had a superpower oh my god I guess levitation I'd like to be invisible invisible yeah yeah watch new episodes of Larry King now Monday Wednesday and Friday on demand on or a TV and Hulu
Channel: Larry King
Views: 28,946
Rating: 4.8907852 out of 5
Keywords: biel, bill, clinton, exclusive, facebook, interview, jessica, king, knew, larry, network, ora, ora.tv, paxton, politics, pullman, sinner, trump, tv, twitter
Id: -TR0rD5Ixj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2017
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