If you bought these Macs, I'm sorry...

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Apple products are known to suffer from less depreciation than most other pieces of consumer Tech especially laptops go on eBay look up a laptop that's just a couple years old and you'll find that their values have absolutely plummeted but for the longest time that was not true in the world of Apple you could buy a two thousand dollar machine keep it for five years and still get half your money back and now with the release of the new 15-inch MacBook Air which you guys know I absolutely adore things have gotten pretty bad for a certain segment of MacBook buyers I'm talking about the 2019 15 and 16 inch MacBook Pros and man if you bought one of these you took a massive bath it's not hard to see why either I've had both of these machines off for about 15 minutes let's see how long it takes for them both to wake from sleep so the MacBook airs on instantaneously and the Intel finally wakes up the days of Apple silicon are pretty great but that's not the point that I want to make in today's video the point that I want to make is what an absolute shame it was that this 16-inch MacBook Pro came out when it did it's kind of similar to the Intel Mac Pro that came out also in 2019 and has also basically just been sitting around waiting to get replaced and then they replaced it and the replacement isn't very good but I gotta pay for it so today's video is sponsored by pulseway the ultimate tool to keep your server or laptop deployment running from anywhere with pulseway all the it tools you need are at your fingertips from Health monitoring to remote system access to automating repetitive tasks pulseway gives you the freedom to keep tabs on your system from anywhere in the world to get started with pulseway and learn more about transforming your it tasks check out the link in the description below big thanks to pulseway for sponsoring and now let's get back to the video obviously we all know that Apple silicon is incredible but there was a time where this was an incredible computer too in November of 2019 Apple released what was then a major update to the Aging line of touch bar MacBook Pros that were extremely controversial see 2019 was the end of an era for Apple they finally acknowledged that the butterfly keyboard MacBook was a mistake and this 16 inch was heralded as a massive massive upgrade I mean you have to keep in mind that we were talking about a period of time where everyone was making fun of Apple for thermal throttling and their performance was a fraction of what competitors had to offer this 15-inch would have set you back four thousand dollars if you bought it new it's got the upgraded core I9 a terabyte of storage 32 gigs of RAM and the Radeon Pro 560x which ironically was already a very old and pretty weak chip so when Apple launch the 16-inch MacBook Pro it was amazing I had very very positive coverage of this thing because they had much much more powerful Graphics chips they had a much better cooling solution so even though the CPUs were the same they performed better and on top of that we got a larger display and the thicker chassis for better cooling allowed for both a normal actually usable keyboard and better battery life so this thing was an absolute steal when it came out in 2019 but it only lasted about six months because then Apple announced that they were transitioning to Apple silicon and all of a sudden this was a dinosaur and I gotta just say I feel bad for the team that worked on this because you just know that a lot of engineering and years of work went into making a very solid device but it just came out at the very very end it's like building the fastest ocean liner in 1951 and then a year later there's commercial jets that can do it in seven hours now to be fair I'm not at all complaining about Apple silicon it's just very funny as someone who bought this machine brand new spent 3 500 bucks on it and now you go on eBay you look up these things it's not great I mean look at these sold listings on eBay for MacBook Pros with the core I9 9th gen so these are going to be devices that came out in 2019 and right off the bat you can see this is the 200 upgraded core I9 400 of ram a thousand dollars of SSD and another eight hundred dollars worth of GPU upgrade and that sold for 15.69. done MacBook Pro would have cost you more than five thousand dollars just three years ago and now it's 1500 bucks this one sold for 570 dollars they put their Amex on it what the description says this computer is basically brand new never used much it's a toy biggest big boy MacBook on Market okay I think this might be a scam this is the only item the seller's ever sold look here's another one 64 gigs of RAM that was like a thousand dollar upgrade at 1700 bucks here's one for less than a thousand dollars nine fifty four five eighty 800 84770 that did not used to happen I just need you guys to understand that I used to make videos in like 2018 where I would go out and buy a 2015 15-inch MacBook Pro and if it was under a thousand dollars that was a good deal back then to buy a three-year-old MacBook Pro that costs 2500 bucks for 40 of its original price you were doing well and very frequently those 2015s would sell for fifteen hundred dollars if they were in really good condition so this is unprecedented to have a three thousand plus dollar machine under a grand in three years that just hasn't happened in the past decade plus but you know it's even crazier than that I I wouldn't buy a single one of these you can keep on scrolling for pages and pages of listings none of these really appeal to me quite frankly like someone here spent 720 dollars to get the upgraded core I9 upgraded RAM and the highest Graphics tier apart from the Vega option like yeah sure that's well specked but I would not pay 700 bucks for a butterfly keyboard that's the craziest thing is not only are these things worth less than a third of their original price is that they're still a bad deal that's crazy how did this happen well if you take a step back and look at it it's actually pretty easy to see how we got here because if we line up all three of these computers 2019 15-inch 2019 16 inch both with eight core i9s and then we have the M2 15-inch MacBook Air that's Apple's least powerful MacBook right now by the way line them all up run cinebench what do you find the 2019 15 inch and the new M2 MacBook Air scored identical identical now the 16 inch did do a little bit better here 8 700 compared to 8200 but that is a very negligible difference and that's only here in this quick cinemench test the more crazy fact is that when I I ran cinebench three times that's 30 minutes of maxing out the CPU the 15-inch MacBook Air was at 84 battery that's something that we've gotten used to but the 16 inch MacBook Pro was at 40 percent the 15 inch was at 28 battery that's insane and before you say oh well your computers are old and the batteries aren't worn out no they're not because I barely had a chance to use that 16 inch MacBook Pro because almost immediately Apple silicon came out and I stopped using it I do feel bad for well me because I bought one of those in 2019 that was that was a mistake now if I'm someone who got stuck with one of these 16-inch MacBook Pros and I decide that I want to get out of this thing I want to just trade it in and move on get on the Apple silicon bandwagon well good luck with that Apple's only going to give me 675 dollars for this which means that after three years my thirty five hundred dollar MacBook is only halfway to a Mac MacBook Air yeah that is mega super rough but it actually gets even weirder because somehow inexplicably Apple silicon is depreciating way faster than you would think too I mean look at these sold listings for Apple silicon MacBook Pros here's a 16 inch with one terabyte an M1 Max and 32 gigs of RAM for 1700 bucks that just sold today here's a 14 inch that sold for just eleven hundred dollars and below it you can find Excellent so-called refurbished ones selling for 1300 and that is really crazy I would have thought that Apple silicon would have held its value a lot better especially considering that the M2 isn't like a huge upgrade it's certainly not as big as going from Intel to Apple silicon so that is a very very weird thing to see now that's good news or bad news depending on your position if you have an M1 Pro machine and you want to upgrade to M2 Pro it's probably a bad thing because that's going to be pretty expensive but if you're still on Intel or you have like an M1 MacBook Air that you're looking to upgrade well congratulations you can get an amazing 14 inch MacBook Pro with the mini LED display plenty of performance storage and RAM for like 1300 bucks that's a crazy good deal so yeah overall I definitely feel bad for those of us who bought these 2019 16 inch back when they came out we really took a bath but they were great for about four months I'm curious to know your guys thoughts in the comments down below is there any scenario in which you would consider buying one of these older MacBooks how cheap would it have to be for you to consider it and of course thank you guys so much for watching make sure to like comment subscribe and I will see you in the next one [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: Luke Miani
Views: 125,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apple, MacBook, M1, M2, Apple silicon, Tech, Intel, Intel MacBook, Intel vs Apple, Intel Sucks, Depreciation, M1 vs Intel, M2 vs Intel, College MacBook
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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