If This Doesn't Work, We're In BIG Trouble!

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what is happening y'all it's Jason over  here at Cog Hill Farm oh we're planning   a big day today but Mother Nature may have  other plans oh oh we need to get this done y'all you're not gonna believe this though  we just got the phone call from the rental   company the t-post gas powered t-post driver is  in so we're headed over to the rental company   to uh to go pick it up to give you guys a  quick recap as to what's going on is that   we are building new pastures for animals  around our brand new barn that we've built   kind of ran into a little snafu with getting  the t-post in the ground via the tractor bucket now we've used this method before and it's  absolutely worked perfectly fine but it's not   working now over in this area anyways so we found  a company that had a gas powered t-post driver   or pole driver but that company was three hours  away even though they had a store another store   that was 30 minutes away from us well they  said that they would ship it to the store   that's closer to us and let us know when it  came in and guess what that's what they did   it is here it is here so we're super excited  because we're hoping that this will solve our   issue and we can get this these pastures Built  For Animals let's load up and head over to the rental company ain't that right Holly yeah you've arrived destination is on your  right we are here at the rental company and   I'm a little curious to how big this thing  is um I know it probably probably weighs   40 50 pounds but the size of it I'm kind  of anxious to see what the size of it is   exactly how we'll be able  to handle it I'm thinking aside going driving up to each post and then  picking it up from the side by side to the post   while I'm in the back of it Brooke has an idea of  using the tractor and we got a big big Industrial   like a biner clip that's what  I call it like a biner hook   but you know the rock climbers  were used but it's really big   and hooking it on the tractor bucket and doing it  that way but we'll see we'll see which way works   the best especially when I see this so we got it  loaded we're headed back to the farm and it is   getting kind of late in the evening we got there  right at closing time I mean right at closing time   matter of fact the gentleman wasn't too happy  because we got there in 15 minutes till close   don't make me laugh oh even though they still  have 15 more minutes and all the paperwork was   doing all I had to do was just load it and back  the truck oh my gracious but we are headed back   to the farm uh we'll be there in about an hour so  we'll be we'll be there probably roughly about six   o'clock I don't think we're going to get much  done with it today because we got a gas and   so I think first thing in the morning we'll  get up and start pounding some t-post in the   ground and fingers crossed this thing works as  well as we think it will I know it is you think all right so it is the next morning we are about to get this party started and  fingers crossed all of them toes everything this   gas powered t-post driver works because if they  don't we're gonna have to regroup but if it does   it's gonna be a fun productive but hard-working  day that is as if this rain stops y'all it is   we can hear thunder off in the distance  they looked at the radar and it's   right here on the edge of us the weather  but we're hoping that we can at least get   something done or see if this  pole driver is even gonna work um what you think Holly you gonna  rain huh they're gonna rain this out   I don't know it's just north of us so maybe  we can make it all right y'all we just got   finished up doing the morning chores and  this storm system is just barely north of us   and but I'm seeing lightning and that really  really concerns me so we're gonna go on in   and see if it passes and then we can come back out  and try our best to get started on putting t-post   in the ground with that new post driver y'all  I just took two steps under the floor and look here it is and the lightning you see it yeah  that's what I was concerned about yeah me too come on y'all I guess we're gonna be delayed a little bit all right ciao it has been a few hours now and  it looks like the rain is gone and look we got   almost an inch almost entering eight tenths  of an inch of rain and no it's not 2 36 a.m   um of course it's not 1 15 either also look it's cloudy outside and it's saying  it's only 73 degrees so we're gonna jump on this   opportunity while we can it's still cloudy outside  we may have some pop-up showers but we're gonna   try to get as much done today as possible because  I don't know if we're gonna get many more days   like this in the next seven days I I don't know so  this is really really perfect it's cool it's windy   is overcast and it's been raining so the  ground should be softer than it has been   and the weather we've been at 110 115  degrees heat index now with the rain and   the cloud cover has done cooled everything  off and we're sitting around 73 degrees   let's see if we can get some post in  the ground and let's just keep our   fingers crossed that this gas power pole driver  works are you ready to go try this gas power   post driver are you ready huh I think it's gonna  work can I get some help out of you today hmm all right let's go check it out but first  we got to get some things besides the Rope well you guys can see the sky is starting to get  blue so I don't know how long that Sun's gonna be   gone but I had to go grab a couple of things I  went and grabbed my uh I almost said headphones   but my ear protection because I got a feeling  this thing's gonna be loud like a jackhammer   we've already got a string pulled where we  want to start and get this t-post party started   I probably won't be dancing  in about five hours but at least at least I can have fun now all right y'all I just put gas in it and cranked  it up it cranked up fine I got the right adapter   on it and we're fixing to give this thing a  whirl uh just as soon it's probably been 15   20 minutes since I just showed y'all how the sky  was turning blue well look it is blue and the sun   is in full force so our beautiful beautiful cool  day is now gone so much for the overcast and the   clouds and the wind blowing that's gone just  like that oh I guess we're going to sweat today   Holly grab that gas can for me and um come on  with I'm gonna grab the the driver okay come on get the gas can Holly get the  gas can right there you get it hmm we're fixing to see if this thing's gonna work  because we're starting right off in this is Greg's   Road bed where he built this for the um   when he was building a pond for all his  heavy equipment to come in the property at   so we're going to test this thing right off  the bat I'm talking about right off the bat thank you all right y'all that worked like  a charm how long that take two seconds two   seconds I'm exaggerating but three three  seconds it was pretty awesome that's that's   pretty and it's not that heavy I'm gonna  be honest with you that was one concern   that we had and a lot of people had was  how heavy it was but it's not that heavy   um yeah we need to get a stick to see how tall we  want it but I don't know how far it is up in this   cylinder well we'll see okay we'll measure it  had to take it off and measure it and then put   it back on cut a stick to the size that we want it  I got you I see what you're saying then we can cut   a stick yeah yep that'll work all right once we  know where to that right wow I see how it works   now I was trying to figure how this thing works  but the the pole goes inside here your sleeves   you have determined what size pole  you need and that kind of keeps it   kind of balanced so your pole goes in here and  probably goes up to here and there's a cylinder   in here that hammers down real fast kind of  like a jackhammer right here so uh yeah that's a   that's pretty awesome that is  pretty awesome right there wow if uh if this first one is in the  indication how this is going to go   that is going to be the best 180  dollars I think we spent in a long time now what we're doing now is we want  to make them all the same height   so Brooke is going to go get a piece of wood and  we're going to measure them cut the wood off and   then we'll know where to stop the pounding at  so they're all roughly close to the same height   wow all right this is exciting I think we can  get this done in seven days we're almost spot   on there that's right I mean almost spot on I  don't even be worth putting it back on there   and hitting it that one time do you think it  won't but let's put it back on there so I can   mark this and see the part that's exposed to  know where to cut it cut the pipe off okay I mean that we want to see what happens yeah once we get all these little technicalities out  of the way we should be able to go pretty quick foreign thank you so we're inside taking this little  break actually eating some lunch   and y'all notice I showed y'all before we  went outside it was 72 73 degrees and cloud   cover felt great and within 20-30 minutes  we're now at 85 with a heat index of 95.   it changed dramatically who all right we got  the two girl goat sides done y'all can see it   the girl size are done on both sides  now we're fixing to go up here and   there goes all the way up and also shares with a  cattle and so we're gonna go up and finish that   out and then finish the run out to the barn we  had one little I'm telling you this spot here I'm   gonna be honest with y'all this run here I mean  starting about oh 10 and there's 30 poles here   it get hard real hard I mean for like this pole  all the way down yonder was very very difficult   as a matter of fact this pole was going pretty  good and it hit something and it kicked and we got   to get it out we can't pull it out with our hands  we got to go get the uh the puller and get it out   but man y'all this side was way harder then that  side over there that side over there was a breeze   uh we had a couple of poles that were pretty hard  but for the most part y'all that side over there   it took us about less than a minute a poll over  there this side wasn't quite that easy um this   ground's hard over here but that's okay it got it  there was no way we could have done this without   that pole driver no way at all and you'll have it  straight in this driving and then I'll hit a spot   and then it'll it'll start turning it and uh we'll  just kind of straighten a lot of these up when   we uh start pulling the fence but uh yeah this is  not here gotta get it up and we're just gonna move   over this way or move over that way and put it in  the ground but all right on to the next spot Holly   you ready oh he's been being killed you being big  help today girl yes you have all right y'all so me   and Brooke pretty much have got the girls Paddock  done there are some little things we got to do   but for the majority of the poles are in for the  girls Paddock we just finished this last row here   and once we got this t-post driver figured out uh  it's going pretty smoothly except that one side   that I talked about earlier that was the devil but  other than that it's going smoothly this side here   right here where the Moon Mansion is this went by  I mean it was quick this was really easy so the   ground's way softer here than it was down there  but now we're going to continue on through here   and make the uh fence come through here which  would be the cow fence in and part of the boy goat   fencing and whatever this area here we're going to  call it because there won't be any animals over in   this area where we are now where the barn is and  the mini split and the utilities we're gonna keep   the animals away from over here fixing to crank  it back up and get back started I don't know   how much we're going to get done today but I feel  like we're gonna get a lot of poles in the ground   I really really do I didn't count how many poles  this was that we've done so far shh I'm roughly somewhere around 75 or 80 poles so far  so uh we're we're moving we are moving   and I cannot imagine where we be  if we hadn't rented his pole driver   I hate to know I would hate to know look at  there oh foxy decided to join us what's up foxy   you doing okay do you want to see what  all the action is going on today hmm   is that what it is you want to see  what we're doing today all right thank you y'all so we went from it taking two  minutes of pole in that hard ground   to literally I counted five seconds of  pull over here because the ground's way   softer over here versus over there we  just did how many poles was that one 12 poles I guarantee you and five minutes it  may have been less than five minutes I don't   like to talk about products  that I don't believe in   guess what you're believing that  I believe in this post driver I tell you to train it if we had   25 2600 yeah it would have been and renting it  for 180 yeah is a lot better way better but uh   uh at this point knowing what it can do yeah  I had to pay 25 2600 yeah I agree but we're   not gonna need it I don't think so I really  don't think so and if we do we'll run it again so some of y'all were concerned about  this telephone pole being in the pasture   and I think they put them  about six foot deep maybe   deeper in that so I know it's in the  ground not worried about that at all   and so I reached out to Brant the Builder who of  course built our barn and house and because his   wife is a cattle farmer that's what she does for  a living and so I asked him about it and he said   that they have five of these in their cow pastures  with no issues whatsoever and then I also noticed   this so I'm looking across the street and as you  guys can see you can see this power pole is in   this cattle pasture and this is a pretty big uh  cattle pasture over here this is just a handful   of the cows he has over here and that power pole  right there is in his pasture at this one spot and   this pasture goes all the way down this road so  there's several of them in his in this pasture and   no issues there so I think that's what we're gonna  do but we'll just watch it if for any reason we   see that it's gonna create an issue we will figure  out a way to uh just fence around it but for now I   think we're gonna be okay uh these guys seem to be  okay and like I just said Brandt just told me that   they have five in their uh cattle pastures and  no issues there at all either so we're going to   try that first and if it doesn't work then we'll  regroup all right so now we're pulling the string   four the cows or the cattle and this pole will  not be in the uh the pasture it will be outside   the pasture and I talked about it before  we're gonna have a drivable Lane through   here or alley or whatever you want to call it  that we can drive a truck through here that'll   get us you know anywhere we want to get over here  without having to open up any gates to animals which I think we'll be happy we did this smelling the flowers beautiful ain't they yep  oh you're probably hearing some wind noise but   that's because I'm using my  phone I don't have a mic on it   because I left my camera way down under where  Brooke he is down there but I'm gonna tell y'all   I am not complaining about this Breeze at all  ready to lay out some posts freaking we got enough okay that's a long run yeah okay I got you all right  let's lay out some posts foreign so we just finished this row this is probably  going to be our longest one I believe that was   550 foot and uh we just got it knocked out so  that is the front of the cows now we're fixing   a new front of the boys and uh it's not going to  be near that long thank goodness that was a booger   bear I'm not gonna lie it uh thank goodness for  the pole driver it's starting to um picking that   thing up that many times is uh starting to make my  lower back a little sore mid back probably and uh   when it's all right I want to this is our goal if  we can finish this out then that would be great um   trying to think of how many foot we've done I  have to figure that out when we get finished a lot though this would have taken us weeks   uh doing it the way we have been doing it so  thank goodness for that gas powered t-post driver   I think is a lifesaver this is  going to be the last for us today I am getting starting to get tired starting to get tired y'all I don't think I can do any more after this I'm about to go get something  you know what else I wonder what   I wonder who else carries a knife  and lipstick in their Spanish   you had something else in there earlier  you got an air Chuck well I took it out oh me I saw your air chuck oh I don't think I can go any further after this  if you need to stop now we'll stop now I want to   finish this with our goal well actually our goal  was that side to do the girls goat pen and finish   that long run for the cows we succeeded that we  succeeded that but we're gonna try to get this will y'all we're about to get started  on this next or this even my hats on   backwards maybe that's why I'm Brooke  knew that uh it was time for me to quit she told me I needed to stop um she she  probably knows best and she's probably right   we've been in it all day long since this morning   um and it is hot and we got I don't know how  many posts we got if we'd have finished out   what we just uh what we thought we were going to  get done with today we would have put in the 175   T post but I don't know how many it is down that  road right there so probably around 150 so we got   uh roughly 150 T post in and she's probably right  she's probably right I probably do need to stop   um see uh she looked at me and said I don't think  you need to go anymore so we're going we're going   to call it a day just don't let peaches know you  know that we we're gonna knock off a little early   she might get a little upset at me but uh we got  it this this is the first day with it yeah day one   so I mean I'm not worried about initially I was  kind of thinking are we gonna be able to get it   done in time right but I'm no longer worried  about that and I think you need to stop yeah   I realized when you said I needed to stop and that  you were probably right and then I looked at the   camera and realized my hat was on backwards  I saw it earlier but I wasn't gonna tell you   mine's probably on backwards too but you can't  tell it because I don't have a yeah oh okay I all right we'll uh we'll call it quit I wonder  how many we got in today we can count these in   one note it's not that many that's left right here  look at uh if I had to guess 150 yeah 150 today I   think we're halfway through that was the longest  run right there but we got to do that again yeah you're right especially if we do that in the  morning time oh yeah I do want to say one more   thing is is that we don't know where all our gates  are going to go so we're just running the fence   post all the way in some spots and probably  covering up where a Gate's gonna go but our   thinking is is that we can always pull a post up  while we got this driver we're gonna go ahead and   drive them in just in case I'd rather much rather  pull one up than have to try to drive that thing   in yeah we got a t-post pillar puller that has  no problem pulling them out of the ground yeah   it's just a difficulty putting them in so exactly  as long as we get all the t-posts in we can worry   about gates after it goes back to the Reynolds  right all right so let's figure out dinner   I'm tired girl I mean I'm I'm done for I'm done  for it take a fork in me peaches I'm done today   yeah we um we had a heck of a day  though and I will tell you this   that pole driver is the ticket yeah  it is absolutely listen we're gonna   get through this thing way faster than  what we thought if the weather holds off   Jesse Jesse Jesse you are the biggest  photo bomber we have you know what   goodness gracious I thought Mildred  was bad but Jesse toss the cake   Mildred what in the world have you done to the  picnic table I think it's trash I do I think   it's trash but me and Brooke did a number on the  pasture today oh did we whoo we sure did you gonna   love it you're gonna love it I know you are you  gonna love it I do something about this though   peaches put this on um something to do in the  next couple of weeks we gotta get this finished   first don't don't don't don't make me do something  with this now okay I just ain't got time you know   Scott agrees with me yeah Jesse you didn't  have nothing to do with that did you hmm   tip what about you oh my gracious y'all listen hear The Honeymooners over  here I'm gonna try to be quiet I hope everybody heard of me  they were snoring really loud   I don't know if y'all heard that  or not but we're snoring big time I'm used to be snoring myself I tell you the truth  I am I'll go over and lay over there with them   y'all be good mm-hmm
Channel: Cog Hill Family Farm
Views: 95,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farm, family farm, farm life, farmtube, small farm, farm animals, farm land, owning a farm, farm family, farm pets, living on a farm, cog squad, coghill farm, cog hill farms, pasture fencing, gas-powered post driver, fence installation, farm fencing, livestock fencing, DIY fence, post pounding, agricultural tools, outdoor projects, fence construction, fence building techniques, DIY farm projects, building with gas-powered post driver, pasture improvement, fencing tools
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 56sec (1916 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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