If There Is A Good God, Why Does He Allow Evil And Suffering?

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yes ma'am what's your name hello my name is IO so again IO IO nice to meet you and it's a question about suffering and how do you answer a question if someone RT if there is a God why is there so much suffering in the world excellent question I had a question like that at the university or at Michigan State University in fact I knew before that before we ever got to the Q&A that there was an atheist in the audience because he sat for the entire two-hour presentation like this and I had some pretty good jokes in there and he didn't crack a smile once so I knew that when the Q&A came up that they were gonna be there was gonna be some trouble so I said there any questions and his hand shot up right away I said yes sir he said if there is a good god why doesn't he stop all the evil in the world I said sir that is an excellent question maybe because if he did he might start with you and me because we do evil every day you ever notice that we're always complaining about somebody else doing evil why don't you stop him aren't you stop her we never think of ourselves if God wanted to stop all the evil in the world he might start with us and then I said sir we could talk about that for semesters in here we don't have that time I'd rather show you a 1 minute and 46 second video that will not be a complete answer but will give you a doorway to an answer so I'm going to show you the video now the video I showed him and then we'll go from there you guys ready okay let's make sure I got the right video here are you ready you got to pay attention there's a lot going on in a minute 46 here we go it's God good if he is why is there suffering and evil let's assume for the moment that God is all-powerful this means that God can do anything that is logically possible so he can create galaxies and subatomic particles and rainforests and even but God cannot do what is logically impossible he cannot make a square circle or a warning that's sick so can God make a rock so big that he can't lift it you know so what if when God created human beings he wanted them to be free freedom is a good thing but if humans are to be free they cannot be forced to obey God because freedom with her choice is like a swear circle it's a logical contradiction no choice no freedom God didn't work robust he wanted real people the first humans endowed with the awesome power of free choice abuse their freedom the tragic consequences of their bad choice and our bad choices ripple across the world God is responsible for the facts of freedom but humans are responsible for their acts of renewal but let's remember we don't suffer though God will put an end to suffering and evil and God became to suffer with us goddesu and he wants real people like you to know him to know now now that answer only opens the door right it just talks about free will because in order to have love you got to have free will but free will off often off also opens up the problem before evil now I made a mistake and answering your question here's the mistake I made normally well there's really two answers to this question well there's a lot of answers but there's two categories of answers the question I should have asked you back is why do you ask the question right because if you're asking the question from an academic perspective if God ye vil this is how you answer it but if you're asking the question from you just experience a personal tragedy this is not how to answer it right you don't need a philosopher you need a pastor so I actually just made a mistake answering that question I always because you know you think got a good slide for this no wrong answer right now hopefully you're not going through a personal tragedy so I just didn't insult you okay good but know that because there's a pastoral answer and a philosophical answer [Music]
Channel: Cross Examined
Views: 126,559
Rating: 4.8872161 out of 5
Keywords: athiesm, frank turek, crossexamined, cross examined, apologetics, christianity, i don't have enough faith to be an atheist
Id: HN53uHzOoXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 4sec (304 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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