If the movie Major Payne had a Real Drill SGT.

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Just watched this on YouTube earlier today. Angry cops never disappoints

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Yarphero96 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
sure the squad is formed sir my name is major benson winifred payne as of oh hey red i am replacing major frankfurt as your commanding officer hold up you're telling me that the new guy that's supposed to be teaching all these kids right here is an officer that has got his uniform so jacked up i can't even begin to tell you what's wrong with it but i will okay one you're wearing a campaign cover there sir so you can't do that that's for enlistment only sergeant drill instructor friend cos guy all right two why are you mixing up brass with your bdus you got shiny dude jangles all up on your collar and chest like you just got done with a painting ceremony secondly who taught any of you to roll your gosh dank sleeves that way they look like absolute trash look at this look at this you can't dispute how jacked i am in these things and you're all looking like a bunch of soup sandwiches sir how are you gonna have all that chocolate chip shiny shenanigans above your freaking name tape and have what looks like sausage casings hanging off of your see now shoulders we have here is a failure to communicate ah more like a failure and firearm safety sir how would you warn me the next time that you pop off a couple rounds i got tinnitus all i hear is and you're making it ten times worse i'm sorry mr handicap man i didn't mean to offend you speaking of whatever happened to that lawsuit with 3m and those faulty earplugs that they kept giving us it just disappeared though they'll blow up my inbox with you need to get this 3m lawsuit going on soldier but then i never hear from him again huh just taking my money and run you think your tears will stop charlie from taking this sticky in your little tiny heart what the hell was that you little freckle face cartoon did i give you permission to sneeze open no sir then you hold it in you big eared turd otherwise i'll kick your ass back to mayberry did you just [ __ ] sneeze on an officer without covering your mouth you disgusting little fire bush holy hmm you just open up your mouth like yeah how do you like it sir do you need some purell watch that corona virus off of your face i got private play grant back here just sneezing all over people like it's completely fine come on wait hold on come in [Music] hello gorgeous welcome to my party holy [ __ ] you're like the poor man's big nosed version of bradley cooper you could be a stunt double if that [ __ ] tusk wasn't hanging off the front of your face major pain is right major pain in my ass walking around here with the [ __ ] leather belt that looks like [ __ ] across his waist throw some weights on it throw him in the lake you know you're out of uniform there mr fondarelli
Channel: Angry Cops
Views: 830,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cringe, jibrizy, rant, roast, comedy, army, navy, marines, air force, coast guard, soldier, major payne, wayans brothers
Id: uWTDdcLvXHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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