If Pumped Up Kicks was an 80s song... (Synthwave Cover)
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Channel: Philipp
Views: 5,245,114
Rating: 4.9058247 out of 5
Keywords: 80s remix, pumped up kicks cover, pumped up kicks remix, pumped up kicks 80s remix, pumped up kicks, retrowave, synthwave, vaporwave, foster the people, disco, 80s music hits, 80s cover, 80s, 80s remix of popular songs, 80s remix of modern songs, pumped up kicks vaporwave, 80s music remix, pumped up kicks synthwave, synthwave cover, 80s covers of modern songs, Synthpop, synthwave covers of popular songs, 80s cover of modern songs, 80s disco cover, 80s vibes, modern 80s music
Id: 3pL1plgdPbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 35sec (215 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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