If I die, I switch Halo game (HARDEST DIFFICULTY)

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Master Chief you mind telling me what you're doing in the nurse's office I threw up swear I have brain damage I do not remember completing all of these your enemies outnumber you greatly and are hunting you down [ __ ] the music is so good this one could be hard I start fighting on a ship there I am I need to remember that I'm on legendary okay there's no way I die before I get to the ring right e nice sleep well no thanks to your driving sleep well I threw up yay okay I don't remember it being that loud I kind of don't want to die this one of my favorite Halos I don't want to be stuck playing like Halo 4 I have survived the first confrontation I'm like actually try Harding but I just want to make it to the [ __ ] ring it's a bit quiet what is that what the hell's happened to him his head's in the wall like full try Harding checking my Corners those words are going to bite me in the ass oh my God they're just running at me holy [ __ ] okay we're good I don't remember that sound effect effect being that [Applause] loud my maybe I won't have that on the next in the next game keep your head down there's two of us [ __ ] I almost died no please I'm cing I don't care wait I forgot you don't actually regen Health you just regen your Shield I'm [ __ ] don't I get all you [ __ ] oh no I'm [ __ ] [Music] low no oh I'm so low no no don't die I've got Health now [ __ ] you [Music] [ __ ] on the land [ __ ] sorry mate imagine that's how I die agre our team [ __ ] there's so many no so many Elites oh I didn't do that right was an enemy grenade it couldn't have been me went through his legs I'm pissed oh my God there's actually four no can I just leave I leave I leave this is the end if there's war I will [Music] fight my God what am I playing did I stick him I don't know I'm here holy [ __ ] this guy's farming me no no I can't die I can't die one bar of Health again I've come this far I have to make it to the ring [Music] now I didn't even kill him oh [ __ ] no oh my God everything's blowing up holy [ __ ] no please don't let me die by random explosion I will help you teammates oh what a whiff oh what where's my godamn pod oh was that I [ __ ] did it I made it to reach reach made it to the Halo going to make it aren sir we'll be fine everyone in this drop ship is going to be okay chief can you hear me are you all right can you move yeah we're all fine lady guys I made it made it to the ring right off we go God what a [ __ ] [Music] difference beautiful no no [ __ ] way oh [ __ ] idiot okay well guess it's on the Halo 2 oh what a [ __ ] [ __ ] holy [ __ ] there's no way I just fell off the [ __ ] Edge these cinematics go hard going over this once this station will jump scare are you listening to me oh no I actually wasn't oh how much [ __ ] introduction the at least I'm probably going to survive longer in Halo 2 than Halo 1 oh I remember loving Halo 2 cuz I the SMGs and the little pistols oh wait who already let's [ __ ] go I'm a [ __ ] beast to remember that I'm soon that door opens let them have it to remember I'm on legendary I'm almost dead go ass out of here boy oh my oh no why where's my health okay this time I didn't make it off the ship ah it's nice where I lasted oh I felt like such a beast we're not leaving him here yeah you're not yeah but uh oh we started fighting the flood I thought he went straight into I don't remember doing this realized my Crosshair is like at the bottom of my screen I love it don't think I like that wasn't like that in Halo too was it up there that physics so good oh my God a great there's more the Arbiter just die any else remember the multiplayer on that desert map it's all I remember doing in this game to be honest oh my God that was [ __ ] close I have an issue with that in games just staring at grenades flying towards me okay you're not Dead come on baby let's keep it going I've never liked the assault rifle in Halo games oh my God got him remember using this gun ah The Meta in red versus blue Bridge looks like they got this thing being a bit more accurate are you dead again ABA bro can't handle the Legendary Power not like I didn't jump off the edge in the first one but who's the they're in the trees oh no no no no no no no [ __ ] that doesn't count that doesn't count OD time God I'm not good at these games a bit of a state I'm not even chiefing this yeah bad start I'm already already broken my legs where is he going okay you can keep running I want to die already oh this thing's a [ __ ] sniper man the health in this game is the scariest I get shot once and my whole screen goes red I swear in Halo 2 when I died there was barely any indicator to tell me that I was about to die am I ready found me don't worry I have my pistol sniper I got the this thing is sick even on legendary I can just want I want Legend yeah SC for a second everyone break out oh what is that okay this is not looking good what's in here wait I have no ammo [ __ ] scho Zone give me G give me any school zone I him oh my God why have you got such an op gun I'm one I'm one shot I'm one shot oh my God no why is this so intense he lost me again we're good oh there's a room [Applause] here N I suck [Music] on to reach reach is the one that for sure I've played the most of remember their names I remember George I remember how the captain dies does a little kamaz I remember how she dies what I remember how George does George die pretty sure he does he like saves you pushes you out of the spaceship God what a game oh the shift ability the shift the Sprint ability such a good addition all right they're down let's go all right it's legendary I need to remember oh my I [ __ ] hate this whole rifle in this game oh my God more [ __ ] em Em Down mind okay this is clearly where it picks up a bit what the that guy just no looks a grenade at me I said this is going to be easy why what's happened emuse kill him oh [ __ ] Truckers when they see a hooker he's a pacifist oh no where is he yeah [ __ ] God damn it two shots left two shots for this one oh right DMO hi behind George oh No George is not healthy try forlift eat vanak [ __ ] the [ __ ] music oh so good it's go George me and you [Music] bro oh no they're strong oh what George where are you oh he was in there there's an energy sword guy here do some Parkour though I don't like do this my is this cheesing this is cheese I'm so glad I don't want to yeah he did look at that oh my [ __ ] god what no don't say I died to a phantom it's so cringe oh oh that still works need teag on their butt Jiggles how I've got contact yeah get out of here so I need the armor lock no [ __ ] I was enjoying that a reach is so good now it's under Halo 4 then not so much Lov game you've been out for a while where are we wait I can't die like on this part can I oh hello F to kill Elite it's going to be the easiest legendary kill yet press one button I going just sneak up to this guy oh [ __ ] no he supercharged me no please I die already guy almost got me Oh wrong guy for you're the elite my bad [Music] br oh so satisfying meet you punch down I don't think I have enough ammo to kill him okay [ __ ] like Dark Souls run behind him that's that's name no oh no I think I might be dead Okay ammo is an issue I hate not be able to hear anything cuz we're in space but we can hear stuff it's just muffled and cringe no I have no ammo well that was [ __ ] all right speaking of [ __ ] um the only way to play Halo 5 nowadays on Game Pass is to Cloud stream it so I do apologize I hope I die quickly I will still be trying I am now playing on controller as well can't play did you see that resolution dip in the middle of the screen this is going to be terrible isn't it once this is over oh my [ __ ] all right I'm skipping um let's get this over with oh oh no the delay is crazy oh no this is unplayable why don't they just make it downloadable and [ __ ] game pass look at this okay I'm almost dead is that a dog genuinely can't tell I went down no I guess that doesn't count as a death does it it looks all right when you when you stay still let that they calm down a sec [ __ ] me what is this like vertical wipe it does with the resolution oh I'm down can I not die in this game this is so difficult I don't you're not going to understand over the video but there about a full second of delay playay in all my inputs and I can't die self aiming guns for me quite easy I'm down help I really not die oh if they can't get to me I die wait they can't get to me the TR was off the leged a tiny bit so they couldn't get to me all right that's it I died Halo infinite which is an insane improvement from the previous game easy hell no run little demon damn she's getting Rago oh immediately that's a bit scary hey hey why would I want to do that I'm just using two pistols is this making it harder for myself I'll show you how to fight I look at the room we came from 130 I look at the room I'm trying to go to 60 and The Closer I Get It goes down oh my God what a does sag I have oh no I'm scared of that [ __ ] I'm getting [ __ ] cornered oh I killed him was lucky it's locked down requires a hack okay and you can do that no bed CH again e that what is going on where do I go no I'm not I'm just lost don't know it's going to be close too close re what I just grabbed his gun must be worth it oh [ __ ] that owned him give me that this is how I'm fighting from now ah we've got company Chief meet me get the plint up ahead pointing meme o get off of it for [ __ ] sake that guy's going to go on on on don't you [ __ ] dare oh my God you melon I got him hey oh you suck mate the but what if it's a friend it isn't I'm worried ORD so that you should be brought from [Music] here two L that's just bigman [ __ ] oh I meant to press [ __ ] grenade button not the okay I'm just watching him on the map no but I'm scared you're too strong how the [ __ ] you supposed to do this oh good where is he over there why is he so good at aiming oh get out of here Shield thing down come back up does it oh okay it does well that's [ __ ] oh my God this is this is too intense no get some damage in uh why would I swing to towards him no oh I'm trying to press my grenade button it's not [Music] working why does it keep shooting him this Sho go up dead well it was a good effort it was a good try let me know if you want me to do any more Halo stuff or any more challenging stuff it's quite fun [Music]
Channel: MeerKatniss
Views: 9,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo, Halo infinite, halo ce, halo reach, halo update, meerkat, halo music
Id: Q0g7tOMGGZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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