If EVERY Blox Fruit was a Bloon...

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ninja kyi could you add us back as Bloons h fine yo Bloons you're getting fired go find a real job or something but we loved having it l plus eat sand huh has the Beast Handler's dyo gone wild or what what the heck happened you got eaten by the new Bloon wait what guys there's an emergency there's a new Bloon that can literally eat us I'm a 17 ft tall black robot it couldn't possibly eat me wow a big black treat nuh-uh ouchie that hurt my teeth dude it was able to eat me too and I just caused one of his teeth to move a singular degree BR okay well I'm a literal fire so if he eats me he must burn himself bro is this one supposed to be Mexican food or what oh hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot guys after it ate me it took five damage so now it's only got 49,0 995 Health left Inferno ring that's not a small amount of Health I know but it shows that it's possible to damage it yo Ultra boost there's a new Bloon that can only get damaged from things it eats and I only did five damage to it bro are you stupid or yes why don't you just drop a nuke on it oh yeah good idea tactical nuke incoming oh what a nice lunch there is no way it just ate a nuke like that yeah but at least it did 900 damage to it if a nuke only does 900 damage to it I wonder what could do the remaining 49,000 yo Dr monkey what can do the most damage to a creature's internal organs stuff that dissolves does really well yo Bloon solver can you come with me to save the world shut up I'm already doing that in fortnite save the world bro that's not save the world that's creative you Norm me no my sticky goo a few inches later so that did really great but I'm all out of glue so I don't know what to do bro you're literally the engineer why don't you make a microchip that does something to its organs a few moments later it turns out making the heart stop pumping out blood is really easy ninja kiwi the monkey Stopped My Heart from working using a microchip that's unfair God darn they're getting smarter than I expected oh cute little birdie wait where did it go yo sniper can you come pop the new balloon that flies out into the nothingness yeah that's easy wait what it's went out of my radar yo there's a new Bloon that flies out into the nothingness but you're already there so you should be able to pop it I guess so yeah you're so ugly Brown plus yellow doesn't suit you you being alive doesn't suit you dra that thing literally flew into space that's impossible yo since you've got a bird and stuff can you tell us how to pop the new bird balloon bro I know how to tame and love a bird not how to kill one yo Ultra boost can we build a wall over where the balloons spawn so that bird can't fly up infinitely oh yeah that's a good idea yes let's actualize my plan this is the greatest video game ever 2,000 years [Music] later ninja K I'm far too weak I need a buff PSC h fine you look cute so I'll give you one bro we learned how to pop you already why are you back let's settle this beef well you can talk oh hi ice monkey yo that wall worked for its first ability but now it's got a second one that just pushes us to the middle of nowhere oh that's easy to deal with tactical nuke incoming Ninja Kiwi e I'm still too weak shut up I'm eating my legs wow this one looks like it's going to do voodoo magic on me that literally did nothing to me yo there's a new Bloon that stops us from doing damage cool let me try to pop it what the heck happened you got poisoned by the Venom of the Bloon and slowly died BR what that's the first Bloon to do that guys there's an emergency the new Bloon damages us when we damage it scabi emergency haha I'm so quirky what the heck are you even saying please help me Tik Tok is degrading my brain you maybe explosions are going to be able to damage it go explode yourself or something shut up Tick Tock kid I don't think that's how the laws of physics work but I'm not complaining you can you make me a shield that protects me from explosions yeah sure that's going to be $2 million I've got two buttons and a penny will that work nope but I'll give you a special discount so now it's $1,999 n99 that's very generous of you but wouldn't like you like to make it for free for the good of the world there ain't no good in this dang world if I'm living in poverty but you're already rich nah I've only got 5 billion yo Benjamin could you lend me $2 million and when are you going to pay them off after 10 years okay fair enough then I'm going to give you $500,000 as I can only afford that much okay we're 1/4 of the way there but how can I get the rest of the cash a few inches later I'm selling super mines to Young aspiring Spike factories for only $5,000 a pop nah bro you're a nerd LOL yo Mr stocks Market man how long will it take my $500,000 to make back $1,500,000 approximately 537 years what the heck bro I haven't got that much time 3 Days Later hello people of Bloon world I've opened up the first lemonade stand in town that yellow liquid looks tasty 4 to six more days later uh being rich feels really good let's go you can us other Towers get that Shield super mines has too uh fine I can just flip that switch so it works on all [Music] Towers every I'm what sorry I'm a bit late it's fine but please don't blow up my eardrums my eard drums are bleeding I need instant medical help a few inches later yo Quincy since you're the smartest person ever could you think of how to stop the sound fruit from blowing up our eardrums why don't you just put on earplugs oh my gosh Quincy you're a genius but don't genius live in a lamp this Dumbo again huh okay the heck are you doing here again shut up I'm mewing yo guys so the earplugs fixed the first issue but now it pushes me back to the middle of nowhere oh that's not a problem I'm 1,2 25 kgs so it won't be able to push me yo guys it blew me like I was nothing but at least I got a cool even POA show I guess I can add like 50 tons on you so it won't be able to move you I guess yeah but I won't be able to move either bro you can't move either way oh yeah 1 hour [Music] later Squidward we have a new friend no no no no no yo that didn't work and it just sent me to the SpongeBob world has anyone got an idea maybe we can bomb it a few moments later tactical nuke incoming I think this is the first time in the Bloons history that we might have to let the Bloons win what the heck are you on about I'm the biggest and the best I can beat it oh my gosh Pat fusty please save us huh you don't even have earplugs how are you not dead because my body is literally 99.98% % fat it's squashing time e it smells like cheese in here wow y'all look ugly as hell yo sniper that thing stuns all Towers but maybe if you go to the furthest point of the map it won't be able to stun you hold on Yo sniper are you ready yeah as ready as always bro this new DanTDM video is a banger 3,000 whoop who's later I still don't know what the heck you are meanwhile bro what the heck why is the video lagging so much yo Mr tutor have you got any idea how to stop this new Bloon yes but it's not going to be easy can you tell me the easy version what you got to do is that you got to meditate every day and eventually you'll get aware of the stun sensation and you'll be able to unun yourself cool how long is it going to take daily meditation for 3 months what isn't there anything easier nah yoai can you come pop the new Bloon since you're a meditation Master nah sorry bro I'm watching the new DanTDM video but I can teach you how to meditate okay how just breathe whilst trying to clear your mind from thoughts while focusing on the breath okay but I can't remove the thoughts yeah that's normal in the beginning just continue doing it and it will happen eventually now leave me alone I want to watch danant TDM inhale 5 minutes later exhale okay I'm actually starting to get this several months later oh hi Dart I forgot you existed that sound was too cursed yo there's a 10 million Health balloon are you able to beat it of course we're the almighty Paragons wait what how yo Dr monkey how can we do 10 million damage with one shot well there's a dangerous procedure we can do that's going to take hours of pain and it only has a 1% chance of succeeding but you also got to get me the vtsg for that oh yeah sure we're Ballers Ballers yo vtsg do you want to get even more power n not really I'm already content with the power I have what about if we give you this gracious perfect cookie oh my gosh yes yes yes I'll do anything for it 10 seconds later oh this is such a delicious cookie where can I buy more congratulations now you're a powerful blob of powerful Towers where did my cookie go you ate it you dementi dumbo guys I've got a brilliant idea that's definitely not been done twice already what is it how about we all go at once that's the most original idea I've ever heard let's go do it yo what's up dummies I'm the Almighty free Dart monkey uh-oh Retreat Retreat Retreat common free Dart monkey what Ninja Kiwi I we loved being Bloons could you add us back as ones oh fine yo Bloons you're not in the game anymore oh cool we wanted a vacation either way are you okay buddy you look hurt you look like a black discombobulated philosophical butt scratching disabled crayfish monkey Autobot doing the dart Dart slide emotional damn it h i got to somehow learn more about this new balloon a few inches later hey guys I saw that there was a new Bloon what does it do oh well it's the pain fruit Bloon and it just roasts every living thing in its sight oh that's quite powerful does it have any weak sides well once it was on a roasting marathon and a group of us showed it some love and affection and it actually calmed down and we were able to have a conversation with it okay that's useful thanks useful for what hey pain fruit I know you're quite hurt and I just want to tell you that we monkeys love you and if you come with us we're going to be able to heal you and include you in our tribe boy don't you try to bait me and your black hearts have nothing but desire for power in them I hope your pillow is warm tonight emotional Dam it yo arol from experience I know you're the best lover in the monkey world so can you come try to seduce the pain fruit wait why can't you just pop it well firstly it'll roast me and I'll get too hurt and also it has 200 million Health whenever its guard is up now can you come help me yeah of course Dart monkey hey pain fruit do you want to come in here for a hug and a kiss I know you work really hard so it's expected for you to get overwhelmed come here no you stupid woman you can't get me with your tricks I Will Never Surrender okay let's just leave before the roasts yo eten since you're French can you tell me what the best way to show love to somebody is oh which girl is it it's the pain blocks fruit uh okay so you're still maid inless well you can give it a gift and it'll probably appreciate it hey pain fruit I've brought these bananas to you to show our appreciation to you and invite you once again to join the monkey crew oh that's quite a good gift that monkey maybe I will wait no I will not fall victim to these attempts of these goofy monkeys to try to assassinate me yo the gift I tried didn't work okay then try some bigger gesture of love and appreciation 12:00 midnight pain fruit I'm here to give you the ultimate present I could think of to show you how much we trust you and want you oh my gosh you're trusting me with that much power I guess you really wanted me then I'm sorry for being so aggressive to you earlier that's completely my fault ninja Ki the monkeys lied to me and made me put my guard down and popped me can you please buff me nah you're far too mean to me I'll just add another fruit bro what is this literal unbaked bread going to do what the heck bread can't do that okay well maybe if I get stronger projectiles there'll be too much for it to handle what's up do you're too weak for me [Music] now oh come on dude why yoar can you go nuke the do fruit Bloon since that thing literally absorbs every single attack that hits it and becomes bigger I don't know how it would even absorb a nuke so I'd probably win tactical nuke incoming yummy big nuke dude how are you guys stupid or yes I'm a literal laser I can shoot my Ray through it all right then let's see where did the sprinkles come from this is the first shape-shifting balloon I've ever seen so I don't know what to do I've got an idea ninja Ki this new wet bread balloon is way too hard it literally stops all our attacks can you Nerf it please dude are you stupid or yes this is made so you get stronger you're annoying plus prongles taste bad yo Dr monkey there's a shape-shifting d Bloon that can absorb all our attacks and the ones that it can't absorb it just shape shifts to avoid it oh bro why don't you just heat it up to turn it into bread holy crap you're such a genius come on bro yo could you make me a wall of fire bruh that already exists just ask the wizard for some yo wizard could I get four walls of fire yeah sure did y'all give up already oh gosh that's hot that's really really hot you that tasted like ninjak kiwi's prongles what how do you know I stole one of them Banning you right now don't you dare ban my brother okay I apologize Ninja Kiwi can I become a Bloon too G fine I wanted a dragon either way okay this is a lot worse than a dough Bloon yo Inferno ring can you get burned by the new dragon Bloon fire I don't know man I got to try it didn't work I just turned into burnt chicken okay well why can't the ice monkey just use ice to attack the dragon fire oh crap you're a genius yo ice monkey can you stop the new dragon Bloon probably let me try yo so it worked but the thing is that it turned the fire into obsidian and it fell on me and crushed me yo Apache Prime can you get the ice monkey and try to fight the dragon Bloon oh yeah that's going to be like an epic battle helicopter man thinks he's better than me wait what how did you not die my dude my scales are as hard as bedrock yo sa normally dragons get slain with swords so can you come to try to slay the dragon Bloon yeah my level three ability should smoke it bruh are you here just to miserably fail another attempt to beat me but what how did you break my swords I told y'all my scales are as hard as Bedrock but you didn't want to listen yo Quincy we're going to make your arrows out of diamond wait what why well there's a dragon balloon and we need someone to pop it oh my gosh that means that I can slay the dragon and then win gwendaline and have her be my girlfriend yeah no Quincy you're a soy boy that's not going to happen yo Stevie boy how can I get diamonds well you can just do strip mining at y level 11 can you translate that into English you go down and you mine in a straight line or you use explosions oh that's easy stuff wait a minute I've got a better idea yo super mines come with me so we can blow up diamonds and use them for Diamond arrows it sounds like you're high but okay I'm down [Music] money money money all right you soy Quincy here you go the diamonds Now integrate them into your arrows and stuff and then I'll get gwendaline no you won't a few inches later bro no way you're here again nothing gets past my bow let's go hey gwendelyn I just slayed a dragon are you attracted to me now you know you literally smell Ninja Kiwi make me a balloon now don't you dare speak to me with that attitude please okay fix okay we know stuff about animals this shouldn't be that hard come on dude why here yo Perma Spike can you cover me in Perma spikes so I can't get bumped into the nothingness oh yeah they're quite heavy though so beware that come on bro why the [Music] ocean what the heck Perma Why didn't it work are you guys stupid or yes you should have just called me bruh I'm way too heavy for it to push me oh yeah right gosh that one was Heavy wow Sonic is running fast yo kilo how did you get so heavy oh I just ate all the weight plates that my local gym had yo what's up I'm even bigger boy Pat fusty now okay you're too heavy it ain't an issue yo I was able to beat the mammoth's first ability but then it stomped me and stunned me oh bro I can just make a gravity machine that makes it not able to do that okay how well you got to get me the gravity fruit ninjak kiwi can I get a gravity blocks fruit uh fine I want 50 packs of prongles for that y can I get 50 packs of prongles sorry sir prongles stopped production 5 years ago 5 years ago engineer I need a time traveling machine instantaneously okay sure here you go a few moments later yo can can I get 50 packs of prongles yes of course that's going to cost $3 and by the way do you want to buy a fidget spinner as they're really trendy right now no thank you 10 seconds later you Ninja Kiwi I had to go back 5 years in the past to get these prongles oh yeah I do that all the time here you go the gravity fruit you here you go the gravity fruit okay now you got to wait around 16 days 16 paranoia Field Days Later wait what how Ninja Kiwi can you make me into a balloon nah bro you're far too ugly I'll explode on you if you don't oh fine please don't blow me up throw what this is literally the recursive cluster as a [Music] balloon bro this thing is hard as heck to edit yeah but it's the most W idea so far in this video yo bomb Blitz there's a bomb balloon that literally has your attack but as a balloon what can we do to stop it I don't know man I know how to explode bombs not how to stop them hey Google how can I stop bomb according to my sources to stop a bomb you have to use missile defenses makes sense you sub can you blow up a bomb yeah why would I not be able [Music] to oh so that's why bomb fruit asked me to turn on PVP hey Google your advice didn't work and it exploded me and my missile friend I do not know of any other way to stop a bomb from exploding except for maybe eating it hold up you're on to something y Pat fussy can you eat a bomb bro why would I want to well there's a new bomb balloon and we can't figure out a way to pop it so we got to somehow stop it from winning huh okay this is a very logical way to stop it that doesn't feel good hey Google eating the bomb didn't work it just blew up inside of my friend and also blew me up is there any other way we can stop a bomb yes there is and it's called actually using your brain instead of wanting a search engine to fix your dang problem you stupid monkey anyways you can buy Google Drive plus it's only $10 a month freak you you engineer monkey how can we stop the bomb Bloon well maybe you can just use someone like the elite Defender to pop it oh yeah we can try that a few inches [Music] later bro that took way too long yo it would have worked but it creates like a bajillion small versions of itself and the elite Defender is way too slow for that well why don't you just use its own weapon against it and new it oh yeah we can do that tactical nuke incoming you so it worked but the explosion was so big that it exploded me too and I had to get resurrected by the Prince of Darkness and he can't afford doing that every time bro we're so close to the answer I can smell it wait a minute why can't we just give the elite Defender a zar bomb and he can shoot it out from afar wait would that actually work yeah bro this is Bloon logic dude you're a bigger genius than ninja key we a few moments later okay boys I'm doing [Music] it let's go okay boys they were able to beat us when we were one by one but if we all go in at once they couldn't possibly pop us yes dude we can all use our special attacks at once oh no no no we have an emergency call the special tower that shall only go out in emergencies bro y'all are barely strong enough to pop us individually which one Tower is going to be able to pop us all at once what's up y'all are weak and who are you to tell us that bro try popping us huh why can't we squash you dude and you're fire resistant too and we can't push you to the middle of nowhere what kind of a thing are you I'm the free Dart monkey and I'm the one who decides what can be done to me dude we can just absorb your attacks I'm the one who decides whether that can happen or not and in this case you'll regret not being my Ally [Music] H what can I do to make my game harder you can you add us back into the game since last time was fun oh yeah sure that's easier than actually thinking a few moments later huh what is this new balloon and why does it have so many tals come back taaly man oh did anyone call hey that's mean yo I was able to revive you but we don't know if it can un alive me too that's so crazy no one in the history of Bloons has been able to do that yo Perma Brew can you stop me from getting un Alive by the new kitsuna fruit dude I can only make beverages I can't do that type of stuff yo Ultra boost can you make me immune to the new kitsun Bloon yeah sure thing man here you go microchip that can make you have 1,000 Health a few inches later yo you stupid Dart monkey I guarantee you that you're not going to be able to pop me again what the heck that wasn't there last time yes because I am a Calk now wow that forced the monkeys to be really creative time to add another one wow spooky ghosty fruit balloon bro why did enk even add this balloon it's so easy it's literally one shot wait what how did I lose are you blind or yes the Bloon spawns a camoed regrow form of itself after getting popped oh that makes more sense yo pod it's me again can you stop this new ghost balloon from respawning I could try yeah okay now try it out your powers are too dark I got to go to some whiter wizard yo Gandalf wizard man could you help me stop this new ghost Bloon from respawning yeah sure just go get me the little Lich Soul thingy so I can see how respawning Works yo L you're a noob your baby looks cute let me just steal it I'm depressed now yo here you go L's child that's questionable hygiene and morale but okay thank you a few inches later this sussy Among Us potion stops the Lich and the ghost Bloon from spawning any of their children El Mayu this loser is here trying to pop me again shoot a dart out mate it'll do nothing to me okay sure God darn bro my monkeys really have the capacity to be smart this is a w experiment bro it's obvious what this fruit is going to do yep expected it yo ice monkey could you help me stop the stupid ice fruit dude I'm literally IC like what am I supposed to do freeze it yo Inferno ring are you able to stop the new ice fruit balloon I don't know man but it sounds easy let me try it bro if a literal fire tower can't pop it then what the heck can a few moments later yo I think I can pop it I don't believe it since The Inferno ring couldn't but it's worth giving it a shot told you you couldn't either holy W bro I forgot I had a phoenix never mind I should have never doubted you ninja Qi they popped me too easily please buff me n man you're too fat I'll just add another one bro what can a weird uh looking spring even [Applause] do makes sense yo Elite Defender can you help me pop this new spring Bloon yeah sure nothing can get past my [Music] [Applause] gun huh it wasn't that quick why couldn't you pop it sorry bro the new Lego fortnite update is out I had to play it bro hm what can I do to stop this fruit balloon 1 hour later holy crap I got the best idea ever I can just buy 50 of these time stops and then use them all at once wait why can't I move you look like that thing from Tad SE what the heck no I do not the heck how am I supposed to hit you ninja Ki this new balloon is impossible to pop Nerf it please no my dude this is literally made so you get stronger 2,000 years later oh wait I've got an idea yo Adora can you remove the smoke from the smoke fruit I don't know man I could try a few inches later feel the light yeah no literally nothing happened dude this thing is actually impossible no it's not you just got to figure it out Ultra boost it's time to bring back the Forbidden overpowered Tower are you sure Dart its power could destroy the universe H I don't really care I like destruction either way a few inches later what the heck you can't just do that yes I can since I'm the one who chips common Bloon chipper W holy crap they even brought back the balloon chipper this experiment is a massive W bro what is this William afon looking fruit going to do wait what I've got a shield around me that makes me immune to all attacks yo Elite Defender it's me again could you help me pop this new balloon it's got a shield just like Vortex and you can pass through that one yeah sure I could try crap that Shield is way too thick for me okay I've got an idea yo Vortex you're a nerd no my totally artistically impetrate Shield yo bearded Alchemist here you go vortex's Shield can you make a potion that makes me be able to attack through it and through the chops Shield yeah of course Man one hour later here you go I made another Saucy potion that does just that thank you beard man 10 seconds later I feel the sauciness in me already bro this is the same setup as before you monkeys must be really miserable elmau time to add a new fruit with a very unique mechanic a this looks like a lovely fruit it couldn't do anything bad to us God darn it doesn't look like a fruit that can turn monkeys into stone yo Arch Mage it's me again can you do another one of those magic tricks by stopping the love fruit from being able to turn us into stone yeah sure thing I'm just going to need the rock for that oh my God the walk I'm such a big fan of you thank you my son why did you call me here well could you come to get sacrificed for a spell if it's for the greater good of the world then yes yo I got the rock here my dude that's the walk yes I know but The Rock was asleep since he has to wake up at 2:00 a.m. every day fair enough this one is probably going to work too did it work I don't know go try it out yo what's up stupid love fruit you haven't got your ability now what do you mean stupid Dart monkey don't you remember you love me we have been together for 4 years straight we met at a cafe and we've had so many laughs so many good memories and our wedding is in 3 months how could you say you hate me oh yes of course I'm sorry my dear I didn't mean it what the heck how did I just get seduced like that yo Arch m the love fruit seduced me into letting it pass by can you make a spell to stop that my dude you don't need a spell you need a therapist man it's one of the fruits abilities I can't just stop it like that it makes sense to me that if you have an abundance of love you shouldn't get affected by its spell hey Dart monkey eye I love you so much 346 minutes later wow I loved having arol over hey Dart monkey what are you doing do you want to plan our honeymoon get out of here you Unholy dumb thing bro what is this literal blob of rubber bro what is this literal dumb monkey meany head bro that's just like the spring you'll phas since the Blox fruits replaced your position in the game could you help me pop this new dashing one ew what no you've popped me like 1,000 times I've got no reason to help you I've got an idea yo FaZe I'm The Good Old Dart monkey Bloon and the rubber fruit was bullying me could you help me by removing its dashing ability oh yeah of course anything for you man yo I'm here to tell you that my dashing ability is copyrighted so you either stop doing that or you got to pay a $1 million fee crap I've got like $5 to my name and I also can't afford to stop doing that okay well I'll give you a deal if you're able to dash further than me then I'll let you keep your ability I think I did pretty well yeah you did all right so I went around the map seven times and a half there is no way I just lost to an oversized birthday party Bloon what's up ND holy crap my towers are getting way too good dude why do you look so broken because I cause earthquakes bro that was the most perfect earthquake for you but what you don't realize is that sniper can still attack you crap you do you know what to do about this new Bloon nah man I've got no idea you can you help me pop this new balloon nah man I don't know how yoar can you bomb this new earthquake balloon nah dude I'm Global range so it wouldn't work holy crap this is the first time I've lost hope like this we might actually have to let the balloon win this time that's so sad what the heck are you on about I'm the biggest fattest and the best I can stop that Bloon oh my God holy Pat fussy please save us from it it's squashing time wait why can't I cause an earthquake cuz I weigh 50,000 kg El first time I've seen a lightning one yo how can I stop a lightning fruit from being able to use its powers I don't know man maybe the engineer can think of something yo engineer it's me again do you know how to stop a lightning fruit I've got an idea but I don't know if it's going to work what is it well you got to get a copper rod from somewhere and we can try to use that to make the lightning go in a different direction oh that's smart yo Steve can I get a copper Rod yeah sure copper is useless in my game either way stupid little Dart monkey wants to pop me again wait what I wanted to go forward wow this one looks shiny and cool bro that's not how Earth's gravity Works yoai since you don't have a projectile can you pop the new Gravity fruit I don't know let's try oh nah that ain't going to work I love you Maria you're my only companion no Maria Yar I think you should be able to Zar my bomba what in the heck does that even mean oh I meant you should be able to pop the new Gravity fruit oh yeah that would make sense tactical nuke incoming Maria everything is going to be fine I know you'll make it I'm done with this yo Pat fussy can you go pop the gravity fruit Bloon thing since you're a big boy that slaps yes of course I'm the biggest and the best bro really brought an oversized gorilla to try to pop me wait why can't I move you my dude I literally wait 50,000 kg common Pat fussy W bro we haven't even begun and this guy has already put dough on me yo Ultra boost can you upgrade me to the crossbow master so I get faster attacks yeah that's $542 what's up nerd I'm upgraded now bro that's not faster at all yo Ultra boost can you give me your 10x Ultra boost stack yeah sure yo perab brw could you give me your perab brw yeah of course man yo Homeland could you turn on your ability yeah sure thing dude that was barely quick enough and also how does dough on my head even make me slower bro what is this drag looking dark thing oh no where am I this is the Shadow Dimension and you get banished in here for about 15 seconds or so guys I found an ice cream inside of here the shadow fruit can literally put you in another dimension and I've never seen such power can you come to try to pop it yeah sure thing oh my God is that the fortnite movie Yo Sai I know you're a monk and stuff and monks are usually smart so could you tell me how to pop the shadow fruit balloon that's easy I can just go and pop it since I'm an interdimensional being what the heck you've never told us that common side W yo fruits I've got an idea how about we just all go at once together oh yeah that sounds good elow these monkeys saw us all together and just decided to Forfeit before we even came tactical nuke incoming bro that literally does nothing to us I just ate five junors with 37 McDonald's to me it was an extra big pocket of crisps that took out like half of us but we got to keep going hello I'm Mr blender that makes smoothies and I'm here to blend y'all ah time for a refreshing smoothie after a long hard day of blocks fruit popping wow I'm a big boy now my game is way too easy I wonder what I could add we've gotten too bored of being eaten could you add us as enemies oh yeah sure you came in at the perfect time if you moments later bro what is this fat new Bloon it's literally 50 kg Al mayo wait what where' It Go Ninja Kiwi e i please make this new balloon weaker it's too hard shut up nerd it's make to be hard now go pop it crap how can I pop such a thing a few inches later yo Pat I know you're the biggest and the fattest so can you help me pop this new heavy Bloon yeah sure what does it do it literally turns off gravity for itself and flies up how does that have anything to do with weight I don't know man just help me pop it 1 hour later I think if I put my 1,000 kg body on it it shouldn't fly up never mind it didn't work bro you guys are so stupid you forgot that I've literally got a laser I can use to pop it common ray of Doom W ninjak kiwi they popped me way too easily I need a buff now you look ugly I'll just add a new bloxs fruit oh God not another one of these new fruit balloons this one looks quite drunk though where'd you go drunk Apple Man ninjak kiwi I can't pop this one it literally teleports to the exit sounds like a skill issue LML God ninjak kiwi is so annoying you can you help me stop this portal fruit nah I can only teleport I can't stop teleportations I can help you stop that blue drunk banana okay okay tell me how you just got to get me the Saucy potion from The Alchemist and also a Perma spike a few inches later I wish Sentry Champion didn't divorce me you can I get the Saucy potion yeah sure that's $542 yo Perma Spike can you come with me so we can stop the blue orange fruit that's teleporting around oranges aren't blue but yeah that's a better use of my time than rewatching one piece for the 50th time okay whiz here you go both things I made them into an invisible field that stops teleportation haha stupid Dart monkey trying to stop me again wait what L Health bro yes yes yes this experiment is working very well its point was to make it harder on them which in turn would make them stronger and it's working just like plan time to add another enemy for them bro this new balloon looks really cute it can't be that hard okay that's one big boy but if he doesn't have any abilities he couldn't be that powerful how does an apple-like creature have so much more Health than blarious yo Paragons there's a new Bloon in town and he has 200 million Health how do we pop it we don't know man we're just really fast attacking and really powerful Towers but we don't really have the brains a few moments later engineer we got to decide who's going to be taking the kids yo sorry if we're interrupting something do you guys know if we can somehow pop a 200 million Health Beast of a fruit oh yeah we can combine all the paragons together but that's going to cost $650 million uh-oh we're poor a few moments later yeah so how long is it going to take for five people to make $650 million at $5 an hour it's going to be around about 2,000 years 2,000 years later yo we hate our lives now but we're rich so that helps I guess can you do the combining now yeah you just got to give us the money first okay here you go just please don't escape to Mexico with it 3 Days Later here you go it's only these four Paragons but I've got more important issues to be fixing with engineer Okie tank you Mr bearded Alchemist now we're going to be able to pop that nerd what's up nerds and what in the heck is that sandwich of a paragon you're going to see man wow this guy is really slow 16 parano a few days later finally I can go buy myself a Ben 10 special edition ice cream now ninja qyi they're able to pop all of us with ease we don't like this that's literally the point I'm adding you so they get stronger so I guess it's time to add another one oh this new little guy is so cute he couldn't possibly do anything bad my dude what in the heck was that bro this is the first Bloon to ever be able to stun towers without a skull ability we got to figure something out engineer we got to get some new tech in here there's a new balloon that can stun towers for like 5 to 10 seconds okay I've got an idea but you'll probably not like it since it involves maid SAA oh my God maid SAA I love that idea tell me it okay well I just got to have her pass on some healing drink to the towers that unst stuns them but what if she gets stunned then we got to have a maid sa for the maid sa but what if she gets stunned then we got to have a maid sa for the maid sa for the maid SAA but what if she 3,000 years later okay you get the idea we just got to have a a lot of maid saas yo is this my new wife you know I'm here to order some healing beverages from you oh I don't have any let me go make [Music] some okay I made some here you go ew they taste like feet wow that's a really odd picture to see expected that what the heck why a green circle bro what you can't just do that yes I can it was able to stun all the towers plus the maid saas we need a better plan I've got an idea just let it go onto the track and I'll do the rest elow these monkeys seriously gave up cuz I'm way too good for them tactical nuke [Music] incoming ninja Kwa I was supposed to be a strong fruit but they easily popped me too wow so my monkeys are getting a lot stronger okay I got to give them something harder roar I am the scary leopard cat fruit now be scared of me roar dude you're literally a cat you can't do anything to us lmow what in the heck dude not even a DDT is that quick yo Elite Defender there's a new cat blocks fruit Bloon thing that's extremely quick can you help me pop it yeah sure thing so when is it going to come in I don't know man I guess we just got to wait wait what it's already went past yo legend of the night can you come and activate your black hole to see if it can stop the new leopard Bloon from going through yeah sure thing man 10 seconds later bro no way that thing actually has the brains to dodge the hole yo Builder monkey could you make us a map with a lot of walls and edges so it's hard for a balloon to pass through yeah sure thing that's going to be $50 a little longer than a few minutes later how was I supposed to pop it I barely even saw it yo peras Spike are you able to pop the new leopard balloon nah man a little black hole can't pop it I can't either I think this is the first time in all of our careers that we're going to have to give up and let the Bloons take us over what do you on about bro I'm the biggest and the best I can take care of this threat oh my God holy Saint Pat fussy please pop it of course I will it's squashing time wow that was tasty Pat the fruits are supposed to give you insanely op Powers oh really I am fast furious curious and fat boy Pat fusty time to add a new blocks fruit with a unique mechanic bro hasn't Ninja Kiwi gotten tired of adding new Bloons yet what the heck who turned the lights off oh wait it's literally named the dark fruit that makes more sense yo you look dark enough could you help me stop the dark fruit my dude that's like fighting fire with fire it's simply stupid yo Adora can you help me fight this new black fruit balloon yeah sure thing I don't like black balloons what's up nerd I brought my girlfriend here oh wow she looks ugly feel light wait how the heck did you do that haha I'm immune to light attacks big black guy coming in to save the day wait no now do you want to date me BBG oh no you look ugly what about now oh my God I love you wait what boys I've got an idea how about we all go on the map at the same time they couldn't possibly stop us oh crap that's a really good idea boys come help me every single blocks fruit is here I can't pop them all quick y'all jump onto me so we can fly up hello I am Mr isab okay Mr isab we want to let you know that we stole your SAA and made her into a Blox fruit what no not my dear SAA bro monkeys are so naive wow getting to the end of the track was so easy monkeys are L's and they deserve to get ratioed it's squashing time ew it smells in here
Channel: Mr. Ender
Views: 367,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr ender, btd6, bloons td 6, btd 6, bloons, bloons tower defense 6, paragon, mr ender btd6, bloons mr ender, bloons td 6 mods, modded btd6, modded bloons td 6, btd6 mods, btd6 B.A.D, btd6 bad, btd6 strategy, btd6 round 100, 50 bads, 100 bads
Id: nT4swCpXECM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 52sec (2692 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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