If Beginner DJs did THIS, they’d be 10x BETTER!

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these are the three most important mixing techniques every DJ needs to [Music] know and mastering even just one technique can turn an impossible transision to an easy one p me and then just touch me till I can get my satisf [Music] so stop making boring mixes because the hard truth is this anyone can mix one record into another really smoothly that stuff's easy now so if you want to learn how to DJ like a pro how to mix to any genre and any BPM and how to do cool DJ tricks like skrc then this video is for you so the secret to how Pro DJs mix perfectly every time lies in knowing three things the mix is point on the current song The Mix out point for the transision and the section on the next song you plan to mix with the current song most Pro DJs mix their next song in at the current song's chorus or outro section so that when those sections end the next song starts exactly where they planned it to of course krx has a unique way of going about this but we'll get to his techniques in just a bit anyway with your current song loaded up and playing first Ure the V deck cqs are all neutral and its volume fader is down then Lo your next song in and match its BPM with the current [Music] song so this is the most important part to ensure perfect mixing the plan is to mix a next song's intro section which has a length of 32 beats right at the moment the current song's chorus hits so we'll have exactly 32 beats to execute our transition and we should be mixing out right here on the current song oh yeah so here's how Pro DJ smoothly blend their tracks the main idea is to create balance and in order to do that we have to make Sonic room for the upcoming song so we'll decrease the lowy CU of the current song while simultaneously increasing the volume of the next song at a consistent pace once the current song's low weq is completely decreased and the next song's volume is up it'll be timed them to mix out so activate a one half Echo effect on the current song and gradually increase its intensity then fade the current song [Music] away alternatively you can also high as filter your previous track away to better hype up the next song's entry di on my on my another popular way to blend is to do a base swap so here's how to do it with the current song playing and your next song loaded up bring the next song's low weq all the way to the left side once you reach your mix end point play your next song then work on smoothie bringing the next song's volume in oh yeah to execute the B swap as you near your mix out point on the current song simultaneously decrease the low Q of the current song and return the low Q of the next song to the neutral position then fade your current song [Music] away mastering these Blends is easy if you DJ with tracks with extended intros and outros the thing is most songs beginners use just start immediately making smooth mixing impossible and as DJs we simply need more time to mix so extended edits like this are way more [Music] preferable So Pro DJs like Skrillex James hype and Martin Garrick download all their tracks from DJ record pools and you can think of DJ record record pools as huge libraries of music of all genres where DJs can download all the tracks they could ever need and these high quality tracks can range from Radio edits to remixes to instrumentals to acappellas and to tracks with extended intros and outros so the DJ record full most Pro DJs use is Crate connect and you can get a huge discount on their services by using the coupon code DJ Carlo when you sign up on their site now mixing and blending are just one aspect of DJing and before we discuss the fancy transitions like the best way to mix it anything it's first important to explore DJ extending techniques that make your DJ sets one of a kind and scrx is the best DJ to learn these tricks from so there are three important things he does to give his DJing style its signature flare which you can also incorporate into your own style of DJing and the first is this during mixing right before he reaches his mix out point on the current song he back spins the track in a jungle in a jungle is in a jungle doing this on cdjs is easy as those jog Wheels can be set to lose on a controller however we need to be more resourceful that's why I recommend activating an echo effect on the song you'll be back spinning second during the buildup of a track to Hype it up even more he cranks a highpass filter [Music] [Applause] [Music] third to really hype his current tracks buildup he activates a noise CER effect on a vacant deck and cuts a noise sample with the volume fader [Laughter] check by default on recordbox DJ this noise color effects is deactivated so here's how to activate [Music] it now let's implement [Music] it I'll just keep dropping it there's stopping it now mixing to any genre and any BPM is a challenge for any DJ and before we discuss the best techniques the key to these types of Blends is knowing the exact moment to mix your next song in initiate the transision and mix out from the previous song The Challenge though is identifying those specific phrases sections and parts of the song to mix with each other to guarantee those seamless Blends but a handy program I use to guide me to mix perfectly every time is DJ Studio basically all you have to do are the following things load all the songs you plan to use for a mix into DJ Studio then activate automix and select your mixing preferences then the DJ Studio determines the optimal order for your tracks once you're happy with the overall mix click export select your DJ software and make sure ad hot cues is selected then open up your DJ software and your DJ Studio or ordered and Q pointed playlist will be there and ready upon loading a track you'll notice the hot hes created by DJ Studio providing clear guidance on where to start the next track initiate the transision execute the Bas Swap and determine where the transision needs to be finished but my favorite feature so far is the ability to stem mix with DJ Studio so what transition like this I need the DJ love [Music] up can be programmed into DJ [Music] Studio the DJ I don't need love all I need is the DJ I Don't Need No Love need is the DJ put your hands up in the put your up in the let's break this down so let's create a new mix and select those two songs we just used next on our studio tab let's move our transition to the first song's course section then on our second song let's move the mixing point to its buildup section next let's press transision then select none for the volume and base parameter next let's access our stem functions now here's the fun part on our second song Let's isolate our vocals and on our first song Let's alter its instrumental section to the activate here and it's drum section to deactivate here and our transision is done all I is the DJ I don't need all I need is the DJ I need all I need is the DJ I don't need no love all I need is the DJ put your hands up in the air put your hands up in the air once you're done fixing up your tracks and blends simply press export and choose local file to get either an MP3 or wave version of your mix and if you guys want to learn more about DJ Studio and try it out for free check the links down below there are three ways Pro DJs mix to anything let's work our way up from the easiest to the nerdiest so the first method involves no beat matching at all just preparation and timing [Music] [Music] the key to this blend lies in knowing exactly where you want your current song to end and your next song to begin and the two best places to apply this technique are at a tracks breakdown section and corus section so to execute this blend there are three things you need to do first on the deck you're planning to transision from ensure its vinyl speed adjust is set to break to achieve that vinyl brake stopping effect second as you near the transision point activate an echo effect on the current track then simultanous see stop the track and play the next song [Music] depending on how the next song starts this technique can be applied to any [Music] genre b b this transition is pretty controversial as it uses sync but if you want the smoothest method to mix between bpms and genres this is it so to execute this technique the first thing you want to do is to make sure the song you'll be mixing from is designated as master and that most ex Temple ranges are set to wide then load up your next song sync it and play it once future current songs mix in point which in this case is here stand stand stand now as you blend your next track in bring the current song's BPM closer to the the native BPM of the next song and once you near the transision point Echo and filter the previous track [Music] away there are two keys to this transition first first mixing at sonically empty sections in your current song which most of the time would be the breakdown and outro section second making sure your next song has a long intro this in you have a lot of time to blend and smoothly adjust bpms another flexible way to execute this trick is to create a loop on the current song and to mix out from there and to use either a noise C effect or highpass filter to Hype the loop up so with both decks Tempo ranges set to wide and your current song designated as master load your next song sync it and play it once you reach your current songs mixed end point then on the current song when you're ready create a 4bit loop then slowly blend the next song into the loop while at the same time slowly bring the current song's BPM closer to the native BPM of the next [Music] song now once you reach the end of the intro Echo and high pass f filter the loop away now an alternate way to do this is to make the loop Tighter and Tighter as you transition to the next song [Music] now the next technique is pretty insane as it not only involves using Loops but math as well I your's I want your the main advantage of using this technique is that it can hype up a crowd as you're increasing the BPM and creating your own buildup within the current saw so there are two keys to doing this transition the first is knowing this formula current tracks BPM divided by 75 is equal to the next tracks BPM Now setting up our DJ software with the set is the second key so let's get things fixed up for recordbox DJ users access pad effect mode and do the three following things set pad one to roll set its beat rate to 3 over4 and set its level or depth to 100 let's check let's check check applying both keys let me give you an example to mix to 174 BPM your current song has to be 130.5 and you have to activate the continue over four R paty fix on it to match the next song's [Music] BPM now it's ideal to activate that loop at a sonically empty section in the song such as during its breakdown my to really hype this blend up it's ADV advisable to activate an echo effect on the loop and to high pass filterate away as you mix the next song in now don't think this technique is limited to house to drum in Basse Blends by following the two keys you can apply this transition to anything sh and here's a cheat sheet you can reference [Music]
Channel: DJ Carlo
Views: 72,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to make Loops, How to DJ like, how to dj like a pro, how to dj like fred again, how to make loops on rekordbox dj, how to make loops on CDJ, insane DJ loop trick, how to make loops like a pro, DJ Loops, Rekordbox DJ Tutorial, DDJ-FLX4, DDJ-FLX4 tutorial, dj crash course, dj looping, loop technique, james hype loop, james hype, how to dj like james hype, how to make DJ loops
Id: B8DzneBmgYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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