if avatar wasn't a kids show

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one of the darkest things about avatar that never gets talked about is the events that had taken place on the day of susan's comic we had a few scenes here and there in avatar but nothing really in-depth on what really happened and that is exactly why i am bringing you guys the tale of tashi and nima this is a web comic that covers the events of susan's comment but in much much more detail the story starts off with us getting a closer look on what life is like in the air nation we have this instructor teaching his class a new airbending move now all of the kids are having a problem learning this move except for one and his name is tashi he is one of our main protagonists in this story tashi ends up demonstrating this move without any troubles at all our second protagonist nima isn't really grasping the move he ends up expressing to the elder monk that tashi should not be placed on this pedestal and the elder monk should be teaching this class and not tashi the elder monk ends up giving him the old uncle iro and tells him that his pride and jealousy is holding him back from progressing his airbending skills nema ends up trying to move again but ends up knocking himself unconscious when he wakes up he ends up questioning why he was born into this culture he goes on to say there's no guarantee he can even get his airbending tattoos and that he needs to get out of here wink wink nema goes on a rant about the expectations of air nomad society i just want to take a moment here to point out how pretty the art is in this comic when nemo finally gets home and he packs his bags to leave he notices that his lemur is acting strange his lemur is worried and clinging on to him way more than usual on the very next page when he's trying to leave we see the sky turn red we get told that this is the fire comet and they'll never see something like this in their lifetime again we get this scene of all the kids trying to guess what the comet is some think it's a spirit others think it's an ancient phoenix and some just know it's a space rock tashi and another airbender decide to go get a closer look at the comet so they end up flying onto this building tashi's friend ends up spotting something in the distance and on the very next page it's a combustion bender and a dragon now this is where everything goes down the combustion bender ends up shooting at tashi and his friend the on fire and everybody's freaking out the elder monks are trying to figure out what's happening as fire rains down from the dragons people are running away they're crying they don't know what to do the elders are trying to fight back while evacuating the temple one thing that i find interesting here is that they knew firelord sawzan was making threats towards them but they had nothing planned and they had no idea that the comet would enhance their firebending ability like hello the elder monk ends up getting hurt in battle he blows away many fire nation men and tells nema that he needs to get out of here nemo runs off to find a safe place to get out of here but as he's running he sees many people hurt he sees an air nomad that was stuck under some wood that fell from a house but just like aaron yeager he just couldn't move it and was forced to leave him behind we have this monk here who thinks he's helping out by telling all these kids to stay together but what do you know a blast from a combustion bender just ruins all of his plans nema ends up flying off and we get this aerial view of everything that's going down but all of a sudden he gets blown out of the sky as he lands he runs into tashi and he tells tashi i know things don't make sense right now but we're gonna get out of here they end up coming up with a plan to use the move that they learned in class so that they could make a pathway to escape but unfortunately that is where the story ends as of right now if you guys want me to cover this story when future updates come out please let me know remember guys i always leave out major plot details so you guys can still read the story for yourselves after watching this video as always the links will be in the description down below if you guys enjoyed the video please leave a like and subscribe and i'll catch you guys next time you
Channel: TheAvatarist
Views: 389,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avatar, avatar the last airbender, avatar: the last airbender
Id: epdLlKjuY1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 46sec (226 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 31 2022
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