iDKHow Talks EP, How The Band Formed, Back To The Future, Secret Shows & More!

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I was talking to a member of our staff earlier today about the guys that you see before you right here and specifically about their band name I don't know how but you found me oh she didn't you found me I don't know how what they found but they found me because we're talking about libyans of course excuse me so she didn't get the reference um and and I was shocked and I'm embarrassed because I've seen Back to the Future seven billion okay but that's by design you know we wanted something that would get rid of all of the casually curious of course of course of course it's so funny because I can do the rest of that scene word-for-word yeah luckily for us idk how the shortened version also worked gotcha we got it on a big banner because it is a lot to take in how much are you having to explain the band name to people it's been it's been a while no it's it's not completely uncommon or unheard of to have a longer band name there's you know people have done it before us uh-huh but it's just a phrase that I've always really loved and wanted to use for something like a song title or an album title or something but when we started this project it was a secret thing yeah for the first seven or eight months that we did it we would just book a show and not tell anyone and go play and see if the songs that we were writing could get people's attention and that phrase just seemed to fit that whole idea being a secret band that didn't exist you know yeah if any fans happen to come across what we were doing we would of course just deny our existence completely mm-hmm photographs or whatever recordings like you guys played a show what are you doing like I don't know not us that could be anybody that's why the place shows like any other band would do if they were starting out yeah so that phrase really seemed to fit to what we were doing the whole idea of secrecy and denying everything so I finally got to use that phrase after loving it for two decades well I I hate that I hate to do a whole band name line of questioning but I know it's good it's cool it has been around for a little while are you guys still happy with it some bands fall out of love with their band name at some point for any number of reasons that - because band names by their very nature are ridiculous yeah every time the beetles my favorite band ever their band name is upon yeah that's so dumb mmm that's so dumb I think the only band ever got away with like a good band name is Led Zeppelin yeah there may be one or two more in there but I'd have to think about it but by-and-large band names are just ridiculous and you just have to sort of embrace that and not care and that's kind of what makes it cool yeah absolutely and to me like if the band name is enough to turn you off and like we don't want you as a fan that's true yeah yeah it's sometimes hard for people to have that level of commitment as well because there's so many different things a band can change they can change members they can change your sound changing a name maybe is the last thing to go the hardest things to do so people have a tough time being saddled with it and get to it for the duration especially if the band has a say that's what I think I shouldn't care too much about sure about that thing because it is so ridiculous can we rewind a little bit and you kind of started to talk about the beginning of the band a little yeah but it was and correct me if I'm wrong ten years ago and you first tweeted that phrase yeah but at the time it was just a tweet okay I had been in love with that phrase for so long okay and like I said it wasn't anything more than just a phrase that I really like I wanted to put it as a lyric or a song title or something so I tweeted it once long and long ago and people sort of think that that's where the genesis of this band began and that's not really the okay that's totally what I thought I thought that maybe that's where the ideas of this band began when when did the ideas when did you guys first talking started talking see we're friends yeah we've been friends for like a decade uh-huh right we're gonna band together before okay and you know past kind of diverge in this business and you end up working for this artist and that artist and that's what happened to us but any time we found a spare moment we'd always come together and work on a song but this project started around like 2016 I think okay just very casually in our spare time because we were both touring for different things doing other things yeah yeah so as a matter of catching each other at the right time and it was all just for fun yeah you know with no real agenda or goal in mind other than to make some songs that we liked music I'm sure it's still for fun absolutely but at some point it became a little bit more serious was there a moment for you where you're just like yes this is what I want to pursue this is what I've decided I want to do well that that moment definitely came I think it was when we uploaded the lyric video for our song choke yeah which was a song that I mostly recorded at my kitchen table and that lyric video that I was mentioning I made that at my kitchen table too and just uploaded it to YouTube this was shortly after we finally decided to admit that yeah this is a yeah because as fun as that was to deny everything like we knew eventually like we'd have to own up to it to it so huh we uploaded that song and that lyric video and it just sort of took off way more than we were expecting like at all it surprised us so that was sort of the moment where we both realized well maybe there's maybe we can can do this yeah for ourselves um the aesthetic is obviously very 80s you've been very clear about the fact that that's the time that you grow up grew up in that's the art that you appreciate it very much as a kid and that's kind of what bled into your art today what is it specifically about the 80s can you get more specific about why maybe that appealed to you I think you know but because we both obviously and I think it's just it takes us back to a time period where things are excited and fun and you have to go discover things it's not just like things were burning your face if you actually wanted to hear a band you have to go find out about it yeah to go to your CD story that's a record store you have to go to like a comic book store even I think that do doing a foot work like that when you found something that you liked you had to go out and chase it and I think that made it a little more special for you and a little more meaningful the Scot wouldn't even you when you got ahold of those things because you had to put the effort in no one was throwing something in your face selling it to you like is done nowadays yeah subscribe to this and follow me here and etc etc yeah so we wanted to take the opposite approach and maybe you know call back to to what discovering things was like when we were young yeah I mean I think it's a fair assumption that you appreciate something more if you have to actively go search it out yourself as opposed to if someone's just presenting you things and you're like no no yes part of our approach coming out with this band like it would have been very easy to do like a press release and you know take advantage of the fans and the fans that you know we were working for at the time but doing that also would have just felt really wrong yeah like we wanted to do it as honestly incredibly as possible and really that's the biggest challenge for a band like us coming from you know to other acts that have had success on their own sure building building your own credibility is probably the biggest challenge because no matter what we do there's always going to be someone that goes oh well you're only here because you came from that yep so we appreciate that that's a reality mm-hmm so we wanted to you know be respectful of those jobs that we had at the time but also keep them at an arm's distance and not exploit them yeah you know yeah you can tell that there's a real concerted effort for that there are advantages and disadvantages of playing in bands have had success before and then starting an entire new project it seems like there's also got to be a freedom involved with that as well that's a refreshing and exciting is that true yeah because when you're working for other artists there's ways that they go about doing things and rules that you have to to follow to fit into that that role that you can watch yeah but fruit for this band we decided to throw all those rules out the window and just do what we like yeah and make stuff that that we like well yeah thankfully other people like it too that's probably true with any band or in any any job not just not not just ban life it's like when you get to run your own show and have your own thing it's more fun then there's a little bit more pressure but there's a lot more it's it's more work for sure but if you love what you do what's up you never work a day in your exactly yeah I'm asked a dumb question and it's already out of hair I'm so sorry but everywhere that I see when I talk to hear you guys talk about the band it's not be a nd it's be a m.d is there's something to explain there or that just not really it's just like an intentional typo okay it did a series of posts because you know social media is obviously something that you have to be active in to connect with fans I will call it unnecessary evil so yeah I'd like to as I guess the British I take the piss out of it a little bit you know just blatantly describing like what this post is sure yeah please enjoy this content yeah that sort of thing yeah and there's no other point to it other than that so we would take a picture and just the post would be banned mm-hmm and eventually after like the third or fourth time I just misspelled it on purpose and people seem to really enjoy that yeah and fans made up their own which I'm glad they chose that as opposed to something right terrible yeah knowing that I'm sure that you get very creative with it for sure um so what's the plan the EP is out now this year I saw a handful of tour dates plan just kind of shows here and there um it's more coming as more in the works is there anything that you can tell us about your plans for 2019 oh well Morel shows is the that's the number one thing on the other end to sort of you know push the EP that we just come out with in the meantime we were writing and collecting ideas for a full-length record cool we want to you know make a priority unfortunately those that process can take longer than you ever hope for yeah well yeah and also you guys just got yourself a break you just point out the EP it feels like since fans started finding out what we were doing we've sort of been playing catch-up mm-hmm with them which is a great great problem have but a problem nonetheless so we're we're trying to keep up with demand for for content and songs and such it's kind of why we came out with an EP initially as opposed to a record that they would have had to wait a little bit longer well there's a lot of thought behind this music and a lot of thought behind the whole presentation of the band whether that's the scenario of finding the music back in the 80s or or the aesthetic of what the music videos look like or the way the songs sound you can tell it's one just one cohesive piece of art that works really really well together and the response that people have had I think it's indicative of that there has been genuine excitement for this project regardless of other projects this project in particular and I think it's a cool thing and we are stoked that you guys came by here absolutely um is all 98 seven fellas again thank you so much for being here I don't know how but they found me you did it I know no I know I know the whole run for run for Marty and all that sorts oh I was gonna ask if you are scared of to tour in Libya are you feeling okay about it okay sure let's get over there okay I like weird with the Libyans it's all men is that
Channel: ALT 98.7 FM
Views: 11,231
Rating: 4.995749 out of 5
Keywords: Alternative, Alternative Rock, The Woody Show, ALT, ALT 98.7, Los Angeles, Interview, Exclusive, Panic! at the Disco, IDKHow, IDK How, IDK How But They Found Me, I Don't Know How But They Found Me, Dallon Weekes, Ryan Seaman
Id: YllklkTaCuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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